How Legionella Affects Building Water Systems and People

Key points

  • This infographic visualizes how Legionella affects building water systems and people.
  • First, factors lead to Legionella growth in building water systems.
  • Next, water containing Legionella is aerosolized through devices.
  • Finally, people breathe in the bacteria or accidently swallow water containing the bacteria into their lungs.
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1. Internal and external factors can lead to Legionella growth in building water systems.[Icons depict construction, biofilm, and water temperature fluctuations. These are examples of internal and external factors that can lead to Legionella growth in building water systems.]

2. Legionella grows best in large, complex water systems that are not adequately maintained. [Icons depicting a large building with cooling towers on top of it, a healthcare facility, and a cruise ship.]

3. Water containing Legionella is aerosolized through devices.
[Icons depicting a cooling tower, shower, hot tub, and decorative fountain.]

4. People can get sick when they breathe in small droplets of water or accidently swallow water containing Legionella into the lungs. Those at increased risk are

  • Adults 50 years or older
  • Current or former smokers
  • People with a weakened immune system
  • People with a chronic disease

[Illustration of someone breathing in small droplets of water containing Legionella.)

[logo] U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention