/* RSS PUF Input Program: This program imports RSS CSV file into SAS working directory as a SAS dataset: - Loads formats to the working directory - Imports the RSS CSV data file as a SAS dataset - Applies labels and formats to the SAS dataset Before running this program, please download the CSV file or SAS dataset to a folder called C:\RSS5 (on a machine running Windows). If importing the SAS dataset, please change the filename statement below, as well as replace the data step below with: data &dsn. ; set in.&filename ; run ; */ %let folderpath = C:\RSS5; *folder location of CSV file; %let filename = RSS5_PUF.csv; *CSV file name to import into sas; %let dsn = rss5_puf; *SAS dataset name for output dataset; %let formatcat= work.formats; *SAS formats name in temp working folder; libname in "&folderpath"; PROC FORMAT library = &formatcat; VALUE ACS_BLIND_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ACS_CONCEN_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ACS_DEAF_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ACS_DISABLED_ -8= "Not ascertained" 0= "Without a disability" 1= "With a disability"; VALUE ACS_DRESS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ACS_ERRANDS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE ACS_WALKING_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CAD_ANXIOUS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Never" 1= "Daily" 2= "Weekly" 3= "Monthly" 4= "A few times a year"; VALUE CAD_DEPRESS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Never" 1= "Daily" 2= "Weekly" 3= "Monthly" 4= "A few times a year"; VALUE CAL_HHDINC_ 1= "$0-49,999" 2= "$50,000 - 99,999" 3= "$100,000+"; VALUE CAL_HOMEOWN_R_ 1= "Own or being bought" 2= "Rent/other arrangement"; VALUE CAL_REGION_ 1= "Northeast" 2= "Midwest" 3= "South" 4= "West"; VALUE CAU_DELAYED_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CAU_DELAYRX_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CAU_EYEEXAM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CAU_HTHLASTA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Never" 1= "Less than 12 months ago" 2= "More than 1 year but less than 2 years ago" 3= "More than 2 years but less than 3 years ago" 4= "More than 3 years but less than 5 years ago" 5= "More than 5 years but less than 10 years ago" 6= "10 years ago or more"; VALUE CAU_HTHLASTA_R_ -8= "Not ascertained" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CAU_HTHLASTB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Never" 1= "Less than 12 months ago" 2= "More than 1 year but less than 2 years ago" 3= "More than 2 years but less than 3 years ago" 4= "More than 3 years but less than 5 years ago" 5= "More than 5 years but less than 10 years ago" 6= "10 years ago or more"; VALUE CAU_HTHTYPE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Does not go to one place most often" 1= "A doctor’s office or health center" 2= "Urgent care center or clinic in a drug store or grocery store" 3= "Hospital emergency room" 4= "Some other place"; VALUE CAU_HTHUSUAL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Yes, there is a single place" 2= "No, there is no place" 3= "Yes, there is more than one place"; VALUE CAU_NOCARE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CAU_NORX_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CAU_NUMHOSER_R_ -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "1" 2= "2" 3= "3" 4= "4" 5= "5+"; VALUE CAU_NUMURGNT_R_ -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "1" 2= "2" 3= "3" 4= "4" 5= "5" 6= "6+"; VALUE CAU_PRESCRIP_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CAU_PRESCRIP_R_ -8= "Not ascertained" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CAU_THERAPY_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CAU_VISITTYP_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CCC_ASTHMA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CCC_ASTHMA_R_ -8= "Not ascertained" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CDD_DEVDELAY_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CDD_DEVDELNW_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CDD_INTDISNW_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CDD_INTDIS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CDS_DIFHEAR_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do at all"; VALUE CDS_DIFLEARN_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE CDS_DIFMILEA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE CDS_DIFMILEB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE CDS_DIFMILEC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE CDS_DIFPIKUP_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE CDS_DIFREM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE CDS_DIFSEE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE CDS_DIFSELF_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE CDS_DIFSPEAK_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE CDS_DIFSPKOT_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE CDS_DIFUNDER_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE CDS_DIFUNDOT_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE CDS_DIFWALKA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE CDS_DIFWALKB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE CDS_DIFWALKC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do at all"; VALUE CDS_DIFYRDSA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE CDS_DIFYRDSB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE CDS_DIFYRDSC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE CDS_EQUIP_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CDS_GLASSES_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CDS_HEARAID_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CHI_INSURA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE CHI_INSURB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE CHI_INSURD_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE CHI_INSURED_ -8= "Not ascertained" 0= "Not insured" 1= "Insured"; VALUE CHI_INSURE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE CHI_INSURF_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE CHI_INSURG_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE CHI_INSURH_OTH_ -8= "Not ascertained" 0= "No" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE CHI_INSURH_R_ -8= "Not ascertained" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CHI_INSURH_UNK_ -8= "Not ascertained" 0= "No" 2= "Upcoded: Yes"; VALUE CHR_CHLEV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE CHS_HEALTH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Excellent" 2= "Very good" 3= "Good" 4= "Fair" 5= "Poor"; VALUE CITIZEN2_ 0= "Not a U.S. citizen" 1= "U.S. citizen"; VALUE CIV_MEET_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE COMMDIFF217_ -8= "Not ascertained" 1= "Communication difficulty (a lot of difficulty, cannot do at all)" 2= "No communication difficulty"; VALUE COV_EVCOVID_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE DEVICE_ 1= "Desktop/Laptop/netbook" 2= "Smartphone" 3= "Tablet" 4= "Other device (book reader, game console, etc.)" 5= "Phone interview (not online)"; VALUE FSC_AFFORD_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Often true" 2= "Sometimes true" 3= "Never true"; VALUE FSC_EATLESS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE FSC_LOSEWT_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE FSC_NOEATDAY_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE FSC_NOEATNUM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier"; VALUE FSC_NOTEAT_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE FSC_NOTLAST_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Often true" 2= "Sometimes true" 3= "Never true"; VALUE FSC_SKIPNUM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier"; VALUE FSC_SKIP_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE FSC_WORRY_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Often true" 2= "Sometimes true" 3= "Never true"; VALUE FSSTATD_ -8= "Not ascertained" 1= "High food security" 2= "Marginal food security" 3= "Low food security" 4= "Very low food security"; VALUE GROUP_ 1= "Group 1" 2= "Group 2"; VALUE HHR_HHNUM_R_ 1= "1" 2= "2" 3= "3" 4= "4" 5= "5" 6= "6+"; VALUE HHR_LEGALG_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE HHR_RELAT_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Parent, stepparent, foster parent" 2= "Sibling" 3= "Grandparent" 4= "Aunt or uncle" 5= "Other family member" 6= "Other non-family member"; VALUE IFLG_ 0= "No imputation" 1= "Logical assignment" 2= "Statistical imputation"; VALUE INJ_INJURY3M_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE KNW_CONFIDNT_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Very confident" 2= "Somewhat confident" 3= "Not very confident" 4= "Not at all confident"; VALUE KNW_HELP_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE LAN_DOCTOR_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "English" 2= "Spanish" 3= "Another language"; VALUE LAN_MEDIA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "English" 2= "Spanish" 3= "Another language"; VALUE LAN_OTHERLAN_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE LAN_SOCIAL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "English" 2= "Spanish" 3= "Another language"; VALUE LEGMSTAT_ -8= "Unknown" 1= "Separated" 2= "Divorced" 3= "Married" 4= "Single/Never Married" 5= "Widowed"; VALUE MARITAL_ -8= "Unknown" 1= "Married" 2= "Not married"; VALUE MARSTAT_ -8= "Unknown" 1= "Married" 2= "Widowed" 3= "Divorced" 4= "Separated" 5= "Never Married" 6= "Living with partner"; VALUE MAR_EVMARRY_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE MAR_LEGAL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Married" 2= "Widowed" 3= "Divorced" 4= "Separated"; VALUE MAR_MARITAL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Married" 2= "Living with a partner together as an unmarried couple" 3= "Neither"; VALUE MAR_WIDIVSEP_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Widowed" 2= "Divorced" 3= "Separated"; VALUE METRO_ 1= "Metropolitan" 2= "Nonmetropolitan"; VALUE MODE2_ 1= "Web" 2= "CATI"; VALUE NUMCHILD_R_ 1= "1" 2= "2" 3= "3+"; VALUE ONEVISIT_ 0= "Multiple session or did not complete" 1= "Completed survey in single session"; VALUE PCE_ACTIVE_ -8= "Not ascertained"; VALUE PCE_ACTIVITYA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE PCE_ACTIVITYB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE PCE_ACTIVITYC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE PCE_ACTIVITYD_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE PCE_ACTIVITYE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE PCE_ACTIVITYF_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE PCE_ACTIVITYG_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE PCE_ACTIVITYH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE PCE_ARTS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PCE_CLOSENEI_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Strongly agree" 2= "Somewhat agree" 3= "Somewhat disagree" 4= "Strongly disagree"; VALUE PCE_CLOSESCH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Strongly agree" 2= "Somewhat agree" 3= "Somewhat disagree" 4= "Strongly disagree"; VALUE PCE_CLUBS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PCE_EMSUPP_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PCE_EXERCISE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "0 days" 2= "1-3 days" 3= "4-6 days" 4= "Every day"; VALUE PCE_FRIENDS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE PCE_HELPOTH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Strongly agree" 2= "Somewhat agree" 3= "Somewhat disagree" 4= "Strongly disagree"; VALUE PCE_NEIGHBOR_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Strongly agree" 2= "Somewhat agree" 3= "Somewhat disagree" 4= "Strongly disagree"; VALUE PCE_OPENFRND_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "A lot" 2= "Some" 3= "A little" 4= "Not at all"; VALUE PCE_OUTDOORS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Less than 1 hour per day" 2= "1-2 hours per day" 3= "2-3 hours per day" 4= "3-4 hours per day" 5= "4 or more hours per day"; VALUE PCE_PARK_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PCE_PARTNEI_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Strongly agree" 2= "Somewhat agree" 3= "Somewhat disagree" 4= "Strongly disagree"; VALUE PCE_PARTSCH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Strongly agree" 2= "Somewhat agree" 3= "Somewhat disagree" 4= "Strongly disagree"; VALUE PCE_PATHS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PCE_PLAYDAY_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Very safe" 2= "Somewhat safe" 3= "Not at all safe"; VALUE PCE_PLAYFRND_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "4 or more days per week" 2= "1-3 days per week" 3= "Less than 1 day per week" 4= "Never"; VALUE PCE_READING_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PCE_RECCOMM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PCE_RELA_ -8= "Not ascertained"; VALUE PCE_RELYADLT_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PCE_RELYFRND_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "A lot" 2= "Some" 3= "A little" 4= "Not at all"; VALUE PCE_RELYHELP_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Strongly agree" 2= "Somewhat agree" 3= "Somewhat disagree" 4= "Strongly disagree"; VALUE PCE_SAFE_ -8= "Not ascertained"; VALUE PCE_SERVICE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PCE_SHARE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Very well" 2= "Somewhat well" 3= "Not very well" 4= "Not well at all"; VALUE PCE_SOC_ -8= "Not ascertained"; VALUE PCE_SPORTS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PCE_TEACHERS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Strongly agree" 2= "Somewhat agree" 3= "Somewhat disagree" 4= "Strongly disagree"; VALUE