Key points
- Providing breast milk is one of the best things you can do for your baby’s health and development.
- Germs can grow quickly in breast milk or breast milk residue that remains on pump parts.
- There are steps you can take to keep your breast pump clean and help protect your baby from germs.

Pumping your milk is one way to provide breast milk to your baby. If your baby was born prematurely or has other health concerns, your baby’s health care providers may have more recommendations for pumping breast milk safely.
Before each use
- Wash hands. Wash your hands well with soap and water for 20 seconds.
- Assemble. Assemble clean pump kit. Inspect whether the pump kit or tubing has become moldy or soiled during storage. If your tubing is moldy, discard and replace immediately.
- Clean if using a shared pump.Clean pump dials, power switch, and countertop with disinfectant wipe.
After every use
- Store milk safely. Cap milk collection bottle or seal milk collection bag, label with date and time, and immediately place in a refrigerator, freezer, or cooler bag with ice packs.
- Clean pumping area. Especially if using a shared pump, clean the dials, power switch, and countertop with disinfectant wipes.
- Take apart and inspect pump kit. Take apart breast pump tubing and separate all parts that come in contact with breast/breast milk (for example, flanges, valves, membranes, connectors, and milk collection bottles).
- Rinse pump kit. Rinse breast pump parts that come into contact with breast/breast milk under running water to remove remaining milk
- Clean pump kit. As soon as possible after pumping, clean pump parts that come into contact with breast/breast milk.
- Clean wash basin and bottle brush. If you use a wash basin or bottle brush when cleaning your pump parts, rinse them well and allow them to air-dry after each use. Consider washing them every few days, either in a dishwasher with hot water and a heated drying cycle if they are dishwasher-safe, or by hand with soap and warm water.
For extra protection, sanitize.
For extra germ removal, sanitize pump parts at least once daily. Sanitizing is especially important if your baby is less than 2 months old, was born prematurely, or has a weakened immune system due to illness or medical treatment (such as chemotherapy for cancer). Daily sanitizing of pump parts may not be necessary for older, healthy babies, if the parts are cleaned carefully after each use. Sanitize all items (even the bottle brush and wash basin!) by using one of the following options:
Note: If you use a dishwasher with hot water and a heating drying cycle (or sanitizing setting) to clean infant feeding items, a separate sanitizing step is not necessary.
- Clean first. Pump parts, bottle brushes, and wash basins should be sanitized only after they have been cleaned.
- Sanitize. Sanitize the pump kit, bottle brushes, and wash basins using one of the following options. Check manufacturer's instructions about whether items may be steamed or boiled.
- Steam: Use a microwave or plug-in steam system according to the manufacturer’s directions.
- Boil: Place disassembled items that are safe to boil into a pot and cover with water. Put the pot over heat and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes. Remove items with clean tongs.
- Steam: Use a microwave or plug-in steam system according to the manufacturer’s directions.
- Allow to air-dry thoroughly. Place sanitized pump parts, wash basin, and bottle brush on a clean, unused dish towel or paper towel in an area protected from dirt and dust. Do not use a dish towel to rub or pat items dry because doing so may transfer germs to the items.
Store safely until needed
Allow the clean pump parts, bottle brushes, and wash basins to air-dry thoroughly before storing to help prevent germs and mold from growing. Once completely dry, the items should be stored in a clean, protected area to prevent contamination during storage.
- Wash hands. Wash hands well with soap and water.
- Reassemble. Put together the clean, dry pump parts.
- Store safely. Place reassembled pump kit in a clean, protected area such as inside an unused, sealable food storage bag. Store wash basins and bottle brushes in a clean area.
Key tips for handling breast pump tubing
- When used correctly, breast pump tubing does not touch the pumped milk and does not need to be cleaned routinely.
- Keep a spare set of tubing on hand in case the set you are using gets soiled or damaged.
- If your tubing has water droplets in it at the end of a pumping session, disconnect the tubing from the flange/pump kit, but leave it attached to the pump. Run the pump for a few more minutes until the tubing is dry.
- If your tubing has milk or mold in it, throw it away immediately because it is difficult to clean properly. Replace it with a new set of tubing, and check to see if the problem happened because
- The valves or membranes need to be replaced.
- The tubing was attached to the pump incorrectly.
- The valves or membranes need to be replaced.
- If the outside of your tubing is soiled, wipe it with a damp cloth or disinfectant wipe.
Frequently asked questions
Should I use a brush to scrub breast pump kit parts?
Follow the pump manufacturer’s instructions to determine whether to use a brush to scrub the pump parts. Scrubbing with a brush may damage some breast pump parts but not others. Read the manufacturer’s instructions before scrubbing your pump parts with a brush.
How do I clean hard-to-reach areas of breast pumps such as valves and membranes?
If the manufacturer’s instructions allow for the use of a brush, use a small brush with soap and warm water to get inside the hard-to-reach areas of breast pump parts. Otherwise, consider washing these parts in the top rack of the dishwasher (place small parts inside a closed-top basket) or boil disassembled parts for 5 minutes. Some parts are best washed by hand, so always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid damaging certain parts while cleaning them.
Are certain kinds of soap more effective in cleaning breast pump parts?
You can use any soap intended for washing dishes to clean pump parts, including dishwasher soap if you are using a dishwasher. Do not use antibacterial soap because it can contain that may not be safe for regular, daily use to wash breast pump parts. In addition, there isn’t enough science to show that over-the-counter (OTC) are better at preventing illness than washing with plain soap and water. Rinse pump parts thoroughly after washing to remove all soap residue.
Can I use wet wipes to clean my breast pump between pumping sessions?
Some breast pump manufacturers make hygienic wipes specifically for cleaning breast pumps and breast pump parts. These wipes may be convenient when you don’t have access to soap and water. According to the , even if these wipes are used, breast pump parts that come into contact with breast milk should still be cleaned using dishwashing soap and warm water before using them again.
My manufacturer’s instructions say I can’t put certain parts of my breast pump in boiling water. Does ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø have any tips on how I can sanitize these parts?
There are three ways to sanitize pump parts: steaming, placing in boiling water, or using a dishwasher with a sanitize setting (or hot water and a heated drying cycle if your dishwasher does not have a specific sanitize setting). Follow the breast pump manufacturer’s instructions on how to best clean and sanitize your pump parts. For items that cannot be sanitized, thoroughly clean and inspect them regularly to make sure they are in good condition (no cracks, chips, signs of wear and tear, or other defects). Replace them when needed.
Is ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø’s guidance on sanitizing breast pump parts applicable to hospitals?
Healthcare facilities are in the best position to determine the specific pump hygiene practices that will be safest and most feasible in their settings. However, daily sanitizing is always the safest choice whether a breast pump is used at home or in a hospital.
Are used or secondhand baby bottles safe to use?
Most used or secondhand bottles are safe to use if they are in good condition (no cracks, chips, signs of wear and tear, or other defects) and . For extra germ removal, sanitize bottles by boiling them for several minutes or putting them in the dishwasher on the sanitize setting. Always inspect bottles before each use and throw them away at the first sign of damage or wear. Do not use antique lead crystal baby bottles because the lead can get into your baby’s milk and cause lead poisoning.
When should I replace bottle nipples and pacifiers?
Bottle nipples and pacifiers break down over time. You should replace them for each child. Most pacifier manufacturers recommend replacing pacifiers every few weeks for hygiene reasons, even if you sanitize them regularly. Similarly, most manufacturers of bottle nipples recommend replacing the nipples anywhere from every 6 weeks to every 3 months. Always inspect bottle nipples and pacifiers before each use and throw them away at the first sign of damage or weakness.
Is it OK if I store breast pump parts in the refrigerator between pump sessions while at work?
The ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø and most breast pump manufacturers recommend cleaning pump parts thoroughly after every use to help protect babies from germs. If you cannot clean your pump parts thoroughly after each pumping session, you can rinse and then refrigerate pump parts for a few hours between uses to help slow the growth of bacteria. It’s important to understand that refrigeration does not stop bacteria from growing. No studies have shown whether rinsing or wiping and then storing pump parts in the refrigerator between pumping sessions effectively limits the growth of bacteria and is a safe alternative to washing between use every time. Infants have become ill from contaminated milk due to bacteria growing on pump parts that were not cleaned properly. Please see for best practices on how to keep your breast pump kit clean.
If you choose to refrigerate pump parts between pumping sessions, rinse the parts first to remove milk residue, if possible, and then keep the parts in a sealed bag to prevent contamination. If rinsing is not possible, wipe milk residue off the parts with a clean, disposable paper towel. If your infant is younger than 2 months, was born prematurely, or has a compromised immune system, proper cleaning of pump parts after each use is especially important.
Is it true that germs can grow quickly in breast milk or breast milk residue that remains on pump parts?
Harmful germs can grow in breast milk (or its residues). You need to disinfect your pump properly so that milk does not become contaminated. Infants have become ill from contaminated milk due to bacteria grown on pump parts that were not cleaned properly. Proper cleaning of breast pump parts and feeding items, and appropriate storage of milk, can help preserve the nutrients in breast milk and reduce the risk of introducing germs to an infant. Cleaning pump parts thoroughly after every use is the best way to help protect babies from harmful germs that could be on pump parts, especially for babies who were born prematurely or have other health conditions.
Breast milk contains components that protect it from being contaminated with germs after it has been expressed. It can also kill some germs. However, milk’s ability to kill germs decreases with time, even under refrigerated conditions, and can differ by milk collection container type. There are also many different types of germs that could contaminate pump parts. Ultimately, breast milk is a nutrient-rich liquid that, despite its antibacterial properties, can still become contaminated by harmful bacteria.