Additional Requirement 19: Third Party Agreements ¨C ATSDR

At a glance

See below for requirements related to third party agreements.


Applicant must justify the need to use a contractor. If contractors are proposed, the following must be provided: (1) name of contractor, (2) method of selection, (3) period of performance, (4) detailed budget, (5) justification for use of contractor, and (6) assurance of non-conflict of interest.

Project activities which are approved for contracting pursuant to the prior approval provisions shall be formalized in a written agreement that clearly establishes the relationship between the recipient and the third party.

The written agreement shall, at a minimum:

  1. State or incorporate by reference all applicable requirements imposed on the contractors under the terms of the grant and/or cooperative agreement, including requirements concerning technical review (ATSDR selected reviewers), ownership of data, and the arrangement for copyright when publications, data, or other copyrightable works are developed under or in the course of work under a PHS grant-supported project or activity.
  2. State that any copyrighted or copyrightable works shall be subject to a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license to the government to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use them, and to authorize others to do so for Federal government purposes.
  3. State that whenever any work subject to this copyright policy may be developed in the course of a grant by a contractor under a grant, the written agreement (contract) must require the contractor to comply with these requirements and can in no way diminish the government's right in that work.
  4. State the activities to be performed, the time schedule for those activities, the policies and procedures to be followed in carrying out the agreement, and the maximum amount of money for which the grantee may become liable to the third party under the agreement.
  5. State non-conflict of interest concerning activities conducted for ATSDR and site-remediation activities for other parties.

The written agreement required shall not relieve the recipient of any part of its responsibility or accountability to PHS under the cooperative agreement. The agreement shall, therefore, retain sufficient rights and control to the recipient to enable it to fulfill this responsibility and accountability.

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