PCE_TOTAL_ -8= "Not ascertained"; VALUE PCE_VIDEOFRN_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "7 or more hours per week, or an hour or more per day" 2= "Between 5 and 7 hours per week" 3= "Between 1 and 4 hour(s) per week" 4= "Less than 1 hour per week" 5= "Never"; VALUE PCRACEMATCH_ -8= "Not ascertained" 1= "Same" 2= "Not the same"; VALUE PMB_NOPAYNOW_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PMB_NOPAY_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE PMB_WORRYPAY_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Very worried" 2= "Somewhat worried" 3= "Not at all worried"; VALUE PMB_WORRYPAY_R_ 1= "Very worried" 2= "Somewhat/not at all worried" -8="Not ascertained"; VALUE P_AGE_10R_ 1= "18-24" 2= "25-29" 3= "30-34" 4= "35-39" 5= "40-44" 6= "45-49" 7= "50-54" 8= "55-59" 9= "60-64" 10= "65+"; VALUE P_EDUCATION_I_R_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "High school graduate or less" 2= "Some college" 3= "Bachelor's degree or above"; VALUE P_EMPLOY_ 1= "Working" 2= "Not working--unable to work for health reasons/disabled" 3= "Not working--retired" 4= "Not working--other"; VALUE P_HOMEOWN_R_ 1= "Own or being bought" 2= "Rent/other arrangement"; VALUE P_ORIENT_ 1= "Gay or lesbian" 2= "Straight, that is not lesbian/gay" 3= "Bisexual" 4= "Something else"; VALUE P_OUTCOME_ 0= "Never accessed instrument" 1= "Did not complete roster, eligibility status unknown" 2= "Completed roster, screened in, but did not complete the full interview" 3= "Completed roster, screened in, fully completed interview, and retained" 4= "Completed roster, screened in, fully completed interview, but subsequently removed due to speeding/excessive item nonresponse" 5= "Completed roster, screened out because the adult panelist is not the parent/legal guardian of any eligible children in the household" 6= "Completed roster, screened out because there are no children 0-17 in the household"; VALUE P_POVERTY4_R_ 1= "0 - < 1.00" 2= "1.00 - < 2.00" 3= "2.00 - < 4.00" 4= "4.00 +"; VALUE QUEX_LANG_ 1= "English" 2= "Spanish"; VALUE REGION_ 1= "Northeast" 2= "Midwest" 3= "South" 4= "West"; VALUE SCAGEY_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "0 months -11 months" 1= "1 year" 2= "2 years" 3= "3 years" 4= "4 years" 5= "5 years" 6= "6 years" 7= "7 years" 8= "8 years" 9= "9 years" 10= "10 years" 11= "11 years" 12= "12 years" 13= "13 years" 14= "14 years" 15= "15 years" 16= "16 years" 17= "17 years" 18= "18 years"; VALUE SCC_DAYCARE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SCC_ENROLL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Had not yet started school" 2= "Attended a public, private, or charter school in-person for grades Pre-K to 12" 3= "Was homeschooled full-time" 4= "Attended a virtual school full-time" 5= "Attended a college or university"; VALUE SCC_GENDER_R_ -8= "Not ascertained" 1= "Male" 2= "Female"; VALUE SCC_RACEETH_ -8= "Not ascertained" 1= "American Indian or Alaskan Native alone" 2= "Asian alone" 3= "Black or African American alone" 4= "Hispanic or Latino alone" 5= "Middle Eastern or North African alone" 6= "Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander alone" 7= "White alone" 8= "Multiracial and/or Multiethnic"; VALUE SCC_RACE_R_ -8= "Not ascertained" 1= "Hispanic" 2= "Non-Hispanic, White Only" 3= "Non-Hispanic, Black Only" 4= "Non-Hispanic, Other"; VALUE SLE_BASNEEDS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SLE_INSULT_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SLE_SEVDEPRS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SLE_VIOLENCE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SNP_SNAPBEN_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SOC_ERRANDS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE SOC_PARACTIV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE SOC_SCWRKLIM_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE SOURCE_ 1= "Panel Provider 1" 2= "Panel Provider 2"; VALUE USBORN2_ 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE VAX_ALLREC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE VAX_CONCOVID_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Very confident" 2= "Somewhat confident" 3= "Not at all confident"; VALUE VAX_CONOTH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Very confident" 2= "Somewhat confident" 3= "Not at all confident"; VALUE VAX_CONVCOV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "I do not have conversations with friends or family about the COVID-19 vaccine for children." 1= "Mostly positive" 2= "Mostly negative" 3= "A mix, that is, both positive and negative" 4= "Mostly Neutral"; VALUE VAX_CONVOTH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "I do not have conversations with friends or family about other childhood vaccines." 1= "Mostly positive" 2= "Mostly negative" 3= "A mix, that is, both positive and negative" 4= "Mostly Neutral"; VALUE VAX_COST_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Strongly agree" 2= "Somewhat agree" 3= "Somewhat disagree" 4= "Strongly disagree"; VALUE VAX_COVID_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE VAX_DECISIONA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VAX_DECISIONB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VAX_DECISIONC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VAX_DECISIOND_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VAX_DECISIONE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VAX_DIFFICULT_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "I have not tried to get my child vaccinated" 1= "Not at all difficult" 2= "Somewhat difficult" 3= "Very difficult"; VALUE VAX_EXEMPT_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE VAX_FLU_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE VAX_GARDASIL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE VAX_HESCOVID_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Not at all hesitant" 2= "Not that hesitant" 3= "Somewhat hesitant" 4= "Very hesitant"; VALUE VAX_HESOTH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Not at all hesitant" 2= "Not that hesitant" 3= "Somewhat hesitant" 4= "Very hesitant"; VALUE VAX_HOWCOMMA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VAX_HOWCOMMB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VAX_HOWCOMMC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VAX_HOWCOMMD_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VAX_HOWCOMME_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VAX_HOWCOMMF_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VAX_IMPCOVID_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Very important" 2= "Somewhat important" 3= "Not at all important"; VALUE VAX_IMPOTH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Very important" 2= "Somewhat important" 3= "Not at all important"; VALUE VAX_INFOSCHA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "I would appreciate receiving this information." 