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Notifiable Diseases/Deaths in Selected Cities Weekly Information

Figure_I Selected notifiable disease reports, comparison of provisional 4-week totals ending December 12, 1998, with historical data -- United States

Table_I Summary -- provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, cumulative, week ending December 12, 1998 (49th Week)

Table_II Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending December 12, 1998 and December 6, 1997 (49th Week)

Table_III Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases preventable by vaccination, United States, weeks ending December 12, 1998 and December 6, 1997 (49th Week)

Table_IV Deaths in 122 U.S. cities, week ending December 12, 1998 (49th Week)

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TABLE I. Summary -- provisional cases of specified notifiable diseases, United
States, cumulative, week ending December 12, 1998 (49th Week)
                                             Cum. 1998
Anthrax                                              -
Brucellosis                                         55
Cholera                                             12
Congenital rubella syndrome                          3
Cryptosporidiosis*                               3,018
Diphtheria                                           1
Encephalitis:  California*                          86
               eastern equine*                       3
               St. Louis*                           26
               western equine*                       -
Hansen Disease                                     100
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome*+                     19
Hemolytic uremic syndrome, post-diarrheal*          80
HIV infection, pediatric*&                         243
Plague                                               8
Poliomyelitis, paralytic                             1
Psittacosis                                         48
Rabies, human                                        -
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF)                325
Streptococcal disease, invasive Group A          1,964
Streptococcal toxic-shock syndrome*                 49
Syphilis, congenital@                              399
Tetanus                                             34
Toxic-shock syndrome                               123
Trichinosis                                         13
Typhoid fever                                      318
Yellow fever                                         -
-: no reported cases
 * Not notifiable in all states
 + Updated weekly from reports to the Division of Viral and Rickettsial
   Diseases, National Center for Infectious Diseases (NCID).
 & Updated monthly to the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention -- Surveillance
   and Epidemiology, National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
   (NCHSTP), last update November 29, 1998.
 @ Updated from reports to the Division of STD Prevention, NCHSTP.


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TABLE II. (page 1) Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending
December 12, 1998, and December 6, 1997 (49th Week)

                                                                 coli O157:H7
                                                              -------------------                                Hepatitis
                          AIDS*             Chlamydia          NETSS**   PHLIS***         Gonorrhea               C\NA,NB
                   -----------------   --------------------   --------   --------    -------------------      ----------------
                     Cum.       Cum.        Cum.       Cum.       Cum.       Cum.        Cum.       Cum.       Cum.       Cum.
Reporting Area       1998       1997        1998       1997       1998       1998        1998       1997       1998       1997
UNITED STATES      42,564     53,705     539,229    443,010      2,853      1,883     321,493    280,265      4,679      3,279

NEW ENGLAND         1,688      2,248      17,046     17,019        328        260       4,852      5,591        106         53
Maine                  28         51         963        949         36          -          63         63          -          -
N.H.                   40         39         883        770         46         45          83         93          -          -
Vt.                    19         32         378        400         21         17          34         48          3          4
Mass.                 862        803       7,907      6,909        148        147       2,167      1,984        100         42
R.I.                  118        145       2,172      1,915         13          1         395        404          3          7
Conn.                 621      1,178       4,743      6,076         64         50       2,110      2,999          -          -

MID. ATLANTIC      11,418     16,079      63,627     53,698        284         73      37,772     36,192        338        305
Upstate N.Y.        1,323      2,379           N          N        214          -       6,190      6,192        251        228
N.Y. City           6,564      8,583      32,149     25,759          8         12      14,403     13,729          -          -
N.J.                2,025      3,119      10,385      9,612         62         51       7,137      7,097          -          -
Pa.                 1,506      1,998      21,093     18,327          N         10      10,042      9,174         87         77

E.N. CENTRAL        3,063      4,078      94,238     60,172        446        321      65,418     38,973        480        509
Ohio                  640        837      24,190     21,177        123         65      15,745     13,827          8         19
Ind.                  472        485       4,656      8,759        102         49       4,704      5,722          7         12
Ill.                1,195      1,710      25,448          U        109         58      21,097          U         33         85
Mich.                 578        801      20,469     19,728        112         62      15,424     14,718        432        367
Wis.                  178        245      19,475     10,508          N         87       8,448      4,706          -         26

W.N. CENTRAL          832      1,099      29,508     30,987        486        384      15,209     13,818        279         58
Minn.                 163        191       6,123      6,286        202        202       2,361      2,248         11          4
Iowa                   63         99       2,063      4,199         93         58         660      1,074          8         27
Mo.                   402        557      11,550     11,421         53         61       8,527      7,175        250         10
N. Dak.                 5         10         849        834         12         15          71         69          -          3
S. Dak.                15          8       1,486      1,319         35         34         212        156          -          -
Nebr.                  65         90       2,667      2,575         58          -       1,119      1,134          5          2
Kans.                 119        144       4,770      4,353         33         14       2,259      1,962          5         12

S. ATLANTIC        11,132     13,315     107,017     88,611        257        155      88,126     87,153        184        237
Del.                  154        211       2,461         61          -          2       1,454      1,205          -          -
Md.                 1,489      1,800       6,759      7,044         38         14       9,024     10,827         22         10
D.C.                  809      1,016           N          N          1          -       3,305      4,116          -          -
Va.                   910      1,113      12,706     11,077          N         42       8,939      8,268         12         25
W. Va.                 79        117       2,439      2,772         13         10         784        863          7         16
N.C.                  752        796      20,648     16,285         56         46      17,850     16,190         20         48
S.C.                  719        746      16,770     11,801         17         12      10,728     10,842         11         37
Ga.                 1,174      1,600      21,585     14,830         76          -      18,085     17,236          9          -
Fla.                5,046      5,916      23,649     24,741         56         29      17,957     17,606        103        101

E.S. CENTRAL        1,684      1,901      36,245     33,085        114         39      35,609     33,126        186        332
Ky.                   263        340       6,083      5,950         33          -       3,577      3,787         20         13
Tenn.                 622        738      12,424     11,821         53         33      10,804     10,399        159        222
Ala.                  456        511       9,705      8,037         25          2      12,324     11,215          5         11
Miss.                 343        312       8,033      7,277          3          4       8,904      7,725          2         86

W.S. CENTRAL        5,140      5,650      75,283     65,006        125         24      45,742     42,251        414        472
Ark.                  189        216       3,665      2,556         11         10       3,640      4,323         10         14
La.                   878      1,016      14,301      9,603          5          7      12,326      9,316        114        213
Okla.                 272        274       8,749      6,942         24          7       4,895      4,498         16          7
Tex.                3,801      4,144      48,568     45,905         85          -      24,881     24,114        274        238

MOUNTAIN            1,479      1,548      30,763     28,234        340        238       8,528      7,701        336        312
Mont.                  28         40       1,205      1,092         16          -          44         60          7         21
Idaho                  28         50       1,920      1,559         40         24         168        147         87         79
Wyo.                    3         14         626        585         53         55          29         50         66         73
Colo.                 286        366       8,134      6,943         90         69       2,193      2,123         33         34
N. Mex.               202        164       3,699      3,578         19         20         894        812         93         60
Ariz.                 589        375      10,243     10,132         21         26       3,717      3,477          8         25
Utah                  128        140       2,050      1,656         79         21         217        262         23          5
Nev.                  215        399       2,886      2,689         22         23       1,266        770         19         15

PACIFIC             6,128      7,787      85,502     66,198        473        389      20,237     15,460      2,356      1,001
Wash.                 390        608      10,389      8,736        108        127       1,861      1,803         22         28
Oreg.                 166        284       5,610      4,701        104         99         829        700          6          3
Calif.              5,396      6,757      65,469     49,630        254        147      16,801     12,125      2,273        805
Alaska                 17         46       1,782      1,444          7          -         300        357          1          -
Hawaii                159         92       2,252      1,687          N         16         446        475         54        165

Guam                    1          2         201        193          N          -          24         27          -          -
P.R.                1,602      1,974           U          U          6          U         356        519          -          -
V.I.                   31         94           N          N          N          U           U          U          U          U
Amer. Samoa             -          -           U          U          N          U           U          U          U          U
C.N.M.I.                -          1           N          N          N          U          28         23          -          2
N: Not notifiable    U: Unavailable    -: no reported cases    C.N.M.I.: Commonwealth of North Mariana Islands

  * Updated monthly to the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, -- Surveillance and Epidemiology, National Center for HIV, STD,
    and TB Prevention, last update November 29, 1998.
 ** National Electronic Telecommunications System for Surveillance.
*** Public Health Laboratory Information System.


