/* RSS T1 PUF Input Program: This program imports RSS CSV file or SAS dataset into SAS working directory as a SAS dataset: - Loads formats to the working directory - Imports the RSS data as a SAS dataset - Applies labels and formats to the SAS dataset Before running this program, please download the CSV file or SAS dataset to a folder called C:\RSS1(on a machine running Windows). If importing the SAS dataset, please change the filename statement below, as well as replace the data step below with: data &dsn. ; set in.&filename ; run ; */ %let folderpath = C:\RSS1; *folder location of CSV file; %let filename = RSS1_PUF_T1.csv; *CSV file name to import into sas; %let dsn = rss1; *SAS dataset name for output dataset; %let formatcat= work.formats; *SAS formats name in temp working folder; libname in "&folderpath"; proc format library=&formatcat; VALUE AGREEDK_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "Strongly disagree" 2= "Somewhat disagree" 3= "Somewhat agree" 4= "Strongly agree"; VALUE AGREE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "Strongly disagree" 2= "Somewhat disagree" 3= "Somewhat agree" 4= "Strongly agree"; VALUE ALCOHOL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "Decreases risk" 2= "No effect" 3= "Increases risk"; VALUE BMICAT_ 1= "Underweight (BMI <18.50)" 2= "Healthy weight (18.50 <= BMI < 25.00)" 3= "Overweight (25.00 <= BMI < 30.00)" 4= "Obese (BMI >= 30.00)" 9= "Unknown"; VALUE CAL_METRO_ 1= "Metropolitan" 2= "Non-metropolitan"; VALUE CAROFTEN_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "1-2 times a year" 2= "Every 3-4 months" 3= "Every 5-8 weeks" 4= "Once a month" 5= "More than once a month"; VALUE CIGOFTEN_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "Every day" 2= "Some days" 3= "Not at all"; VALUE CITIZEN2_ -7= "Profile question refusal" 0= "Not a U.S. citizen" 1= "U.S. citizen"; VALUE CIVIC_ENGAGE_ -8= "Unknown" 1= "Yes" 2= "No"; VALUE CONCERNED_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 0= "Not at all concerned" 1= "A little concerned" 2= "Somewhat concerned" 3= "Very concerned"; VALUE DENSE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Did not have dense breast tissue" 1= "Did have dense breast tissue"; VALUE DEVICE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "Desktop/Laptop/netbook" 2= "Smartphone" 3= "Tablet" 4= "Other device (book reader, game console, etc.)" 5= "Phone interview (not online)"; VALUE DIFFICULTY_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "No difficulty" 2= "Some difficulty" 3= "A lot of difficulty" 4= "Cannot do this at all"; VALUE EMPWRKLSWK_ -8= "Unknown" 0= "Did not work" 1= "Worked, Temp Absent, Seasonal, Family Job-no pay"; VALUE GENHLTH_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "Excellent" 2= "Very good" 3= "Good" 4= "Fair" 5= "Poor"; VALUE HEPAUSE_ -9= "I don’t know if I have a portable air cleaner or purifier that uses a HEPA filter" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; VALUE HHSIZE_ 1= "1" 2= "2" 3= "3" 4= "4" 5= "5" 6= "6+"; VALUE HOMEOWN_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "Owned or being bought by someone in your household" 2= "Rented" 3= "Occupied without payment of cash rent"; VALUE HOWLONG_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 0= "Never" 1= "Less than 12 months ago" 2= "More than 1 year but less than 2 years ago" 3= "More than 2 years but less than 3 years ago" 4= "More than 3 years but less than 5 years ago" 5= "More than 5 years but less than 10 years ago" 6= "10 years ago or more"; VALUE HTHTYPE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 0= "I do not go to one place most often" 1= "A doctor's office or health center" 2= "Urgent care center or clinic in a drug store or grocery store" 3= "Hospital emergency room" 4= "A VA medical center or VA outpatient clinic" 5= "Some other place"; VALUE HTHUSUAL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "Yes, there is a single place" 2= "No, there is no place" 3= "Yes, there is more than one place"; VALUE IFLG_ 0= "No imputation" 1= "Logical assignment" 2= "Statistical imputation"; VALUE IMPORTANT_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 0= "Not important at all" 1= "Slightly important" 2= "Moderately important" 3= "Very important"; VALUE INCOME_R_ 1= "Less than $5,000" 2= "$5,000 to $9,999" 3= "$10,000 to $14,999" 4= "$15,000 to $19,999" 5= "$20,000 to $24,999" 6= "$25,000 to $29,999" 7= "$30,000 to $34,999" 8= "$35,000 to $39,999" 9= "$40,000 to $49,999" 10= "$50,000 to $59,999" 11= "$60,000 to $74,999" 12= "$75,000 to $84,999" 13= "$85,000 to $99,999" 14= "$100,000 to $124,999" 15= "$125,000 to $149,999" 16= "$150,000 or more"; VALUE INSUR2_ -7= "Profile question refusal" 0= "Does not have health insurance" 1= "Has health insurance"; VALUE LANG2_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 1= "English" 2= "Spanish" 3= "Another language"; VALUE LEARNMORE_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "Talk with a doctor or other health care professional" 2= "Talk with family or friends" 3= "Get information from the ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø" 4= "Get information from your state or local health department" 5= "Search the internet" 6= "Something else"; VALUE LEGAL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "Married" 2= "Widowed" 3= "Divorced" 4= "Separated"; VALUE LEGMSTAT_ -8= "UNKNOWN" 1= "SEPARATED" 2= "DIVORCED" 3= "MARRIED" 4= "SINGLE/NEVER MARRIED" 5= "WIDOWED"; VALUE LEVEL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "A little" 2= "A lot" 3= "Somewhere in between a little and a lot"; VALUE LONGCOVID_ -8= "Unknown" 1= "Yes" 2= "No" 3= "Never had COVID"; VALUE MARITAL2_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "Married" 2= "Living with a partner together as an unmarried couple" 3= "Neither"; VALUE MARITAL_ -8= "Unknown" 1= "Married" 2= "Not married"; VALUE MARSTAT_ -8= "UNKNOWN" 1= "MARRIED" 2= "WIDOWED" 3= "DIVORCED" 4= "SEPARATED" 5= "NEVER MARRIED" 6= "LIVING WITH PARTNER"; VALUE MODE2_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "Web" 2= "CATI"; VALUE MTLOFTEN_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 0= "Never" 1= "Daily" 2= "Weekly" 3= "Monthly" 4= "A few times a year"; VALUE ONEVISIT_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 0= "Multiple sessions" 1= "Completed survey in single session"; VALUE ORDER_ -8= "Question not asked" 1= "Displayed 1st" 2= "Displayed 2nd" 3= "Displayed 3rd" 4= "Displayed 4th" 5= "Displayed 5th" 6= "Displayed 6th" 7= "Displayed 7th"; VALUE OUTCOME_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "Never accessed the instrument" 2= "Accessed instrument but dropped off (did not reach last question of the survey)" 3= "Complete (reached last question)" 4= "Completed interview but case dropped due to quality concerns (e.g., speeding, excessive item nonresponse)"; VALUE POVERTY_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "< 0.50" 2= "0.50 - < 1.00" 3= "1.00 - < 1.50" 4= "1.50 - < 2.00" 5= "2.00 - < 2.50" 6= "2.50 - < 3.00" 7= "3.00 - < 3.50" 8= "3.50 - < 4.00" 9= "4.00 +"; VALUE P_AGEC_R_ 70= "70+"; VALUE P_EDUC_R_ 1= "High school graduate or less" 2= "Some college" 3= "Bachelor's degree or above"; VALUE P_EMPLOY_ 1= "Working" 2= "Not working--unable to work for health reasons/disabled" 3= "Not working--retired" 