2= "I would not appreciate receiving this information." 3= "Not sure"; VALUE VAX_INFOSCHB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "I appreciated receiving this information." 2= "I did not appreciate receiving this information" 3= "Not sure"; VALUE VAX_KNOWEFF_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE VAX_MMREDU_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Very concerned" 2= "Somewhat concerned" 3= "Not at all concerned"; VALUE VAX_MMRLOCAL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Strongly agree" 2= "Somewhat agree" 3= "Somewhat disagree" 4= "Strongly disagree"; VALUE VAX_MMROUTB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE VAX_MMRUS_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Strongly agree" 2= "Somewhat agree" 3= "Somewhat disagree" 4= "Strongly disagree"; VALUE VAX_MMR_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE VAX_NEWSCOV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "I have not seen discussions on television news about the COVID-19 vaccine for children." 1= "Mostly positive" 2= "Mostly negative" 3= "A mix, that is, both positive and negative" 4= "Mostly Neutral"; VALUE VAX_NEWSOTH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "I have not seen discussions on television news about other childhood vaccines." 1= "Mostly positive" 2= "Mostly negative" 3= "A mix, that is, both positive and negative" 4= "Mostly Neutral"; VALUE VAX_RECVACCA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VAX_RECVACCB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VAX_RECVACCC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VAX_RECVACCD_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VAX_SAFECOV_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Very confident" 2= "Somewhat confident" 3= "Not at all confident"; VALUE VAX_SAFEOTH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Very confident" 2= "Somewhat confident" 3= "Not at all confident"; VALUE VAX_SIDEEFF_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE VAX_SOCCOVID_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "I have not seen discussions on social media about the COVID-19 vaccine for children." 1= "Mostly positive" 2= "Mostly negative" 3= "A mix, that is, both positive and negative" 4= "Mostly Neutral"; VALUE VAX_SOCOTH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "I have not seen discussions on social media about other childhood vaccines." 1= "Mostly positive" 2= "Mostly negative" 3= "A mix, that is, both positive and negative" 4= "Mostly Neutral"; VALUE VAX_TIME_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Strongly agree" 2= "Somewhat agree" 3= "Somewhat disagree" 4= "Strongly disagree"; VALUE VAX_TOOMANY_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE VAX_TRANSPO_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "Strongly agree" 2= "Somewhat agree" 3= "Somewhat disagree" 4= "Strongly disagree"; VALUE VAX_TRUSTDOC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE VAX_WHOCOMMA_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VAX_WHOCOMMB_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VAX_WHOCOMMC_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VAX_WHOCOMMD_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE VETERAN_ 0= "Not a veteran" 1= "Veteran"; VALUE WALKDIFF217_ -8= "Not ascertained" 1= "Ambulatory difficulty (having serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs)" 2= "No ambulatory difficulty"; RUN; data &dsn.; infile "&folderpath./&filename" dlm="," missover firstobs =2 DSD; LENGTH HHR_HHNUM_R 8 NUMCHILD_R 8 HHR_RELAT_SC 8 HHR_LEGALG_SC 8 SCAGEY 8 SCC_GENDER_R 8 SCC_ENROLL 8 SCC_DAYCARE 8 SCC_RACE_R 8 SCC_RACEETH 8 CHS_HEALTH 8 CCC_ASTHMA 8 CCC_ASTHMA_R 8 COV_EVCOVID 8 CDD_INTDIS 8 CDD_INTDISNW 8 CDD_DEVDELAY 8 CDD_DEVDELNW 8 CDS_GLASSES 8 CDS_DIFSEE 8 CDS_HEARAID 8 CDS_DIFHEAR 8 CDS_EQUIP 8 CDS_DIFWALKA 8 CDS_DIFWALKB 8 CDS_DIFWALKC 8 CDS_DIFYRDSA 8 CDS_DIFMILEA 8 CDS_DIFYRDSB 8 CDS_DIFMILEB 8 CDS_DIFYRDSC 8 CDS_DIFMILEC 8 CDS_DIFUNDER 8 CDS_DIFSPEAK 8 CDS_DIFSPKOT 8 CDS_DIFUNDOT 8 CDS_DIFLEARN 8 CDS_DIFREM 8 CDS_DIFPIKUP 8 CDS_DIFSELF 8 CAD_ANXIOUS 8 CAD_DEPRESS 8 INJ_INJURY3M 8 CAU_HTHLASTA 8 CAU_HTHLASTA_R 8 CAU_VISITTYP 8 CAU_HTHLASTB 8 CAU_HTHUSUAL 8 CAU_HTHTYPE 8 CAU_NUMURGNT_R 8 CAU_NUMHOSER_R 8 CAU_DELAYED 8 CAU_NOCARE 8 CAU_PRESCRIP 8 CAU_PRESCRIP_R 8 CAU_DELAYRX 8 CAU_NORX 8 CAU_EYEEXAM 8 CAU_THERAPY 8 CHI_INSURA 8 CHI_INSURB 8 CHI_INSURD 8 CHI_INSURE 8 CHI_INSURF 8 CHI_INSURG 8 CHI_INSURH_R 8 CHI_INSURH_UNK 8 CHI_INSURH_OTH 8 CHI_INSURED 8 SLE_VIOLENCE 8 SLE_SEVDEPRS 8 SLE_INSULT 8 SLE_BASNEEDS 8 PMB_NOPAY 8 PMB_NOPAYNOW 8 PMB_WORRYPAY 8 PMB_WORRYPAY_R 8 SNP_SNAPBEN 8 FSC_WORRY 8 FSC_NOTLAST 8 FSC_AFFORD 8 FSC_SKIP 8 FSC_SKIPNUM 8 FSC_EATLESS 8 FSC_NOTEAT 8 FSC_LOSEWT 8 FSC_NOEATDAY 8 FSC_NOEATNUM 8 FSSTATD 8 PCE_EMSUPP 8 PCE_RELYHELP 8 PCE_HELPOTH 8 PCE_PATHS 8 PCE_PARK 8 PCE_RECCOMM 8 PCE_PLAYDAY 8 PCE_OUTDOORS 8 PCE_FRIENDS 8 PCE_PLAYFRND 8 PCE_VIDEOFRN 8 PCE_RELYFRND 8 PCE_OPENFRND 8 PCE_SHARE 8 PCE_RELYADLT 8 PCE_ACTIVITYA 8 PCE_ACTIVITYB 8 PCE_ACTIVITYC 8 PCE_ACTIVITYD 8 PCE_ACTIVITYE 8 PCE_ACTIVITYF 8 PCE_ACTIVITYG 8 PCE_ACTIVITYH 8 PCE_SPORTS 8 PCE_CLUBS 8 PCE_SERVICE 8 PCE_ARTS 8 PCE_READING 8 PCE_EXERCISE 8 PCE_CLOSESCH 8 PCE_TEACHERS 8 PCE_PARTSCH 8 PCE_CLOSENEI 8 PCE_NEIGHBOR 8 PCE_PARTNEI 8 PCE_ACTIVE 8 PCE_TOTAL 8 PCE_RELA 8 PCE_SAFE 8 PCE_SOC 8 VAX_ALLREC 8 VAX_FLU 8 VAX_COVID 8 VAX_GARDASIL 8 VAX_MMR 8 VAX_HESCOVID 8 VAX_HESOTH 8 VAX_CONCOVID 8 VAX_CONOTH 8 VAX_IMPCOVID 8 VAX_IMPOTH 8 VAX_SAFECOV 8 VAX_SAFEOTH 8 VAX_EXEMPT 8 VAX_TOOMANY 8 VAX_SIDEEFF 8 VAX_DECISIONA 8 VAX_DECISIONB 8 VAX_DECISIONC 8 VAX_DECISIOND 8 VAX_DECISIONE 8 VAX_KNOWEFF 8 VAX_WHOCOMMA 8 VAX_WHOCOMMB 8 VAX_WHOCOMMC 8 VAX_WHOCOMMD 8 VAX_HOWCOMMA 8 VAX_HOWCOMMB 8 VAX_HOWCOMMC 8 VAX_HOWCOMMD 8 VAX_HOWCOMME 8 VAX_HOWCOMMF 8 VAX_RECVACCA 8 VAX_RECVACCB 8 VAX_RECVACCC 8 VAX_RECVACCD 8 VAX_TRUSTDOC 8 VAX_INFOSCHA 8 VAX_INFOSCHB 8 VAX_DIFFICULT 8 VAX_TRANSPO 8 VAX_COST 8 VAX_TIME 8 VAX_SOCCOVID 8 VAX_SOCOTH 8 VAX_NEWSCOV 8 VAX_NEWSOTH 8 VAX_CONVCOV 8 VAX_CONVOTH 8 VAX_MMRUS 8 VAX_MMRLOCAL 8 VAX_MMROUTB 8 VAX_MMREDU 8 ACS_DEAF 8 ACS_BLIND 8 ACS_CONCEN 8 ACS_WALKING 8 ACS_DRESS 8 ACS_ERRANDS 8 ACS_DISABLED 8 WALKDIFF217 8 COMMDIFF217 8 KNW_CONFIDNT 8 KNW_HELP 8 CHR_CHLEV 8 SOC_ERRANDS 8 SOC_PARACTIV 8 SOC_SCWRKLIM 8 CIV_MEET 8 LAN_OTHERLAN 8 LAN_MEDIA 8 LAN_DOCTOR 8 LAN_SOCIAL 8 MAR_MARITAL 8 MAR_EVMARRY 8 MAR_LEGAL 8 MAR_WIDIVSEP 8 MARITAL 8 MARSTAT 8 LEGMSTAT 8 GROUP 8 START_DATE_R $5 END_DATE_R $5 ID_R 8 SOURCE 8 QUEX_LANG 8 P_OUTCOME 8 P_AGE_10R 8 P_EDUCATION_I_R 8 P_EDUCATION_I_R_IFLG 8 P_ONEVISIT 8 P_REMIND 8 P_DEVICE 8 P_MODE 8 P_VISIT 8 P_POVERTY4_R 8 P_EMPLOY 8 P_REGION 8 P_HOMEOWN_R 8 P_CITIZEN 8 P_VETERAN 8 P_USBORN 8 PCRACEMATCH 8 P_ORIENT 8 P_METRO_R 8 CAL_HHDINC 8 CAL_REGION 8 CAL_HOMEOWN_R 8 P1_CALWT_CH 8 P2_CALWT_CH 8 WEIGHT_CH 8 P_STRATA_R 8 P_PSU_R 8; INPUT HHR_HHNUM_R NUMCHILD_R HHR_RELAT_SC HHR_LEGALG_SC SCAGEY SCC_GENDER_R SCC_ENROLL SCC_DAYCARE SCC_RACE_R SCC_RACEETH CHS_HEALTH CCC_ASTHMA CCC_ASTHMA_R COV_EVCOVID CDD_INTDIS CDD_INTDISNW CDD_DEVDELAY CDD_DEVDELNW CDS_GLASSES CDS_DIFSEE CDS_HEARAID CDS_DIFHEAR CDS_EQUIP CDS_DIFWALKA CDS_DIFWALKB CDS_DIFWALKC CDS_DIFYRDSA CDS_DIFMILEA CDS_DIFYRDSB CDS_DIFMILEB CDS_DIFYRDSC CDS_DIFMILEC CDS_DIFUNDER CDS_DIFSPEAK CDS_DIFSPKOT CDS_DIFUNDOT CDS_DIFLEARN CDS_DIFREM CDS_DIFPIKUP CDS_DIFSELF CAD_ANXIOUS CAD_DEPRESS INJ_INJURY3M CAU_HTHLASTA CAU_HTHLASTA_R CAU_VISITTYP CAU_HTHLASTB CAU_HTHUSUAL CAU_HTHTYPE CAU_NUMURGNT_R CAU_NUMHOSER_R CAU_DELAYED CAU_NOCARE CAU_PRESCRIP CAU_PRESCRIP_R CAU_DELAYRX CAU_NORX CAU_EYEEXAM CAU_THERAPY CHI_INSURA CHI_INSURB CHI_INSURD CHI_INSURE CHI_INSURF CHI_INSURG CHI_INSURH_R CHI_INSURH_UNK CHI_INSURH_OTH CHI_INSURED SLE_VIOLENCE SLE_SEVDEPRS SLE_INSULT SLE_BASNEEDS PMB_NOPAY PMB_NOPAYNOW PMB_WORRYPAY PMB_WORRYPAY_R SNP_SNAPBEN FSC_WORRY FSC_NOTLAST FSC_AFFORD FSC_SKIP FSC_SKIPNUM FSC_EATLESS FSC_NOTEAT FSC_LOSEWT FSC_NOEATDAY FSC_NOEATNUM FSSTATD PCE_EMSUPP PCE_RELYHELP PCE_HELPOTH PCE_PATHS PCE_PARK PCE_RECCOMM PCE_PLAYDAY PCE_OUTDOORS PCE_FRIENDS PCE_PLAYFRND PCE_VIDEOFRN PCE_RELYFRND PCE_OPENFRND PCE_SHARE PCE_RELYADLT PCE_ACTIVITYA PCE_ACTIVITYB PCE_ACTIVITYC PCE_ACTIVITYD PCE_ACTIVITYE PCE_ACTIVITYF PCE_ACTIVITYG PCE_ACTIVITYH PCE_SPORTS PCE_CLUBS PCE_SERVICE PCE_ARTS PCE_READING PCE_EXERCISE PCE_CLOSESCH PCE_TEACHERS PCE_PARTSCH PCE_CLOSENEI PCE_NEIGHBOR PCE_PARTNEI PCE_ACTIVE PCE_TOTAL PCE_RELA PCE_SAFE PCE_SOC VAX_ALLREC VAX_FLU VAX_COVID VAX_GARDASIL VAX_MMR VAX_HESCOVID VAX_HESOTH VAX_CONCOVID VAX_CONOTH VAX_IMPCOVID VAX_IMPOTH VAX_SAFECOV VAX_SAFEOTH VAX_EXEMPT VAX_TOOMANY VAX_SIDEEFF VAX_DECISIONA VAX_DECISIONB VAX_DECISIONC VAX_DECISIOND VAX_DECISIONE VAX_KNOWEFF VAX_WHOCOMMA VAX_WHOCOMMB VAX_WHOCOMMC VAX_WHOCOMMD VAX_HOWCOMMA VAX_HOWCOMMB VAX_HOWCOMMC VAX_HOWCOMMD VAX_HOWCOMME VAX_HOWCOMMF VAX_RECVACCA VAX_RECVACCB VAX_RECVACCC VAX_RECVACCD VAX_TRUSTDOC VAX_INFOSCHA VAX_INFOSCHB VAX_DIFFICULT VAX_TRANSPO VAX_COST VAX_TIME VAX_SOCCOVID VAX_SOCOTH VAX_NEWSCOV VAX_NEWSOTH VAX_CONVCOV VAX_CONVOTH VAX_MMRUS VAX_MMRLOCAL VAX_MMROUTB VAX_MMREDU ACS_DEAF ACS_BLIND ACS_CONCEN ACS_WALKING ACS_DRESS ACS_ERRANDS ACS_DISABLED WALKDIFF217 COMMDIFF217 KNW_CONFIDNT KNW_HELP CHR_CHLEV SOC_ERRANDS SOC_PARACTIV SOC_SCWRKLIM CIV_MEET LAN_OTHERLAN LAN_MEDIA LAN_DOCTOR LAN_SOCIAL MAR_MARITAL MAR_EVMARRY MAR_LEGAL MAR_WIDIVSEP MARITAL MARSTAT LEGMSTAT GROUP START_DATE_R $ END_DATE_R $ ID_R SOURCE QUEX_LANG P_OUTCOME P_AGE_10R P_EDUCATION_I_R P_EDUCATION_I_R_IFLG P_ONEVISIT P_REMIND P_DEVICE P_MODE P_VISIT P_POVERTY4_R P_EMPLOY P_REGION P_HOMEOWN_R P_CITIZEN P_VETERAN P_USBORN PCRACEMATCH P_ORIENT P_METRO_R CAL_HHDINC CAL_REGION CAL_HOMEOWN_R P1_CALWT_CH P2_CALWT_CH WEIGHT_CH P_STRATA_R P_PSU_R ; FORMAT HHR_HHNUM_R HHR_HHNUM_R_. NUMCHILD_R NUMCHILD_R_. HHR_RELAT_SC HHR_RELAT_. HHR_LEGALG_SC HHR_LEGALG_. SCAGEY SCAGEY_. SCC_GENDER_R SCC_GENDER_R_. SCC_ENROLL SCC_ENROLL_. SCC_DAYCARE SCC_DAYCARE_. SCC_RACE_R SCC_RACE_R_. SCC_RACEETH SCC_RACEETH_. CHS_HEALTH CHS_HEALTH_. CCC_ASTHMA CCC_ASTHMA_. CCC_ASTHMA_R CCC_ASTHMA_R_. COV_EVCOVID COV_EVCOVID_. CDD_INTDIS CDD_INTDIS_. CDD_INTDISNW CDD_INTDISNW_. CDD_DEVDELAY CDD_DEVDELAY_. CDD_DEVDELNW CDD_DEVDELNW_. CDS_GLASSES CDS_GLASSES_. CDS_DIFSEE CDS_DIFSEE_. CDS_HEARAID CDS_HEARAID_. CDS_DIFHEAR CDS_DIFHEAR_. CDS_EQUIP CDS_EQUIP_. CDS_DIFWALKA CDS_DIFWALKA_. CDS_DIFWALKB CDS_DIFWALKB_. CDS_DIFWALKC CDS_DIFWALKC_. CDS_DIFYRDSA CDS_DIFYRDSA_. CDS_DIFMILEA CDS_DIFMILEA_. CDS_DIFYRDSB CDS_DIFYRDSB_. CDS_DIFMILEB CDS_DIFMILEB_. CDS_DIFYRDSC CDS_DIFYRDSC_. CDS_DIFMILEC CDS_DIFMILEC_. CDS_DIFUNDER CDS_DIFUNDER_. CDS_DIFSPEAK CDS_DIFSPEAK_. CDS_DIFSPKOT CDS_DIFSPKOT_. CDS_DIFUNDOT CDS_DIFUNDOT_. CDS_DIFLEARN CDS_DIFLEARN_. CDS_DIFREM CDS_DIFREM_. CDS_DIFPIKUP CDS_DIFPIKUP_. CDS_DIFSELF CDS_DIFSELF_. CAD_ANXIOUS CAD_ANXIOUS_. CAD_DEPRESS CAD_DEPRESS_. INJ_INJURY3M INJ_INJURY3M_. CAU_HTHLASTA CAU_HTHLASTA_. CAU_HTHLASTA_R CAU_HTHLASTA_R_. CAU_VISITTYP CAU_VISITTYP_. CAU_HTHLASTB CAU_HTHLASTB_. CAU_HTHUSUAL CAU_HTHUSUAL_. CAU_HTHTYPE CAU_HTHTYPE_. CAU_NUMURGNT_R CAU_NUMURGNT_R_. CAU_NUMHOSER_R CAU_NUMHOSER_R_. CAU_DELAYED CAU_DELAYED_. CAU_NOCARE CAU_NOCARE_. CAU_PRESCRIP CAU_PRESCRIP_. CAU_PRESCRIP_R CAU_PRESCRIP_R_. CAU_DELAYRX CAU_DELAYRX_. CAU_NORX CAU_NORX_. CAU_EYEEXAM CAU_EYEEXAM_. CAU_THERAPY CAU_THERAPY_. CHI_INSURA CHI_INSURA_. CHI_INSURB CHI_INSURB_. CHI_INSURD CHI_INSURD_. CHI_INSURE CHI_INSURE_. CHI_INSURF CHI_INSURF_. CHI_INSURG CHI_INSURG_. CHI_INSURH_R CHI_INSURH_R_. CHI_INSURH_UNK CHI_INSURH_UNK_. CHI_INSURH_OTH CHI_INSURH_OTH_. CHI_INSURED CHI_INSURED_. SLE_VIOLENCE SLE_VIOLENCE_. SLE_SEVDEPRS SLE_SEVDEPRS_. SLE_INSULT SLE_INSULT_. SLE_BASNEEDS SLE_BASNEEDS_. PMB_NOPAY PMB_NOPAY_. PMB_NOPAYNOW PMB_NOPAYNOW_. PMB_WORRYPAY PMB_WORRYPAY_. PMB_WORRYPAY_R PMB_WORRYPAY_R_. SNP_SNAPBEN SNP_SNAPBEN_. FSC_WORRY FSC_WORRY_. FSC_NOTLAST FSC_NOTLAST_. FSC_AFFORD FSC_AFFORD_. FSC_SKIP FSC_SKIP_. FSC_SKIPNUM FSC_SKIPNUM_. FSC_EATLESS FSC_EATLESS_. FSC_NOTEAT FSC_NOTEAT_. FSC_LOSEWT FSC_LOSEWT_. FSC_NOEATDAY FSC_NOEATDAY_. FSC_NOEATNUM FSC_NOEATNUM_. FSSTATD FSSTATD_. PCE_EMSUPP PCE_EMSUPP_. PCE_RELYHELP PCE_RELYHELP_. PCE_HELPOTH PCE_HELPOTH_. PCE_PATHS PCE_PATHS_. PCE_PARK PCE_PARK_. PCE_RECCOMM PCE_RECCOMM_. PCE_PLAYDAY PCE_PLAYDAY_. PCE_OUTDOORS PCE_OUTDOORS_. PCE_FRIENDS PCE_FRIENDS_. PCE_PLAYFRND PCE_PLAYFRND_. PCE_VIDEOFRN PCE_VIDEOFRN_. PCE_RELYFRND PCE_RELYFRND_. PCE_OPENFRND PCE_OPENFRND_. PCE_SHARE PCE_SHARE_. PCE_RELYADLT PCE_RELYADLT_. PCE_ACTIVITYA PCE_ACTIVITYA_. PCE_ACTIVITYB PCE_ACTIVITYB_. PCE_ACTIVITYC PCE_ACTIVITYC_. PCE_ACTIVITYD PCE_ACTIVITYD_. PCE_ACTIVITYE PCE_ACTIVITYE_. PCE_ACTIVITYF PCE_ACTIVITYF_. PCE_ACTIVITYG PCE_ACTIVITYG_. PCE_ACTIVITYH PCE_ACTIVITYH_. PCE_SPORTS PCE_SPORTS_. PCE_CLUBS PCE_CLUBS_. PCE_SERVICE PCE_SERVICE_. PCE_ARTS PCE_ARTS_. PCE_READING PCE_READING_. PCE_EXERCISE PCE_EXERCISE_. PCE_CLOSESCH PCE_CLOSESCH_. PCE_TEACHERS PCE_TEACHERS_. PCE_PARTSCH PCE_PARTSCH_. PCE_CLOSENEI PCE_CLOSENEI_. PCE_NEIGHBOR PCE_NEIGHBOR_. PCE_PARTNEI PCE_PARTNEI_. PCE_ACTIVE PCE_ACTIVE_. PCE_TOTAL PCE_TOTAL_. PCE_RELA PCE_RELA_. PCE_SAFE PCE_SAFE_. PCE_SOC PCE_SOC_. VAX_ALLREC VAX_ALLREC_. VAX_FLU VAX_FLU_. VAX_COVID VAX_COVID_. VAX_GARDASIL VAX_GARDASIL_. VAX_MMR VAX_MMR_. VAX_HESCOVID VAX_HESCOVID_. VAX_HESOTH VAX_HESOTH_. VAX_CONCOVID VAX_CONCOVID_. VAX_CONOTH VAX_CONOTH_. VAX_IMPCOVID VAX_IMPCOVID_. VAX_IMPOTH VAX_IMPOTH_. VAX_SAFECOV VAX_SAFECOV_. VAX_SAFEOTH VAX_SAFEOTH_. VAX_EXEMPT VAX_EXEMPT_. VAX_TOOMANY VAX_TOOMANY_. VAX_SIDEEFF VAX_SIDEEFF_. VAX_DECISIONA VAX_DECISIONA_. VAX_DECISIONB VAX_DECISIONB_. VAX_DECISIONC VAX_DECISIONC_. VAX_DECISIOND VAX_DECISIOND_. VAX_DECISIONE VAX_DECISIONE_. VAX_KNOWEFF VAX_KNOWEFF_. VAX_WHOCOMMA VAX_WHOCOMMA_. VAX_WHOCOMMB VAX_WHOCOMMB_. VAX_WHOCOMMC VAX_WHOCOMMC_. VAX_WHOCOMMD VAX_WHOCOMMD_. VAX_HOWCOMMA VAX_HOWCOMMA_. VAX_HOWCOMMB VAX_HOWCOMMB_. VAX_HOWCOMMC