Data Dashboards, Visualizations, and Query Systems


  • The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) provides vital statistics and selected survey data in dashboards, visualizations, and query systems.
  • These resources display statistics in formats that are easy to access and understand.
  • Find these interactive resources through the links on this page.
Image of a US map overlayed with general health and statistics related icons

Interactive resources

WONDER online databases use a rich, ad-hoc query system for analysis of public health data. WONDER features birth and death data. Reports and other queries also are available.

The Rapid Surveys System collects timely, relevant data on topic of public health importance.

National Center for Health Statistics Data Query System
The NCHS Data Query System has thousands of estimates on more than 150 health topics in one easy-to-use tool. Data are drawn from multiple NCHS surveys and data systems.

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Interactive Data Visualizations
Visualizations feature estimates from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 1999–2000 through 2017–2018.

National Health Care Surveys Dashboards
Dashboards feature data collected from healthcare providers and facilities about topics such as drug use, emergency department diagnoses, and facility characteristics.

National Health Interview Survey Interactive Data Query Systems
The interactive data query systems provide health statistics based on data from the National Health Interview Survey.

National Vital Statistics System Data Visualization Gallery
This gallery provides access to death, birth, and provisional vital statistics data dashboards.

Dashboards featuring pandemic-related data from NCHS surveys, vital statistics system, Research and Development Survey, and a partnership with the U.S. Census Bureau.

Stats of the States
The Stats of the States website offers individual state-level data for births, causes of death, and other health measures. Data can be viewed in tables and maps.

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