TABLE II. (page 2) Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending
December 12, 1998, and December 6, 1997 (49th Week)

                                                 Lyme                                     Syphilis                                  Rabies,
                     Legionellosis              Disease              Malaria        (Primary & Secondary)      Tuberculosis         Animal
                    ----------------       ----------------      ----------------   ---------------------    -----------------      -------
                     Cum.       Cum.        Cum.       Cum.       Cum.       Cum.        Cum.       Cum.       Cum.       Cum.        Cum.
Reporting Area       1998       1997        1998       1997       1998       1997        1998       1997       1998 *     1997        1998
UNITED STATES       1,239      1,009      12,273     11,422      1,298      1,741       6,759      7,907     13,945     16,688       6,462

NEW ENGLAND            83         79       2,636      2,898         59         85          71        130        433        414       1,379
Maine                   1          3          12          8          5          1           1          2         10         19         214
N.H.                    7          7          45         37          5         10           2          -         13         15          77
Vt.                     7         13          11          8          1          2           4          -          4          6          65
Mass.                  32         27         749        285         16         31          44         66        248        235         489
R.I.                   21         12         654        385         14         10           1          2         52         33          97
Conn.                  15         17       1,165      2,175         18         31          19         60        106        106         437

MID. ATLANTIC         289        226       8,080      6,699        322        496         278        377      2,845      2,944       1,499
Upstate N.Y.          101         70       3,974      2,818         89         72          35         41        365        424       1,034
N.Y. City              28         24          29        173        151        303          74         81      1,410      1,487           U
N.J.                   15         30       1,690      1,827         52         84          78        149        574        641         204
Pa.                   145        102       2,387      1,881         30         37          91        106        496        392         261

E.N. CENTRAL          409        327         166        578        126        162       1,134        593      1,199      1,697         130
Ohio                  126        116          84         37         15         19         125        204         88        239          57
Ind.                  118         53          62         33         11         17         244        162        139        146          12
Ill.                   37         34           8         13         41         67         455          U        604        898          16
Mich.                  78         84          12         27         48         43         194        128        350        297          35
Wis.                   50         40           U        468         11         16         116         99         18        117          10

W.N. CENTRAL           75         57         214        152         92         59         123        167        391        528         677
Minn.                   8          3         174        111         56         29           9         16        147        136         119
Iowa                   12          9          23          7          8         10           -          7         51         57         147
Mo.                    24         21           2         27         15         11          93        111         95        218          27
N. Dak.                 -          2           -          -          2          3           -          -         10         12         138
S. Dak.                 3          2           -          1          1          1           1          1         17         10         151
Nebr.                  20         15           5          2          1          1           7          3         28         20           7
Kans.                   8          5          10          4          9          4          13         29         43         75          88

S. ATLANTIC           140        117         863        736        312        310       2,438      3,296      1,946      3,182       1,856
Del.                   13         11          45        109          3          5          21         22         18         32          49
Md.                    28         21         596        468         86         81         619        870        261        292         423
D.C.                    8          4           4          9         19         20          73        105         98         95           -
Va.                    20         26          67         62         56         65         146        225        280        305         534
W. Va.                  N          N          13         10          2          1           3          3         41         49          76
N.C.                   14         14          57         34         29         19         691        949        448        409         136
S.C.                   11          8           7          2          6         17         309        348        234        316         143
Ga.                     8          1           5          7         37         48         272        493        496        588         288
Fla.                   36         32          69         35         74         54         304        281         70      1,096         207

E.S. CENTRAL           64         55          93         88         31         38       1,128      1,597      1,038      1,226         259
Ky.                    25         11          25         16          7         12         103        125        158        181          31
Tenn.                  24         33          44         40         16         10         526        693        396        430         135
Ala.                    8          4          20         11          6         10         270        395        302        390          91
Miss.                   7          7           4         21          2          6         229        384        182        225           2

W.S. CENTRAL           41         33          36         93         47         56       1,000      1,253      2,100      2,405         135
Ark.                    -          2           7         25          1          5         103        152        143        171          31
La.                     4          6           7          5         15         15         409        344        274        257           -
Okla.                  12          2           2         28          4          8         121        115        147        190         104
Tex.                   25         23          20         35         27         28         367        642      1,536      1,787           -

MOUNTAIN               74         62          23         15         62         65         211        169        421        509         213
Mont.                   2          1           -          -          1          2           -          -         19         16          53
Idaho                   2          2           6          4          8          -           2          1         13         11           -
Wyo.                    1          1           1          3          -          2           1          -          4          2          63
Colo.                  19         18           5          -         19         30          11         15          U         78          39
N. Mex.                 2          3           4          1         12          8          22          8         64         63           6
Ariz.                  19         12           1          4          9         11         160        130        195        207          19
Utah                   22         18           -          1          1          3           4          5         49         31          27
Nev.                    7          7           6          2         12          9          11         10         77        101           6

PACIFIC                64         53         162        163        247        470         376        325      3,572      3,783         314
Wash.                  12          8           7         10         20         48          27         10        198        280           -
Oreg.                   1          -          21         19         16         25           6          9        125        136           7
Calif.                 49         44         133        132        203        383         341        304      3,046      3,141         284
Alaska                  1          -           1          2          3          3           1          1         49         66          23
Hawaii                  1          1           -          -          5         11           1          1        154        160           -

Guam                    2          -           -          -          1          -           1          3         36         13           -
P.R.                    -          -           -          -          -          5         172        236         68        212          51
V.I.                    U          U           U          U          U          U           U          U          U          U           U
Amer. Samoa             U          U           U          U          U          U           U          U          U          U           U
C.N.M.I.                -          -           -          -          -          -         164         11         77         20           -

N: Not notifiable    U: Unavailable    -: no reported cases
 * Additional information about areas displaying 'U' for cumulative Tuberculosis cases can be found in Notices to Readers, MMWR Vol. 47, No. 2, p. 39.


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TABLE III. (page 1) Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases preventable by vaccination, United
States, weeks ending December 12, 1998, and December 6, 1997 (49th Week)

                                                Hepatitis (Viral), by type                                    Measles (Rubeola)
                     H. influenzae,       ---------------------------------------        ------------------------------------------------------------
                        invasive                  A                     B                  Indigenous            Imported**                Total
                    ----------------      -----------------     -----------------        ---------------       ---------------        ---------------
                     Cum.       Cum.        Cum.       Cum.       Cum.       Cum.                   Cum.                  Cum.        Cum.       Cum.
Reporting Area       1998*      1997        1998       1997       1998       1997        1998       1998       1998       1998        1998       1997
UNITED STATES         956      1,008      20,803     26,591      8,195      8,912           5         67          -         25          92        130

NEW ENGLAND            65         59         264        612        179        175           -          1          -          2           3         19
Maine                   3          5          20         59          5          6           -          -          -          -           -          1
N.H.                    9         11          14         34         19         17           -          -          -          -           -          1
Vt.                     9          3          16         14          6         11           -          -          -          1           1          -
Mass.                  37         35         106        248         56         73           -          1          -          1           2         16
R.I.                    6          3          17        127         68         16           -          -          -          -           -          -
Conn.                   1          2          91        130         25         52           -          -          -          -           -          1

MID. ATLANTIC         141        155       1,402      2,003      1,043      1,296           -          8          -          6          14         26
Upstate N.Y.           63         51         349        348        280        297           -          1          -          1           2          5
N.Y. City              26         41         362        875        266        439           -          -          -          -           -         10
N.J.                   46         44         321        297        181        235           U          7          U          1           8          3
Pa.                     6         19         370        483        316        325           -          -          -          4           4          8

E.N. CENTRAL          154        158       3,452      2,846      1,507      1,417           -         12          -          3          15         10
Ohio                   46         82         312        299         74         87           -          -          -          1           1          -
Ind.                   40         18         326        310        744         94           -          2          -          1           3          -
Ill.                   53         39         650        795        186        267           -          1          -          -           1          7
Mich.                   8         18       1,993      1,269        454        427           -          9          -          1          10          2
Wis.                    7          1         171        173         49        542           -          -          -          -           -          1

W.N. CENTRAL           89         58       1,268      2,064        401        459           -          1          -          -           1         17
Minn.                  66         44         124        192         49         41           -          -          -          -           -          8
Iowa                    3          6         394        442         56         40           -          1          -          -           1          -
Mo.                    12          5         575      1,058        242        323           -          -          -          -           -          1
N. Dak.                 -          -           3         10          4          5           -          -          -          -           -          -
S. Dak.                 1          2          32         23          2          1           -          -          -          -           -          8
Nebr.                   1          1          41         89         22         19           -          -          -          -           -          -
Kans.                   6          -          99        250         26         30           -          -          -          -           -          -

S. ATLANTIC           182        153       1,923      1,965      1,117      1,148           -          3          -          5           8         15
Del.                    -          -           6         29          4          6           -          -          -          1           1          -
Md.                    52         56         318        179        151        158           -          -          -          1           1          2
D.C.                    -          -          62         33         18         29           -          -          -          -           -          1
Va.                    18         13         200        217         99        121           -          -          -          2           2          1
W. Va.                  5          4           7         11         10         16           -          -          -          -           -          -
N.C.                   24         21         123        196        228        245           -          -          -          -           -          2
S.C.                    3          4          38        106         46         94           -          -          -          -           -          1
Ga.                    46         31         647        621        139        126           -          1          -          1           2          1
Fla.                   34         24         522        573        422        353           -          2          -          -           2          7

E.S. CENTRAL           57         54         347        590        381        674           -          -          -          2           2          1
Ky.                     7          8          23         71         44         38           -          -          -          -           -          -
Tenn.                  34         30         211        363        264        422           -          -          -          1           1          -
Ala.                   14         14          70         79         71         74           -          -          -          1           1          1
Miss.                   2          2          43         77          2        140           -          -          -          -           -          -

W.S. CENTRAL           56         47       3,937      5,380      1,162      1,213           -          1          -          -           1          8
Ark.                    -          2          87        206         88         83           U          -          U          -           -          -
La.                    23         12         124        220        164        161           -          1          -          -           1          -
Okla.                  30         30         598      1,372        108         49           -          -          -          -           -          1
Tex.                    3          3       3,128      3,582        802        920           -          -          -          -           -          7

MOUNTAIN              108         85       3,074      3,993        793        814           5          8          -          2          10          8
Mont.                   -          1          94         68          5         12           -          -          -          -           -          -
Idaho                   2          1         231        133         46         52           -          -          -          -           -          -
Wyo.                    1          4          36         32          8         24           U          -          U          -           -          -
Colo.                  18         21         331        387        107        140           -          -          -          -           -          -
N. Mex.                 8          8         143        334        310        240           -          -          -          -           -          -
Ariz.                  54         31       1,842      2,098        173        186           5          8          -          2          10          5
Utah                    6          3         188        527         66         88           -          -          -          -           -          1
Nev.                   19         16         209        414         78         72           -          -          -          -           -          2

PACIFIC               104        239       5,136      7,138      1,612      1,716           -         33          -          5          38         26
Wash.                  10          5         900        623        116         77           -          -          -          1           1          2
Oreg.                  39         33         364        356        121        112           -          -          -          -           -          -
Calif.                 46        185       3,816      5,982      1,355      1,502           -          5          -          3           8         20
Alaska                  1          8          17         33         12         14           -         28          -          1          29          -
Hawaii                  8          8          39        144          8         11           -          -          -          -           -          4

Guam                    -          -           -          -          2          3           U          -          U          -           -          -
P.R.                    2          -          49        264        335        764           -          -          -          -           -          -
V.I.                    U          U           U          U          U          U           U          U          U          U           U          U
Amer. Samoa             U          U           U          U          U          U           U          U          U          U           U          U
C.N.M.I.                -          6           3          1         53         46           U          -          U          -           -          1
N: Not notifiable    U: Unavailable     -: no reported cases

 * Of 220 cases among children aged <
** For imported measles, cases include only those resulting from importation from other countries.

TABLE III. (page 2) Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases preventable by vaccination, United
States, weeks ending December 12, 1998, and December 6, 1997 (49th Week)

                        Disease                      Mumps                           Pertussis                          Rubella
                   -----------------        --------------------------       ---------------------------       ---------------------------
                     Cum.       Cum.                   Cum.       Cum.                   Cum.       Cum.                  Cum.        Cum.
Reporting Area       1998       1997        1998       1998       1997       1998        1998       1997       1998       1998        1997
UNITED STATES       2,488      2,969           3        580        611        101       5,799      5,411          -        334         158

NEW ENGLAND           104        187           -          7         12         11         910        981          -         38           1
Maine                   6         18           -          -          -          -           5         22          -          -           -
N.H.                    4         14           -          -          1          2         121        130          -          -           -
Vt.                     5          4           -          -          -          2          74        244          -          -           -
Mass.                  56         93           -          4          4          2         651        541          -          8           1
R.I.                    8         21           -          1          6          4          13         16          -          1           -
Conn.                  25         37           -          2          1          1          46         28          -         29           -

MID. ATLANTIC         235        323           1        170         58          9         572        383          -        135          34
Upstate N.Y.           69         84           1         11         12          7         300        156          -        111           6
N.Y. City              24         51           -        139          3          -          39         60          -         18          28
N.J.                   55         71           U          2          8          U           5         14          U          4           -
Pa.                    87        117           -         18         35          2         228        153          -          2           -

