NIOSH logo and tagline

Dibenzo-p-dioxin, 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-

1746-01-6; 56795-67-6
See: NMAM or
March 2019
Molecular Weight
Molecular Formula
2,3,7,8-Czterochlorodwubenzo-p-dwuoksyny (Polish)
2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)
Dibenzo(b,e)(1,4)dioxin, 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-
Dioksyny (Polish)
Dioxin (herbicide contaminant)

Skin and Eye Irritation and References

eye /rabbit 2 mg moderateEVHPAZ 5,87,1973

Mutation Data and Reference

System TestRoute/Organism/TissueDoseReference
Cytogenetic Analysisoral/rat100 µg/kgMUREAV 47,141,1978
Cytogenetic Analysisintraperitoneal/rat10 mg/kgMUREAV 47,141,1978
Cytogenetic Analysisoral/mouse100 µg/kgTXAPA9 29,229,1974
Cytogenetic Analysisintraperitoneal/mouse10 µg/kgPSSID2 5,419,1982
Cytogenetic Analysislung/rat104 µg/kg/13W- intermittentTOVEFN (5),2,1998
Cytogenetic Analysislung/mouse10 µg/kgTOVEFN (5),2,1998
DNA adductintraperitoneal/rat40 µg/kg/4W- intermittentCMSHAF 25,975,1992
DNA adductoral/rat0.021 mg/kg/30W- intermittentCRTOEC 14,849,2001
DNA adductother cell types/human10 nmol/L/12HMUREAV 750,77,2013
DNA Damageliver/rat5 µmol/L/48HFCTOD7 50,2142,2012
DNA Damagelymphocyte/human0.5 µmol/L (-enzymatic activation step)MUREAV 743,25,2012
DNA Damagesperm/human0.1 µmol/L (-enzymatic activation step)MUREAV 743,25,2012
DNA Damagelymphocyte/human0.1 µmol/L (+enzymatic activation step)MUREAV 743,25,2012
DNA Damagesperm/human0.5 µmol/L (+enzymatic activation step)MUREAV 743,25,2012
DNA Damageoral/rat450 ng/kg/30W- intermittentJJTHEC 65,825,2002
DNA Damageunreported route/rat100 µg/kgCALEDQ 29,281,1988
DNA Damageoral/mouse100 µg/kgBPBLEO 29,2284,2006
DNA Damagemammary gland/human1 nmol/L/5HTOLED5 172,146,2007
DNA Damageovary/hamster0.5 nmol/LMUREAV 563,71,2004
DNA Damageother cell types/mouse10 nmol/L/24HTXCYAC 255,65,2009
DNA Damageoral/rat100 µg/kgCALEDQ 39,281,1988
DNA inhibitionintraperitoneal/rat10 µg/kgCBINA8 8,31,1974
DNA inhibitionoral/rat200 µg/kgCBINA8 8,31,1974
DNA inhibitionintraperitoneal/mouse400 µg/kgMUREAV 46,305,1977
DNA inhibitionother cell types/human10 nmol/LTXAPA9 77,434,1985
DNA inhibitionother cell types/human1 µmol/L/20H (+enzymatic activation step)MUREAV 746,124,2012
gene conversion and mitotic recombinationovary/hamster0.5 nmol/L/24HTOXID9 72,369,2003
gene conversion and mitotic recombination/Saccharomyes cerevisiae10 mg/LCMSHAF 12,549,1983
host-mediated assaySaccharomyes cerevisiae/mouse25 µg/kgCMSHAF 12,549,1983
micronucleus testliver/rat5 µmol/L/48HFCTOD7 50,2142,2012
morphological transformfibroblast/mouse10 nmol/L/21D (-enzymatic activation step)EMMUEG 37,231,2001
morphological transformmammary gland/human1 nmol/L/14DMUREAV 579,189,2005
morphological transformfibroblast/mouse200 nmol/LENMUDM 6,461,1984
mutation in mammalian somatic cellslymphocyte/mouse50 mg/LENMUDM 4,391,1982
mutation in microorganisms/Salmonella typhimurium2 mg/L (+enzymatic activation step)AMBOCX 1,32,1972
mutation in microorganisms/Escherichia coli2 mg/L (-enzymatic activation step)AMBOCX 1,1,1972
mutation in microorganisms/Saccharomyes cerevisiae10 mg/L (-enzymatic activation step)CMSHAF 12,549,1983
mutation in microorganisms/Saccharomyes cerevisiae2 mg/L (+enzymatic activation step)PSSID2 5,429,1982
other mutation test systemsother cell types/mouse1 nmol/LJBCHA3 259,12357,1984
other mutation test systemsoral/mouse50 µg/kgTXCYAC 56,239,1989
other mutation test systemsliver/rat1 nmol/L/48HMUREAV 615,87,2007
other mutation test systemsother cell types/human1 µmol/L/20H (+enzymatic activation step)MUREAV 746,124,2012
phage inhibition capacity/Escherichia coli500 µg/LAMBOCX 1,1,1972
Unscheduled DNA Synthesisother cell types/human100 pmol/LCRNGDP 11,1335,1990
Unscheduled DNA Synthesisintravenous/rat4 µg/kgBCPCA6 31,2459,1982
Unscheduled DNA Synthesisoral/rat5 µg/kgTXCYAC 28,133,1983
Unscheduled DNA Synthesisoral/mouse800 pmol/kgCRNGDP 8,1433,1987

Reproductive Effects Data and References

intraperitoneal/rat 6 µg/kg (17D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolicBCPCA6 26,1383,1977
intraperitoneal/mouse 25 µg/kg (7-11D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)
TXCYAC 20,299,1981
intraperitoneal/mouse 20 µg/kg (11D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)ATSUDG 8,43,1985
intraperitoneal/rat 50 µg/kg (1D after birth)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other postnatal measures or effectsTXAPA9 173,38,2001
intraperitoneal/mouse 30 µg/kg (14D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Cytological changes (including somatic cell genetic material)TOXID9 72(Suppl 1),231,2003
intraperitoneal/mouse 10 µg/kg (14D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Immune and reticuloendothelial system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other neonatal measures or effects
TOXID9 78,98,2004
intraperitoneal/mouse 30 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Other effects to embryo or fetusTOSCF2 94,163,2006
intraperitoneal/mouse 30 µg/kg (16D pregnant)Reproductive: Other effects to embryo or fetusTOSCF2 94,163,2006
intraperitoneal/mouse 30 µg/kg (11D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Eye, ear

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other neonatal measures or effects

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic
TOLED5 196,87,2010
oral/mouse 5 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Immune and reticuloendothelial system

Reproductive: Other developmental abnormalities
TXCYAC 290,156,2011
oral/mouse 6 µg/kg (0-7D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Immune and reticuloendothelial systemTXAPA9 277,172,2014
oral/mouse 0.2 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Other effects to embryo or fetus

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic
TXAPA9 278,220,2015
oral/mouse 1 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)TXAPA9 278,220,2015
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Central nervous system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Physical
TXCYAC 314,125,2013
oral/mouse 0.6 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Central nervous system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Physical
NETEEC 52,42,2015
oral/mouse 1 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Tumorigenic effects: Prostate tumorsTXAPA9 305,242,2016
oral/mouse 8 mg/kg (1D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other postnatal measures or effects

