Additional Requirement 38: Health Information Technology (IT) Interoperability

At a glance

See below for requirements related to health information technology (IT) interoperability.


Successful applicants under the NOFO agree that:

Where award funding involves

Recipients and subrecipients are required to

Implementing, acquiring, or upgrading health IT for activities by any funded entity

Use health IT that meets standards and implementation specifications adopted in 45 CFR part 170, Subpart B, if such standards and implementation specifications can support the activity.

Visit  to learn more.

Implementing, acquiring, or upgrading health IT for activities by eligible clinicians in ambulatory settings, or hospitals, eligible under Sections 4101, 4102, and 4201 of the HITECH Act

Use health IT certified under the ONC Health IT Certification Program, if certified technology can support the activity.

Visit  to learn more.

If standards and implementation specifications adopted in cannot support the activity, recipients and subrecipients are encouraged to utilize health IT that meets non-proprietary standards and implementation specifications developed by consensus-based standards development organizations. This may include standards identified in the .

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