/* RSS PUF Input Program: This program imports RSS CSV file into SAS working directory as a SAS dataset: - Loads formats to the working directory - Imports the RSS CSV data file as a SAS dataset - Applies labels and formats to the SAS dataset Before running this program, please download the CSV file or SAS dataset to a folder called C:\RSS4 (on a machine running Windows). If importing the SAS dataset, please change the filename statement below, as well as replace the data step below with: data &dsn. ; set in.&filename ; run ; */ %let folderpath = C:\RSS4; *folder location of CSV file; %let filename = RSS4_PUF.csv; *CSV file name to import into sas; %let dsn = rss4; *SAS dataset name for output dataset; %let formatcat= work.formats; *SAS formats name in temp working folder; libname in "&folderpath"; PROC FORMAT library = &formatcat; VALUE ACC_HOSP12M_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ACC_HTHLAST_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Never" 1= "Less than 12 months ago" 2= "More than 1 year but less than 2 years ago" 3= "More than 2 years but less than 3 years ago" 4= "More than 3 years but less than 5 years ago" 5= "More than 5 years but less than 10 years ago" 6= "10 years ago or more"; VALUE ACC_HTHTYPE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "I do not go to one place most often" 1= "A doctor's office or health center" 2= "Urgent care center or clinic in a drug store or grocery store" 3= "Hospital emergency room" 4= "A VA medical center or VA outpatient clinic" 5= "Some other place"; VALUE ACC_HTHUSUAL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Yes, there is a single place" 2= "No, there is no place" 3= "Yes, there is more than one place"; VALUE ADO_START_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CAL_EMPLOY_ 1= "Yes" 2= "No"; VALUE CAL_METRO_ 1= "Metropolitan" 2= "Non-Metropolitan"; VALUE CHR_ASEV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CHR_CANEV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CHR_CHLEV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CHR_CHLEV_R_ -8= "Unknown" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CHR_HYPEV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CIG_SMKEV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CIG_SMKNOW_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Every day" 2= "Some days" 3= "Not at all"; VALUE CITIZEN2_ 0= "Not a U.S. citizen" 1= "U.S. citizen"; VALUE CIVIC_ENGAGE_ -8= "Unknown" 1= "Yes" 2= "No"; VALUE CIV_MEET_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CIV_VOL12M_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CIV_VOLOTH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CIV_VOTELOCL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CON_CLUBORG_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Less than once a week" 2= "1 or 2 times a week" 3= "3 or 4 times a week" 4= "5 or more times a week"; VALUE CON_GETTOG_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Less than once a week" 2= "1 or 2 times a week" 3= "3 or 4 times a week" 4= "5 or more times a week"; VALUE CON_RELSERV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Never or less than once a year" 2= "1 to 3 times per year" 3= "4 to 11 times per year" 4= "12 or more times per year"; VALUE CON_TELWK_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Less than once a week" 2= "1 or 2 times a week" 3= "3 or 4 times a week" 4= "5 or more times a week"; VALUE DEVICE_ 1= "Desktop/Laptop/netbook" 2= "Smartphone" 3= "Tablet" 4= "Other device (book reader, game console, etc.)" 5= "Phone interview (not online)"; VALUE DISABILITY_ -8= "Not ascertained" 1= "With a disability" 2= "Without a disability"; VALUE DIS_AID_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE DIS_DIFCARE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE DIS_DIFCOM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE DIS_DIFHEAR_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE DIS_DIFREM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE DIS_DIFSEE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE DIS_DIFWLK_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE DIS_GLASS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ECC_FINEVA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ECC_FINEVB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ECC_FINEVC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ECC_FINEVD_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ECC_FINEVE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ECC_FINEVF_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ECC_FINEVG_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ECC_PARTEVA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ECC_PARTEVB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ECC_PARTEVC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ECC_PARTEVD_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ECC_PARTEVE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ECC_PARTEVF_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE EMP_INSA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE EMP_INSB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE EMP_INSC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE EMP_INSD_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE EMP_INSE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE EMP_INSF_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE EMP_INSG_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE EMP_INSH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE EMP_INSH_OTH_ -8= "Not ascertained" 0= "No" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE EMP_INSH_UNK_ -8= "Not ascertained" 0= "No" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE GEN_CURGENA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE GEN_CURGENB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE GEN_CURGENC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE GEN_CURGEND_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE GEN_CURGENE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE GROUP_ 1= "Group 1" 2= "Group 2"; VALUE HCA_MHTHDLY_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE HCA_MHTND_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE HHSIZE_ 1= "1" 2= "2" 3= "3" 4= "4" 5= "5" 6= "6+"; VALUE HIS_GENERAL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Excellent" 2= "Very good" 3= "Good" 4= "Fair" 5= "Poor"; VALUE HIT_USE_ 1= "Yes" 2= "No"; VALUE IFLG_ 0= "No imputation" 1= "Logical assignment" 2= "Statistical imputation"; VALUE INSURED_ -8= "Not ascertained" 0= "Not insured" 1= "Insured"; VALUE INT_ACCESS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE INT_EXTENT_ 1= "Internet access at home" 2= "Internet access, but not at home" 3= "No internet access"; VALUE INT_HOMEACC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE INT_USEDOC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE INT_USEMED_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE INT_USETEST_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE LAN_DOCTOR_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "English" 2= "Spanish" 3= "Another language"; VALUE LAN_MEDIA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "English" 2= "Spanish" 3= "Another language"; VALUE LAN_OTHERLAN_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE LAN_SOCIAL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "English" 2= "Spanish" 3= "Another language"; VALUE LEGMSTAT_ -8= "Unknown" 1= "Separated" 2= "Divorced" 3= "Married" 4= "Single/Never Married" 5= "Widowed"; VALUE MARITAL_ -8= "Unknown" 1= "Married" 2= "Not married"; VALUE MARSTAT_ -8= "Unknown" 1= "Married" 2= "Widowed" 3= "Divorced" 4= "Separated" 5= "Never Married" 6= "Living with partner"; VALUE MAR_EVMARRY_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE MAR_LEGAL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Married" 2= "Widowed" 3= "Divorced" 4= "Separated"; VALUE MAR_MARITAL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Married" 2= "Living with a partner together as an unmarried couple" 3= "Neither"; VALUE MAR_WIDIVSEP_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Widowed" 2= "Divorced" 3= "Separated"; VALUE MODE2_ 1= "Web" 2= "CATI"; VALUE MTL_ANXIETY_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Never" 1= "Daily" 2= "Weekly" 3= "Monthly" 4= "A few times a year"; VALUE MTL_ANXLVL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "A little" 2= "A lot" 3= "Somewhere in between a little and a lot"; VALUE MTL_ANXMEDS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE MTL_DEPLVL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "A little" 2= "A lot" 3= "Somewhere in between a little and a lot"; VALUE MTL_DEPMEDS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE MTL_DEPRESS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Never" 1= "Daily" 2= "Weekly" 3= "Monthly" 4= "A few times a year"; VALUE MTL_MHRXA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE MTL_MHTHRPY_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE MTL_MHTPYNOW_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ONEVISIT_ 0= "Multiple session or did not complete" 1= "Completed survey in single session"; VALUE OUTCOME_ 1= "Never accessed the instrument" 2= "Accessed instrument but dropped off (did not reach last question of the survey)" 3= "Complete (reached last question)" 4= "Completed interview but case dropped due to quality concerns (e.g., speeding, excessive item nonresponse)"; VALUE PAA_PARTEVA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PAA_PARTEVB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PAA_PARTEVC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PAA_PARTEVD_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PAA_PARTEVE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PAA_PARTEVF_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PAA_PARTEVG_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PAA_PARTEVH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PAA_PRT12M_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PAB_HUMIL12M_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PAB_HUMILEV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PAB_PSYCH12M_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PAB_PSYCHEV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; value PRG_NUMPRG_R_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "1" 2= "2" 3= "3" 4= "4" 5= "5+"; VALUE PRG_PRBPRG_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Probably not pregnant" 1= "Probably pregnant"; VALUE PRG_PRGNOW_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE P_AGE5YRS_R_ 1= "18-19" 2= "20-24" 3= "25-29" 4= "30-34" 5= "35-39" 6= "40-44" 7= "45-49" 8= "50-54" 9= "55-59" 10= "60-64" 11= "65-69" 12= "70+"; VALUE P_EDUCATION_I_R_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "High school graduate or less" 2= "Some college" 3= "Bachelor's degree or above"; VALUE P_EMPLOY_ 1= "Working" 2= "Not working--unable to work for health reasons/disabled" 3= "Not working--retired" 4= "Not working--other"; VALUE P_HOMEOWN_R_ 1= "Own or being bought" 2= "Rent/other arrangement"; VALUE P_ORIENT_ 1= "Gay or lesbian" 2= "Straight, that is not lesbian/gay" 3= "Bisexual" 4= "Something else"; VALUE P_POVERTY4_R_ 1= "0 - < 1.00" 2= "1.00 - < 2.00" 3= "2.00 - < 4.00" 4= "4.00 +"; VALUE P_RACE_R_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "White, non-Hispanic" 2= "Black, non-Hispanic" 3= "Other, non-Hispanic" 4= "Hispanic"; VALUE QUEX_LANG_ 1= "English" 2= "Spanish"; VALUE REGION_ 1= "Northeast" 2= "Midwest" 3= "South" 4= "West"; VALUE SOCWRKLMT_ -8= "Not ascertained" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SOC_ERRANDS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE SOC_PARACTIV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE SOC_PARACTIV_R_ -8= "Unknown" 1= "No difficulty/some difficulty" 2= "A lot of difficulty/cannot do this at all"; VALUE SOC_SCWRKLIM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SOURCE_ 1= "Panel Provider 1" 2= "Panel Provider 2"; VALUE SVA_ANY12MF_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_ANY12MM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_FINGEVF_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_FINGEVM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_FNGHIGHF_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_FNGHIGHM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_FORCEEV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_ORLEV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_ORLHIGH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_ORLPHYS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_PEN12M_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_PENEVF_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_PENEVM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_PENHIGHF_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_PENHIGHM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_PENPHYS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_PREG_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_SEX_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Male set of questions" 1= "Female set of questions"; VALUE SVA_VAGPHYS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_VGOREV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVA_VGORHIGH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_ANY12M_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_ANYPREG_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_FINGEVM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_FINGEV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_FNGHIGHM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_FNGHIGH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_FNGPHYSM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_FNGPHYS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_FORCEEV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_FORCEORL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_FORCEPEN_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_FORCEVG_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_ORLEVM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_ORLEV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_ORLHIGHM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_ORLHIGH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_ORLPHYSM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_ORLPHYS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_PEN12M_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_PENEVM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_PENEV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_PENHIGHM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_PENHIGH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_PENPHYSM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_PENPHYS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_PHYS12M_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_SEX_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Male set of questions" 1= "Female set of questions"; VALUE SVB_VGSXEVM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_VGSXEV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_VGSXHIGH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_VGSXHIM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_VGSXPHYM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SVB_VGSXPHYS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_CONCEN_ -9= "Not sure/Don't remember" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_DAZED_ -9= "Not sure/Don't remember" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_DIZZY_ -9= "Not sure/Don't remember" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_EXDOC_ -9= "Not sure/Don't remember" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_HARMEVA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_HARMEVB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_HARMEVC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_HARMEVD_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_HARMEVE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_HARMPREG_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_HEADACHE_ -9= "Not sure/Don't remember" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_INJFACE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_KNOCKOUT_ -9= "Not sure/Don't remember" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_LEARN_ -9= "Not sure/Don't remember" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_MOOD_ -9= "Not sure/Don't remember" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_REMEMBER_ -9= "Not sure/Don't remember" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_SENSE_ -9= "Not sure/Don't remember" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_SICK_ -9= "Not sure/Don't remember" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_SLEEP_ -9= "Not sure/Don't remember" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_VISION_ -9= "Not sure/Don't remember" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TBI_WHENINJ_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Within the last 12 months" 2= "1-3 years ago" 3= "4-7 years ago" 4= "8 or more years ago"; VALUE TBI_WHYNODOCA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE TBI_WHYNODOCB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE TBI_WHYNODOCC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE TBI_WHYNODOCD_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE TBI_WHYNODOCE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE TBI_WHYNODOCF_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE TBI_WHYNODOCG_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE TEL_CELL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TEL_CELL_R_ 1= "Yes" 2= "No"; VALUE TEL_HHCELL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TEL_NONCELL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TSV_EXP12M_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TSV_EXPEV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TSV_POST12M_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE TSV_POSTEV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE USBORN2_ 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE VETERAN_ 0= "Not a veteran" 1= "Veteran"; VALUE YESNO_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; RUN; data &dsn.; infile "&folderpath./&filename" dlm="," missover firstobs =2 DSD; LENGTH HIS_GENERAL 8 CHR_HYPEV 8 CHR_CHLEV 8 CHR_CHLEV_R 8 CHR_ASEV 8 CHR_CANEV 8 PRG_PRGNOW 8 PRG_PRBPRG 8 PRG_NUMPRG_R 8 GEN_CURGENA 8 GEN_CURGENB 8 GEN_CURGENC 8 GEN_CURGEND 8 GEN_CURGENE 8 DIS_GLASS 8 DIS_DIFSEE 8 DIS_AID 8 DIS_DIFHEAR 8 DIS_DIFWLK 8 DIS_DIFCOM 8 DIS_DIFREM 8 DIS_DIFCARE 8 SOC_ERRANDS 8 SOC_PARACTIV 8 SOC_PARACTIV_R 8 SOC_SCWRKLIM 8 SOCWRKLMT 8 ADO_START 8 DISABILITY 8 DIS_COUNT 8 CON_TELWK 8 CON_GETTOG 8 CON_RELSERV 8 CON_CLUBORG 8 EMP_INSA 8 EMP_INSB 8 EMP_INSC 8 EMP_INSD 8 EMP_INSE 8 EMP_INSF 8 EMP_INSG 8 EMP_INSH 8 EMP_INSH_UNK 8 EMP_INSH_OTH 8 INSURED 8 ACC_HTHLAST 8 ACC_HTHUSUAL 8 ACC_HTHTYPE 8 ACC_HOSP12M 8 MTL_ANXIETY 8 MTL_ANXMEDS 8 MTL_ANXLVL 8 MTL_DEPRESS 8 MTL_DEPMEDS 8 MTL_DEPLVL 8 MTL_MHRXA 8 MTL_MHTHRPY 8 MTL_MHTPYNOW 8 HCA_MHTHDLY 8 HCA_MHTND 8 CIG_SMKEV 8 CIG_SMKNOW 8 CIV_VOL12M 8 CIV_VOLOTH 8 CIV_MEET 8 CIV_VOTELOCL 8 CIVIC_ENGAGE 8 LAN_OTHERLAN 8 LAN_MEDIA 8 LAN_DOCTOR 8 LAN_SOCIAL 8 MAR_MARITAL 8 MAR_EVMARRY 8 MAR_LEGAL 8 MAR_WIDIVSEP 8 MARSTAT 8 LEGMSTAT 8 MARITAL 8 TSV_EXPEV 8 TSV_EXP12M 8 TSV_POSTEV 8 TSV_POST12M 8 TSV_LTANY 8 TSV_12MANY 8 ECC_PARTEVA 8 ECC_PARTEVB 8 ECC_PARTEVC 8 ECC_PARTEVD 8 ECC_PARTEVE 8 ECC_PARTEVF 8 ECC_FINEVA 8 ECC_FINEVB 8 ECC_FINEVC 8 ECC_FINEVD 8 ECC_FINEVE 8 ECC_FINEVF 8 ECC_FINEVG 8 ECC_ANYTIPV 8 ECC_ANYFIPV 8 PAA_PARTEVA 8 PAA_PARTEVB 8 PAA_PARTEVC 8 PAA_PARTEVD 8 PAA_PARTEVE 8 PAA_PARTEVF 8 PAA_PARTEVG 8 PAA_PARTEVH 8 PAA_PRT12M 8 SVA_SEX 8 SVA_ORLHIGH 8 SVA_FNGHIGHF 8 SVA_PENHIGHF 8 SVA_ORLEV 8 SVA_FINGEVF 8 SVA_PENEVF 8 SVA_FORCEEV 8 SVA_ANY12MF 8 SVA_PREG 8 SVA_VGORHIGH 8 SVA_FNGHIGHM 8 SVA_PENHIGHM 8 SVA_VGOREV 8 SVA_FINGEVM 8 SVA_PENEVM 8 SVA_ORLPHYS 8 SVA_VAGPHYS 8 SVA_PENPHYS 8 SVA_ANY12MM 8 SVA_PEN12M 8 PAB_HUMILEV 8 PAB_HUMIL12M 8 PAB_PSYCHEV 8 PAB_PSYCH12M 8 SVB_SEX 8 SVB_ORLEV 8 SVB_ORLPHYS 8 SVB_ORLHIGH 8 SVB_FINGEV 8 SVB_FNGPHYS 8 SVB_FNGHIGH 8 SVB_VGSXEV 8 SVB_VGSXPHYS 8 SVB_VGSXHIGH 8 SVB_PENEV 8 SVB_PENPHYS 8 SVB_PENHIGH 8 SVB_FORCEEV 8 SVB_ANY12M 8 SVB_ANYPREG 8 SVB_ORLEVM 8 SVB_ORLPHYSM 8 SVB_ORLHIGHM 8 SVB_FINGEVM 8 SVB_FNGPHYSM 8 SVB_FNGHIGHM 8 SVB_VGSXEVM 8 SVB_VGSXPHYM 8 SVB_VGSXHIM 8 SVB_PENEVM 8 SVB_PENPHYSM 8 SVB_PENHIGHM 8 SVB_FORCEORL 8 SVB_FORCEVG 8 SVB_FORCEPEN 8 SVB_PHYS12M 8 SVB_PEN12M 8 TBI_HARMEVA 8 TBI_HARMEVB 8 TBI_HARMEVC 8 TBI_HARMEVD 8 TBI_HARMEVE 8 TBI_HARMPREG 8 TBI_INJFACE 8 TBI_WHENINJ 8 TBI_DAZED 8 TBI_REMEMBER 8 TBI_KNOCKOUT 8 TBI_SICK 8 TBI_HEADACHE 8 TBI_DIZZY 8 TBI_VISION 8 TBI_CONCEN 8 TBI_LEARN 8 TBI_SENSE 8 TBI_MOOD 8 TBI_SLEEP 8 TBI_EXDOC 8 TBI_WHYNODOCA 8 TBI_WHYNODOCB 8 TBI_WHYNODOCC 8 TBI_WHYNODOCD 8 TBI_WHYNODOCE 8 TBI_WHYNODOCF 8 TBI_WHYNODOCG 8 TBI_ANYSYMP 8 INT_ACCESS 8 INT_HOMEACC 8 INT_EXTENT 8 INT_USEMED 8 INT_USEDOC 8 INT_USETEST 8 HIT_USE 8 TEL_NONCELL 8 TEL_CELL 8 TEL_CELL_R 8 TEL_HHCELL 8 GROUP 8 START_DATE_R $5 END_DATE_R $5 ID_R 8 SOURCE 8 QUEX_LANG 8 P_OUTCOME 8 P_HHSIZE_R 8 P_AGE5YRS_R 8 P_EDUCATION_I_R 8 P_EDUCATION_I_R_IFLG 8 P_ONEVISIT 8 P_REMIND 8 P_CATIATT 8 P_DEVICE 8 P_MODE 8 P_VISIT 8 P_POVERTY4_R 8 P_EMPLOY 8 P_REGION 8 P_HOMEOWN_R 8 P_CITIZEN 8 P_VETERAN 8 P_USBORN 8 P_RACE_R 8 P_ORIENT 8 P_METRO_R 8 CAL_EMPLOY 8 P1_CALWT 8 P2_CALWT 8 WEIGHT 8 P_STRATA_R 8 P_PSU_R 8; INPUT HIS_GENERAL CHR_HYPEV CHR_CHLEV CHR_CHLEV_R CHR_ASEV CHR_CANEV PRG_PRGNOW PRG_PRBPRG PRG_NUMPRG_R GEN_CURGENA GEN_CURGENB GEN_CURGENC GEN_CURGEND GEN_CURGENE DIS_GLASS DIS_DIFSEE DIS_AID DIS_DIFHEAR DIS_DIFWLK DIS_DIFCOM DIS_DIFREM DIS_DIFCARE SOC_ERRANDS SOC_PARACTIV SOC_PARACTIV_R SOC_SCWRKLIM SOCWRKLMT ADO_START DISABILITY DIS_COUNT CON_TELWK CON_GETTOG CON_RELSERV CON_CLUBORG EMP_INSA EMP_INSB EMP_INSC EMP_INSD EMP_INSE EMP_INSF EMP_INSG EMP_INSH EMP_INSH_UNK EMP_INSH_OTH INSURED ACC_HTHLAST ACC_HTHUSUAL ACC_HTHTYPE ACC_HOSP12M MTL_ANXIETY MTL_ANXMEDS MTL_ANXLVL MTL_DEPRESS MTL_DEPMEDS MTL_DEPLVL MTL_MHRXA MTL_MHTHRPY MTL_MHTPYNOW HCA_MHTHDLY HCA_MHTND CIG_SMKEV CIG_SMKNOW CIV_VOL12M CIV_VOLOTH CIV_MEET CIV_VOTELOCL CIVIC_ENGAGE LAN_OTHERLAN LAN_MEDIA LAN_DOCTOR LAN_SOCIAL MAR_MARITAL MAR_EVMARRY MAR_LEGAL MAR_WIDIVSEP MARSTAT LEGMSTAT MARITAL TSV_EXPEV TSV_EXP12M TSV_POSTEV TSV_POST12M TSV_LTANY TSV_12MANY ECC_PARTEVA ECC_PARTEVB ECC_PARTEVC ECC_PARTEVD ECC_PARTEVE ECC_PARTEVF ECC_FINEVA ECC_FINEVB ECC_FINEVC ECC_FINEVD ECC_FINEVE ECC_FINEVF ECC_FINEVG ECC_ANYTIPV ECC_ANYFIPV PAA_PARTEVA PAA_PARTEVB PAA_PARTEVC PAA_PARTEVD PAA_PARTEVE PAA_PARTEVF PAA_PARTEVG PAA_PARTEVH PAA_PRT12M SVA_SEX SVA_ORLHIGH SVA_FNGHIGHF SVA_PENHIGHF SVA_ORLEV SVA_FINGEVF SVA_PENEVF SVA_FORCEEV SVA_ANY12MF SVA_PREG SVA_VGORHIGH SVA_FNGHIGHM SVA_PENHIGHM SVA_VGOREV SVA_FINGEVM SVA_PENEVM SVA_ORLPHYS SVA_VAGPHYS SVA_PENPHYS SVA_ANY12MM SVA_PEN12M PAB_HUMILEV PAB_HUMIL12M PAB_PSYCHEV PAB_PSYCH12M SVB_SEX SVB_ORLEV SVB_ORLPHYS SVB_ORLHIGH SVB_FINGEV SVB_FNGPHYS SVB_FNGHIGH SVB_VGSXEV SVB_VGSXPHYS SVB_VGSXHIGH SVB_PENEV SVB_PENPHYS SVB_PENHIGH SVB_FORCEEV SVB_ANY12M SVB_ANYPREG SVB_ORLEVM SVB_ORLPHYSM SVB_ORLHIGHM SVB_FINGEVM SVB_FNGPHYSM SVB_FNGHIGHM SVB_VGSXEVM SVB_VGSXPHYM SVB_VGSXHIM SVB_PENEVM SVB_PENPHYSM SVB_PENHIGHM SVB_FORCEORL SVB_FORCEVG SVB_FORCEPEN SVB_PHYS12M SVB_PEN12M TBI_HARMEVA TBI_HARMEVB TBI_HARMEVC TBI_HARMEVD TBI_HARMEVE TBI_HARMPREG TBI_INJFACE TBI_WHENINJ TBI_DAZED TBI_REMEMBER TBI_KNOCKOUT TBI_SICK TBI_HEADACHE TBI_DIZZY TBI_VISION TBI_CONCEN TBI_LEARN TBI_SENSE TBI_MOOD TBI_SLEEP TBI_EXDOC TBI_WHYNODOCA TBI_WHYNODOCB TBI_WHYNODOCC TBI_WHYNODOCD TBI_WHYNODOCE TBI_WHYNODOCF TBI_WHYNODOCG TBI_ANYSYMP INT_ACCESS INT_HOMEACC INT_EXTENT INT_USEMED INT_USEDOC INT_USETEST HIT_USE TEL_NONCELL TEL_CELL TEL_CELL_R TEL_HHCELL GROUP START_DATE_R $ END_DATE_R $ ID_R SOURCE QUEX_LANG P_OUTCOME P_HHSIZE_R P_AGE5YRS_R P_EDUCATION_I_R P_EDUCATION_I_R_IFLG P_ONEVISIT P_REMIND P_CATIATT P_DEVICE P_MODE P_VISIT P_POVERTY4_R P_EMPLOY P_REGION P_HOMEOWN_R P_CITIZEN P_VETERAN P_USBORN P_RACE_R P_ORIENT P_METRO_R CAL_EMPLOY P1_CALWT P2_CALWT WEIGHT P_STRATA_R P_PSU_R ; FORMAT HIS_GENERAL HIS_GENERAL_. CHR_HYPEV CHR_HYPEV_. CHR_CHLEV CHR_CHLEV_. CHR_CHLEV_R CHR_CHLEV_R_. CHR_ASEV CHR_ASEV_. CHR_CANEV CHR_CANEV_. PRG_PRGNOW PRG_PRGNOW_. PRG_PRBPRG PRG_PRBPRG_. PRG_NUMPRG_R PRG_NUMPRG_R_. GEN_CURGENA GEN_CURGENA_. GEN_CURGENB GEN_CURGENB_. GEN_CURGENC GEN_CURGENC_. GEN_CURGEND GEN_CURGEND_. GEN_CURGENE GEN_CURGENE_. DIS_GLASS DIS_GLASS_. DIS_DIFSEE DIS_DIFSEE_. DIS_AID DIS_AID_. DIS_DIFHEAR DIS_DIFHEAR_. DIS_DIFWLK DIS_DIFWLK_. DIS_DIFCOM DIS_DIFCOM_. DIS_DIFREM DIS_DIFREM_. DIS_DIFCARE DIS_DIFCARE_. SOC_ERRANDS SOC_ERRANDS_. SOC_PARACTIV SOC_PARACTIV_. SOC_PARACTIV_R SOC_PARACTIV_R_. SOC_SCWRKLIM SOC_SCWRKLIM_. SOCWRKLMT SOCWRKLMT_. ADO_START ADO_START_. DISABILITY DISABILITY_. CON_TELWK CON_TELWK_. CON_GETTOG CON_GETTOG_. CON_RELSERV CON_RELSERV_. CON_CLUBORG CON_CLUBORG_. EMP_INSA EMP_INSA_. EMP_INSB EMP_INSB_. EMP_INSC EMP_INSC_. EMP_INSD EMP_INSD_. EMP_INSE EMP_INSE_. EMP_INSF EMP_INSF_. EMP_INSG EMP_INSG_. EMP_INSH EMP_INSH_. EMP_INSH_UNK EMP_INSH_UNK_. EMP_INSH_OTH EMP_INSH_OTH_. INSURED INSURED_. ACC_HTHLAST ACC_HTHLAST_. ACC_HTHUSUAL ACC_HTHUSUAL_. ACC_HTHTYPE ACC_HTHTYPE_. ACC_HOSP12M ACC_HOSP12M_. MTL_ANXIETY MTL_ANXIETY_. MTL_ANXMEDS MTL_ANXMEDS_. MTL_ANXLVL MTL_ANXLVL_. MTL_DEPRESS MTL_DEPRESS_. MTL_DEPMEDS MTL_DEPMEDS_. MTL_DEPLVL MTL_DEPLVL_. MTL_MHRXA MTL_MHRXA_. MTL_MHTHRPY MTL_MHTHRPY_. MTL_MHTPYNOW MTL_MHTPYNOW_. HCA_MHTHDLY HCA_MHTHDLY_. HCA_MHTND HCA_MHTND_. CIG_SMKEV CIG_SMKEV_. CIG_SMKNOW CIG_SMKNOW_. CIV_VOL12M CIV_VOL12M_. CIV_VOLOTH CIV_VOLOTH_. CIV_MEET CIV_MEET_. CIV_VOTELOCL CIV_VOTELOCL_. CIVIC_ENGAGE CIVIC_ENGAGE_. LAN_OTHERLAN LAN_OTHERLAN_. LAN_MEDIA LAN_MEDIA_. LAN_DOCTOR LAN_DOCTOR_. LAN_SOCIAL LAN_SOCIAL_. MAR_MARITAL MAR_MARITAL_. MAR_EVMARRY MAR_EVMARRY_. MAR_LEGAL MAR_LEGAL_. MAR_WIDIVSEP MAR_WIDIVSEP_. MARSTAT MARSTAT_. LEGMSTAT LEGMSTAT_. MARITAL MARITAL_. TSV_EXPEV TSV_EXPEV_. TSV_EXP12M TSV_EXP12M_. TSV_POSTEV TSV_POSTEV_. TSV_POST12M TSV_POST12M_. TSV_LTANY YESNO_. TSV_12MANY YESNO_. ECC_PARTEVA ECC_PARTEVA_. ECC_PARTEVB ECC_PARTEVB_. ECC_PARTEVC ECC_PARTEVC_. ECC_PARTEVD ECC_PARTEVD_. ECC_PARTEVE ECC_PARTEVE_. ECC_PARTEVF ECC_PARTEVF_. ECC_FINEVA ECC_FINEVA_. ECC_FINEVB ECC_FINEVB_. ECC_FINEVC ECC_FINEVC_. ECC_FINEVD ECC_FINEVD_. ECC_FINEVE ECC_FINEVE_. ECC_FINEVF ECC_FINEVF_. ECC_FINEVG ECC_FINEVG_. ECC_ANYTIPV YESNO_. ECC_ANYFIPV YESNO_. PAA_PARTEVA PAA_PARTEVA_. PAA_PARTEVB PAA_PARTEVB_. PAA_PARTEVC PAA_PARTEVC_. PAA_PARTEVD PAA_PARTEVD_. PAA_PARTEVE PAA_PARTEVE_. PAA_PARTEVF PAA_PARTEVF_. PAA_PARTEVG PAA_PARTEVG_. PAA_PARTEVH PAA_PARTEVH_. PAA_PRT12M PAA_PRT12M_. SVA_SEX SVA_SEX_. SVA_ORLHIGH SVA_ORLHIGH_. SVA_FNGHIGHF SVA_FNGHIGHF_. SVA_PENHIGHF SVA_PENHIGHF_. SVA_ORLEV SVA_ORLEV_. SVA_FINGEVF SVA_FINGEVF_. SVA_PENEVF SVA_PENEVF_. SVA_FORCEEV SVA_FORCEEV_. SVA_ANY12MF SVA_ANY12MF_. SVA_PREG SVA_PREG_. SVA_VGORHIGH SVA_VGORHIGH_. SVA_FNGHIGHM SVA_FNGHIGHM_. SVA_PENHIGHM SVA_PENHIGHM_. SVA_VGOREV SVA_VGOREV_. SVA_FINGEVM SVA_FINGEVM_. SVA_PENEVM SVA_PENEVM_. SVA_ORLPHYS SVA_ORLPHYS_. SVA_VAGPHYS SVA_VAGPHYS_. SVA_PENPHYS SVA_PENPHYS_. SVA_ANY12MM SVA_ANY12MM_. SVA_PEN12M SVA_PEN12M_. PAB_HUMILEV PAB_HUMILEV_. PAB_HUMIL12M PAB_HUMIL12M_. PAB_PSYCHEV PAB_PSYCHEV_. PAB_PSYCH12M PAB_PSYCH12M_. SVB_SEX SVB_SEX_. SVB_ORLEV SVB_ORLEV_. SVB_ORLPHYS SVB_ORLPHYS_. SVB_ORLHIGH SVB_ORLHIGH_. SVB_FINGEV SVB_FINGEV_. SVB_FNGPHYS SVB_FNGPHYS_. SVB_FNGHIGH SVB_FNGHIGH_. SVB_VGSXEV SVB_VGSXEV_. SVB_VGSXPHYS SVB_VGSXPHYS_. SVB_VGSXHIGH SVB_VGSXHIGH_. SVB_PENEV SVB_PENEV_. SVB_PENPHYS SVB_PENPHYS_. SVB_PENHIGH SVB_PENHIGH_. SVB_FORCEEV SVB_FORCEEV_. SVB_ANY12M SVB_ANY12M_. SVB_ANYPREG SVB_ANYPREG_. SVB_ORLEVM SVB_ORLEVM_. SVB_ORLPHYSM SVB_ORLPHYSM_. SVB_ORLHIGHM SVB_ORLHIGHM_. SVB_FINGEVM SVB_FINGEVM_. SVB_FNGPHYSM SVB_FNGPHYSM_. SVB_FNGHIGHM SVB_FNGHIGHM_. SVB_VGSXEVM SVB_VGSXEVM_. SVB_VGSXPHYM SVB_VGSXPHYM_. SVB_VGSXHIM SVB_VGSXHIM_. SVB_PENEVM SVB_PENEVM_. SVB_PENPHYSM SVB_PENPHYSM_. SVB_PENHIGHM SVB_PENHIGHM_. SVB_FORCEORL SVB_FORCEORL_. SVB_FORCEVG SVB_FORCEVG_. SVB_FORCEPEN SVB_FORCEPEN_. SVB_PHYS12M SVB_PHYS12M_. SVB_PEN12M SVB_PEN12M_. TBI_HARMEVA TBI_HARMEVA_. TBI_HARMEVB TBI_HARMEVB_. TBI_HARMEVC TBI_HARMEVC_. TBI_HARMEVD TBI_HARMEVD_. TBI_HARMEVE TBI_HARMEVE_. TBI_HARMPREG TBI_HARMPREG_. TBI_INJFACE TBI_INJFACE_. TBI_WHENINJ TBI_WHENINJ_. TBI_DAZED TBI_DAZED_. TBI_REMEMBER TBI_REMEMBER_. TBI_KNOCKOUT TBI_KNOCKOUT_. TBI_SICK TBI_SICK_. TBI_HEADACHE TBI_HEADACHE_. TBI_DIZZY TBI_DIZZY_. TBI_VISION TBI_VISION_. TBI_CONCEN TBI_CONCEN_. TBI_LEARN TBI_LEARN_. TBI_SENSE TBI_SENSE_. TBI_MOOD TBI_MOOD_. TBI_SLEEP TBI_SLEEP_. TBI_EXDOC TBI_EXDOC_. TBI_WHYNODOCA TBI_WHYNODOCA_. TBI_WHYNODOCB TBI_WHYNODOCB_. TBI_WHYNODOCC TBI_WHYNODOCC_. TBI_WHYNODOCD TBI_WHYNODOCD_. TBI_WHYNODOCE TBI_WHYNODOCE_. TBI_WHYNODOCF TBI_WHYNODOCF_. TBI_WHYNODOCG TBI_WHYNODOCG_. TBI_ANYSYMP YESNO_. INT_ACCESS INT_ACCESS_. INT_HOMEACC INT_HOMEACC_. INT_EXTENT INT_EXTENT_. INT_USEMED