Compendium of Animal Rabies Control, 1997
National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc. *
This report is being published as a courtesy to both the
Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc., and to the
MMWR readership. Its publication does not imply endorsement by ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø.
This Compendium provides information on rabies control to
veterinarians, public health officials, and others concerned with
control. These recommendations serve as the basis for animal
programs throughout the United States and facilitate
standardization of
procedures among jurisdictions, thereby contributing to an
national rabies-control program. This document is reviewed annually
revised as necessary. Recommendations for immunization procedures
contained in Part I; all animal rabies vaccines licensed by the
States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and marketed in the United
States are listed in Part II; Part III details the principles of
Part I: Recommendations for Immunization Procedures
Vaccine Administration
All animal rabies vaccines should be restricted to use by, or
the direct supervision of, a veterinarian.
B. Vaccine Selection
In comprehensive rabies-control programs, only vaccines with a
3-year duration of immunity should be used. This procedure
the most effective method of increasing the proportion of immunized
dogs and cats in any population. (See Part II.)
C. Route of Inoculation
All vaccines must be administered in accordance with the
specifications of the product label or package insert. If
intramuscularly, it must be at one site in the thigh.
D. Vaccination of Wildlife and Hybrids
The efficacy of parenteral rabies vaccination of wildlife and
hybrids (i.e., the offspring of wild animals crossbred to domestic
dogs and cats) has not been established, and no vaccine is licensed
for these animals. Zoos or research institutions may establish
vaccination programs that attempt to protect valuable animals, but
programs should not replace appropriate public health activities
protect humans. The use of licensed oral vaccines for the mass
immunization of free-ranging wildlife should be considered in
situations, with the approval of the state agency responsible for
animal rabies control.
E. Accidental Human Exposure to Vaccine
Accidental inoculation can occur during administration of
rabies vaccine. Such exposure to inactivated vaccines constitutes
rabies hazard.
F. Identification of Vaccinated Animals
All agencies and veterinarians should adopt the standard tag
system. This practice will aid the administration of local, state,
national, and international rabies-control procedures. Animal
tags should be distinguishable in shape and color from rabies tags.
Anodized aluminum rabies tags should be no less than 0.064 inches
Rabies Tags
Calendar year Color Shape
1997 Blue Rosette
1998 Orange Oval
1999 Green Bell
2000 Red Heart
Rabies Certificate. All agencies and veterinarians should
use the National Association of State Public Health
Veterinarians (NASPHV) form #51, Rabies Vaccination
Certificate, which can be obtained from vaccine
Computer-generated forms containing the same information are
Part II: Vaccines Marketed in the United States and and NASPHV *
Human Rabies Prevention. Rabies in humans can be prevented
either by eliminating exposures to rabid animals or by
exposed persons with prompt local treatment of wounds
combined with
appropriate passive and active immunization. The rationale
recommending preexposure and postexposure rabies prophylaxis
details of their administration can be found in the current
recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization
(ACIP) of the Public Health Service (PHS). These
along with information concerning the current local and
status of animal rabies and the availability of human rabies
biologics, are available from state health departments.
Domestic Animals. Local governments should initiate and
effective programs to ensure vaccination of all dogs and
cats and
to remove strays and unwanted animals. Such procedures in
United States have reduced laboratory-confirmed rabies cases
dogs from 6,949 in 1947 to 146 in 1995. Because more rabies
are reported annually involving cats than dogs, vaccination
of cats
should be required. The recommended vaccination procedures
and the
licensed animal vaccines are specified in Parts I and II of
Rabies in Wildlife. The control of rabies among wildlife
reservoirs is difficult. Vaccination of free-ranging
wildlife or
selective population reduction may be useful in some
however, the success of such procedures depends on the
circumstances surrounding each rabies outbreak. (See C.
Methods in Wildlife.)
Control Methods in Domestic and Confined Animals
Preexposure Vaccination and Management. Animal rabies
should be administered only by, or under the direct
of, a veterinarian. This procedure is the only way to ensure
a responsible person can be held accountable to assure the
that the animal has been properly vaccinated. Within 1 month
after primary vaccination, a peak rabies antibody titer is
and the animal can be considered immunized. An animal is
vaccinated and is considered immunized if it was vaccinated
least 30 days previously, and if all vaccinations have been
administered in accordance with this Compendium. Regardless
of the
age at initial vaccination, a second vaccination should be
given 1
year later. (See Parts I and II for recommended vaccines and
Dogs, Cats, and Ferrets. All dogs, cats, and ferrets
should be
vaccinated against rabies at 3 months of age and
in accordance with Part II of this Compendium. If a
vaccinated animal is overdue for a booster, it should be
revaccinated with a single dose of vaccine and placed on
annual or triennial schedule, depending on the type of
Livestock. It is neither economically feasible nor
from a public health standpoint to vaccinate all
against rabies. However, consideration should be given to
vaccination of livestock, especially animals that are
particularly valuable and/or may have frequent contact
humans, in areas where rabies is epidemic.
Other Animals
Wild. No parenteral rabies vaccine is licensed for use
wild animals. Because of the risk of rabies in wild
(especially raccoons, skunks, coyotes, foxes, and
the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA),
NASPHV, and the Council of State and Territorial
Epidemiologists (CSTE) strongly recommend the
enactment of
state laws prohibiting the importation, distribution,
relocation, or keeping of wild animals or hybrids as
Maintained in Exhibits and in Zoological Parks.
animals that are not completely excluded from all
with rabies vectors can become infected. Moreover,
animals may be incubating rabies when initially
therefore, wild-caught animals susceptible to rabies
be quarantined for a minimum of 180 days before
Employees who work with animals at such facilities
receive preexposure rabies immunization. The use of
preexposure or postexposure rabies immunizations of
employees who work with animals at such facilities may
reduce the need for euthanasia of captive animals.
Stray Animals. Stray dogs or cats should be removed from the
community, especially in areas where rabies is epidemic.
health departments and animal-control officials can enforce
removal of strays more effectively if owners either confine
their animals or keep them on a leash. Strays should be
impounded for at least 3 days to give owners sufficient time
reclaim animals and to determine if human exposure has
International. ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø regulates the importation of dogs and
into the United States, but current PHS regulations (42
No. 71.51) governing the importation of such animals are
insufficient to prevent the introduction of rabid animals
into the country. All dogs and cats imported from
with endemic rabies should be currently vaccinated
rabies as recommended in this Compendium. The appropriate
public health official of the state of destination should
notified within 72 hours of any unvaccinated dog or cat
imported into his or her jurisdiction. The conditional
admission of such animals into the United States is
to state and local laws governing rabies. Failure to
with these requirements should be promptly reported to
Division of Quarantine, ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø, 404-639-8107.
Interstate. Prior to interstate movement, dogs and cats
should be currently vaccinated against rabies in
with this Compendium's recommendations. (See B.1.
Vaccination and Management.) Animals in transit should be
accompanied by a currently valid NASPHV Form #51, Rabies
Vaccination Certificate.
Adjunct Procedures. Methods or procedures that enhance
rabies-control efforts include the following:
Licensure. Registration or licensure of all dogs and cats
can be used to aid in rabies control. A fee frequently is
charged for such licensure, and revenues collected are
to maintain rabies- or animal-control programs.
is an essential prerequisite to licensure.
Canvassing of Area. House-to-house canvassing by
personnel facilitates enforcement of vaccination and
Citations. Citations are legal summonses issued to owners
for violations, including the failure to vaccinate or
their animals. The authority for officers to issue
should be an integral part of each animal-control
Animal Control. All communities should incorporate
control, leash laws, and training of personnel into their
Postexposure Management. Any animal bitten or scratched by
a wild, carnivorous mammal or a bat that is not available
testing should be regarded as having been exposed to rabies.
Dogs and Cats. Unvaccinated dogs and cats exposed to a
animal should be euthanized immediately. If the owner is
unwilling to have this done, the animal should be placed
strict isolation for 6 months and vaccinated 1 month
being released. Animals with expired vaccinations need to
evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Dogs and cats that are
currently vaccinated should be revaccinated immediately,
kept under the owner's control, and observed for 45 days.
Livestock. All species of livestock are susceptible to
cattle and horses are among the most frequently infected.
Livestock exposed to a rabid animal and currently
with a vaccine approved by USDA for that species should be
revaccinated immediately and observed for 45 days.
livestock should be slaughtered immediately. If the owner
unwilling to have this done, the animal should be kept
close observation for 6 months. The following are
recommendations for owners of unvaccinated livestock
to rabid animals:
If the animal is slaughtered within 7 days of being
its tissues may be eaten without risk of infection,
liberal portions of the exposed area are discarded.
meat inspectors must reject for slaughter any animal
to have been exposed to rabies within 8 months.
Neither tissues nor milk from a rabid animal should be
used for human or animal consumption. However, because
pasteurization temperatures will inactivate rabies
drinking pasteurized milk or eating cooked meat does
constitute a rabies exposure.
It is rare to have more than one rabid animal in a herd
or to have herbivore-to-herbivore transmission;
it may not be necessary to restrict the rest of the
herd if
a single animal has been exposed to or infected by
Other Animals. Other animals bitten by a rabid animal
be euthanized immediately. Such animals currently
with a vaccine approved by USDA for that species may be
revaccinated immediately and placed in strict isolation
at least 90 days.
