Emergency List for Families With Infants and Young Children

At a glance

Families can use this checklist to gather materials to safely feed infants and young children in an emergency. Supplies needed for infants depend on how the infant is fed.

A diaper bag filled with supplies for an infant or young child such as ready-to-feed formula, clothing and water.

Be prepared

星空娱乐官网's Emergency Kit Checklist for Kids and Families lists materials you need in case of an emergency. If you have infants and young children, use the following information to make sure you have the infant and young child feeding supplies you will need.

Illustration from cover of PDF with text saying "Be Prepared: Emergency Preparation Checklist for Families with Infants and Young Children.
The emergency checklist can be downloaded as a PDF. The suggested items are also on this page.

Download the two-page checklist in English and Spanish.

*Important safety information‎

Items starred (*) below may not be safe in certain emergencies. If you cannot clean these items appropriately with safe water and soap, do not use them. Note that cans, containers, and bottles can be contaminated and need to be cleaned.

For families feeding their child any breast milk

Your emergency kit should contain one or two boxes of disposable nursing pads. Do not pack reusable pads because they have to be laundered.

For families relying on a breast pump

Your family's emergency kit should contain:

  • Breast milk storage bags or containers.*
  • Small cooler with ice packs for breast milk storage.
  • Breast pump and pump kit parts,* power cords, extra batteries.
  • Manual pump* in case of a power outage.

For families feeding their child any formula

Your emergency kit should include:

  • Ready-to-feed infant formula in single-serving cans or bottles.
  • Powdered infant formula and preparation materials.*
    • Formula cans/containers.
    • Liquid measuring cup.
    • Food-grade container with lid for mixing.
    • Bottled water for mixing.
    • Bottles and nipples.

Babies grow quickly so check your emergency kit monthly to be sure you have enough formula to meet your baby's current needs for several days. Replace formula that is expiring soon with newer supplies.


Ready-to-feed infant formula is the safest option for formula feeding during an emergency. This is because it does not need to be mixed with water, and it is available in sterile single-use containers. When powdered infant formula is the only option, extra care must be taken to ensure that it does not get contaminated.

For all families of infants and young children

Your kit should include:

  • A well-stocked diaper bag with:
    • At least one large pack of diapers.
    • At least two packs of baby wipes.
    • Baby powder.
    • Diaper rash cream.
    • Baby wash and lotion.
    • Re-sealable plastic bags (gallon size) for stashing dirty diapers and clothes.
  • Disposable cups, dishes, and feeding spoons.
  • Disposable bibs.
  • Cleaning supplies for reusable infant and young child feeding items and breast pump parts:
    • Wash basin.
    • Scrub brush.
    • Dish soap.
    • Mesh bag for drying infant feeding supplies.
    • A plastic container with a lid to contain all your cleaning and feeding supplies.
  • Burp rags or smaller blanket.
  • At least two pacifiers, if you use them.*
  • Nonperishable baby food and snacks appropriate for your child's age.
  • Baby carrier, such as a sling, wrap, or back or front carrier.
  • Extra clothes.
  • At least two extra blankets.
  • Infant pain reliever with acetaminophen.
  • Bulb syringe.*
  • Infant thermometer.
  • Child's medical records including vaccination record.
  • Portable crib.
  • Tape and marker for labeling.
  • Safe drinking water such as bottled water.


If you cannot clean the starred items above with safe water and soap, do not use them.

Additional items to consider

Consider a small camp stove, fuel, and a pot for boiling water. You can use these to make water safe and to sanitize infant feeding supplies.