INT_USEMED_. INT_USEDOC INT_USEDOC_. INT_USETEST INT_USETEST_. HIT_USE HIT_USE_. TEL_NONCELL TEL_NONCELL_. TEL_CELL TEL_CELL_. TEL_CELL_R TEL_CELL_R_. TEL_HHCELL TEL_HHCELL_. GROUP GROUP_. SOURCE SOURCE_. QUEX_LANG QUEX_LANG_. P_OUTCOME OUTCOME_. P_HHSIZE_R HHSIZE_. P_AGE5YRS_R P_AGE5YRS_R_. P_EDUCATION_I_R P_EDUCATION_I_R_. P_EDUCATION_I_R_IFLG IFLG_. P_ONEVISIT ONEVISIT_. P_DEVICE DEVICE_. P_MODE MODE2_. P_POVERTY4_R P_POVERTY4_R_. P_EMPLOY P_EMPLOY_. P_REGION REGION_. P_HOMEOWN_R P_HOMEOWN_R_. P_CITIZEN CITIZEN2_. P_VETERAN VETERAN_. P_USBORN USBORN2_. P_RACE_R P_RACE_R_. P_ORIENT P_ORIENT_. P_METRO_R CAL_METRO_. CAL_EMPLOY CAL_EMPLOY_.; LABEL HIS_GENERAL = "Self-reported health status" CHR_HYPEV = "Ever been told you had hypertension" CHR_CHLEV = "Ever told you had high cholesterol" CHR_CHLEV_R = "RECODE: Ever diagnosed high cholesterol" CHR_ASEV = "Ever been told you had asthma" CHR_CANEV = "Ever been told you had cancer" PRG_PRGNOW = "Pregnant now" PRG_PRBPRG = "Probably pregnant" PRG_NUMPRG_R = "Number of pregnancy in life - topcoded" GEN_CURGENA = "Currently describe self as: Male" GEN_CURGENB = "Currently describe self as: Female" GEN_CURGENC = "Currently describe self as: Transgender" GEN_CURGEND = "Currently describe self as: Nonbinary" GEN_CURGENE = "Currently describe self as: Another gender" DIS_GLASS = "Wear glasses or contacts" DIS_DIFSEE = "Difficulty seeing (even wearing glasses)" DIS_AID = "Use a hearing aid" DIS_DIFHEAR = "Difficulty hearing (even using hearing aid)" DIS_DIFWLK = "Difficulty walking or climbing steps" DIS_DIFCOM = "Difficulty communicating" DIS_DIFREM = "Difficulty remembering or concentrating" DIS_DIFCARE = "Difficulty with self-care" SOC_ERRANDS = "Difficulty doing errands alone" SOC_PARACTIV = "Difficulty participating in social activities" SOC_PARACTIV_R = "RECODE: Difficulty participating in social activities due to physical, mental, or emotional condition" SOC_SCWRKLIM = "Work limited due to health problem" SOCWRKLMT = "DERIVED: Any social/work limitation" ADO_START = "Disability onset began before age 22" DISABILITY = "DERIVED: Washington Group short set composite disability indicator" DIS_COUNT = "RECODE: Number of variables for which respondent answers 3 or 4 among: DIS_DIFWLK - SOC_ERRANDS" CON_TELWK = "Frequency of talking with family, friends, or neighbors" CON_GETTOG = "Frequency of getting together with friends or relatives" CON_RELSERV = "Frequency of attending church or religious services" CON_CLUBORG = "Frequency of attending meetings of any clubs or organizations" EMP_INSA = "Insurance coverage: Self/family member employer, union" EMP_INSB = "Insurance coverage: Self/family member purchased directly" EMP_INSC = "Insurance coverage: Medicare" EMP_INSD = "Insurance coverage: Medicaid or government assistance plan" EMP_INSE = "Insurance coverage: TRICARE or other military" EMP_INSF = "Insurance coverage: VA health care" EMP_INSG = "Insurance coverage: Indian Health Service" EMP_INSH = "Insurance coverage: Any other" EMP_INSH_UNK = "Private insurance, Other/Unknown Source" EMP_INSH_OTH = "Other health insurance reported" INSURED = "Health Insurance Status" ACC_HTHLAST = "Time since last saw doctor about your health" ACC_HTHUSUAL = "Have a usual place to go for care" ACC_HTHTYPE = "Type of place for usual care" ACC_HOSP12M = "Past 12 months, hospitalized overnight" MTL_ANXIETY = "Frequency of feeling worried, nervous or anxious" MTL_ANXMEDS = "Take medication for anxiety" MTL_ANXLVL = "Level of anxiety" MTL_DEPRESS = "Frequency of feeling depressed" MTL_DEPMEDS = "Take medication for depression" MTL_DEPLVL = "Level of depression" MTL_MHRXA = "Past 12 months, took prescription medication to help with any other emotions or with your concentration, behavior, or mental health" MTL_MHTHRPY = "Past 12 months, received counseling or therapy from a mental health professional" MTL_MHTPYNOW = "Currently receiving counseling or therapy from a mental health professional" HCA_MHTHDLY = "Past 12 months, delayed getting counseling or therapy from a mental health professional because of cost" HCA_MHTND = "Past 12 months, did not get counseling or therapy from a mental health professional because of cost" CIG_SMKEV = "Ever smoked 100 cigarettes in entire life" CIG_SMKNOW = "How often now smoke cigarettes" CIV_VOL12M = "Past 12 months, volunteer activities" CIV_VOLOTH = "Past 12 months, activities at schools or youth organizations" CIV_MEET = "Past 12 months, attend local public meetings" CIV_VOTELOCL = "Vote in last local elections" CIVIC_ENGAGE = "RECODE: Civic engagement including volunteering" LAN_OTHERLAN = "Speak language other than English at home" LAN_MEDIA = "What language use most often when watching television, read news, listen to radio" LAN_DOCTOR = "What language use most often when seeing a doctor" LAN_SOCIAL = "What language use most often when participate in social activities" MAR_MARITAL = "Now married, living with a partner, or neither" MAR_EVMARRY = "Ever been married" MAR_LEGAL = "Current legal marital status" MAR_WIDIVSEP = "Widowed, divorced, or separated" MARSTAT = "DERIVED: Current marital status" LEGMSTAT = "DERIVED: Legal marital status" MARITAL = "RECODE: Current Marriage Status - 2 levels" TSV_EXPEV = "Ever received unwanted sexually explicit message or image without your consent" TSV_EXP12M = "Past 12 months, received unwanted sexually explicit message or image without your consent" TSV_POSTEV = "Ever electronically sent or posted sexual photo or video without your consent" TSV_POST12M = "Past 12 months, electronically sent or posted sexual photo or video without your consent" TSV_LTANY = "DERIVED: Ever experienced lifetime technology-facilitated sexual violence" TSV_12MANY = "DERIVED: Past 12 months, experienced technology-facilitated sexual violence" ECC_PARTEVA = "Partner ever checked your phone without