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Delayed effects
TOLED5 189,40,2009
oral/mouse 3 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Other developmental abnormalitiesNRTXDN 31,385,2010
oral/rat 3.2 µg/kg (1-16D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Central nervous system

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Endocrine system
FCTOD7 49,1276,2011
oral/mouse 7.7 µg/kg (4W male/4W prior to copulation/1-21D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Litter size (e.g., # fetuses per litter; measured before birth)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Viability index (e.g., # alive at day 4 per # born alive)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other neonatal measures or effects
TIHEEC 24,595,2008
oral/mouse 64 µg/kg (10D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)TIHEEC 25,473,2009
oral/rat 700 ng/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: BehavioralNRTXDN 27,1032,2006
oral/rat 100 ng/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolicNRTXDN 27,1032,2006
oral/mouse 1 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: PhysicalTXCYAC 242,52,2007
oral/rat 6678 ng/kg (12W pre-3W after birth)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Live birth index (Litter size (e.g., # fetuses per litter; measured after birth)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Viability index (e.g., # alive at day 4 per # born alive)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)
TXCYAC 240,170,2007
oral/rat 6678 ng/kg (12W pre-3W after birth)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: BehavioralTXCYAC 240,170,2007
oral/rat 352.8 ng/kg (12W pre-3W after birth)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other postnatal measures or effectsTXCYAC 240,170,2007
oral/rat 1.1 µg/kg (9-19D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Physical
TOLED5 173,41,2007
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Endocrine systemREPTED 22,521,2006
oral/monkey 4 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)BDERB* 71,37,2004
oral/monkey 4 µg/kg (20D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)BDERB* 71,37,2004
oral/mouse 180 µg/kg (8-9D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)TSPLS* -,218,2003
oral/mouse 24 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)TERAD* -,247,2004
oral/mouse 3 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other postnatal measures or effects

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Delayed effects
TOXID9 -,140,2008
oral/mouse 3 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Endocrine system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Delayed effects
TOXID9 -,140,2008
oral/mouse 6 µg/kg (14D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Cardiovascular (circulatory) system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Delayed effects
TOXID9 -,140,2008
oral/mouse 10 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Endocrine systemREPTED 23,326,2007
oral/mouse 10 µg/kg (multigeneration)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Endocrine systemREPTED 23,326,2007
oral/rat 1.6 ng/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Other effects on female

Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Extra embryonic structures (e.g., placenta, umbilical cord)
TOXID9 -,228,2008
oral/rat 1.5 µg/kg (10D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetal death

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Respiratory system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Viability index (e.g., # alive at day 4 per # born alive)
TOXID9 -,161,2008
oral/mouse 0.1 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Delayed effects
TOXID9 -,164,2008
oral/mouse 40 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Immune and reticuloendothelial system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Delayed effects
TOXID9 12,437,2008
oral/mouse 10 µg/kg (1D after birth)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system

Reproductive: Other developmental abnormalities
TOXID9 12,416,2008
oral/mouse 10 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Immune and reticuloendothelial system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other postnatal measures or effects
TOXID9 12,437,2008
oral/rat 6 µg/kg (10D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetal death

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Viability index (e.g., # alive at day 4 per # born alive)
TXAPA9 224,29,2007
oral/rat 1.5 µg/kg (10D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other postnatal measures or effects
TXAPA9 224,29,2007
oral/rat 3 µg/kg (10D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)TXAPA9 224,29,2007
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Other measures of fertility

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other postnatal measures or effects
TOSCF2 91,568,2006
oral/rat 0.03 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other postnatal measures or effectsTOSCF2 91,568,2006
oral/mouse 5 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Delayed effects
TOXID9 78,248,2004
oral/mouse 2.5 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Immune and reticuloendothelial systemTXAPA9 232,51,2008
oral/mouse 14 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system

Reproductive: Other developmental abnormalities
REPTED 24,303,2007
oral/mouse 0.01 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Delayed effects
TOPADD 36,1006,2008
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Endocrine system

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)
JPETAB 329,1091,2009
oral/mouse 10 µg/kg (0-7D pregnant)Reproductive: Paternal effects: Breast developmentREPTED 28,11,2009
oral/mouse 30 µg/kg (14D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)TOXID9 44,418,2005
oral/rat 10 gm/kg (1D after birth)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic
TOXID9 44,439,2005
oral/mouse 5 µg/kg (14D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTOXID9 78,189,2004
oral/mouse 5 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTOXID9 78,189,2004
oral/mouse 5 µg/kg (16D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTOXID9 78,189,2004
oral/rat 20 ng/kg (8D pregnant)Reproductive: Other developmental abnormalitiesTOXID9 66,168,2002
oral/rat 180 ng/kg (8D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Central nervous systemTOXID9 66,168,2002
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Blood and lymphatic systems (including spleen and marrow)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)
TOXID9 66,170,2002
oral/rat 100 ng/kg (14D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Central nervous system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Behavioral
TOXID9 78,381,2004
oral/rat 180 ng/kg (18D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other postnatal measures or effectsTOXID9 1,114,2001
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (11D pregnant)Reproductive: Other developmental abnormalitiesTOXID9 66,333,2002
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (1D after birth)Reproductive: Other developmental abnormalitiesTOXID9 66,333,2002
oral/mouse 5 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTOXID9 60,273,2001
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Delayed effects
TOXID9 60,273,2001
oral/rat 12.5 ng/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Sex ratioTOXID9 60,274,2001
oral/rat 200 ng/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: PhysicalTOXID9 60,274,2001
oral/rat 800 ng/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Delayed effects
TOXID9 60,274,2001
oral/rat 0.7 µg/kg (14D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolicTOXID9 60,274,2001
oral/rat 800 ng/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Endocrine systemTOXID9 60,332,2001
oral/rat 60 ng/kg (8D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other postnatal measures or effectsTOXID9 60,444,2001
oral/rat 200 ng/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Central nervous system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic
TXAPA9 205,98,2005
oral/rat 800 ng/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Litter size (e.g., # fetuses per litter; measured before birth)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Central nervous system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic
TXAPA9 205,98,2005
oral/mouse 400 ng/kg (1-8D pregnant)Reproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct

Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Post- implantation mortality (e.g., dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants)
REPTED 21,301,2006
oral/mouse 150 ng/kg (1-3D pregnant)Reproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct

Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Pre- implantation mortality (e.g., reduction in number of implants per female; total number of implants per corpora lutea)
REPTED 21,301,2006
oral/mouse 250 ng/kg (4-8D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Post- implantation mortality (e.g., dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants)REPTED 21,301,2006
oral/rat 0.001 mg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic
TOXID9 227,117,2006
oral/rat 0.001 mg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic
TOXID9 227,117,2006
oral/rat 0.001 mg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)TOXID9 227,117,2006
oral/rat 1.6 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)

Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetal death
TXAPA9 212,224,2006
oral/rat 0.2 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Extra embryonic structures (e.g., placenta, umbilical cord)TXAPA9 212,224,2006
oral/rat 800 ng/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Live birth index (Litter size (e.g., # fetuses per litter; measured after birth)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Sex ratio

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Physical
TXAPA9 205,98,2005
oral/rat 200 ng/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other postnatal measures or effects
TXAPA9 205,98,2005
oral/mouse 0.2 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system
TOSCF2 71,84,2003
oral/mouse 5 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Skin and skin appendages
TOSCF2 68,465,2002
oral/mouse 5 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other postnatal measures or effects
TOSCF2 68,479,2002
oral/mouse 5 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Cytological changes (including somatic cell genetic material)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system
TOSCF2 76,171,2003
oral/mouse 5 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system
TOSCF2 71,84,2003
oral/rat 0.7 µg/kg (10-16D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Behavioral

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Delayed effects
NETEEC 25,459,2003
oral/rat 700 ng/kg (14D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Central nervous system

Reproductive: Other developmental abnormalities
TOXID9 72,125,2003
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Central nervous system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other neonatal measures or effects

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic
EVHPAZ 110(Suppl 3),369,2002
oral/rat 20 ng/kg (8D pregnant)Endocrine: Differential effect of sex or castration on observed toxicity

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Behavioral
EVHPAZ 110,247,2002
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Endocrine system
BIREBV 66,1621,2002
oral/rat 20 ng/kg (18D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: BehavioralEVHPAZ 109,621,2001
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (11D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Musculoskeletal system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Stillbirth
TXAPA9 184,57,2002
oral/mouse 5 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Central nervous systemTOXID9 72(Suppl 1),365,2003
oral/mouse 10 µg/kg (17D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)TOXID9 72(Suppl 1),366,2003
oral/rat 800 ng/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Central nervous system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Behavioral
NRTXDN 24,207,2003
oral/mouse 6 µg/kg (14D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Cytological changes (including somatic cell genetic material)

Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)
TOXID9 72(Suppl 1),231,2003
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Musculoskeletal system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Delayed effects
TOXID9 44,138,2005
oral/mouse 5 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)TXAPA9 197,211,2004
oral/rat 3 µg/kg (14D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Immune and reticuloendothelial system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)
TXCYAC 197,57,2004
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (8D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Physical
TOSCF2 52,45,1999
oral/mouse 3 µg/kg (8D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Physical
TOSCF2 52,45,1999
oral/rat 800 ng/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Litter size (e.g., # fetuses per litter; measured before birth)

Reproductive: Other effects to embryo or fetus

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic
ETOPFR 11,1,2002
oral/mouse 24 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)
TOXID9 44,251,2005
oral/mouse 4.4 µg/kg (10D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Musculoskeletal system

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system
TOLED5 150,285,2004
oral/rat 0.03 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)TXAPA9 174,216,2001
oral/rat 1.4 µg/kg (10-15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other postnatal measures or effects
NETEEC 22,511,2001
oral/mouse 15 µg/kg (14D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Immune and reticuloendothelial system

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Blood and lymphatic systems (including spleen and marrow)
CMSHAF 25,103,1992
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Endocrine system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Physical
BIRSB5 62,184,2000
oral/mouse 5 µg/kg (9D pregnant)Reproductive: Other effects to embryo or fetus

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)
ARTODN 67,591,1993
oral/rat 0.18 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Behavioral

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Delayed effects
NETEEC 24,209,2002
oral/mammal (species unspecified) 19 µg/kg (132D prior to copulation)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Post- implantation mortality (e.g., dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants)VHTODE 43,134,2001
oral/mammal (species unspecified) 2.4 µg/kg (132D prior to copulation)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)VHTODE 43,134,2001
oral/mammal (species unspecified) 699.6 ng/kg (132D prior to copulation)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Viability index (e.g., # alive at day 4 per # born alive)VHTODE 43,134,2001
oral/mouse 40 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Cytological changes (including somatic cell genetic material)TCMUD8 20,73,2000
oral/rat 45 ng/kg (45D male)Reproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)

Reproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct

Reproductive: Paternal effects: Prostate, seminal vesicle, Cowper's gland, accessory glands
JJATDK 22,345,2002
oral/monkey 92 ng/kg (46W pre-17W after birth)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Behavioral

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Delayed effects
NETEEC 11,13,1989
oral/monkey 107 mg/kg (4Y male)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: BehavioralCMSHAF 20,1103,1990
oral/monkey 123 ng/kg (30W pre-17W after birth)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: BehavioralTOXID9 3,68,1983
oral/monkey 163 ng/kg (182W prior to copulation)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: BehavioralNETEEC 14,433,1992
oral/monkey 2 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: AbortionBESCE5 13,26,2000
oral/rabbit 2500 ng/kg (6-15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Post- implantation mortality (e.g., dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system
ENVRAL 27,74,1982
oral/rabbit 10 µg/kg (6-15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Pre- implantation mortality (e.g., reduction in number of implants per female; total number of implants per corpora lutea)

Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Abortion
ENVRAL 27,74,1982
oral/rabbit 1 µg/kg (6-15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Musculoskeletal systemENVRAL 27,74,1982
oral/hamster 18 µg/kg (9D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetal deathCMSHAF 20,1117,1990
oral/hamster 2 µg/kg (11D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other postnatal measures or effects
TOSCF2 51,259,1999
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Endocrine system

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Viability index (e.g., # alive at day 4 per # born alive)
TXAPA9 134,241,1995
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Delayed effects
TXAPA9 134,241,1995
oral/rat 0.35 µg/kg (16D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Endocrine systemCMSHAF 18,955,1989
oral/rat 0.125 µg/kg (16D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Hepatobiliary systemCMSHAF 18,955,1989
oral/rat 13 µg/kg (7-19D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Gastrointestinal system

Reproductive: Other developmental abnormalities
BCPCA6 32,991,1983
oral/rat 12 µg/kg (4-15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Gastrointestinal systemBCPCA6 32,991,1983
oral/monkey 0.535 µg/kg (30W prior to copulation)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Post- implantation mortality (e.g., dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants)

Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Abortion
ANYAA9 -,419,1979
oral/mouse 50 µg/kg (105D prior to copulation)Reproductive: Maternal effects: Uterus, cervix, vagina

Reproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubes

Reproductive: Other reproductive system tumors
EVHPAZ 105,750,1997
oral/mouse 1 µg/kg (10D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemEVHPAZ 5,81,1973
oral/mouse 9 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)TXAPA9 98,487,1989
oral/mouse 13500 mg/kg (6-14D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Endocrine systemTJADAB 44,385,1991
oral/mouse 235 µg/kg (28D pre-21D after birth)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Immune and reticuloendothelial systemDCTODJ 2,77,1979
oral/mouse 20 µg/kg (14D preg/3D after birth)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other postnatal measures or effects
IJIMDS 2,301,1980
oral/mouse 12 µg/kg (10-13D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Post- implantation mortality (e.g., dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants)

Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetal death
TJADAB 33,29,1986
oral/rat 12 µg/kg (10D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Cytological changes (including somatic cell genetic material)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system
TJADAB 55,326,1997
oral/rat 1500 ng/kg (1-3D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system
TJADAB 25(1),21A,1982
oral/rat 1250 ng/kg (6-15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetal death

Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)

Reproductive: Other developmental abnormalities
FCTXAV 9,405,1971
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetal death

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other neonatal measures or effects
TXAPA9 150,254,1998
oral/rat 1270 ng/kg (multigenerations)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Other measures of fertility

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Blood and lymphatic systems (including spleen and marrow)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)
TXAPA9 50,241,1979
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (15D after birth)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: PhysicalTXAPA9 140,146,1996
oral/rat 20 µg/kg (1D prior to copulation)Reproductive: Maternal effects: Uterus, cervix, vaginaTXCYAC 21,77,1981
oral/hamster 1 µg/kg (11D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTXAPA9 131,108,1995
oral/hamster 2 µg/kg (11D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: PhysicalTOSCF2 51,259,1999
oral/mouse 10 µg/kg (14D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Immune and reticuloendothelial systemMOPMA3 35,18,1989
oral/mouse 12 µg/kg (10-13D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Cytological changes (including somatic cell genetic material)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)
TOXID9 13,103,1993
oral/mouse 240 µg/kg (1D after birth)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Weaning or lactation index (e.g., # alive at weaning per # alive at day 4)ARTODN 69,87,1994
oral/mouse 320 µg/kg (1D after birth)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)ARTODN 69,87,1994
oral/mouse 480 µg/kg (1D after birth)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemARTODN 69,87,1994
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (8D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Other measures of fertility

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Endocrine system

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system
TXAPA9 133,285,1995
oral/rat 0.05 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTXAPA9 146,11,1997
oral/rat 56 mg/kg (10-16D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Endocrine system

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Immune and reticuloendothelial system
TOLED5 78,253,1995
oral/rat 0.7 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Central nervous system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Behavioral
TOXID9 14,197,1994
oral/rat 0.064 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)

Reproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system
TOXID9 10,313,1990
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)
TXAPA9 127,241,1994
oral/rat 0.7 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)

Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetal death

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system
TXAPA9 127,250,1994
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Endocrine system

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system
BIREBV 55,62,1996
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Post- implantation mortality (e.g., dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants)

Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system
TXAPA9 140,146,1996
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (11D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTOXID9 15,292,1995
oral/rat 1 µg/kg (18D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTOXID9 15,292,1995
parenteral/rat 1 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTOXID9 14,197,1994
subcutaneous/rat 185 ng/kg (2W pre-3W after birth)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Germ cell effects (in offspring)TXAPA9 150,383,1998
subcutaneous/rat 2700 ng/kg (2W pre-3W after birth)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Endocrine systemTXAPA9 150,383,1998
subcutaneous/rat 3 µg/kg (19D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolicTJADAB 40,292,1989
subcutaneous/rat 5 mg/kg (6-15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTXAPA9 20,396,1971
subcutaneous/rat 2200 ng/kg (19D preg/21D after birth)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)CMSHAF 25,1227,1992
subcutaneous/mouse 250 µg/kg (7-16D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Musculoskeletal system

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system
BECTA6 16,674,1976
subcutaneous/mouse 250 µg/kg (7-16D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Litter size (e.g., # fetuses per litter; measured before birth)

Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetal death
BECTA6 16,674,1976
subcutaneous/mouse 100 µg/kg (2D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Post- implantation mortality (e.g., dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants)TCMUD8 4,427,1984
subcutaneous/mouse 30 µg/kg (10D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)MOPMA3 17,86,1980
subcutaneous/mouse 100 µg/kg (10D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)TCMUD8 4,427,1984
subcutaneous/rat 0.5 µg/kg (7-20D preg/9-16D after birth)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Respiratory system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic
BCPCA6 62,617,2001
subcutaneous/rat 0.5 µg/kg (7-20D preg/2D after birth)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Hepatobiliary systemBCPCA6 59,1147,2000
subcutaneous/mouse 90 µg/kg (8D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)TJADAB 21,62A,1980
subcutaneous/mouse 90 µg/kg (9D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)TJADAB 21,62A,1980
subcutaneous/mouse 90 µg/kg (11D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)TJADAB 21,62A,1980
subcutaneous/monkey 405 ng/kg (20-165D preg/90D after birth)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Viability index (e.g., # alive at day 4 per # born alive)
REPTED 20,21,2005
subcutaneous/monkey 34.5 ng/kg (20D preg-90D after birth)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: BehavioralTOLED5 160,233,2006
subcutaneous/monkey 42 ng/kg (20-173D preg/1-90D after birth)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemREPTED 29,317,2010
subcutaneous/monkey 40.5 ng/kg (20-165D preg/90D after birth)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Musculoskeletal system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic
TXCYAC 251,147,2008
unreported route/mouse 3 µg/kg (14D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)TERST* -,290,2005
unreported route/rat 5 ng/kg (multigeneration)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Endocrine systemREPTED 28,32,2009
unreported route/rat 0.14 ng/kg (multigeneration)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemREPTED 28,32,2009
unreported route/mouse 1 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Tumorigenic effects: Transplacental tumorigenesisTOXID9 -,349,2009
unreported route/mouse 40 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other postnatal measures or effects

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Delayed effects
TOXID9 -,350,2009
unreported route/mouse 30 µg/kg (14D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolicTOXID9 -,385,2009
unreported route/rat 2 µg/kg (16D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTOXID9 -,117,2009
unreported route/mouse 5 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)TOXID9 -,131,2009
unreported route/rat 3 µg/kg (14D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other postnatal measures or effects

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Delayed effects
TOXID9 60,24,2001
unreported route/mouse 5 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Central nervous system

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Skin and skin appendages

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system
TOXID9 66,300,2002
unreported route/mouse 5 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTOXID9 60,333,2001
unreported route/mouse 135 µg/kg (16D preg-21D after birth)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTOXID9 60,333,2001
unreported route/mouse 150 µg/kg (13D preg-21D after birth)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTOXID9 60,333,2001
unreported route/mouse 200 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Behavioral

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Delayed effects
TOXID9 60,440,2001
unreported route/mouse 24 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Hepatobiliary system

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system
TOXID9 60,181,2001
unreported route/mouse 15 µg/kg (1D prior to copulation/7-14D pregnant)Reproductive: Maternal effects: Breasts, lactation (prior to or during pregnancy)

Reproductive: Other effects on female

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Viability index (e.g., # alive at day 4 per # born alive)
TOXID9 78,218,2004
unreported route/mouse 30 µg/kg (14D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)