Management of Animals that Bite Humans. A healthy dog or cat
that bites a person should be confined and observed for 10
days; it is recommended that rabies vaccine not be
during the observation period. Such animals should be
by a veterinarian at the first sign of illness during
confinement. Any illness in the animal should be reported
immediately to the local health department. If signs
of rabies develop, the animal should be euthanized, its head
removed, and the head shipped under refrigeration (not
for examination of the brain by a qualified laboratory
designated by the local or state health department. Any
or unwanted dog or cat that bites a person may be euthanized
immediately and the head submitted as described above for
examination. Other biting animals that might have exposed a
person to rabies should be reported immediately to the local
health department. Prior vaccination of an animal may not
the necessity for euthanasia and testing if the period of
shedding is unknown for that species. Management of animals
than dogs and cats depends on the species, the circumstances
the bite, the epidemiology of rabies in the area, and the
animal's history, current health status, and potential for
exposure to rabies.
Control Methods in Wildlife
The public should be warned not to handle wildlife. Wild
mammals and
hybrids that bite or otherwise expose people, pets, or livestock
be considered for euthanasia and rabies examination. A person
bitten by
any wild mammal should immediately report the incident to a
who can evaluate the need for antirabies treatment. (See current
rabies prophylaxis recommendations of the ACIP.) *
Terrestrial Mammals. Continuous and persistent
programs for trapping or poisoning wildlife are not cost
in reducing wildlife rabies reservoirs on a statewide basis.
However, limited control in high-contact areas (e.g., picnic
grounds, camps, or suburban areas) might be indicated for
removal of selected high-risk species of wildlife. The state
wildlife agency and state health department should be
for coordination of any proposed vaccination or
population-reduction programs.
Bats. Indigenous rabid bats have been reported from every
except Alaska and Hawaii and have caused rabies in at least
humans in the United States. However, it is neither feasible
desirable to control rabies in bats by programs to reduce
populations. Bats should be excluded from houses and
structures to prevent direct association with humans. Such
structures should then be made bat-proof by sealing
used by bats.
THE NASPHV COMMITTEE: Suzanne R. Jenkins, VMD, MPH, Chair; Keith
Clark, DVM, PhD; Mira J. Leslie, DVM; Russell J. Martin, DVM, MPH;
Grayson B. Miller, Jr., MD; F. T. Satalowich, DVM, MSPH; Faye E.
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention {ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø}); David W.
DVM, MPVM; David Hines, PhD (Veterinary Biologics Section, Animal
Institute); William L. Ingalls, DVM, MS (AVMA Council on Public
and Regulatory Veterinary Medicine); Robert B. Miller, DVM, MPH
and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA); Charles E. Rupprecht,
PhD (ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø). ENDORSED BY: American Veterinary Medical Association
and the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE).
Address all correspondence to: Suzanne R. Jenkins, VMD, MPH,
Virginia State Department of Health, Office of Epidemiology,
P.O. Box 2448, Richmond, VA 23218.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rabies
Prevention -- United States, 1991. MMWR 1991;40(No. RR-3)1-19.
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Part II: Vaccines Marketed in the United States and NASPHV * Recommendations
Age at
primary Booster Route of
Product name Produced by Marketed by For use in Dosage (mL) vaccination + Recommended innoculation
TRIMUNE Fort Dodge Fort Dodge Dogs 1 3 mos and Triennially IM &
License No. 112 Cats 1 1 yr later Triennially IM
ANNAMUNE Fort Dodge Fort Dodge Dogs 1 3 mos Annually IM