VAX_HOWCOMMC_. VAX_HOWCOMMD VAX_HOWCOMMD_. VAX_HOWCOMME VAX_HOWCOMME_. VAX_HOWCOMMF VAX_HOWCOMMF_. VAX_RECVACCA VAX_RECVACCA_. VAX_RECVACCB VAX_RECVACCB_. VAX_RECVACCC VAX_RECVACCC_. VAX_RECVACCD VAX_RECVACCD_. VAX_TRUSTDOC VAX_TRUSTDOC_. VAX_INFOSCHA VAX_INFOSCHA_. VAX_INFOSCHB VAX_INFOSCHB_. VAX_DIFFICULT VAX_DIFFICULT_. VAX_TRANSPO VAX_TRANSPO_. VAX_COST VAX_COST_. VAX_TIME VAX_TIME_. VAX_SOCCOVID VAX_SOCCOVID_. VAX_SOCOTH VAX_SOCOTH_. VAX_NEWSCOV VAX_NEWSCOV_. VAX_NEWSOTH VAX_NEWSOTH_. VAX_CONVCOV VAX_CONVCOV_. VAX_CONVOTH VAX_CONVOTH_. VAX_MMRUS VAX_MMRUS_. VAX_MMRLOCAL VAX_MMRLOCAL_. VAX_MMROUTB VAX_MMROUTB_. VAX_MMREDU VAX_MMREDU_. ACS_DEAF ACS_DEAF_. ACS_BLIND ACS_BLIND_. ACS_CONCEN ACS_CONCEN_. ACS_WALKING ACS_WALKING_. ACS_DRESS ACS_DRESS_. ACS_ERRANDS ACS_ERRANDS_. ACS_DISABLED ACS_DISABLED_. WALKDIFF217 WALKDIFF217_. COMMDIFF217 COMMDIFF217_. KNW_CONFIDNT KNW_CONFIDNT_. KNW_HELP KNW_HELP_. CHR_CHLEV CHR_CHLEV_. SOC_ERRANDS SOC_ERRANDS_. SOC_PARACTIV SOC_PARACTIV_. SOC_SCWRKLIM SOC_SCWRKLIM_. CIV_MEET CIV_MEET_. LAN_OTHERLAN LAN_OTHERLAN_. LAN_MEDIA LAN_MEDIA_. LAN_DOCTOR LAN_DOCTOR_. LAN_SOCIAL LAN_SOCIAL_. MAR_MARITAL MAR_MARITAL_. MAR_EVMARRY MAR_EVMARRY_. MAR_LEGAL MAR_LEGAL_. MAR_WIDIVSEP MAR_WIDIVSEP_. MARITAL MARITAL_. MARSTAT MARSTAT_. LEGMSTAT LEGMSTAT_. GROUP GROUP_. SOURCE SOURCE_. QUEX_LANG QUEX_LANG_. P_OUTCOME P_OUTCOME_. P_AGE_10R P_AGE_10R_. P_EDUCATION_I_R P_EDUCATION_I_R_. P_EDUCATION_I_R_IFLG IFLG_. P_ONEVISIT ONEVISIT_. P_DEVICE DEVICE_. P_MODE MODE2_. P_POVERTY4_R P_POVERTY4_R_. P_EMPLOY P_EMPLOY_. P_REGION REGION_. P_HOMEOWN_R P_HOMEOWN_R_. P_CITIZEN CITIZEN2_. P_VETERAN VETERAN_. P_USBORN USBORN2_. PCRACEMATCH PCRACEMATCH_. P_ORIENT P_ORIENT_. P_METRO_R METRO_. CAL_HHDINC CAL_HHDINC_. CAL_REGION CAL_REGION_. CAL_HOMEOWN_R CAL_HOMEOWN_R_.; LABEL HHR_HHNUM_R = "Household size - topcoded" NUMCHILD_R = "Number of children under 18 years old in household - topcoded" HHR_RELAT_SC = "Relationship to this child? (Selected Child)" HHR_LEGALG_SC = "Child's legal guardian? (Selected Child)" SCAGEY = "DERIVED: Child's age" SCC_GENDER_R = "RECODE: Selected child gender for weighting" SCC_ENROLL = "Type of child's schooling attended" SCC_DAYCARE = "Does child attend daycare at least once a week?" SCC_RACE_R = "RECODE: Selected child race groupings for weighting" SCC_RACEETH = "RECODE: Selected Child Race/Ethnicity" CHS_HEALTH = "How would you rate your child's health?" CCC_ASTHMA = "Has doctor ever informed you that your child has asthma?" CCC_ASTHMA_R = "RECODE: Child ever diagnosed with asthma" COV_EVCOVID = "Has your child ever had COVID-19?" CDD_INTDIS = "Informed of your child's intellectual disability by a doctor?" CDD_INTDISNW = "Does your child currently have an intellectual disability?" CDD_DEVDELAY = "Doctor informed you of any other developmental delay of your child?" CDD_DEVDELNW = "Does your child still have this other developmental delay?" CDS_GLASSES = "Does your child wear glasses or contacts?" CDS_DIFSEE = "Does your child have difficulty seeing?" CDS_HEARAID = "Does your child use a hearing aid?" CDS_DIFHEAR = "Does your child have difficulty hearing?" CDS_EQUIP = "Does your child receive any assistance for walking?" CDS_DIFWALKA = "Without using equipment or assistance, does your child have difficulty walking?" CDS_DIFWALKB = "When using equipment or assistance, does your child have difficulty walking?" CDS_DIFWALKC = "Compared with children of the same age, does your child have difficulty walking?" CDS_DIFYRDSA = "Without using assistance, does your child have difficulty walking 100 yards?" CDS_DIFMILEA = "Without using assistance, does your child have difficulty walking a third of a mile?" CDS_DIFYRDSB = "When using assistance, does your child have difficulty walking 100 yards?" CDS_DIFMILEB = "When using assistance, does your child have difficulty walking a third of a mile?" CDS_DIFYRDSC = "Compared with children of the same age, does your child have difficulty walking 100 yards?" CDS_DIFMILEC = "Compared with children of the same age, does your child have difficulty walking a third of a mile?" CDS_DIFUNDER = "Does your child have difficulty understanding you?" CDS_DIFSPEAK = "Do you have difficulty understanding your child?" CDS_DIFSPKOT = "Your child has difficulty being understood by people inside of this household?" CDS_DIFUNDOT = "Your child has difficulty being understood by people outside of this household?" CDS_DIFLEARN = "Does your child have difficulty learning compared with other children?" CDS_DIFREM = "Does your child have difficulty remembering compared with other children?" CDS_DIFPIKUP = "Does your child have difficulty picking up small objects compared with other children?" CDS_DIFSELF = "Does your child have difficulty with self-care?" CAD_ANXIOUS = "How often does your child seem very anxious, nervous, or worried?" CAD_DEPRESS = "How often does your child seem very sad or depressed?" INJ_INJURY3M = "Past 3 months, did your child have an accident or an injury?" CAU_HTHLASTA = "How long since your child last saw a doctor?" CAU_HTHLASTA_R = "RECODE: Child saw doctor in past 12 months" CAU_VISITTYP = "Was this a physical, or general purpose check-up for your child?" CAU_HTHLASTB = "About how long has it been since your child last went for a physical?" CAU_HTHUSUAL = "Is there a place that your child usually goes to when sick?" CAU_HTHTYPE = "Usual place of child health care" CAU_NUMURGNT_R = "Past 12 months, number of times child has gone to an urgent care center or clinic in a drug store - topcoded" CAU_NUMHOSER_R = "Past 12 months, number of times child has gone to a hospital emergency room - topcoded" CAU_DELAYED = "Past 12 months child's medical care delayed because of the cost" CAU_NOCARE = "Past 12 months child didn't receive medical care because of the cost" CAU_PRESCRIP = "Did child take prescription meds during the past 12 months?" CAU_PRESCRIP_R = "RECODE: Child took prescription medication in past 12 months" CAU_DELAYRX = "Past 12 months, did you delay filling a prescription to save money?" CAU_NORX = "Past 12 months, did you need a prescription medication for your child, but did not get it because of the cost?" CAU_EYEEXAM = "Child had an eye exam during the past 12 months" CAU_THERAPY = "Past 12 months, did your child receive physical, speech, rehabilitative, or occupational therapy?" CHI_INSURA = "Child insurance coverage: Self/family member employer, union" CHI_INSURB = "Child insurance coverage: Self/family member purchased directly" CHI_INSURD = "Child insurance coverage: Medicaid or government assistance plan" CHI_INSURE = "Child insurance coverage: TRICARE or other military" CHI_INSURF = "Child insurance coverage: VA" CHI_INSURG = "Child insurance coverage: Indian Health Service" CHI_INSURH_R = "Child insurance coverage: Medicare or any other insurance" CHI_INSURH_UNK = "Child has private health insurance, Other/Unknown Source" CHI_INSURH_OTH = "Other child health insurance reported" CHI_INSURED = "DERIVED: Children's health insurance status" SLE_VIOLENCE = "Child has been a victim of or witnessed violence in neighborhood" SLE_SEVDEPRS = "Child ever lived with someone mentally ill/ severely depressed?" SLE_INSULT = "Child ever lived with adult who frequently swore or insulted them" SLE_BASNEEDS = "Child ever had basic needs not met such as needing food, doctor, or a safe place to stay" PMB_NOPAY = "Past 12 months, any of your family members unable to pay medical bills" PMB_NOPAYNOW = "Any of your family members currently unable to pay medical bills" PMB_WORRYPAY = "Level of concern of ability to pay child's medical bills" PMB_WORRYPAY_R = "RECODE: Very worried about being able to pay medical bills of child if you become sick/have accident" SNP_SNAPBEN = "Last 30 days, any of your family members received food stamps" FSC_WORRY = "Family worried food would run out before got money to buy more" FSC_NOTLAST = "Food family bought did not last, no money to buy more" FSC_AFFORD = "Family couldn't afford to eat balanced meals" FSC_SKIP = "Last 30 days, you cut meal size or skipped meals" FSC_SKIPNUM = "Last 30 days, number of days you cut meal size or skipped meals" FSC_EATLESS = "Last 30 days, you ate less than felt should" FSC_NOTEAT = "Last 30 days, you were hungry but didn't eat" FSC_LOSEWT = "Last 30 days, you lost weight because not enough food" FSC_NOEATDAY = "Last 30 days, you didn't eat for a whole day" FSC_NOEATNUM = "Last 30 days, number of days you didn't eat whole day" FSSTATD = "DERIVED: Food Security Scale 4 category recode" PCE_EMSUPP = "Past 12 months, availability of day-to-day emotional support with your parenting" PCE_RELYHELP = "Your family has relatives that they can count on" PCE_HELPOTH = "Your family has non-relative members of your community that they can count on" PCE_PATHS = "There are sidewalks in your neighborhood" PCE_PARK = "There is a park/ playground in your neighborhood" PCE_RECCOMM = "There is a recreation/ community center in your neighborhood" PCE_PLAYDAY = "How safe is it for children to play outside during the day in your neighborhood?" PCE_OUTDOORS = "How much time does your child spend outdoors on a weekend day?" PCE_FRIENDS = "Does your child have difficulty making friends?" PCE_PLAYFRND = "How many days does your child spend playing or hanging out with friends in person, weekly?" PCE_VIDEOFRN = "Number of hours per week your child spends talking with friends on the phone/ video/ voice chat" PCE_RELYFRND = "How much can your child rely on friends for help?" PCE_OPENFRND = "How much can your child open up to friends?" PCE_SHARE = "How well can you and your child share ideas or talk about things that really matter?" PCE_RELYADLT = "Other adult besides you in the neighborhood/ community your child can rely on for guidance/ advice" PCE_ACTIVITYA = "Activity with your child within past 7 days: Read books or told stories together" PCE_ACTIVITYB = "Activity with your child within past 7 days: Cooked or enjoyed meals together" PCE_ACTIVITYC = "Activity with your child within past 7 days: Educational activities" PCE_ACTIVITYD = "Activity with your child within past 7 days: Spent time outdoors, including walks and sports" PCE_ACTIVITYE = "Activity with your child within past 7 days: Watched TV or other media together" PCE_ACTIVITYF = "Activity with your child within past 7 days: Played video games together" PCE_ACTIVITYG = "Activity with your child within past 7 days: Played board or card games together" PCE_ACTIVITYH = "Activity with your child within past 7 days: None of the above" PCE_SPORTS = "Child currently participating in activities: Organized sports" PCE_CLUBS = "Child currently participating in activities: Clubs, organizations, organized lessons" PCE_SERVICE = "Child currently participating in activities: Community service or volunteer work" PCE_ARTS = "Child spends free time doing: Music, visual, or performing arts" PCE_READING = "Child spends free time doing: Reading books or listening to audiobooks" PCE_EXERCISE = "Past week, number of days your child participated in a physical activity for at least 1 hour" PCE_CLOSESCH = "Agree/Disagree: Your child feels close to people at school." PCE_TEACHERS = "Agree/Disagree: Teachers care about your child" PCE_PARTSCH = "Agree/Disagree: Your child feels like a part of the school." PCE_CLOSENEI = "Agree/Disagree: Your child feels close to people in your neighborhood" PCE_NEIGHBOR = "Agree/Disagree: Your neighbors care about your child" PCE_PARTNEI = "Agree/Disagree: Your child feels like a part of the neighborhood" PCE_ACTIVE = "DERIVED: Child Positive Childhood Experience Activity Score" PCE_TOTAL = "DERIVED: Child Total Positive Childhood Experience Score" PCE_RELA = "DERIVED: Child PCE Sub-category Score - Being in nurturing, supportive relationships" PCE_SAFE = "DERIVED: Child PCE Sub-category Score - Living, developing, playing, and learning in safe, stable, nurturing environments" PCE_SOC = "DERIVED: Child PCE Sub-category Score - Having opportunities for constructive social engagement and developing connectedness" VAX_ALLREC = "Child received all recommended childhood vaccines" VAX_FLU = "Past 12 months, has child had a flu vaccination?" VAX_COVID = "Child had at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccination" VAX_GARDASIL = "Child had at least one dose of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine" VAX_MMR = "Child had the measles vaccine, sometimes called MMR" VAX_HESCOVID = "Hesitance about COVID-19 vaccines for children?" VAX_HESOTH = "Hesitance about other childhood vaccines (besides the COVID-19 vaccine)?" VAX_CONCOVID = "Confidence that the COVID-19 vaccine benefits child?" VAX_CONOTH = "Confidence that other childhood vaccines benefit child (besides the COVID-19 vaccine)?" VAX_IMPCOVID = "Importance of the COVID-19 vaccine is for child's health?" VAX_IMPOTH = "Importance of other childhood vaccines are for child's health (besides the COVID-19 vaccine)?" VAX_SAFECOV = "Confidence that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe for child?" VAX_SAFEOTH = "Confidence that other childhood vaccines are safe for child (besides the COVID-19 vaccine)?" VAX_EXEMPT = "Ever requested permission or an exemption for child to attend daycare or school without required vaccination?" VAX_TOOMANY = "Ever been concerned about child receiving too many vaccines at one time?" VAX_SIDEEFF = "Ever been concerned about child experiencing serious, long term side effects from getting vaccinated?" VAX_DECISIONA = "Because concerned getting child vaccinated: You delayed vaccinations" VAX_DECISIONB = "Because concerned getting child vaccinated: You reduced number of vaccinations given in a single visit" VAX_DECISIONC = "Because concerned getting child vaccinated: You declined some vaccinations" VAX_DECISIOND = "Because concerned getting child vaccinated: You declined all vaccinations" VAX_DECISIONE = "Because concerned getting child vaccinated: None of the above" VAX_KNOWEFF = "Personally know anyone who has had a serious, long-term side effect from a vaccine?" VAX_WHOCOMMA = "Communicated getting vaccine for your child: Doctor or other health care providers" VAX_WHOCOMMB = "Communicated getting vaccine for your child: School or daycare" VAX_WHOCOMMC = "Communicated getting vaccine for your child: Some other source" VAX_WHOCOMMD = "Communicated getting vaccine for your child: Nobody has communicated with me about my child" VAX_HOWCOMMA = "How doctors have communicated about your child getting vaccines: Face to Face" VAX_HOWCOMMB = "How doctors have communicated about your child getting vaccines: Email or other electronic messages" VAX_HOWCOMMC = "How doctors have communicated about your child getting vaccines: Text message" VAX_HOWCOMMD = "How doctors have communicated about your child getting vaccines: Phone" VAX_HOWCOMME = "How doctors have communicated about your child getting vaccines: Information sheets" VAX_HOWCOMMF = "How doctors have communicated about your child getting vaccines: Other" VAX_RECVACCA = "Doctor recommended your child get vaccine: Influenza" VAX_RECVACCB = "Doctor recommended your child get vaccine: COVID-19" VAX_RECVACCC = "Doctor recommended your child get vaccine: HPV or Gardasil" VAX_RECVACCD = "Doctor recommended your child get vaccine: None of the above" VAX_TRUSTDOC = "Child's doctor or health care provider is your most trusted source of information about childhood vaccines" VAX_INFOSCHA = "Feelings about receiving information on vaccines from child's school or daycare" VAX_INFOSCHB = "Feelings about the information on vaccines you received from child's school or daycare" VAX_DIFFICULT = "Difficulty getting your child vaccinated" VAX_TRANSPO = "Agree/Disagree: Getting your child vaccinated is difficult because of a lack of reliable transportation." VAX_COST = "Agree/Disagree: Getting your child vaccinated is difficult because of the cost." VAX_TIME = "Agree/Disagree: It is hard to find the time to take your child to get vaccinated." VAX_SOCCOVID = "Sentiment of discussions seen on social media about the COVID-19 vaccine for children" VAX_SOCOTH = "Sentiment of discussions seen on social media about other childhood vaccines (besides the COVID-19 vaccine)" VAX_NEWSCOV = "Sentiment of discussions seen on television news about the COVID-19 vaccine for children" VAX_NEWSOTH = "Sentiment of discussions seen on television news about other childhood vaccines (besides the COVID-19 vaccine)" VAX_CONVCOV = "Sentiment of conversations you have with friends or family about the COVID-19 vaccine for children" VAX_CONVOTH = "Sentiment of conversations with friends or family about other childhood vaccines (besides the COVID-19 vaccine)" VAX_MMRUS = "Agree/Disagree: Measles poses a health risk in the United States." VAX_MMRLOCAL = "Agree/Disagree: Measles poses a health risk in my city or town." VAX_MMROUTB = "Past 6 months, heard or seen anything about recent measles outbreaks in the United States?" VAX_MMREDU = "How concerned are you about 21 day unvaccinated measles quarantine causing a disruption to your child's education?" ACS_DEAF = "Is your child deaf or have serious difficulty hearing?" ACS_BLIND = "Is your child blind or have serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses?" ACS_CONCEN = "Does your child have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?" ACS_WALKING = "Does your child have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?" ACS_DRESS = "Does your child have difficulty dressing or bathing?" ACS_ERRANDS = "Does your child have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping?" ACS_DISABLED = "DERIVED: Child's ACS disability status" WALKDIFF217 = "DERIVED: Child's walking difficulty" COMMDIFF217 = "DERIVED: Child's communication difficulty" KNW_CONFIDNT = "Confidence in your responses about your child" KNW_HELP = "Received help answer questions about child" CHR_CHLEV = "Ever told you had high cholesterol (adult)" SOC_ERRANDS = "You have difficulty doing errands alone (adult)" SOC_PARACTIV = "You have difficulty participating in social activities (adult)" SOC_SCWRKLIM = "Work limited due to your health problem (adult)" CIV_MEET = "Past 12 months, you attended local public meeting (adult)" LAN_OTHERLAN = "You speak language other than English at home (adult)" LAN_MEDIA = "Language you use most often when watching TV, read news, listen to radio (adult)" LAN_DOCTOR = "What language you use most often when seeing a doctor (adult)" LAN_SOCIAL = "What language you use most often when participating in social activities (adult)" MAR_MARITAL = "Are you now married, living with a partner, or neither (adult)" MAR_EVMARRY = "Have you ever been married (adult)" MAR_LEGAL = "Your current legal marital status (adult)" MAR_WIDIVSEP = "Are you widowed, divorced or separated (adult)" MARITAL = "RECODE: Your current Marriage Status - 2 levels (adult)" MARSTAT = "DERIVED: Your current marital status (adult)" LEGMSTAT = "DERIVED: Your legal marital status (adult)" GROUP = "Paradata: Randomize group assignment" START_DATE_R = "Date the survey started" END_DATE_R = "Date the survey was completed" ID_R = "Respondent Survey ID" SOURCE = "Paradata: Panel Provider" QUEX_LANG = "Language of interview" P_OUTCOME = "Paradata: Outcome code" P_AGE_10R = "DERIVED: Age - 10 levels" P_EDUCATION_I_R = "Panel Profile: Education - 3 levels" P_EDUCATION_I_R_IFLG = "Imputation flag for panel profile variable: " P_ONEVISIT = "Paradata: Whether the survey was completed in a single session" P_REMIND = "Paradata: Number of reminders sent" P_DEVICE = "Paradata: Device used to complete survey (web)" P_MODE = "Paradata: Mode of interview" P_VISIT = "Paradata: Number of times the questionnaire was accessed/login attempts (web)" P_POVERTY4_R = "RECODE: Poverty Status (ratio of household income to the federal poverty level) - 4 levels" P_EMPLOY = "Panel Profile: Employment status" P_REGION = "Panel Profile: Region" P_HOMEOWN_R = "DERIVED: Home ownership - 2 levels" P_CITIZEN = "Panel Profile: Citizenship status" P_VETERAN = "Panel Profile: Veteran status" P_USBORN = "Panel Profile: Is respondent US born" PCRACEMATCH = "DERIVED: Child race/ethnicity same as parent/guardian" P_ORIENT = "Panel Profile: Sexual Orientation" P_METRO_R = "Calibration Variable: Metropolitan status derived from panel profile for calibration" CAL_HHDINC = "Calibration Variable: Income - 3 levels" CAL_REGION = "Calibration Variable: Region" CAL_HOMEOWN_R = "Calibration Variable: Home ownership - 2 levels" P1_CALWT_CH = "Panel provider 1 weight calibrated to NHIS control totals" P2_CALWT_CH = "Panel provider 2 weight calibrated to NHIS control totals" WEIGHT_CH = "Final combined weight calibrated to NHIS control totals" P_STRATA_R = "Panel Sample Strata" P_PSU_R = "Panel PSU"; run;