4= "Not working--other"; VALUE P_GENDERID_ 1= "Cis-gender Male" 2= "Cis-gender Female" 3= "Transgender" 4= "None of these"; VALUE P_MARITAL_ 1= "Married" 2= "Divorced/Separated" 3= "Widowed" 4= "Never married"; VALUE P_ORIENT_ 1= "GAY OR LESBIAN" 2= "STRAIGHT, THAT IS NOT LESBIAN/GAY" 3= "BISEXUAL" 4= "SOMETHING ELSE"; VALUE P_RACE_R_ 1= "White, non-Hispanic" 2= "Black, non-Hispanic" 3= "Other, non-Hispanic" 4= "Hispanic"; VALUE QUEX_LANG_ 1= "ENGLISH" 2= "SPANISH"; VALUE REGION_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "Northeast" 2= "Midwest" 3= "South" 4= "West"; VALUE SELECTALL_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "Not selected" 1= "Selected"; VALUE SEX_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" 1= "Male" 2= "Female"; VALUE SOURCE_ 1= "Panel Provider 1" 2= "Panel Provider 2"; VALUE STOPPED_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "Stopped use" 2= "Used less" 3= "My use of these products has not changed" 4= "Used more"; VALUE SUNOFTEN_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 0= "Never" 1= "Rarely" 2= "Sometimes" 3= "Most of the time" 4= "Always"; VALUE USBORN2_ -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" 1= "Yes" 2= "No"; VALUE VENOFTEN_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 0= "Never" 1= "Rarely" 2= "Sometimes" 3= "Always"; VALUE VETERAN_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 0= "Not a veteran" 1= "Veteran"; VALUE WHYNOWRK_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 0= "Unemployed, laid off, looking for work" 1= "Seasonal/contract work" 2= "Retired" 3= "Unable to work for health reasons/disabled" 4= "Taking care of house or family" 5= "Going to school" 6= "Working at a family-owned job or business, but not for pay" 7= "Other"; VALUE WIDIVSEP_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "Widowed" 2= "Divorced" 3= "Separated"; VALUE WORRIED_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" 1= "Very worried" 2= "Somewhat worried" 3= "Not at all worried"; VALUE YESNO_ -9= "Don't know" -8= "Question not asked" -7= "Explicit refusal/REF" -6= "Skipped/Implied refusal" -5= "Edited response due to invalid logic, out of range responses, or identified outlier" 0= "No" 1= "Yes"; run; data &dsn.; infile "&folderpath./&filename" dlm="," missover firstobs =2 DSD; length HIS_GENERAL 8 CHR_HYPEV 8 CHR_HYPDIF 8 CHR_HYP12M 8 CHR_HYPMED 8 CHR_CHLEV 8 CHR_CHDEV 8 CHR_ASEV 8 CHR_CANEV 8 DIB_PREDIB 8 DIB_GESDIB 8 DIB_DIBEV 8 BMI_PREGNOW 8 BMICAT 8 SOC_ERRANDS 8 SOC_PARACTIV 8 SOC_SCWRKLIM 8 PAY_PAYWORRY 8 CVL_HEARDEV 8 CVL_REAL 8 CVL_REAL_O 8 CVL_SERIOUS 8 CVL_SERIOUS_O 8 CVL_DEPRESS 8 CVL_DEPRESS_O 8 CVL_NORMPAIN 8 CVL_NORMPAIN_O 8 CVL_EMPLOYER 8 CVL_EMPLOYER_O 8 CVL_MEDIA 8 CVL_MEDIA_O 8 CVL_PASSED 8 CVL_PASSED_O 8 CVL_COVIDEV 8 CVL_SYMPT3M 8 CVL_LONGCVEV 8 LONGCOVID 8 CVL_LONGOTH 8 CVL_LEARNMOR 8 ACC_DNCEXAM 8 ACC_DNCDELAY 8 ACC_DNCCOST 8 ACC_HTHLAST 8 ACC_HTHUSUAL 8 ACC_HTHTYPE 8 ACC_HOSP12M 8 ACC_EYE12M 8 ACC_THER12M 8 INT_ACCESS 8 INT_HOMEACC 8 INT_USEMED 8 INT_USEDOC 8 INT_USETEST 8 PRV_BPCHECK 8 PRV_CHLCHECK 8 PRV_DIBCHECK 8 CAN_MAMMEV 8 CAN_RECENTM 8 CAN_BDENSITY 8 CAN_BDENSINF_C1 8 CAN_BDENSINF_C2 8 CAN_BDENSINF_C3 8 CAN_BDENSINF_C4 8 CAN_DENSE 8 OVA_TUBETIED 8 OVA_TUBECUT 8 OVA_TUBEREM 8 OVA_OVARIES 8 GEN_INTRO 8 GEN_HLTHINS 8 GEN_LIFEINS 8 GEN_DISAINS 8 GEN_JOB 8 GEN_TESTEV 8 CRI_ALCOHOL 8 SUN_USEFACE 8 SUN_USESKIN 8 SUN_AFFORD 8 SUN_INGRED 8 SUN_SPRAY 8 SUN_FEEL 8 SUN_NOHARM 8 SUN_REAPPLY 8 SUN_SAFETY 8 SUN_CLOUDY 8 MTL_ANXIETY 8 MTL_ANXMEDS 8 MTL_ANXLVL 8 MTL_DEPRESS 8 MTL_DEPMEDS 8 MTL_DEPLVL 8 CIG_SMKEV 8 CIG_SMKNOW 8 CAR_USE 8 CAR_FREQUSE 8 CAR_STOPUSE 8 VEN_USE 8 VEN_ACDUST 8 VEN_ACSMOKE 8 VEN_ACVIRUS 8 VEN_ACOTHER 8 VEN_HEPAUSE 8 VEN_HPNOHEAR 8 VEN_HPNONEED 8 VEN_HPNOCOST 8 VEN_HPNOLOUD 8 VEN_HPNOFIND 8 VEN_HPNOOTH 8 VEN_ACNONEED 8 VEN_ACNOCOST 8 VEN_ACNOLOUD 8 VEN_ACNOOTH 8 IPV_PUSH 8 IPV_HIT 8 IPV_KICK 8 IPV_HAIR 8 IPV_SLAM 8 IPV_CHOKE 8 IPV_KNIFE 8 IPV_GUN 8 IPV_ANY 8 IPV_SEV 8 MAR_MARITAL 8 MAR_EVMARRY 8 MAR_LEGAL 8 MAR_WIDIVSEP 8 MARITAL 8 MARSTAT 8 LEGMSTAT 8 EMP_EMPLOY 8 EMP_ABSENTWK 8 EMP_WHYNOWRK 8 EMPWRKLSWK 8 CIV_VOL12M 8 CIV_VOLOTH 8 CIV_MEET 8 CIV_VOTELOCL 8 CIVIC_ENGAGE 8 LAN_OTHERLAN 8 LAN_MEDIA 8 LAN_DOCTOR 8 LAN_SOCIAL 8 TEL_NONCELL 8 TEL_CELL 8 TEL_HHCELL 8 START_DATE_R $ 5 END_DATE_R $ 5 ID_R 8 P_OUTCOME 8 SOURCE 8 QUEX_LANG 8 P_GENDER 8 P_GENDERID 8 P_ORIENT 8 P_EDUC_R 8 P_EDUC_R_IFLG 8 P_RACE_R 8 P_HHSIZE_R 8 P_AGEC_R 8 P_INCOME_R 8 P_INCOME_R_IFLG 8 P_POVERTY 8 P_EMPLOY 8 P_MARITAL 8 P_REGION 8 P_HOMEOWN 8 P_HOMEOWN_IFLG 8 P_METRO_R 8 P_METRO_R_IFLG 8 P_CITIZEN 8 P_VETERAN 8 P_INSUR 8 P_USBORN 8 P_VISIT 8 P_ONEVISIT 8 P_REMIND 8 P_CATIATT 8 P_MODE 8 P_DEVICE 8 P_STRATA 8 P_PSU 8 P1_CALWT_M1 8 P2_CALWT_M1 8 WEIGHT_M1 8 ; input HIS_GENERAL CHR_HYPEV CHR_HYPDIF CHR_HYP12M CHR_HYPMED CHR_CHLEV CHR_CHDEV CHR_ASEV CHR_CANEV DIB_PREDIB DIB_GESDIB DIB_DIBEV BMI_PREGNOW BMICAT SOC_ERRANDS SOC_PARACTIV SOC_SCWRKLIM PAY_PAYWORRY CVL_HEARDEV CVL_REAL CVL_REAL_O CVL_SERIOUS CVL_SERIOUS_O CVL_DEPRESS CVL_DEPRESS_O CVL_NORMPAIN CVL_NORMPAIN_O CVL_EMPLOYER CVL_EMPLOYER_O CVL_MEDIA CVL_MEDIA_O CVL_PASSED CVL_PASSED_O CVL_COVIDEV CVL_SYMPT3M CVL_LONGCVEV LONGCOVID CVL_LONGOTH CVL_LEARNMOR ACC_DNCEXAM ACC_DNCDELAY ACC_DNCCOST ACC_HTHLAST ACC_HTHUSUAL ACC_HTHTYPE ACC_HOSP12M ACC_EYE12M ACC_THER12M INT_ACCESS INT_HOMEACC INT_USEMED INT_USEDOC INT_USETEST PRV_BPCHECK PRV_CHLCHECK PRV_DIBCHECK CAN_MAMMEV CAN_RECENTM CAN_BDENSITY CAN_BDENSINF_C1 CAN_BDENSINF_C2 CAN_BDENSINF_C3 CAN_BDENSINF_C4 CAN_DENSE OVA_TUBETIED OVA_TUBECUT OVA_TUBEREM OVA_OVARIES GEN_INTRO GEN_HLTHINS GEN_LIFEINS GEN_DISAINS GEN_JOB GEN_TESTEV CRI_ALCOHOL SUN_USEFACE SUN_USESKIN SUN_AFFORD SUN_INGRED SUN_SPRAY SUN_FEEL SUN_NOHARM SUN_REAPPLY SUN_SAFETY SUN_CLOUDY MTL_ANXIETY MTL_ANXMEDS MTL_ANXLVL MTL_DEPRESS MTL_DEPMEDS MTL_DEPLVL CIG_SMKEV CIG_SMKNOW CAR_USE CAR_FREQUSE CAR_STOPUSE VEN_USE VEN_ACDUST VEN_ACSMOKE VEN_ACVIRUS VEN_ACOTHER VEN_HEPAUSE VEN_HPNOHEAR VEN_HPNONEED VEN_HPNOCOST VEN_HPNOLOUD VEN_HPNOFIND VEN_HPNOOTH VEN_ACNONEED VEN_ACNOCOST VEN_ACNOLOUD VEN_ACNOOTH IPV_PUSH IPV_HIT IPV_KICK IPV_HAIR IPV_SLAM IPV_CHOKE IPV_KNIFE IPV_GUN IPV_ANY IPV_SEV MAR_MARITAL MAR_EVMARRY MAR_LEGAL MAR_WIDIVSEP MARITAL MARSTAT LEGMSTAT EMP_EMPLOY EMP_ABSENTWK EMP_WHYNOWRK EMPWRKLSWK CIV_VOL12M CIV_VOLOTH CIV_MEET CIV_VOTELOCL CIVIC_ENGAGE LAN_OTHERLAN LAN_MEDIA LAN_DOCTOR LAN_SOCIAL TEL_NONCELL TEL_CELL TEL_HHCELL START_DATE_R $ END_DATE_R $ ID_R P_OUTCOME SOURCE QUEX_LANG P_GENDER P_GENDERID P_ORIENT P_EDUC_R P_EDUC_R_IFLG P_RACE_R P_HHSIZE_R P_AGEC_R P_INCOME_R P_INCOME_R_IFLG P_POVERTY P_EMPLOY P_MARITAL P_REGION P_HOMEOWN P_HOMEOWN_IFLG P_METRO_R P_METRO_R_IFLG P_CITIZEN P_VETERAN P_INSUR P_USBORN P_VISIT P_ONEVISIT P_REMIND P_CATIATT P_MODE P_DEVICE P_STRATA P_PSU P1_CALWT_M1 P2_CALWT_M1 WEIGHT_M1 ; format ACC_DNCCOST YESNO_. ACC_DNCDELAY YESNO_. ACC_DNCEXAM HOWLONG_. ACC_EYE12M YESNO_. ACC_HOSP12M YESNO_. ACC_HTHLAST HOWLONG_. ACC_HTHTYPE HTHTYPE_. ACC_HTHUSUAL HTHUSUAL_. ACC_THER12M YESNO_. BMICAT BMICAT_. BMI_PREGNOW YESNO_. CAN_BDENSINF_C1 SELECTALL_. CAN_BDENSINF_C2 SELECTALL_. CAN_BDENSINF_C3 SELECTALL_. CAN_BDENSINF_C4 SELECTALL_. CAN_BDENSITY YESNO_. CAN_DENSE DENSE_. CAN_MAMMEV YESNO_. CAN_RECENTM HOWLONG_. CAR_FREQUSE CAROFTEN_. CAR_STOPUSE STOPPED_. CAR_USE YESNO_. CHR_ASEV YESNO_. CHR_CANEV YESNO_. CHR_CHDEV