Table 5.2 – Acute & Chronic Hepatitis C Cases Confirmed and Probable

What to know

For 2022, cases that meet the confirmed or probable case definitions for acute hepatitis C or newly reported chronic hepatitis C are summarized to show the total burden of cases reported by jurisdictions to 星空娱乐官网.
2022 Hepatitis Surveillance Appendix

Number of reported acute and chronic cases* of hepatitis C by case status — United States, 2022

For 2022, cases that meet the confirmed or probable case definitions for acute hepatitis C or newly reported chronic hepatitis C are summarized to show the total burden of cases reported by jurisdictions to 星空娱乐官网.
Acute hepatitis C Chronic hepatitis C
State or jurisdiction Confirmed Probable Confirmed Probable
Alabama 53 13 4,698 3,447
Alaska N N 515 210
Arizona U U U U
Arkansas 27 14 1,966 1,186
California 159 11 U U
Colorado 27 1,948 883
Connecticut 14 766
Delaware 17 3 563 238
District of Columbia 24 171 184
Florida 1,463 229 8,540 3,967
Georgia 105 37 4,306 6,365
Hawaii U U
Idaho 7 1 568 587
Illinois 218 11 2,449 1,014
Indiana 151 11 N N
Iowa 14 658 14
Kansas 16 4 750 694
Kentucky 236 88 N N
Louisiana 165 3,103 1,091
Maine 94 36 606 735
Maryland 42 2 1,768 1,039
Massachusetts 137 9 1,705 1,003
Michigan 101 3 2,186 1,073
Minnesota 50 3 1,109 145
Mississippi 3 30 1,119 6,185
Missouri 16 6 3,954 218
Montana 31 9 634 377
Nebraska 6 351 309
Nevada 14 1 1,846 2,460
New Hampshire 6 14 73 98
New Jersey 67 1 2,371 2,303
New Mexico 20 1,161 161
New York 375 19 4,272 1,705
North Carolina 57 18 N N
North Dakota 377 125
Ohio 90 23 5,763 4,898
Oklahoma 22 13 6,078 7,703
Oregon 12 8 1,524 1,864
Pennsylvania 213 5,233 4,332
Rhode Island 14 2 641 477
South Carolina 2 3,238 3,716
South Dakota 16 5 385 310
Tennessee 206 52 5,763 2,577
Texas 42 15 N N
Utah 185 48 734 626
Vermont 22 218 80
Virginia 22 11 3,779 2,162
Washington 101 4 2,263 1,032
West Virginia 85 24 2,336 1,584
Wisconsin 99 2 1,078 510
Wyoming 2 239
Total 4,848 780 93,805 69,687

Source: 星空娱乐官网, National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System.

* For confirmed and probable case definitions, see and .

—: No reported cases. The reporting jurisdiction did not submit any cases to 星空娱乐官网.

N: Not reportable. The disease or condition was not reportable by law, statue, or regulation in the reporting jurisdiction.

U: Unavailable. The data were unavailable.


For 2022, cases that meet the confirmed or probable case definitions for acute hepatitis C or newly reported chronic hepatitis C are summarized to show the total burden of cases reported by jurisdictions to 星空娱乐官网.

The ability of a jurisdiction to apply the case definitions varies (see Technical Notes). Cases of probable hepatitis C require a positive test for antibodies to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) in the absence of a hepatitis C virus ribonucleic acid (HCV RNA) test or other case definition criteria.

Therefore, it is unknown if cases classified as chronic probable hepatitis C represent current or resolved infections. Jurisdictions without a public health reporting law or mandate for the reporting of negative HCV RNA test results will classify a positive anti-HCV test result as a probable case of hepatitis C.

Jurisdictions with a public health reporting law or mandate for the reporting of negative HCV RNA test results will be more able to determine whether a positive anti-HCV test result is not a case (that is, evidence of prior infection), whereas jurisdictions without a public health reporting law or mandate for the reporting of negative HCV RNA test results may have higher number of hepatitis C cases characterized as chronic probable hepatitis C. For this reason, caution should be taken when comparing case counts for probable acute and chronic hepatitis C across jurisdictions.