License No. 112 Cats 1 3 mos Annually IM
DURA-RAB 1 ImmunoMed ImmonoMed, Vedco, Inc. Dogs 1 3 mos and Annually IM
License No. 421 Cats 1 3 mos Annually IM
DURA-RAB 3 ImmunoMed ImmunoMed, Vedco, Inc. Dogs 1 3 mos and Triennially IM
License No. 421 Cats 1 1 yr later Triennially IM
RABCINE-3 ImmunoMed Pfizer, Inc. Dogs 1 3 mos and Triennially IM
License No. 421 Cats 1 1 yr later Triennially IM
CHAMPION ImmunoMed AgriLaboratories Dogs 1 3 mos and Triennially IM
PROTECTOR License No. 421 Cats 1 1 yr later Triennially IM
ENDURALL-P Pfizer, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Dogs 1 3 mos Annually IM or SQ @
License No. 189 Cats 1 3 mos Annually SQ
RABGUARD-TC Pfizer, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Dogs 1 3 mos and Triennially IM
License No. 189 Cats 1 1 yr later Triennially IM
Sheep 1 3 mos Annually IM
Cattle 1 3 mos Annually IM
Horses 1 3 mos Annually IM
DEFENSOR Pfizer, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Dogs 1 3 mos and Triennially IM or SQ
License No. 189 Cats 1 1 yr later Triennially SQ
Sheep 2 3 mos Annually IM
Cattle 2 3 mos Annually IM
RABDOMUN Pfizer, Inc. Mallinckrodt Dogs 1 3 mos and Triennially IM or SQ
License No. 189 Veterinary, Inc. Cats 1 1 yr later Triennially SQ
Sheep 2 3 mos Annually IM
Cattle 2 3 mos Annually IM
RABDOMUN 1 Pfizer, Inc. Mallinckrodr Dogs 1 3 mos Annually IM or SQ
License No. 189 Veterinary, Inc. Cats 1 3 mos Annually IM
SENTRYRAB-1 Pfizer, Inc. Synbiotics Corp. Dogs 1 3 mos Annually IM
License No. 225 Cats 1 3 mos Annually IM
RABVAC 1 Solvay Animal Health, Solvay Animal Health, Dogs 1 3 mos Annually IM or SQ
Inc., License No. 195 Inc. Cats 1 3 mos Annually IM or SQ
and 195A
RABVAC 3 Solvay Animal Health, Solvay Animal Health, Dogs 1 3 mos and Triennially IM or SQ
Inc., License No. 195 Inc. Cats 1 1 yr later Triennially IM or SQ
and 195A Horses 2 3 mos Annually IM
PRORAB-1 Intervet, Inc. Intervet, Inc. Dogs 1 3 mos Annually IM or SQ
License No. 286 Cats 1 3 mos Annually IM or SQ
Sheep 2 3 mos Annually IM
PRORAB-3F Intervet, Inc. Intervet, Inc. Cats 1 3 mos and Triennially IM or SQ
License No. 286 1 yr later
RM IMRAB 3 Rhone Merieux, Inc. Rhone Meriux, Inc. Dogs 1 3 mos and Triennially IM or SQ
License No. 298 Cats 1 1 yr later Triennially IM or SQ
Sheep 2 3 mos and Triennially IM or SQ
1 yr later
Cattle 2 3 mos Annually IM or SQ
Horses 2 3 mos Annually IM or SQ
Ferrets 1 3 mos Annually SQ
RM IMRAB Rhone Merieux, Inc. Rhone Merieux, Inc. Cattle 2 3 mos Annually IM or SQ
BOVINE PLUS License No. 298 Horses 2 3 mos Annually IM or SQ
Sheep 2 3 mos and Triennially IM or SQ
1 yr later
RM IMRAB 1 Rone Merieux, Inc. Rhone Merieux, Inc. Dogs 1 3 mos Annually IM or SQ
License No. 298 Cats 1 3 mos Annually IM or SQ
B) Combination
ECLIPSE 3 KP-R Solvay Animal Health, Solvay Animal Health, Cats 1 3 mos Annually IM
Inc., License No. 195 Inc.
and 195A
ECLIPSE 3+ Solvay Animal Health, Solvay Animal Health, Cats 1 3 mos Annually IM or SQ
FeLV/R Inc., License No. 195 Inc.
and 195A
ECLIPSE 4 KP-R Solvay Animal Health, Solvay Animal Health, Cats 1 3 mos Annually IM
Inc., License No. 195 Inc.
and 195A
ECLIPSE 4+ Solvay Animal Health, Solvay Animal Health, Cats 1 3 mos Annually IM or SQ
FeLV/R Inc., License No. 195 Inc.
and 195A
FEL-O-VAX Fort Dodge Fort Dodge Cats 1 3 mos and Triennially IM
PCT-R License No. 112 1 yr later
RM FELINE 4+ Rhone Merieux, Inc. Rhone Merieux, Inc. Cats 1 3 mos and Triennially SQ
IMRAB License No. 298 1 yr later
RM FELINE 3+ Rhone Meriuex, Inc. Rhone Merieux, Inc. Cats 1 3 mos and Triennially SQ
IMRAB License No. 298 1 yr later
RM EQUINE POTOMAVAC+ Rhone Merieux, Inc. Rhone Merieux, Inc. Horses 1 3 mos Annually IM
IMRAB License No. 298
MYSTIQUE II Bayer Corp. Bayer Corp. Horses 1 3 mos Annually IM
License No. 52
* National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc.
+ >=3 months of age of revaccinated 1 year later.
& Intramuscularly.
@ Subcutaneously.
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