E.N. CENTRAL          374        463           -         72         86         20         624        605          -          -           6
Ohio                  133        156           -         28         34         10         279        158          -          -           -
Ind.                   70         53           -          6         14          1         145         69          -          -           -
Ill.                   89        147           -         11         12          6         113        108          -          -           2
Mich.                  42         66           -         27         22          3          70         62          -          -           -
Wis.                   40         41           -          -          4          -          17        208          -          -           4

W.N. CENTRAL          216        220           -         30         18         10         541        527          -         33           -
Minn.                  32         34           -         13          6          6         337        306          -          -           -
Iowa                   47         46           -         11         10          3          76        106          -          -           -
Mo.                    79         93           -          3          -          -          32         67          -          2           -
N. Dak.                 5          2           -          2          -          -           3          1          -          -           -
S. Dak.                 8          5           -          -          -          -           8          5          -          -           -
Nebr.                  15         18           -          -          1          1          19         13          -          -           -
Kans.                  30         22           -          1          1          -          66         29          -         31           -

S. ATLANTIC           440        505           -         48         73          9         323        411          -         19          78
Del.                    2          5           -          -          -          -           5          1          -          -           -
Md.                    33         42           -          -          1          -          57        113          -          1           -
D.C.                    3         12           -          -          -          -           1          3          -          -           1
Va.                    45         58           -          8         18          -          41         52          -          1           1
W. Va.                 16         19           -          -          -          -           4          6          -          -           -
N.C.                   58         88           -         11         12          -          98        118          -         13          59
S.C.                   55         55           -          7         11          -          27         29          -          -          15
Ga.                    97         94           -          1         10          -          27         13          -          -           -
Fla.                  131        132           -         21         21          9          63         76          -          4           2

E.S. CENTRAL          227        223           -         16         31          1         119        143          -          2           1
Ky.                    36         46           -          1          3          -          50         63          -          -           -
Tenn.                  69         76           -          1          6          -          37         37          -          2           -
Ala.                   98         76           -          8          9          1          29         32          -          -           1
Miss.                  24         25           -          6         13          -           3         11          -          -           -

W.S. CENTRAL          292        278           -         60         84          9         361        276          -         88           4
Ark.                   30         34           U         12          1          U          91         53          U          -           -
La.                    60         48           -         10         16          -           9         20          -          -           -
Okla.                  41         41           -          -          -          -          30         51          -          -           -
Tex.                  161        155           -         38         67          9         231        152          -         88           4

MOUNTAIN              141        169           -         38         55         11       1,093      1,189          -          5           7
Mont.                   4          8           -          -          -          -          13         18          -          -           -
Idaho                  13         10           -          6          3          5         257        521          -          -           2
Wyo.                    7          3           U          1          1          U           8          7          U          -           -
Colo.                  27         45           -          6          3          4         229        379          -          -           -
N. Mex.                26         29           N          N          N          1          97        175          -          1           -
Ariz.                  41         41           -          6         33          -         199         36          -          1           5
Utah                   14         15           -          5          8          1         249         25          -          2           -
Nev.                    9         18           -         14          7          -          41         28          -          1           -

PACIFIC               459        601           2        139        194         21       1,256        896          -         14          27
Wash.                  63         87           -         11         19         18         329        384          -          9           5
Oreg.                  88        120           N          N          N          2          90         47          -          -           -
Calif.                300        384           2        103        142          -         803        430          -          3          14
Alaska                  3          3           -          2          8          -          15         16          -          -           -
Hawaii                  5          7           -         23         25          1          19         19          -          2           8

Guam                    1          1           U          2          1          U           -          -          U          -           -
P.R.                    7          8           -          1          7          -           6          -          -          -           -
V.I.                    U          U           U          U          U          U           U          U          U          U           U
Amer. Samoa             U          U           U          U          U          U           U          U          U          U           U
C.N.M.I.                -          -           U          2          4          U           1          -          U          -           -

