Step by Step¡ªHow to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

What to know

The Road to Health Toolkit provides materials to start a community outreach program to help people prevent or delay type 2 diabetes.

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Language: English (US)
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Poster text

Understand diabetes

  • Understand type 2 diabetes Learning how diabetes can affect your body is an important first step to preventing it.
  • Learn what risk factors you have Even if you are high risk, you can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes.
  • Know how type 2 diabetes can be prevented There are changes you can make to your lifestyle that can help you prevent type 2 diabetes.

Make healthy food choices

  • Manage portion sizes – The types of food and how much of it you eat makes a difference.
  • Read food labels Noticing the serving size and the amounts of nutrients in a food can help you make healthier choices.
  • Choose healthy fats over unhealthy fats Knowing the different types of fats and the foods they are in can help you know what foods to limit.
  • Balance carbs Choose less processed carbs that have vitamins, minerals, and fiber along with energy.
  • Try the traffic light method Dividing foods into categories is a great way to track healthy choices for meals and snacks.
  • Eat out smarter Practicing making healthy choices when you eat out can help you get on the road to better health.

Become physically active

  • Get active and keep track of your movement Aim to get 30 minutes of physical activity 5 days a week.
  • Plan for challenges Making lifestyle changes is hard. It can get easier if you plan for what might get in your way.
  • Set goals that work for you Break up big goals into smaller steps and take it one step at a time.
  • Reward your achievements Celebrate success, no matter how small.

Preventing type 2 diabetes