Videos from the?Drink Less, Be Your Best?Campaign

Key points

  • Drink Less, Be Your Best campaign videos can help raise awareness about the benefits of drinking less and motivate adults to drink less.
  • These videos are intended for adults who are interested in drinking less to keep their relationships strong, reach personal or financial goals, or improve their health and quality of life.
  • You can embed the videos on your website or in digital newsletters, share them through social media channels, or use them in presentations.
You made your daughter feel terrified (strike that) terrific at her 7th birthday party. Drink Less, Be Your Best logo.

Shareable Videos

Drink less to be there for your loved ones (children)

Drink less so you can fully celebrate your loved ones (children)

Drink less to support your financial goals

Drink less to feel your best every day

Drink less to make memories with your family

Drink less to get closer to reaching your goals

Drink less to live a longer, healthier life

Drink less to remember time spent with friends

Drink less to keep your relationships strong

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