N: Not notifiable    U: Unavailable     -: no reported cases


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TABLE IV. Deaths in 122 U.S. cities,* week ending
December 12, 1998 (49th Week)
                                                 All Causes, By Age (Years)
                          ------------------------------------------------------------------------        P&I**
Reporting Area            All Ages         >=65        45-6
NEW ENGLAND                    604          434          110          38           14            8           35
Boston, Mass.                  144           85           35          12            9            3            8
Bridgeport, Conn.               45           39            3           2            -            1            2
Cambridge, Mass.                16           12            3           1            -            -            -
Fall River, Mass.               24           22            -           2            -            -            2
Hartford, Conn.                 47           26           13           4            3            1            1
Lowell, Mass.                   24           17            4           2            1            -            1
Lynn, Mass.                     12            9            2           1            -            -            1
New Bedford, Mass.              36           33            1           2            -            -            4
New Haven, Conn.                42           26           11           4            1            -            1
Providence, R.I.                66           53            9           4            -            -            -
Somerville, Mass.                5            4            1           -            -            -            -
Springfield, Mass.              43           31            9           1            -            2            4
Waterbury, Conn.                34           22           11           -            -            1            4
Worcester, Mass.                66           55            8           3            -            -            7

MID. ATLANTIC                2,209        1,568          418         159           28           35          116
Albany, N.Y.                    50           40            8           1            -            1            6
Allentown, Pa.                  24           21            3           -            -            -            2
Buffalo, N.Y.                   89           72           11           5            -            -            8
Camden, N.J.                    30           20            5           3            1            1            2
Elizabeth, N.J.                  U            U            U           U            U            U            U
Erie, Pa.                       48           43            4           -            1            -            3
Jersey City, N.J.               54           35           10           6            -            3            3
New York City, N.Y.          1,187          809          244          98           19           17           54
Newark, N.J.                     U            U            U           U            U            U            U
Paterson, N.J.                  29           13           11           5            -            -            -
Philadelphia, Pa.              300          203           61          22            5            9           15
Pittsburgh, Pa.***              58           42           11           2            1            2            3
Reading, Pa.                    20           16            4           -            -            -            1
Rochester, N.Y.                132          101           21           7            1            2            9
Schenectady, N.Y.               28           24            4           -            -            -            4
Scranton, Pa.                   31           24            6           1            -            -            -
Syracuse, N.Y.                  81           67            8           6            -            -            5
Trenton, N.J.                   30           22            5           3            -            -            1
Utica, N.Y.                     18           16            2           -            -            -            -
Yonkers, N.Y.                    U            U            U           U            U            U            U

E.N. CENTRAL                 2,251        1,553          406         161           63           64          159
Akron, Ohio                     68           56            9           1            2            -            1
Canton, Ohio                    46           34            9           2            1            -            6
Chicago, Ill.                  429          245           90          52           24           14           29
Cincinnati, Ohio                75           48           14           7            4            2            6
Cleveland, Ohio                152          111           26          10            1            4            4
Columbus, Ohio                 223          155           38          18            6            6           20
Dayton, Ohio                   130           93           20           7            5            5            6
Detroit, Mich.                 206          127           47          18            7            7           14
Evansville, Ind.                36           25            8           2            -            1            2
Fort Wayne, Ind.                67           50            7           6            1            3            1
Gary, Ind.                      16            9            3           1            2            1            -
Grand Rapids, Mich.             78           65            6           1            1            5           10
Indianapolis, Ind.             202          137           45          12            4            4           21
Lansing, Mich.                  40           34            3           2            -            1            4
Milwaukee, Wis.                126           89           20          13            -            4           16
Peoria, Ill.                    55           38           12           1            2            2            1
Rockford, Ill.                  48           41            4           2            -            1            2
South Bend, Ind.                69           49           17           2            1            -            3
Toledo, Ohio                   108           80           21           4            1            2            6
Youngstown, Ohio                77           67            7           -            1            2            7

W.N. CENTRAL                   777          536          138          62           17           16           50
Des Moines, Iowa                41           26           11           2            1            1            3
Duluth, Minn.                   43           37            3           3            -            -            4
Kansas City, Kans.               U            U            U           U            U            U            U
Kansas City, Mo.               109           65           19          13            1            3            2
Lincoln, Nebr.                  36           24            9           2            1            -            3
Minneapolis, Minn.             224          175           34           8            3            4           15
Omaha, Nebr.                    85           59           14           6            2            4            9
St. Louis, Mo.                 103           55           21          17            7            3            8
St. Paul, Minn.                136           95           27          11            2            1            6
Wichita, Kans.                   U            U            U           U            U            U            U

