How to Create a Search Alert


  • To receive notifications of new literature published on topics of interest, use search alerts.
  • Learn how to create search alerts for Ovid, PubMed, and Scopus databases.
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How to create a search alert

Search alerts are great tools to help you stay abreast of new published literature on a specific topic. This guide will show you how to create search alerts for three research databases: Ovid, PubMed, and Scopus.

If you need assistance or have any questions about search alerts, please contact the Stephen B. Thacker ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø Library.


1. Login to your Ovid account. Don't have a personal account in Ovid? Learn how to create an .

2. After performing your search in one of the Ovid Databases, click on Search History.

Screen shot of Ovid Search Alert showing the "my account" and the "search history" buttons.
Log into the Ovid account and click on Search History.

3. Check the box next to the search you would like to save. Under Actions click on Create Auto-Alert.

Screen shot of Ovid Search Alert showing the "more" drop down menu and the "create auto-alert" button.
Create an Auto-Alert under Actions.

4. Name your saved search and set your preferences for how often you would like to be updated and in what format. You can choose to be updated monthly, weekly, or daily. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Screen shot of Ovid Search Alert page.
Save after naming the search.

1. Login to your Ovid account.

2. Select the database in which you created the search alert.

3. Click on Search History. In the upper right, click on View Saved.

Screen shot of Ovid Search Alert showing the "search history" and the "view saved" buttons.
Click on Search History, then click on View Saved.

4. Check the box next to the search you would like to change and then edit or delete it using the symbols. If you delete the search it will ask you to confirm that you would like to delete it.

Screen shot of Ovid Search Alert page where you can select file to delete.
Select the file to be deleted.
Screen shot showing "delete" button.
Confirm that the file should be deleted.

1. Login to your Ovid account. Don't have a personal account in Ovid? Learn how to create one .

2. After performing your search in one of the Ovid Databases, click on Search History.

Screen shot of Ovid Search Alert showing the "my account" and the "search history" buttons.
Log into your Ovid account and click Search History.

3. Check the box next to the search you would like to save. Under Actions click on Create RSS.

Screen shot of Ovid Search Alert showing the "more" drop down menu and the "create RSS" button.
Click on Create RSS under Actions.

4. Ovid automatically names your RSS feed but you can change it if you prefer. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Screen shot of RSS name field.
Change the name of the RSS feed if desired and save.

5. Ovid will generate a link for your RSS feed. Click on the highlighted word "here."

Screen shot showing link labeled "here".
Click on the highlighted Here link.

6. You can then subscribe to the RSS feed by clicking on Subscribe to this feed.

Screen shot showing link labeled "subscribe".
Click on Subscribe to this feed.


1. Login to your MyNCBI account. Don't have a MyNCBI account? Learn how to create a .

2. After performing your search in PubMed, click on Create alert.

Screen shot of Pub Med button "create alert"
Log in and click Create alert.

3. Name your saved search and set your preferences for how often you would like to be updated and in what format. You can choose to be updated monthly, weekly, or daily.

Screen shot of Pub Med fields to name search and choose frequency of delivery.
Name the saved search.

Want to watch this process? Check out the video below:

1. Go to your MyNCBI account page.

Screen shot of Pub Med homepage showing location of "MyNCBI" link.
Log into the MyNCBI account.

2. In the Saved Searches box, click on Manage Saved Searches.

Screen shot of My NBI page showing location of "Manage Saved Searches" link.
Click on Manage Saved Searches.

3. Select the saved search you would like to edit or delete and click on the gear. You can now change your settings for this search alert.

Screen shot demonstrating choice of list and the gear icon to select.
Select the saved searches to be edited.

1. Login to your MyNCBI account. Don't have a MyNCBI account? Learn how to create one .

2. After performing your search in PubMed, click on Create RSS.

Screen shot of Pub Med button "create RSS"
Log into the MyNCBI account.

3. Name your RSS Feed and select the number of items to be displayed. Click on the XML button to subscribe to the feed.

Screen shot of RSS settings drop down list for number of items displayed and create RSS button.
Name the RSS Feed.
Screen shot of RSS Feed XML button.
Click on the XML button to subscribe.


1. Login to your Scopus account. Don't have a personal account in Scopus? Learn how to create a Scopus account.

2. After performing your search, click on Set Alert.

Screen shot of Scopus page showing location of "set alert" button.
Log in and Set Alert.

3. Name your saved search and set your preferences for how often you would like to be updated and in what format. You can choose to be updated monthly or weekly. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Screen shot of page to set search preferences, and save button at bottom right of page.
Name the search alert and Save.

1. Login to your Scopus account. Don't have a personal account in Scopus? Learn how to create an account.

2. Click on Alerts.

Screen shot of scopus account "alert" button.
Log in and click Alerts.

3. You can now edit or delete your search alerts using the symbols.

Screen shot of alert page with options to edit or delete.
Edit or delete search alerts.

1. Login to your Scopus account. Don't have a personal account in Scopus? Learn how to create one here.

2. After performing your search, click on Set Feed.

Screen shot of scopus account "set feed" button.
Log in and click Set Feed.

3. Name your RSS Feed and click on Continue.

Screen shot of RSS feed for Scopus search.
Name the feed and click Continue.

4. You can then create an HTML feed or subscribe using a RSS reader.

Screen shot of RSS feed subscription page for Scopus search.
Create an HTML feed or subscribe to the feed.


Materials listed in these guides are selected to provide awareness of quality public health literature and resources. A material’s inclusion does not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Public Health Service (PHS), or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø), nor does it imply endorsement of the material’s methods or findings. HHS, PHS, and ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø assume no responsibility for the factual accuracy of the items presented. The selection, omission, or content of items does not imply any endorsement or other position taken by HHS, PHS, and ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø. Opinion, findings, and conclusions expressed by the original authors of items included in these materials, or persons quoted therein, are strictly their own and are in no way meant to represent the opinion or views of HHS, PHS, or ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø. References to publications, news sources, and non-ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø Websites are provided solely for informational purposes and do not imply endorsement by HHS, PHS, or ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø.