Role of an Implementation Economics Analysis

Key points

  • This study described how economic evaluations of approaches to increase colorectal cancer screening can improve decision-making and program implementation.


This study described how economic evaluations of approaches to increase colorectal cancer screening can improve decision-making and program implementation. Researchers compared interventions implemented across nine health systems, changes in screening uptake, and the incremental cost per person of implementing an intervention.

  • Implementation of various interventions, support strategies, and incentives increased screening uptake between about 5% and 27%.
  • The incremental cost per person screened ranged from about $19 to $145.
  • Results from one recipient showed that costs can decrease over time because of reductions in intervention development and startup costs.

Citation: Subramanian S, Tangka FK, Hoover S. Prev Chronic Dis. 2020;17:190407.