S. ATLANTIC                  1,170          749          242         128           22           25           67
Atlanta, Ga.                     U            U            U           U            U            U            U
Baltimore, Md.                 281          171           65          37            5            3           25
Charlotte, N.C.                 94           65           14           9            4            2           11
Jacksonville, Fla.             145           88           30          16            1            9            3
Miami, Fla.                    123           61           34          22            1            4            -
Norfolk, Va.                    47           30           10           5            2            -            2
Richmond, Va.                   62           48            9           3            -            2            2
Savannah, Ga.                   33           24            6           1            -            2            4
St. Petersburg, Fla.            75           54           11           9            -            1            8
Tampa, Fla.                    200          139           40          15            5            -           10
Washington, D.C.               100           60           22          11            4            2            2
Wilmington, Del.                10            9            1           -            -            -            -

E.S. CENTRAL                   881          590          169          62           24           33           50
Birmingham, Ala.               222          141           46          14            7           11           16
Chattanooga, Tenn.              68           51           11           4            1            1            3
Knoxville, Tenn.                79           49           22           6            -            2            4
Lexington, Ky.                  46           32            6           4            2            2            7
Memphis, Tenn.                 147           89           33          17            4            4            8
Mobile, Ala.                    81           58           15           3            4            1            -
Montgomery, Ala.                77           60           10           4            -            3            6
Nashville, Tenn.               161          110           26          10            6            9            6

W.S. CENTRAL                 1,596        1,064          324         120           35           53          104
Austin, Tex.                    94           66           12          10            2            4            4
Baton Rouge, La.                41           24            8           6            1            2            2
Corpus Christi, Tex.            57           36           18           1            1            1            2
Dallas, Tex.                   221          134           52          18            6           11            3
El Paso, Tex.                   79           55            9          11            4            -            3
Ft. Worth, Tex.                115           87           20           6            1            1            4
Houston, Tex.                  408          239          103          35           10           21           50
Little Rock, Ark.               51           35           10           3            1            2            5
New Orleans, La.                86           56           20           7            1            2            -
San Antonio, Tex.              244          174           43          17            4            6           14
Shreveport, La.                 59           53            2           1            1            2            8
Tulsa, Okla.                   141          105           27           5            3            1            9

MOUNTAIN                     1,086          735          200         104           21           25           66
Albuquerque, N.M.               96           60           21          13            2            -            5
Boise, Idaho                    35           25            8           1            -            1            2
Colo. Springs, Colo.            58           42           11           5            -            -            8
Denver, Colo.                  116           61           24          21            4            6            9
Las Vegas, Nev.                230          154           47          22            4            3            5
Ogden, Utah                     34           24            5           1            1            3            1
Phoenix, Ariz.                 225          152           39          20            6            7           13
Pueblo, Colo.                   39           27            9           2            1            -            5
Salt Lake City, Utah            98           71           11          10            3            3            6
Tucson, Ariz.                  155          119           25           9            -            2           12

PACIFIC                      1,845        1,321          316         138           32           38          155
Berkeley, Calif.                23           15            5           2            -            1            2
Fresno, Calif.                 112           89           12           6            3            2           11
Glendale, Calif.                25           23            1           1            -            -            3
Honolulu, Hawaii                66           52           12           1            1            -            6
Long Beach, Calif.              54           46            4           3            -            1            7
Los Angeles, Calif.            452          319           82          32            8           11           21
Pasadena, Calif.                36           25            7           3            1            -            2
Portland, Oreg.                141           97           26          13            1            4            8
Sacramento, Calif.             207          141           35          20            6            5           28
San Diego, Calif.              147          105           24          11            3            4           13
San Francisco, Calif.           83           56           16           9            1            1           11
San Jose, Calif.               222          165           36          15            3            3           26
Santa Cruz, Calif.              23           13            6           2            1            1            1
Seattle, Wash.                 121           71           31          16            2            1            5
Spokane, Wash.                  58           49            6           1            -            2            1
Tacoma, Wash.                   75           55           13           3            2            2           10

TOTAL                   12,419****        8,550        2,323         972          256          297          802

U: Unavailable    -: no reported cases

   * Mortality data in this table are voluntarily reported from 122 cities in the United States, most of which have populations
     of 100,000 or more. A death is reported by the place of its occurrence and by the week that the death certificate was
     filed. Fetal deaths are not included.
  ** Pneumonia and influenza.
 *** Because of changes in reporting methods in this Pennsylvania city, these numbers are partial counts for the current
     week. Complete counts will be available in 4 to 6 weeks.
**** Total includes unknown ages.

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Safer, Healthier People

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Rd, MailStop E-90, Atlanta, GA 30333, U.S.A

This page last reviewed 5/2/01