* An injury refers to physical damage to the body from an external cause resulting from a traumatic event or poisoning. Estimates are based on responses to a series of questions asked during a household interview of a sample of the civilian, noninstitutionalized U.S. population and are for nonfatal, medically attended injuries (i.e., injuries that were serious enough that a medical professional was consulted) occurring during the 5 weeks preceding the interview.
� Time lost from work among those aged �13 years who were employed at the time of injury.
§ Time lost from school among those aged �5 years who were attending school at the time of injury.
During 2004--2007, an average of 15.7 million injuries were reported per year among employed persons. Half of these injuries resulted in time lost from work: 8% resulted in <1 day of time lost, 26% resulted in 1--5 days lost, and 16% resulted in �6 days lost. An average of 8.7 million injuries were reported per year among persons who attended school. Approximately one third of these injuries resulted in time lost from school: 9% resulted in <1 day of time lost, 22% resulted in 1--5 days lost, and 3% resulted in �6 days lost.
SOURCE: Chen LH, Warner M, Fingerhut L, Makuc D. Injury episodes and circumstances: National Health Interview Survey, 1997--2007. Vital Health Stat 2009;10(241). Available at .
Alternate Text: The figure above shows the percentage of injuries that resulted in time lost from work or school in the United States during 2004-2007. An average of 15.7 million injuries were reported per year among employed persons. Half of these injuries resulted in time lost from work: 8% resulted in <1 day of time lost, 26% resulted in 1-5 days lost, and 16% resulted in �6 days lost. An average of 8.7 million injuries were reported per year among persons who attended school. Approximately one third of these injuries resulted in time lost from school: 9% resulted in <1 day of time lost, 22% resulted in 1-5 days lost, and 3% resulted in �6 days lost.