permission" ECC_PARTEVB = "Partner sent harassing messages to you via text or social media" ECC_PARTEVC = "Partner used your social media account to view your activity without permission" ECC_PARTEVD = "Partner used GPS technology to track your location without permission" ECC_PARTEVE = "Partner tried to make you talk about sex online when you did not want to" ECC_PARTEVF = "Partner ignored your phone calls or text messages to hurt your feelings" ECC_FINEVA = "Partner decided how you could spend your money" ECC_FINEVB = "Partner kept you from having a job or going to work" ECC_FINEVC = "Partner took out loan or bought something in your name without permission" ECC_FINEVD = "Partner put bills in your name, leaving you to pay them" ECC_FINEVE = "Partner forced or pressured you to give them your savings or other assets" ECC_FINEVF = "Partner caused concerns about your finances, affecting decision to stay or leave" ECC_FINEVG = "Partner negatively affected your credit card debt." ECC_ANYTIPV = "DERIVED: Any technology-facilitated intimate partner violence" ECC_ANYFIPV = "DERIVED: Any financial intimate partner violence" PAA_PARTEVA = "Partner ever kept you from having your own money." PAA_PARTEVB = "Partner ever tried to keep you from seeing or talking to family or friends." PAA_PARTEVC = "Partner ever demand to know where you were and what you were doing." PAA_PARTEVD = "Partner ever made threats to physically harm you." PAA_PARTEVE = "Partner ever threatened self-harm because they were upset with you." PAA_PARTEVF = "Partner ever made decisions that should have been yours to make." PAA_PARTEVG = "Partner ever destroyed something that was important to you." PAA_PARTEVH = "Partner ever insulted or humiliated you in front of others." PAA_PRT12M = "Past 12 months, current or ex-partner did these things: [PAA_PARTEVA - PAA_PARTEVH]" SVA_SEX = "Indicator for question type in SVA section: Female or male set of questions" SVA_ORLHIGH = "Performed oral sex on you when you could not consent, female" SVA_FNGHIGHF = "Penetrated vagina/anus with fingers/object when you could not consent, female" SVA_PENHIGHF = "Penetrated vagina/mouth/anus with penis when you could not consent, female" SVA_ORLEV = "Performed oral sex on you using physical force when you did not consent, female" SVA_FINGEVF = "Penetrated vagina/anus with fingers/object using physical force without consent, female" SVA_PENEVF = "Penetrated vagina/mouth/anus with penis using physical force without consent, female" SVA_FORCEEV = "Used physical force/threats to try to penetrate vagina, mouth, or anus, female" SVA_ANY12MF = "Past 12 months, experienced sexual violence, female" SVA_PREG = "Ever experienced sexual violence while pregnant, female" SVA_VGORHIGH = "Vaginal or oral sex with you when you could not consent, male" SVA_FNGHIGHM = "Penetrated anus with fingers/object when you could not consent, male" SVA_PENHIGHM = "Penetrated mouth/anus with penis when you could not consent, male" SVA_VGOREV = "Vaginal or oral sex with you using physical force when you did not consent, male" SVA_FINGEVM = "Penetrated anus with fingers/object using physical force without your consent, male" SVA_PENEVM = "Penetrated mouth/anus with penis using physical force when you did not consent, male" SVA_ORLPHYS = "Used physical force to try to perform oral sex or make you perform oral sex, male" SVA_VAGPHYS = "Used physical force to try to make you perform vaginal sex, male" SVA_PENPHYS = "Used physical force to try to penetrate your mouth or anus with their penis, male" SVA_ANY12MM = "Past 12 months, experienced sexual violence (no penetration), male" SVA_PEN12M = "Past 12 months, experienced sexual violence (penetration), male" PAB_HUMILEV = "Ever experienced humiliation by a partner" PAB_HUMIL12M = "Past 12 months, experienced humiliation by a partner" PAB_PSYCHEV = "Ever experienced psychological aggression" PAB_PSYCH12M = "Past 12 months, experienced psychological aggression" SVB_SEX = "Indicator for question type in SVB section: Female or male set of questions" SVB_ORLEV = "Performed oral sex on you when you did not consent, female" SVB_ORLPHYS = "Oral sex happened because the person used physical force, female" SVB_ORLHIGH = "Oral sex happened because you were unable to consent, female" SVB_FINGEV = "Penetrated vagina/anus with fingers/object when you did not consent, female" SVB_FNGPHYS = "Penetration by fingers/objects happened because the person used physical force, female" SVB_FNGHIGH = "Penetration by fingers/objects happened because you were unable to consent, female" SVB_VGSXEV = "Vaginal sex with you when you did not consent, female" SVB_VGSXPHYS = "Vaginal sex happened because the person used physical force, female" SVB_VGSXHIGH = "Vaginal sex happened because you were unable to consent, female" SVB_PENEV = "Penetrated mouth/anus with penis when you did not consent, female" SVB_PENPHYS = "Penetration of mouth/anus happened because person used physical force, female" SVB_PENHIGH = "Penetration of mouth/anus happened because you were unable to consent, female" SVB_FORCEEV = "Used physical force to try to penetrate vagina/mouth/anus with penis, female" SVB_ANY12M = "Past 12 months, experienced sexual violence, female" SVB_ANYPREG = "Ever experienced sexual violence while pregnant, female" SVB_ORLEVM = "Performed oral sex on you when you did not consent, male" SVB_ORLPHYSM = "Oral sex happened because the person used physical force, male" SVB_ORLHIGHM = "Oral sex happened because you were unable to consent, male" SVB_FINGEVM = "Penetrated anus with fingers/object when you did not consent, male" SVB_FNGPHYSM = "Penetration with fingers/object happened because the person used physical force, male" SVB_FNGHIGHM = "Penetration with fingers/object happened because you were unable to consent, male" SVB_VGSXEVM = "Vaginal sex