YESNO_. CHR_CHLEV YESNO_. CHR_HYP12M YESNO_. CHR_HYPDIF YESNO_. CHR_HYPEV YESNO_. CHR_HYPMED YESNO_. CIG_SMKEV YESNO_. CIG_SMKNOW CIGOFTEN_. CIVIC_ENGAGE CIVIC_ENGAGE_. CIV_MEET YESNO_. CIV_VOL12M YESNO_. CIV_VOLOTH YESNO_. CIV_VOTELOCL YESNO_. CRI_ALCOHOL ALCOHOL_. CVL_COVIDEV YESNO_. CVL_DEPRESS AGREEDK_. CVL_DEPRESS_O ORDER_. CVL_EMPLOYER AGREEDK_. CVL_EMPLOYER_O ORDER_. CVL_HEARDEV YESNO_. CVL_LEARNMOR LEARNMORE_. CVL_LONGCVEV YESNO_. CVL_LONGOTH YESNO_. CVL_MEDIA AGREEDK_. CVL_MEDIA_O ORDER_. CVL_NORMPAIN AGREEDK_. CVL_NORMPAIN_O ORDER_. CVL_PASSED AGREEDK_. CVL_PASSED_O ORDER_. CVL_REAL AGREEDK_. CVL_REAL_O ORDER_. CVL_SERIOUS AGREEDK_. CVL_SERIOUS_O ORDER_. CVL_SYMPT3M YESNO_. DIB_DIBEV YESNO_. DIB_GESDIB YESNO_. DIB_PREDIB YESNO_. EMPWRKLSWK EMPWRKLSWK_. EMP_ABSENTWK YESNO_. EMP_EMPLOY YESNO_. EMP_WHYNOWRK WHYNOWRK_. GEN_DISAINS CONCERNED_. GEN_HLTHINS CONCERNED_. GEN_INTRO YESNO_. GEN_JOB CONCERNED_. GEN_LIFEINS CONCERNED_. GEN_TESTEV YESNO_. HIS_GENERAL GENHLTH_. INT_ACCESS YESNO_. INT_HOMEACC YESNO_. INT_USEDOC YESNO_. INT_USEMED YESNO_. INT_USETEST YESNO_. IPV_ANY YESNO_. IPV_CHOKE YESNO_. IPV_GUN YESNO_. IPV_HAIR YESNO_. IPV_HIT YESNO_. IPV_KICK YESNO_. IPV_KNIFE YESNO_. IPV_PUSH YESNO_. IPV_SEV YESNO_. IPV_SLAM YESNO_. LAN_DOCTOR LANG2_. LAN_MEDIA LANG2_. LAN_OTHERLAN YESNO_. LAN_SOCIAL LANG2_. LEGMSTAT LEGMSTAT_. LONGCOVID LONGCOVID_. MARITAL MARITAL_. MARSTAT MARSTAT_. MAR_EVMARRY YESNO_. MAR_LEGAL LEGAL_. MAR_MARITAL MARITAL2_. MAR_WIDIVSEP WIDIVSEP_. MTL_ANXIETY MTLOFTEN_. MTL_ANXLVL LEVEL_. MTL_ANXMEDS YESNO_. MTL_DEPLVL LEVEL_. MTL_DEPMEDS YESNO_. MTL_DEPRESS MTLOFTEN_. OVA_OVARIES YESNO_. OVA_TUBECUT YESNO_. OVA_TUBEREM YESNO_. OVA_TUBETIED YESNO_. PAY_PAYWORRY WORRIED_. PRV_BPCHECK HOWLONG_. PRV_CHLCHECK HOWLONG_. PRV_DIBCHECK HOWLONG_. P_AGEC_R P_AGEC_R_. P_CITIZEN CITIZEN2_. P_DEVICE DEVICE_. P_EDUC_R P_EDUC_R_. P_EDUC_R_IFLG IFLG_. P_EMPLOY P_EMPLOY_. P_GENDER SEX_. P_GENDERID P_GENDERID_. P_HHSIZE_R HHSIZE_. P_HOMEOWN HOMEOWN_. P_HOMEOWN_IFLG IFLG_. P_INCOME_R INCOME_R_. P_INCOME_R_IFLG IFLG_. P_INSUR INSUR2_. P_MARITAL P_MARITAL_. P_METRO_R CAL_METRO_. P_METRO_R_IFLG IFLG_. P_MODE MODE2_. P_ONEVISIT ONEVISIT_. P_ORIENT P_ORIENT_. P_OUTCOME OUTCOME_. P_POVERTY POVERTY_. P_RACE_R P_RACE_R_. P_REGION REGION_. P_USBORN USBORN2_. P_VETERAN VETERAN_. QUEX_LANG QUEX_LANG_. SOC_ERRANDS DIFFICULTY_. SOC_PARACTIV DIFFICULTY_. SOC_SCWRKLIM YESNO_. SOURCE SOURCE_. SUN_AFFORD IMPORTANT_. SUN_CLOUDY AGREE_. SUN_FEEL IMPORTANT_. SUN_INGRED IMPORTANT_. SUN_NOHARM AGREE_. SUN_REAPPLY AGREE_. SUN_SAFETY AGREE_. SUN_SPRAY IMPORTANT_. SUN_USEFACE SUNOFTEN_. SUN_USESKIN SUNOFTEN_. TEL_CELL YESNO_. TEL_HHCELL YESNO_. TEL_NONCELL YESNO_. VEN_ACDUST YESNO_. VEN_ACNOCOST YESNO_. VEN_ACNOLOUD YESNO_. VEN_ACNONEED YESNO_. VEN_ACNOOTH YESNO_. VEN_ACOTHER YESNO_. VEN_ACSMOKE YESNO_. VEN_ACVIRUS YESNO_. VEN_HEPAUSE HEPAUSE_. VEN_HPNOCOST YESNO_. VEN_HPNOFIND YESNO_. VEN_HPNOHEAR YESNO_. VEN_HPNOLOUD YESNO_. VEN_HPNONEED YESNO_. VEN_HPNOOTH YESNO_. VEN_USE VENOFTEN_. ; label HIS_GENERAL = "Self-reported health status" CHR_HYPEV = "Ever been told you had hypertension" CHR_HYPDIF = "Told had hypertension on two or more visits" CHR_HYP12M = "Hypertension, past 12 months" CHR_HYPMED = "Now taking high blood pressure medication" CHR_CHLEV = "Ever told you had high cholesterol" CHR_CHDEV = "Ever been told you had coronary heart disease" CHR_ASEV = "Ever been told you had asthma" CHR_CANEV = "Ever been told you had cancer" DIB_PREDIB = "Ever been told you had prediabetes" DIB_GESDIB = "Ever been told you had gestational diabetes" DIB_DIBEV = "Ever been told you had diabetes" BMI_PREGNOW = "Currently pregnant" BMICAT = "DERIVED: 4 level BMI categorization" SOC_ERRANDS = "Difficulty doing errands alone" SOC_PARACTIV = "Difficulty participating in social activities" SOC_SCWRKLIM = "Work limited due to health problem" PAY_PAYWORRY = "Get sick or have accident, how worried about ability to pay bills" CVL_HEARDEV = "Ever heard of Long COVID" CVL_REAL = "Agree-disagree: Long COVID is a real illness" CVL_REAL_O = "Order of questionnaire appearance: CVL_REAL" CVL_SERIOUS = "Agree-disagree: Long COVID can be debilitating" CVL_SERIOUS_O = "Order of questionnaire appearance: CVL_SERIOUS" CVL_DEPRESS = "Agree-disagree: people with Long COVID may just be depressed" CVL_DEPRESS_O = "Order of questionnaire appearance: CVL_DEPRESS" CVL_NORMPAIN = "Agree-disagree: Long COVID symptoms just normal aches and pains" CVL_NORMPAIN_O = "Order of questionnaire appearance: CVL_NORMPAIN" CVL_EMPLOYER = "Agree-disagree: employers should provide accommodations for Long COVID" CVL_EMPLOYER_O = "Order of questionnaire appearance: CVL_EMPLOYER" CVL_MEDIA = "Agree-disagree: media exaggerates Long COVID" CVL_MEDIA_O = "Order of questionnaire appearance: CVL_MEDIA" CVL_PASSED = "Agree-disagree: Long COVID can be passed from one person to another" CVL_PASSED_O = "Order of questionnaire appearance: CVL_PASSED" CVL_COVIDEV = "Ever had COVID-19" CVL_SYMPT3M = "Had symptoms lasting 3 months or longer not present before having COVID-19" CVL_LONGCVEV = "Ever been told you had Long COVID" LONGCOVID = "DERIVED: Experienced Long COVID symptoms" CVL_LONGOTH = "Know anyone diagnosed with Long COVID" CVL_LEARNMOR = "How would first try to learn more about Long COVID" ACC_DNCEXAM = "Time since last dental exam/cleaning" ACC_DNCDELAY = "Delayed dental care due to cost, past 12 months" ACC_DNCCOST = "Needed dental care but did not get it due to cost, past 12 months" ACC_HTHLAST = "Time since last saw doctor about your health" ACC_HTHUSUAL = "Have a usual place to go for care" ACC_HTHTYPE = "Type of place for usual care" ACC_HOSP12M = "Hospitalized overnight, past 12 months" ACC_EYE12M = "Had eye exam, past 12 months" ACC_THER12M = "Received physical / speech / rehabilitative / occupational therapy, past 12 months" INT_ACCESS = "Access to internet" INT_HOMEACC = "Access to internet from home" INT_USEMED = "Use internet to look for health or medical information, past 12 months" INT_USEDOC = "Use internet to communicate with doctor/doctor's office, past 12 months" INT_USETEST = "Use internet to look up medical test results, past 12 months" PRV_BPCHECK = "Last time had blood pressure checked" PRV_CHLCHECK = "Last time had cholesterol checked" PRV_DIBCHECK = "Last time had test for high blood sugar or diabetes" CAN_MAMMEV = "Ever had a mammogram" CAN_RECENTM = "Time since most recent mammogram" CAN_BDENSITY = "After mammogram, told about breast density" CAN_BDENSINF_C1 = "After mammogram, how told about breast density: Conversation in-person or over the phone" CAN_BDENSINF_C2 = "After mammogram, how told about breast density: Letter in the mail" CAN_BDENSINF_C3 = "After mammogram, how told about breast density: Electronic health record online portal" CAN_BDENSINF_C4 = "After mammogram, how told about breast density: Another way" CAN_DENSE = "Most recent mammogram show dense breast tissue" OVA_TUBETIED = "Have had fallopian tubes tied" OVA_TUBECUT = "Have had fallopian tubes cut" OVA_TUBEREM = "Have had both fallopian tubes removed" OVA_OVARIES = "Have had both ovaries removed" GEN_INTRO = "Ever heard of genetic testing for being at greater risk of cancer" GEN_HLTHINS = "How concerned genetic testing for cancer will impact health insurance" GEN_LIFEINS = "How concerned