At a glance
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) are disabilities that last a lifetime. Individuals and families share their stories about what it’s like to have FASDs. They also share experiences and tips about diagnosis, support, stigma, and resilience.
Video series
Individual and family experiences
Annette is a mother of two sons, both diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) at age...
Emily shares her personal experience living with fetal alcohol syndrome. She highlights the lack of...
Jen is a dedicated advocate for her son who was diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) at age f...
Julie shares her journey with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), through her experiences as b...
Patima and her mother, Rachel, share their challenges getting a diagnosis of a fetal alcohol spectru...
Rebecca struggled with health & academic issues due to fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), whi...
Sean Patrick and his mother, Laura, share their experiences with having fetal alcohol spectrum disor...
Wyatt and his mother, Debbie, share their experiences with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs).
FASD topics: stories and recommendations
A series of stories and recommendations from individuals and families about their experience obtaini...
A series of stories and recommendations from individuals and loved ones affected by fetal alcohol sp...
A series of testimonials discussing stigma experienced by individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum di...
A series of testimonials from individuals and loved ones affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder...