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Erratum: Vol. 43, No. 19

In the report "Cigarette Smoking Among Adults -- United States, 1992, and Changes in the Definition of Current Cigarette Smoking," the 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the 1992 prevalence estimates published on pages 343 and 345 were incorrect. The following tables contain the corrected CIs and replace Table_1 (page 343) and Table_2 (page 345). In addition, the correct CI for daily smoking (page 342, fourth paragraph, second line) is plus or minus 0.7%, and the correct CI for some-day smoking (page 344, first paragraph, first line) is plus or minus 0.3%. The change in CIs affects one conclusion (page 344, second paragraph, fourth line, and page 344, fourth paragraph, second line): the increase in smoking among persons living below the poverty level is not statistically significant.

Note: To print large tables and graphs users may have to change their printer settings to landscape and use a small font size.

TABLE 1. Percentage of adults aged >=18 years who were current cigarette smokers * , by sex, age group, race/ethnicity, level of
education, and socioeconomic status -- United States, National Health Interview Survey, 1991 and 1992 +
                               1991                  1992                1992               1992                1992
                             Original              Original            Interim             Revised           Combination
                             (HPDP &)              (CCS @)              (CCS)              (CES **)           (CCS/CES)
                            (n=43,154)            (n=11,875)          (n=11,865)          (n=11,881)          (n=23,746)
                          ---------------       --------------      --------------      --------------      --------------
Characteristic             %   (95% CI ++)       %   (95% CI)        %   (95% CI)        %   (95% CI)        %   (95% CI)
  Men                     28.1   (+/-0.8)       28.0 (+/- 1.4)      29.3 (+/- 1.5)      28.0 (+/- 1.4)      28.6  (+/-1.0)
  Women                   23.5   (+/-0.6)       23.5 (+/- 1.2)      24.3 (+/- 1.2)      24.8 (+/- 1.3)      24.6  (+/-0.9)

Age group (yrs)
  18-24                   22.9   (+/-1.4)       24.4 (+/- 3.0)      25.8 (+/- 3.1)      27.1 (+/- 2.8)       26.4 (+/-2.2)
  25-44                   30.4   (+/-0.7)       29.7 (+/- 1.4)      30.9 (+/- 1.4)      30.6 (+/- 1.5)       30.8 (+/-1.0)
  45-64                   26.8   (+/-0.9)       27.3 (+/- 1.8)      28.2 (+/- 1.8)      26.4 (+/- 1.8)       27.3 (+/-1.3)
   >=65                   13.3   (+/-0.8)       13.3 (+/- 1.6)      13.7 (+/- 1.6)      14.2 (+/- 1.6)       14.0 (+/-1.2)

Race/Ethnicity &&
  White                   26.0   (+/-0.6)       26.2 (+/- 1.1)      27.1 (+/- 1.1)      27.3 (+/- 1.1)      27.2  (+/-0.8)
  Black                   29.4   (+/-1.6)       27.0 (+/- 3.1)      28.4 (+/- 3.1)      27.3 (+/- 2.7)      27.8  (+/-2.0)
  Hispanic                20.1   (+/-1.7)       20.4 (+/- 3.0)      22.5 (+/- 3.1)      18.7 (+/- 2.6)      20.7  (+/-2.0)
  American Indian/
    Alaskan Native @@     31.9   (+/-7.0)       36.5 (+/-12.2)      36.5 (+/-12.2)      41.9 (+/-10.9)      39.4  (+/-8.3)
    Islander              15.9   (+/-3.2)       16.9 (+/- 5.9)      17.9 (+/- 5.9)      12.2 (+/- 4.5)      15.2  (+/-3.9)

Education level (yrs)
    <12                   32.0   (+/-1.2)       32.2 (+/- 2.1)      33.4 (+/- 2.2)      30.3 (+/- 2.1)      31.8  (+/-1.5)
     12                   29.9   (+/-0.8)       29.8 (+/- 1.6)      30.6 (+/- 1.6)      31.4 (+/- 1.7)      31.0  (+/-1.2)
  13-15                   23.4   (+/-1.0)       23.8 (+/- 1.8)      24.8 (+/- 1.9)      23.3 (+/- 1.9)      24.1  (+/-1.3)
   >=16                   13.6   (+/-0.8)       13.4 (+/- 1.5)      14.5 (+/- 1.5)      16.5 (+/- 1.7)      15.5  (+/-1.2)

Socioeconomic status ***
  At/Above poverty level  24.7   (+/-0.5)       24.2 (+/- 1.0)      25.2 (+/- 1.0)      25.7 (+/- 1.0)       25.4 (+/-0.7)
  Below poverty level     33.1   (+/-1.9)       37.0 (+/- 3.3)      38.4 (+/- 3.3)      31.4 (+/- 3.2)       34.9 (+/-2.6)
  Unknown                 26.0   (+/-1.7)       26.2 (+/- 3.0)      27.0 (+/- 3.0)      26.7 (+/- 3.2)       26.9 (+/-2.3)

Total                     25.6   (+/-0.5)       25.6 (+/- 0.9)      26.7 (+/- 0.9)      26.3 (+/- 1.0)      26.5  (+/-0.7)
  * Persons who reported having smoked at least 100 cigarettes and who were currently smoking based on one of the following
    definitions: "Original" definition: Smoke now; "Interim" definition: Smoke now, or do not smoke now but on further
    questioning reported smoking some days; "Revised" definition: Smoke every day or some days now; "Combination" definition:
    Combined prevalence using the interim and revised prevalence estimates.
  + Excludes 578 respondents in 1991 and 285 respondents in 1992 with unknown smoking status.
  & Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Supplement.
  @ Cancer Control Supplement.
 ** Cancer Epidemiology Supplement.
 ++ Confidence interval.
 && Excludes 317 respondents in 1991 and 252 respondents in 1992 in unknown, multiple, and other race categories.
 @@ Estimates should be interpreted with caution because of the small number of respondents.
*** Poverty statistics are based on definitions originated by the Social Security Administration in 1964, subsequently modified
    by federal interagency committees in 1969 and 1980, and prescribed by the Office of Management and Budget as the standard to
    be used by federal agencies for statistical purposes.

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Note: To print large tables and graphs users may have to change their printer settings to landscape and use a small font size.

TABLE 2. Percentage of men and women aged >=18 years who were current cigarette smokers * , by race/ethnicity, level of education, age group, and
socioeconomic status -- United States, National Health Interview Survey, 1991 and 1992 +
                                                     Men                                                    Women
                           ------------------------------------------------------     -------------------------------------------------
                                1991                1992              1992                1991              1992             1992
                              Original             Original          Combined           Original          Original         Combined
                               (HPDP &)            (CCS @)         (CCS/CES **)          (HPDP)             (CCS)          (CCS/CES)
                             (n=18,050)           (n=5,000)         (n=10,061)          (n=25,104)        (n=6,875)        (n=13,685)
                           --------------       --------------    ---------------     -------------     --------------   --------------
Characteristic              %   (95% CI ++)      %   (95% CI)      %   (95% CI)        %   (95% CI)      %   (95% CI)     %   (95% CI)
Race/Ethnicity &&
  White                    27.5  (+/-0.9)       27.9 (+/- 1.7)    28.6  (+/- 1.2)     24.6 (+/- 0.7)    24.6 (+/- 1.4)   25.9 (+/- 1.1)
  Black                    35.5  (+/-2.7)       32.2 (+/- 4.7)    32.3  (+/- 3.5)     24.5 (+/- 1.9)    22.9 (+/- 3.3)   24.1 (+/- 2.2)
  Hispanic                 25.2  (+/-3.0)       22.2 (+/- 4.3)    23.6  (+/- 3.0)     15.5 (+/- 1.9)    18.6 (+/- 3.6)   18.0 (+/- 2.5)
  American Indian/
    Alaskan Native @@      27.5  (+/-8.4)       36.2 (+/-16.1)    39.0  (+/-12.6)     36.7 (+/-11.2)    36.7 (+/-17.6)   39.8 (+/-12.4)
    Islander               24.1  (+/-5.1)       30.8 (+/-10.7)    26.3  (+/- 6.8)      7.1 (+/- 3.0)     3.2 (+/- 2.5)    4.0 (+/- 2.3)

Education level (yrs)
    <12                    37.4  (+/-1.9)       37.8 (+/- 3.3)    36.9  (+/- 2.3)     27.4 (+/- 1.4)    27.4 (+/- 2.6)   27.5 (+/- 1.9)
     12                    33.5  (+/-1.3)       33.8 (+/- 2.5)    34.4  (+/- 1.8)     27.1 (+/- 1.0)    26.6 (+/- 2.0)   28.2 (+/- 1.5)
  13-15                    25.1  (+/-1.6)       24.8 (+/- 3.0)    25.2  (+/- 2.1)     22.0 (+/- 1.3)    22.9 (+/- 2.4)   23.1 (+/- 1.7)
   >=16                    14.5  (+/-1.2)       13.8 (+/- 2.2)    16.2  (+/- 1.6)     12.5 (+/- 1.1)    13.0 (+/- 2.1)   14.6 (+/- 1.6)

Age group (yrs)
  18-24                    23.5  (+/-2.2)       26.0 (+/- 4.4)    28.0  (+/- 3.1)     22.4 (+/- 1.9)    22.9 (+/- 3.8)   24.9 (+/- 2.8)
  25-44                    32.9  (+/-1.2)       31.3 (+/- 2.2)    32.8  (+/- 1.5)     28.0 (+/- 1.0)    28.0 (+/- 1.8)   28.8 (+/- 1.4)
  45-64                    29.3  (+/-1.5)       30.1 (+/- 2.6)    28.6  (+/- 1.9)     24.6 (+/- 1.2)    24.7 (+/- 2.4)   26.1 (+/- 1.8)
   >=65                    15.1  (+/-1.5)       15.8 (+/- 2.7)    16.1  (+/- 2.1)     12.0 (+/- 1.0)    11.6 (+/- 2.0)   12.4 (+/- 1.3)

Socioeconomic status ***
  At/Above poverty level   26.8  (+/-0.8)       26.2 (+/- 1.6)    27.1  (+/- 1.0)     22.7 (+/- 0.7)    22.3 (+/- 1.3)   23.8 (+/- 1.0)
  Below poverty level      39.3  (+/-3.1)       42.5 (+/- 5.4)    39.7  (+/- 3.9)     29.3 (+/- 2.2)    33.5 (+/- 3.6)   31.7 (+/- 2.9)
  Unknown                  31.0  (+/-3.0)       33.1 (+/- 5.1)    33.8  (+/- 3.7)     22.4 (+/- 2.0)    21.3 (+/- 3.4)   22.1 (+/- 2.5)

Total                      28.1  (+/-0.8)       28.0 (+/- 1.4)    28.6  (+/- 1.0)     23.5 (+/- 0.6)    23.5 (+/- 1.2)   24.6 (+/- 0.9)
  * Persons who reported having smoked at least 100 cigarettes and who were currently smoking based on one of the following definitions: "Original"
    definition: Smoke now; "Interim" definition: Smoke now, or do not smoke now but on further questioning reported smoking some days; "Revised"
    definition: Smoke every day or some days now; "Combination" definition: combined prevalence using the interim and revised prevalence estimates.
  + Excludes 578 respondents in 1991 and 285 respondents in 1992 with unknown smoking status.
  & Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Supplement.
  @ Cancer Control Supplement.
 ** Cancer Epidemiology Supplement.
 ++ Confidence interval.
 && Excludes 317 respondents in 1991 and 252 respondents in 1992 in unknown, multiple, and other race categories.
 @@ Estimates should be interpreted with caution because of the small number of respondents.
*** Poverty statistics are based on definitions originated by the Social Security Administration in 1964, subsequently modified by federal
    interagency committees in 1969 and 1980, and prescribed by the Office of Management and Budget as the standard to be used by federal agencies
    for statistical purposes.

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Safer, Healthier People

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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