with you when you did not consent, male" SVB_VGSXPHYM = "Vaginal sex happened because the person used physical force, male" SVB_VGSXHIM = "Vaginal sex happened because you were unable to consent, male" SVB_PENEVM = "Penetrated your mouth/anus with penis when you did not consent, male" SVB_PENPHYSM = "Penetration with penis happened because person used physical force, male" SVB_PENHIGHM = "Penetration with penis happened because you were unable to consent, male" SVB_FORCEORL = "Used physical force to try to perform oral sex or make you perform oral sex, male" SVB_FORCEVG = "Used physical force to try to make you perform vaginal sex, male" SVB_FORCEPEN = "Used physical force to try to penetrate your mouth/anus with their penis, male" SVB_PHYS12M = "Past 12 months, experienced sexual violence (no penetration), male" SVB_PEN12M = "Past 12 months, experienced sexual violence (penetration), male" TBI_HARMEVA = "Current or ex-romantic or sexual partner ever slapped, pushed, or shoved you?" TBI_HARMEVB = "Current or ex-romantic or sexual partner ever hit you with fist/something hard?" TBI_HARMEVC = "Current or ex-romantic or sexual partner ever kicked or stomped on you?" TBI_HARMEVD = "Current or ex-romantic or sexual partner ever slammed you against something?" TBI_HARMEVE = "Current or ex-romantic or sexual partner ever hit you in head/made you hit head?" TBI_HARMPREG = "Partner did these things [TBI_HARMEVA - TBI_HARMEVE] while pregnant?" TBI_INJFACE = "Ever have an injury to head or face because of things your partner did to you?" TBI_WHENINJ = "When did most severe injury to head or face occur?" TBI_DAZED = "After most severe injury, were you dazed, confused, or have trouble thinking?" TBI_REMEMBER = "After most severe injury, did you have trouble remembering events before/after?" TBI_KNOCKOUT = "After most severe injury, were you knocked out or lose consciousness?" TBI_SICK = "After most severe injury, did you feel sick to your stomach or did you vomit?" TBI_HEADACHE = "After most severe injury, did you have a headache?" TBI_DIZZY = "After most severe injury, were you dizzy, clumsy, or have balance problems?" TBI_VISION = "After most severe injury, did you have blurred or double vision?" TBI_CONCEN = "After most severe injury, did you have trouble concentrating?" TBI_LEARN = "After most severe injury, did you have trouble learning/remembering new things?" TBI_SENSE = "After most severe injury, were you more sensitive to light or noise?" TBI_MOOD = "After most severe injury, did you experience a change in mood or temperament?" TBI_SLEEP = "After most severe injury, did you have trouble sleeping or were more tired?" TBI_EXDOC = "After most severe injury, were you examined by doctor/nurse/health professional?" TBI_WHYNODOCA = "Reason not examined: Didn't think the injury was serious" TBI_WHYNODOCB = "Reason not examined: Difficulty paying for it" TBI_WHYNODOCC = "Reason not examined: Did not have transportation" TBI_WHYNODOCD = "Reason not examined: Could not take time off work" TBI_WHYNODOCE = "Reason not examined: Prevented from seeking care by current or ex-partner" TBI_WHYNODOCF = "Reason not examined: Unable to seek care because of COVID-19" TBI_WHYNODOCG = "Reason not examined: Some other reason" TBI_ANYSYMP = "DERIVED: Any TBI Symptoms" INT_ACCESS = "Access to internet" INT_HOMEACC = "Access to internet from home" INT_EXTENT = "DERIVED: Extent of internet access" INT_USEMED = "Past 12 months, use internet to look for health or medical information" INT_USEDOC = "Past 12 months, use internet to communicate with doctor/doctor's office" INT_USETEST = "Past 12 months, use internet to look up medical test results" HIT_USE = "DERIVED: Any health information technology (HIT) use" TEL_NONCELL = "At least one telephone inside home, not cell phone" TEL_CELL = "Have a working cell phone" TEL_CELL_R = "RECODE: Adult has a working cell phone" TEL_HHCELL = "Live with anyone with a working cell phone" GROUP = "Paradata: Randomize group assignment" START_DATE_R = "Date the survey started" END_DATE_R = "Date the survey was completed" ID_R = "Respondent Survey ID" SOURCE = "Paradata: Panel Provider" QUEX_LANG = "Paradata: Language of interview" P_OUTCOME = "Paradata: Outcome code" P_HHSIZE_R = "Panel Profile: Numeric household size, capped at 6+" P_AGE5YRS_R = "DERIVED: Age - 12 levels" P_EDUCATION_I_R = "Panel Profile: Education - 3 levels" P_EDUCATION_I_R_IFLG = "Imputation flag for panel profile variable: " P_ONEVISIT = "Paradata: Whether the survey was completed in a single session" P_REMIND = "Paradata: Number of reminders sent" P_CATIATT = "Paradata: Number of contact attempts (phone)" P_DEVICE = "Paradata: Device used to complete survey (web only)" P_MODE = "Paradata: Mode of interview" P_VISIT = "Paradata: Number of times the questionnaire was accessed/login attempts (web)" P_POVERTY4_R = "RECODE: Poverty Status (ratio of household income to the federal poverty level) - 4 levels" P_EMPLOY = "Panel Profile: Current Employment Status" P_REGION = "Panel Profile: 4-level region" P_HOMEOWN_R = "DERIVED: Home ownership - 2 levels" P_CITIZEN = "Panel Profile: Are you a US citizen?" P_VETERAN = "Panel Profile: Have you ever served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, military Reserves, or National Guard?" P_USBORN = "Panel Profile: Is respondent US born?" P_RACE_R = "Panel Profile: Single and multiple race/ethnicity groups (all adults)" P_ORIENT = "Panel Profile: Sexual Orientation" P_METRO_R = "NCHS 2013 Urban/Rural code" CAL_EMPLOY = "Calibration Variable: Panel profile for employment" P1_CALWT = "Panel provider 1 weight calibrated to NHIS control totals" P2_CALWT = "Panel provider 2 weight calibrated to NHIS control totals" WEIGHT = "Final combined weight calibrated to NHIS control totals" P_STRATA_R = "Panel Sample Strata" P_PSU_R = "Panel PSU"; run;