Video begins with a woman sitting outside in sunshine with gentle breeze. Soft music plays and continues throughout video. Text fades onto title screen that reads, "Hear Joanna's Story." ǿֹ and HHS logo shows at bottom. Screen fades to Joanna who is sitting inside and smiles as she speaks: Hi. I’m Joanna. I am from Queens, New York, and I have two daughters. Screen shifts to closeup of Joanna: So after my first pregnancy, I was diagnosed with post-partum preeclampsia. Screen fades to Joanna outside looking and touching leaves of a plant, then shifts back to closeup of Joanna inside. Joanna continues: After my second pregnancy the delivery was amazing. Screen shifts back to Joanna sitting. She explains: I thought my blood pressure was fine because I was still continuing to take my medication. They would come take my vitals; everything was fine. I was discharged. Screen shifts to closeup of Joanna: The home health nurse came to visit me, and she took my blood pressure. And it was very high. She told me at that moment, she said, "You need to go to the hospital.” Screen shifts to Joanna sitting, and she continues: I explained to her I was just there yesterday, and they told me to go home and that everything's fine. Um, and she said, "No, everything's not fine. You need to go to the hospital, right now, or I'm going to call an ambulance.” Screen shifts to closeup of Joanna: I had to stay in the hospital for about a week and then I got discharged. Sighing, Joanna continues: So then I routinely check my blood pressure. My blood pressure's elevated again. I go back to the hospital. Joanna takes a deep breath: I had to be readmitted —again. Screen shifts to closeup of Joanna: I went to the hospital four times. Joanna: The third time when I went... Screen shifts to closeup and Joanna nods, continuing: They were making comments like, "You're, you're here again." Screen shifts back. Joanna looks to the side recalling: It started to make me feel like... Joanna pauses, then says: Like they were.... She gestures with her hands as if unsure: I don't know if they were, like, irritated... or if I was, like, bothering them... Screen shifts to closeup of Joanna: At one point, a doctor did say to me, "Just stop checking your blood pressure at home." And I was like... Joanna frowns slightly and tilts her head,"How could you...?" Then incredulously with a short laugh, "How could you say that?!..." Text fades onto black background: HEAR her concerns. (The word "hear" is emphasized with all capital letters and underlined in red.) Screen fades back to Joanna and she nods as she describes: I felt extremely unheard. I felt like I was dismissed. I felt like I wasn't being taken seriously.... and it, it, it really hurt because these are people that I felt like were supposed to be taking the best care of me... Joanna uses her hands with feeling: Uh, such a, like, a vulnerable time in, in my life.... Screen shifts to a closeup of Joanna. She blinks, her eyes red and tears on her cheeks: During those moments, like, I just felt like if someone heard me... Her voice breaks and strained: would have made such a big difference if someone took it seriously. Screen shifts back to Joanna sitting and crying, her voice emotional: Like, I will never forget how people... how people made me feel... postpartum. Screen shifts back to a closeup of Joanna: I wish there was more compassion from the providers that I felt like I needed —that I was looking for. Joanna shakes her head sadly, : I didn't receive that. Joanna blinks back tears and swallows. Text fades onto black background: Listen if she says something is wrong. Text is added to screen and emphasized in red and all capital letters: Address any concerns your patients may have. Screen fades back to closeup of Joanna: Doctors should listen to their patients, should also.... Screen shifts out to Joanna sitting and gesturing slightly: ... not only just hear what their patients are saying or asking, but also body language plays a whole role in it because sometimes, people can be, like, intimidated of doctors when, um,... and might not always feel comfortable asking questions. Screen shifts to closeup of Joanna looking directly into the camera. She smiles with a big exhale: Hear Her. Text fades onto black background with Hear Her logo. Hear Her Concerns. Learn more at DDHHS and ǿֹ logo. Video ends as music fades.