genetic testing for cancer will impact life insurance" GEN_DISAINS = "How concerned genetic testing for cancer will impact long-term care/disability insurance" GEN_JOB = "How concerned genetic testing for cancer will impact employment" GEN_TESTEV = "Ever had genetic test for being at greater risk of cancer in future" CRI_ALCOHOL = "Think drinking alcohol affects risk of getting cancer" SUN_USEFACE = "When outdoors, how often use sunscreen on face" SUN_USESKIN = "When outdoors, how often use sunscreen on other exposed skin" SUN_AFFORD = "How important is it that sunscreen is affordable" SUN_INGRED = "How important are sunscreen's ingredients" SUN_SPRAY = "How important is it that sunscreen can be sprayed on skin" SUN_FEEL = "How important is it how sunscreen feels on skin" SUN_NOHARM = "Agree-disagree: sunburn is not harmful in long run" SUN_REAPPLY = "Agree-disagree: hassle to reapply sunscreen" SUN_SAFETY = "Agree-disagree: concerned about safety of ingredients in sunscreen" SUN_CLOUDY = "Agree-disagree: cloudy days don't need to worry about sun" MTL_ANXIETY = "How often felt worried, nervous, or anxious" MTL_ANXMEDS = "Take medication for worried/nervous/anxious feelings" MTL_ANXLVL = "Level of feelings when last felt worried/nervous/anxious" MTL_DEPRESS = "How often felt depressed" MTL_DEPMEDS = "Take medication for depression" MTL_DEPLVL = "Level of feelings when last felt depressed" CIG_SMKEV = "Ever smoked 100 cigarettes in entire life" CIG_SMKNOW = "How often now smoke cigarettes" CAR_USE = "Used chemical straighteners, relaxers, or pressing products on hair, past 12 months" CAR_FREQUSE = "How often used chemical straighteners, relaxers or pressing products, past 12 months" CAR_STOPUSE = "Changed use of chemical straighteners, relaxers, or pressing products, past 12 months" VEN_USE = "How often use portable air cleaner/purifier in home" VEN_ACDUST = "Use portable air cleaner/purifier to remove dust/pollen/allergens from air" VEN_ACSMOKE = "Use portable air cleaner/purifier to remove smoke particles from air" VEN_ACVIRUS = "Use portable air cleaner/purifier to remove virus particles that people exhale" VEN_ACOTHER = "Use portable air cleaner/purifier for some other reason" VEN_HEPAUSE = "Portable air cleaner/purifiers use HEPA filter" VEN_HPNOHEAR = "Don't use HEPA filter unit because never heard of one" VEN_HPNONEED = "Don't use HEPA filter unit because didn't think one was needed" VEN_HPNOCOST = "Don't use HEPA filter unit because too expensive" VEN_HPNOLOUD = "Don't use HEPA filter unit because too noisy" VEN_HPNOFIND = "Don't use HEPA filter unit because couldn't find in stores or online" VEN_HPNOOTH = "Don't use HEPA filter unit for some other reason" VEN_ACNONEED = "Don't use portable air cleaner/purifier because didn't think one was needed" VEN_ACNOCOST = "Don't use portable air cleaner/purifier because too expensive" VEN_ACNOLOUD = "Don't use portable air cleaner/purifier because too noisy" VEN_ACNOOTH = "Don't use portable air cleaner/purifier for some other reason" IPV_PUSH = "Romantic/sexual partner ever slapped, pushed or shoved" IPV_HIT = "Romantic/sexual partner ever hit with a fist/something hard" IPV_KICK = "Romantic/sexual partner ever kicked or stomped" IPV_HAIR = "Romantic/sexual partner ever hurt by pulling hair" IPV_SLAM = "Romantic/sexual partner ever hurt by slammed against something" IPV_CHOKE = "Romantic/sexual partner ever hurt by choking or suffocating" IPV_KNIFE = "Romantic/sexual partner ever used or threatened with a knife" IPV_GUN = "Romantic/sexual partner ever used or threatened with a gun" IPV_ANY = "DERIVED: Experienced any physical violence by intimate partner" IPV_SEV = "DERIVED: Experienced any severe physical violence by intimate partner" MAR_MARITAL = "Now married, living with a partner, or neither" MAR_EVMARRY = "Ever been married" MAR_LEGAL = "Current legal marital status" MAR_WIDIVSEP = "Widowed, divorced or separated" MARITAL = "DERIVED: Current Marriage Status - 2 levels" MARSTAT = "DERIVED: Current marital status" LEGMSTAT = "DERIVED: Legal marital status" EMP_EMPLOY = "Last week worked for pay at job or business" EMP_ABSENTWK = "Had a job/business last week but temporarily absent" EMP_WHYNOWRK = "Main reason not working for pay last week" EMPWRKLSWK = "DERIVED: Worked last week" CIV_VOL12M = "Volunteer activities, past 12 months" CIV_VOLOTH = "Activities at schools or youth organizations, past 12 months" CIV_MEET = "Attend local public meeting, past 12 months" CIV_VOTELOCL = "Vote in last local elections" CIVIC_ENGAGE = "DERIVED: Civic engagement including volunteering" LAN_OTHERLAN = "Speak language other than English at home" LAN_MEDIA = "What language use most often when watching television, read news, listen to radio" LAN_DOCTOR = "What language use most often when seeing a doctor" LAN_SOCIAL = "What language use most often when participate in social activities" TEL_NONCELL = "At least one telephone inside home, not cell phone" TEL_CELL = "Have a working cell phone" TEL_HHCELL = "Live with anyone with a working cell phone" START_DATE_R = "Month and year the survey started" END_DATE_R = "Month and year the survey was completed" ID_R = "Respondent ID" P_OUTCOME = "Paradata: Outcome code" SOURCE = "Paradata: Panel Provider" QUEX_LANG = "Paradata: Language of interview" P_GENDER = "Panel Profile: Respondent gender" P_GENDERID = "Panel Profile: Gender identity 4 Levels" P_ORIENT = "Panel Profile: Sexual Orientation" P_EDUC_R = "Panel Profile: Education - 3 levels" P_EDUC_R_IFLG = "Imputation flag for panel profile variable: " P_RACE_R = "Panel Profile: Race and ethnicity - 4 levels" P_HHSIZE_R = "Household size (total) - Categorical" P_AGEC_R = "Respondent's age at time of interview - topcoded" P_INCOME_R = "Household income - topcoded" P_INCOME_R_IFLG = "Imputation flag for panel profile variable: " P_POVERTY = "Poverty status" P_EMPLOY = "Panel Profile: Current Employment Status" P_MARITAL = "Panel Profile: Marital status - recoded" P_REGION = "Panel Profile: 4-level region" P_HOMEOWN = "Home ownership - 3 level" P_HOMEOWN_IFLG = "Imputation flag for panel profile variable: " P_METRO_R = "NCHS 2013 Urban/Rural code" P_METRO_R_IFLG = "Imputation flag for profile variable: " P_CITIZEN = "Panel Profile: Are you a US citizen?" P_VETERAN = "Panel Profile: Have you ever served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, military Reserves, or National Guard?" P_INSUR = "Panel Profile: Covered by any form of health insurance or health plan?" P_USBORN = "Panel Profile: Is respondent US born?" P_VISIT = "Paradata: Number of times the questionnaire was accessed/login attempts (web)" P_ONEVISIT = "Paradata: Whether the survey was completed in a single session" P_REMIND = "Paradata: Number of reminders sent" P_CATIATT = "Paradata: Number of contact attempts (phone)" P_MODE = "Paradata: Mode of interview" P_DEVICE = "Paradata: Device used to complete survey (web only)" P_STRATA = "Panel Sample Strata" P_PSU = "Panel PSU" P1_CALWT_M1 = "Panel provider 1 weight for data collection methodology 1 (P_INTWT_M1) calibrated to NHIS control totals" P2_CALWT_M1 = "Panel provider 2 weight for data collection methodology 1 (P_INTWT_M1) calibrated to NHIS control totals" WEIGHT_M1 = "Final combined weight for data collection methodology 1 calibrated to NHIS control totals" ; run;