Reproductive: Other developmental abnormalities
TOXID9 66,169,2002
unreported route/mouse 1 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)TOXID9 66,168,2002
unreported route/mouse 5 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Other developmental abnormalitiesTOXID9 66,132,2002
unreported route/rat 4 µg/kg (15D preg/3D after birth)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Central nervous systemTOXID9 66,132,2002
unreported route/mouse 3 µg/kg (17D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Cardiovascular (circulatory) systemTOXID9 44,172,2005
unreported route/mouse 10 µg/kg (14-16D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Immune and reticuloendothelial system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolic
TOXID9 44,181,2005
unreported route/mouse 24 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Other effects to embryo or fetusTOXID9 44,138,2005
unreported route/rat 1000 ng/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Live birth index (Litter size (e.g., # fetuses per litter; measured after birth)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Viability index (e.g., # alive at day 4 per # born alive)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Physical
TOXID9 44,139,2005
unreported route/rat 1000 ng/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Other postnatal measures or effectsTOXID9 44,139,2005
unreported route/mouse 1 µg/kg (12D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Biochemical and metabolicTOXID9 44,145,2005
unreported route/mouse 5 µg/kg (14D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTOXID9 44,112,2005
unreported route/mouse 5 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTOXID9 44,112,2005
unreported route/mouse 5 µg/kg (16D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTOXID9 44,112,2005
unreported route/mouse 5 µg/kg (17D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTOXID9 44,113,2005
unreported route/rat 0.8 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)HBPTO* 1,741,2001
unreported route/rat 0.2 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemHBPTO* 1,741,2001
unreported route/rat 0.05 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Endocrine system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Physical
HBPTO* 1,741,2001
unreported route/mouse 5 µg/kg (13D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)TOXID9 72,113,2003
unreported route/mouse 1.5 µg/kg (0-14D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Immune and reticuloendothelial systemTOXID9 72,121,2003
unreported route/mouse 5.5 µg/kg (0-14D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Viability index (e.g., # alive at day 4 per # born alive)TOXID9 72,121,2003
unreported route/mouse 12 µg/kg (6-14D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Immune and reticuloendothelial systemCMSHAF 25,115,1992
unreported route/rat 1500 mg/kg (1D male)Reproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct

Reproductive: Paternal effects: Prostate, seminal vesicle, Cowper's gland, accessory glands
ATSUDG 11,344,1987
unreported route/rat 0.7 µg/kg (15D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemTOXID9 14,382,1994

Tumorigenic Data and References

intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 1.61 µg/kgTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Tumors

Tumorigenic: Facilitates action of known carcinogens
TXAPA9 179,21,2002
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.052 mg/kg/104W- intermittentTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Liver: Tumors
NTIS** PB82-163445
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.208 mg/kg/104W- intermittentTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Liver: Tumors

Endocrine: Thyroid tumors
NTIS** PB82-163445
oral/mouse toxic dose: 1 µg/kg/2Y- intermittentTumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria

Liver: Tumors

Endocrine: Thyroid tumors
NTPTR* NTP-TR-209,1982
oral/mouse toxic dose: 36 µg/kg/52W- intermittentTumorigenic: Neoplastic by RTECS criteria

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Tumors

Liver: Tumors
NATUAS 278,548,1979
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 52 µg/kg/2Y- intermittentTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Liver: Tumors

Endocrine: Thyroid tumors
NTPTR* NTP-TR-209,1982
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 0.052 mg/kg/104W- intermittentTumorigenic: Neoplastic by RTECS criteria

Endocrine: Thyroid tumors
NTIS** PB82-163445
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 0.052 mg/kg/104W- intermittentTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Liver: Tumors
NTIS** PB82-163445
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 164 µg/kg/78W- continuousTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Tumors

Liver: Tumors
CMSHAF 6,625,1977
oral/rat toxic dose: 190 µg/kg/95W- continuousTumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Tumors

Liver: Tumors
CMSHAF 6,537,1977
oral/rat toxic dose: 27 µg/kg/65W- continuousTumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria

Liver: Tumors

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Kidney tumors
FEPRA7 36,396,1977
oral/rat toxic dose: 328 µg/kg/78W- continuousTumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Tumors
PESTC* 5,12,1977
oral/rat toxic dose: 137 µg/kg/65W- continuousTumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria

Liver: Tumors

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Kidney tumors
FEPRA7 36,396,1977
oral/rat toxic dose: 73 µg/kg/2Y- continuousTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Liver: Tumors
ANYAA9 320,397,1979
oral/rat toxic dose: 1 µg/kg/2Y- intermittentTumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria

Liver: Tumors

Endocrine: Thyroid tumors
NTPTR* NTP-TR-209,1982
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 52 µg/kg/2Y- intermittentTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Liver: Tumors

Endocrine: Thyroid tumors
NTPTR* NTP-TR-209,1982
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 73000 ng/kg/2Y- intermittentTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Liver: Angiosarcoma
TOPADD 33,165,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 73000 ng/kg/2Y- intermittentTumorigenic: Neoplastic by RTECS criteria

Liver: Tumors
TOPADD 33,165,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 33580 ng/kg/2Y- intermittentTumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria

Liver: Tumors

Liver: Angiosarcoma
TOPADD 33,165,2005
skin/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 62 µg/kg/2Y- intermittentTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Skin and Appendages: Tumors
NCITR* NCI-TR-201,1982
skin/mouse toxic dose: 80 µg/kgTumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria

Skin and Appendages: Tumors

Tumorigenic: Tumors at site of application
BECTA6 18,552,1977
skin/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.0594 mg/kg/99W- intermittentTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Skin and Appendages: Tumors
NTIS** PB82-163684
skin/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.01188 mg/kg/99W- intermittentTumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria

Skin and Appendages: Tumors
NTIS** PB82-163684
subcutaneous/rat lowest published toxic dose: 20 µg/kg/20W- intermittentTumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria

Liver: Tumors

Tumorigenic: Facilitates action of known carcinogens
FCTOD7 46,2629,2008

Acute Toxicity Data and References

In Vitro/blaInhibitor Concentration (50 percent kill): 0.00478 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXAPA9 248,185,2010
In Vitro/blaInhibitor Concentration (50 percent kill): 0.0072 nmol/L/24HBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)TXAPA9 266,38,2013
In Vitro/blaInhibitor Concentration (50 percent kill): 0.027 nmol/L/7MBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)TXAPA9 266,38,2013
In Vitro/btdInhibitor Concentration Low: 0.01 nmol/L/6HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 237,100,2015
In Vitro/btdInhibitor Concentration Low: 0.01 nmol/L/6HEndocrine: AndrogenicTOLED5 225,264,2014
In Vitro/btdInhibitor Concentration Low: 1 nmol/L/6HEndocrine: EstrogenicTOLED5 225,264,2014
In Vitro/Chicken, embryo Inhibitor Concentration Low: 0.04 µg/kg/7DEndocrine: Androgenic

In Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assays
TOLED5 205,190,2011
In Vitro/Chicken, embryo Inhibitor Concentration Low: 0.16 µg/kg/7DEndocrine: Estrogenic

In Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assays
TOLED5 205,190,2011
In Vitro/cmbInhibitor Concentration Low: 1 ng/L/8HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell Viability (cell death), unspecified assayTXCYAC 290,258,2011
In Vitro/cmbInhibitor Concentration Low: 0.01 ng/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell Viability (cell death), unspecified assayTXCYAC 290,258,2011
In Vitro/cmbInhibitor Concentration Low: 0.01 ng/L/4HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXCYAC 290,258,2011
In Vitro/Human, blood (whole or unspecified cells) Inhibitor Concentration Low: 1 nmol/L/1HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 235,28,2015
In Vitro/Human, bone marrow Inhibitor Concentration Low: 0.1 nmol/L/11DIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell differentiationTIVIEQ 40,79,2017
In Vitro/Human, bone marrow Inhibitor Concentration Low: 20 nmol/L/3HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Apoptosis in vitroTXCYAC 275,72,2010
In Vitro/Human, bone marrow Inhibitor Concentration Low: 20 nmol/L/20MIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXCYAC 275,72,2010
In Vitro/Human, bone marrow Inhibitor Concentration (50 percent kill): 20 nmol/L/12HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXCYAC 283,18,2011
In Vitro/Human, bone marrow Inhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/12HNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Changes in: CaTXCYAC 283,18,2011
In Vitro/Human, colon tumor Inhibitor Concentration Low: 5 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTIVIEQ 27,2283,2013
In Vitro/Human, embryonic cells Inhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/24HBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on inflammation or mediation of inflammation
TOLED5 232,384,2015
In Vitro/Human, endocrine tumor Inhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/48HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTIVIEQ 29,769,2015
In Vitro/Human, endothelium Inhibitor Concentration Low: 0.1 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assays

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductases
TXAPA9 245,91,2010
In Vitro/Human, endothelium Inhibitor Concentration Low: 0.01 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXAPA9 245,91,2010
In Vitro/Human, fibroblast Inhibitor Concentration Low: 1 nmol/L/11DIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell differentiationTIVIEQ 40,79,2017
In Vitro/Human, liver Inhibitor Concentration Low: 5 nmol/L/48HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 262,173,2016
In Vitro/Human, liver Inhibitor Concentration Low: 5 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 275,77,2017
In Vitro/Human, liver Inhibitor Concentration Low: 0.001 µmol/LIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXAPA9 258,176,2012
In Vitro/Human, liver tumor Inhibitor Concentration Low: 1 nmol/L/6HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 199,225,2010
In Vitro/Human, liver tumor Inhibitor Concentration Low: 1 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 199,225,2010
In Vitro/Human, liver tumor Inhibitor Concentration Low: 1 nmol/L/1HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 270,34,2017
In Vitro/Human, liver tumor Inhibitor Concentration Low: 30 nmol/LBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)TXAPA9 337,39,2017
In Vitro/Human, liver tumor Inhibitor Concentration Low: 5 nmol/L/48HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 262,173,2016
In Vitro/Human, liver tumor Inhibitor Concentration (50 percent kill): 0.21 nmol/L/24HBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)TXCYAC 324,68,2014
In Vitro/Human, liver tumor Inhibitor Concentration Low: 387 nmol/L/48HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell viability (mitochondrial reductase assays): MTT, XTT, MTS, WSTs assays etc.TIVIEQ 28,1507,2014
In Vitro/Human, liver tumor Inhibitor Concentration Low: 6 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell proliferation: DNA incorporation, mitotic index etc.

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on mitochondrial function
TIVIEQ 28,1507,2014
In Vitro/Human, lung Inhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/48HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 209,58,2012
In Vitro/Human, lung tumor Inhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/48HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTIVIEQ 27,1719,2013
In Vitro/Human, lymphocyte Inhibitor Concentration Low: 30 nmol/LImmunological Including Allergic: Decreased immune responseTXAPA9 337,39,2017
In Vitro/Human, lymphocyte Inhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/2DImmunological Including Allergic: Decreased immune responseTXAPA9 255,251,2011
In Vitro/Human, lymphocyte Inhibitor Concentration Low: 3 nmol/L/3DImmunological Including Allergic: Decreased immune responseTXAPA9 255,251,2011
In Vitro/Human, melanoma Inhibitor Concentration Low: 5 nmol/L/24HBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductasesFCTOD7 50,1933,2012
In Vitro/Human, melanoma Inhibitor Concentration Low: 5 µmol/L/48HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell membrane integrity: Cytoplasmic enzymes leakage (lactate dehydrogenase, ATP enzymes etc.)

In Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell viability (mitochondrial reductase assays): MTT, XTT, MTS, WSTs assays etc.

In Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assays
FCTOD7 50,2142,2012
In Vitro/Human, neuroblastoma Inhibitor Concentration (50 percent kill): 3 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell viability (dye exclusion): trypan blue assay etc.

In Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell viability (mitochondrial reductase assays): MTT, XTT, MTS, WSTs assays etc.
NRTXDN 56,55,2016
In Vitro/Human, oral mucosa Inhibitor Concentration Low: 0.01 nmol/L/5DIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell growth: Colony formationTXAPA9 305,186,2016
In Vitro/Human, oral mucosa Inhibitor Concentration Low: 1 nmol/L/3DIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell protein synthesisTXAPA9 305,186,2016
In Vitro/Human, skin Inhibitor Concentration Low: 1 nmol/L/48HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 196S,S239,2010
In Vitro/ilbInhibitor Concentration Low: 5 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 238,43,2015
In Vitro/jdaInhibitor Concentration Low: 40 nmol/L/48HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 196,87,2010
In Vitro/jdaInhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/72HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell viability (mitochondrial reductase assays): MTT, XTT, MTS, WSTs assays etc.TOLED5 196,87,2010
In Vitro/jkhInhibitor Concentration Low: 5 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysFCTOD7 111,374,2018
In Vitro/jrdInhibitor Concentration Low: 5 nmol/L/2HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 255,24,2016
In Vitro/jrdInhibitor Concentration Low: 10 pmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTIVIEQ 27,1467,2013
In Vitro/jrdInhibitor Concentration Low: 0.01 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell membrane integrity (prelabeled cells): release of radioactive isotopes ([51Cr], [3H]-thymidine, [3H]-proline, [35S]- or [75Se]-methionine, 5-[125I]-2-deoxy-uridine) or fluorescent dyes (bis-carboxyethyl-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF) or calcein-AM)TOLED5 211,257,2012
In Vitro/jrdInhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/LBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductasesFCTOD7 50,3320,2012
In Vitro/jtfInhibitor Concentration Low: 0.0496 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 206,152,2011
In Vitro/jtfInhibitor Concentration (50 percent kill): 0.6 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 206,152,2011
In Vitro/jtfInhibitor Concentration Low: 0.0496 nmol/L/24HEndocrine: EstrogenicTOLED5 206,152,2011
In Vitro/jtfInhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/15MIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXCYAC 304,32,2013
In Vitro/jtiInhibitor Concentration Low: 5 nmol/L/6HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 206,178,2011
In Vitro/jtiInhibitor Concentration Low: 5 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 206,178,2011
In Vitro/jzxInhibitor Concentration Low: 1 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 202,15,2011
In Vitro/mgaInhibitor Concentration Low: 100 nmol/L/12DIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 202,226,2011
In Vitro/mlbInhibitor Concentration Low: 30 nmol/L/6HBiochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on mitochondrial functionTXAPA9 254,299,2011
In Vitro/mlbInhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/0.5HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXAPA9 257,38,2011
In Vitro/mlbInhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/6HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXAPA9 247,60,2010
In Vitro/mlbInhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/2HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXAPA9 254,299,2011
In Vitro/mlbInhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/LIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 233,59,2015
In Vitro/Mouse, bone marrow Inhibitor Concentration Low: 0.001 nmol/L/7DIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell differentiationTXAPA9 246,18,2010
In Vitro/Mouse, fibroblast Inhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/6HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXAPA9 254,299,2011
In Vitro/Mouse, leukemia cells Inhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/6HBiochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on mitochondrial functionTXAPA9 254,299,2011
In Vitro/Mouse, leukemia cells Inhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/2HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXAPA9 252,150,2011
In Vitro/Mouse, leukemia cells Inhibitor Concentration Low: 0.1 nmol/L/96HEndocrine: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)
TXAPA9 261,88,2012
In Vitro/Mouse, liver Inhibitor Concentration Low: 0.1 µmol/L/48HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell countingTOLED5 223,73,2013
In Vitro/Mouse, liver Inhibitor Concentration Low: 1 nmol/L/6HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 238,17,2015
In Vitro/Mouse, liver Inhibitor Concentration Low: 0.1 nmol/L/72HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 273,10,2017
In Vitro/Mouse, neuroblastom Inhibitor Concentration Low: 0.1 µmol/L/48HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTIVIEQ 27,1634,2013
In Vitro/mpdInhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/3DImmunological Including Allergic: Decreased immune responseTXAPA9 255,251,2011
In Vitro/mqaInhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/3DIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell differentiation

In Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell viability (mitochondrial reductase assays): MTT, XTT, MTS, WSTs assays etc.
TXAPA9 280,502,2014
In Vitro/mqaInhibitor Concentration Low: 0.1 nmol/L/6DIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXAPA9 263,210,2012
In Vitro/mqaInhibitor Concentration Low: 1 nmol/L/6DIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell differentiationTIVIEQ 29,876,2015
In Vitro/mqaInhibitor Concentration Low: 10 pmol/L/20DIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell differentiationTIVIEQ 29,876,2015
In Vitro/mqaInhibitor Concentration (50 percent kill): 12.8 pmol/LIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell differentiationTIVIEQ 29,876,2015
In Vitro/mtgInhibitor Concentration Low: 25 nmol/L/6HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assays

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on inflammation or mediation of inflammation
TOLED5 207,251,2011
In Vitro/mtgInhibitor Concentration Low: 25 nmol/L/6HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 207,251,2011
In Vitro/mtgInhibitor Concentration Low: 25 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 207,251,2011
In Vitro/mzxInhibitor Concentration Low: 0.3 nmol/L/72HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell differentiationTXAPA9 268,17,2013
In Vitro/mzxInhibitor Concentration Low: 100 nmol/L/3DIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell differentiation

In Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assays
TOLED5 220,109,2013
In Vitro/mzxInhibitor Concentration Low: 0.1 nmol/L/8DIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell differentiationTIVIEQ 27,1634,2013
In Vitro/Non-mammalian species, liver Inhibitor Concentration Low: 3 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTOLED5 282,121,2018
In Vitro/Non-mammalian species, liver Inhibitor Concentration (50 percent kill): 11 pmole/L/48HBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)AQUTO* 190,150,2017
In Vitro/Non-mammalian species, liver Inhibitor Concentration (10 percent kill): 3.3 pmole/L/48HBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)AQUTO* 190,150,2017
In Vitro/paaInhibitor Concentration Low: 0.1 nmol/L/6HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXCYAC 312,132,2013
In Vitro/paaInhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/3HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXCYAC 312,132,2013
In Vitro/padInhibitor Concentration Low: 0.1 pmol/L/96HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysNRTXDN 52,64,2016
In Vitro/padInhibitor Concentration Low: 0.1 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysNRTXDN 52,64,2016
In Vitro/pahInhibitor Concentration Low: 0.1 nmol/L/6HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell proliferation: DNA incorporation, mitotic index etc.TOLED5 224,362,2014
In Vitro/pahInhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/6HBiochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on inflammation or mediation of inflammationTOLED5 224,362,2014
In Vitro/pahInhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/3HBiochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on inflammation or mediation of inflammationTXCYAC 308,158,2013
In Vitro/Rat, endocrine tumor Inhibitor Concentration Low: 300 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Apoptosis in vitroTOLED5 226,294,2014
In Vitro/Rat, endocrine tumor Inhibitor Concentration Low: 50 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell viability (mitochondrial reductase assays): MTT, XTT, MTS, WSTs assays etc.

In Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell morphology: overgrowth of cell appendixes etc.
NRTXDN 44,149,2014
In Vitro/Rat, endocrine tumor Inhibitor Concentration Low: 100 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell viability (mitochondrial reductase assays): MTT, XTT, MTS, WSTs assays etc.

In Vitro Toxicity Studies: Apoptosis in vitro
NRTXDN 37,63,2013
In Vitro/Rat, liver Inhibitor Concentration Low: 5 nmol/L/6HBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductases

In Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assays
TXCYAC 279,146,2011
In Vitro/Rat, liver Inhibitor Concentration Low: 100 pmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXCYAC 279,146,2011
In Vitro/Rat, liver tumor Inhibitor Concentration Low: 5 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell counting

In Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell proliferation: DNA incorporation, mitotic index etc.
TXCYAC 279,146,2011
In Vitro/Rat, liver tumor Inhibitor Concentration Low: 1 nmol/L/6HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXAPA9 249,55,2010
In Vitro/Rat, neurons Inhibitor Concentration Low: 300 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Apoptosis in vitroNRTXDN 37,63,2013
In Vitro/Rat, neurons Inhibitor Concentration Low: 10 nmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell viability (mitochondrial reductase assays): MTT, XTT, MTS, WSTs assays etc.NRTXDN 44,149,2014
In Vitro/Rat, testis Inhibitor Concentration Low: 5 nmol/L/6HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell membrane integrity: Cytoplasmic enzymes leakage (lactate dehydrogenase, ATP enzymes etc.)

In Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell viability (mitochondrial reductase assays): MTT, XTT, MTS, WSTs assays etc.

In Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assays
TXAPA9 252,273,2011
intracerebral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgBrain and Coverings: Other degenerative changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductases
JPETAB 329,1091,2009
intraperitoneal/chicken lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgTOXID9 60,441,2001
intraperitoneal/chicken lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgBehavioral: Coma

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Respiratory depression

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Changes in: Metabolic acidosis
TOXID9 60,441,2001
intraperitoneal/chicken lowest published lethal dose: 25 µg/kgBehavioral: Food intake (animal)

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Other changes
JTEHD6 35,187,1992
intraperitoneal/guinea pig lowest published toxic dose: 29.9 ng/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Multiple enzyme effects
BCPCA6 36,1535,1988
intraperitoneal/guinea pig lowest published toxic dose: 1.8 µg/kgNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gainBCPCA6 36,1535,1988
intraperitoneal/hamster lowest published toxic dose: 1 µg/kgBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)BCPCA6 35,2737,1986
intraperitoneal/hamster lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgLiver: Changes in liver weight

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
BCPCA6 35,2737,1986
intraperitoneal/hamster lowest published toxic dose: 100 µg/kgEndocrine: Changes in thymus weightBCPCA6 35,2737,1986
intraperitoneal/hamster lowest published toxic dose: 500 µg/kgLiver: Other changesBCPCA6 35,2737,1986
intraperitoneal/hamster lethal dose (50 percent kill): >3 mg/kgEndocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Blood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXAPA9 55,67,1980
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.6 µg/kgImmunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune responseTXCYAC 92,155,1994
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgBlood: Luekopenia

Blood: Changes in bone marrow not included in above
CMSHAF 43,819,2001
intraperitoneal/mouse lethal dose (50 percent kill): 120 µg/kgSCAMAC 254,29,1986
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 9.66 µg/kgBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)MOPMA3 13,924,1977
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 1.5 µg/kgBlood: Changes in spleen

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in cellular immune response

Immunological Including Allergic: Decreased immune response
TXCYAC 80,217,1993
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.29 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other hydrolases
TXCYAC 80,217,1993
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 20 µg/kgBlood: Changes in bone marrow not included in above

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on cyclic nucleotides
AECTCV 41,232,2001
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kgReproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm ductTOXID9 72,66,2003
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.1 µg/kgReproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)TOXID9 72,66,2003
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 30 µg/kgEndocrine: Other changes

Blood: Changes in bone marrow not included in above

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other transferases
CMSHAF 25,103,1992
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 11.19 µg/kgImmunological Including Allergic: Decrease in cellular immune response

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)
TXCYAC 63,97,1990
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 30 µg/kgEndocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Blood: Changes in bone marrow not included in above
TOSCF2 69,117,2002
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 15 µg/kgBlood: Methemoglobinemia- CarboxhemoglobinemiaTXAPA9 181,32,2002
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 782 ng/kgImmunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune response

Immunological Including Allergic: Decreased immune response
TXAPA9 94,141,1988
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 115 µg/kgLiver: Changes in liver weight

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXCYAC 172,125,2002
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 5 µg/kgReproductive: Maternal effects: Uterus, cervix, vagina

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on cyclic nucleotides

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on inflammation or mediation of inflammation
TOSCF2 66,62,2002
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.1 µg/kgBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: TransaminasesTOSCF2 69,109,2002
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 1 µg/kgBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Transaminases

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport
TOSCF2 69,109,2002
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Transaminases

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on inflammation or mediation of inflammation
TOSCF2 69,109,2002
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 30 µg/kgEndocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Blood: Changes in bone marrow not included in above

Immunological Including Allergic: Decreased immune response
TOLED5 129,1,2002
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.1 µg/kgBlood: Changes in spleen

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Multiple enzyme effects
TXCYAC 178,241,2002
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 5 µg/kgLiver: Fatty liver degenerationTOXID9 72(Suppl 1),336,2003
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 1 µg/kgBlood: Changes in bone marrow not included in above

Immunological Including Allergic: Decreased immune response
TXAPA9 197,185,2004
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 100 ng/kgBrain and Coverings: Other degenerative changes

Liver: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
TOXID9 78,18,2004
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 2.5 µg/kgLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Other changes

Blood: Changes in spleen

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on inflammation or mediation of inflammation
TOLED5 157,89,2005
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 5 µg/kgEndocrine: Changes in thymus weightTOXID9 66,334,2002
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgRelated to Chronic Data: Changes in uterine weightTOXID9 60,249,2001
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 5 µg/kgReproductive: Maternal effects: Uterus, cervix, vaginaTOXID9 60,249,2001
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 200 µg/kgEndocrine: Changes in spleen weight

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight
TOXID9 66,21,2002
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgBlood: Changes in spleen

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in cellular immune response
ARTODN 78,290,2004
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgImmunological Including Allergic: Decrease in cellular immune responseARTODN 76,570,2002
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 30 µg/kgEndocrine: Other changes

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight
TOXID9 1,68,2001
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kgImmunological Including Allergic: Decreased immune responseTOVEFN (2),20,1998
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 150 µg/kgBrain and Coverings: Other degenerative changes

Liver: Hepatitis (hepatocellular necrosis), zonal

Liver: Other changes
JTPAE7 18,41,2005
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 30 µg/kgImmunological Including Allergic: Uncharacterized (multiple organ involvement)TOLED5 180,189,2008
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Changes in pulmonary vascular resistance
TOXID9 -,195,2009
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgEndocrine: Other changesTOXID9 -,29,2009
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 30 µg/kgBlood: Changes in bone marrow not included in aboveCRNGDP 30,11,2009
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 15 µg/kgCardiac: Other changes

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Other changes

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes
FCTOD7 50,2325,2012
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 80 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Dehydrogenases
TXCYAC 266,30,2009
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 30 µg/kgLiver: Other changesTXAPA9 257,38,2011
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgLiver: Hepatitis (hepatocellular necrosis), diffuse

Liver: Fatty liver degeneration

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXAPA9 256,122,2011
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Liver: Changes in liver weight

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Transaminases
TXAPA9 256,122,2011
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kgBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport
TXAPA9 259,143,2012
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 15 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductases
TOLED5 238,17,2015
intraperitoneal/non-mammalian species lowest published toxic dose: 70 µg/kgCardiac: Pericarditis

Cardiac: Other changes
TOXID9 -,437,2009
intraperitoneal/rabbit lethal dose (50 percent kill): 252 µg/kgSCAMAC 254,29,1986
intraperitoneal/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 24600 ng/kgTXAPA9 45,513,1978
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1 µg/kgReproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)TXAPA9 150,427,1998
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgReproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Multiple enzyme effects
TXAPA9 150,427,1998
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 12.5 µg/kgReproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct

Reproductive: Paternal effects: Prostate, seminal vesicle, Cowper's gland, accessory glands

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXCYAC 89,49,1994
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 5 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other hydrolases
ARTODN 53,177,1983
intraperitoneal/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 60 µg/kgEndocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other hydrolases
BBRCA9 125,996,1984
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2.5 µg/kgEndocrine: Changes in thymus weightBBRCA9 160,1003,1989
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 25 µg/kgNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gainBBRCA9 160,1003,1989
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10.3 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Endocrine: Estrogenic
TXAPA9 95,435,1988
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 5 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Blood: Changes in spleen

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other hydrolases
ARTODN 53,177,1983
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 5 µg/kgEndocrine: Other changes

Blood: Changes in spleen

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other hydrolases
ARTODN 53,177,1983
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 125 µg/kgBehavioral: Food intake (animal)

Liver: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport
ARTODN 62,146,1988
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Liver: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport
LPDSAP 23,904,1988
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1 µg/kgLiver: Changes in liver weight

Liver: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport
LPDSAP 23,904,1988
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Multiple enzyme effects

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport
JPETAB 248,62,1989
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 9.66 µg/kgBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)MOPMA3 13,924,1977
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1 µg/kgEndocrine: Evidence of thyroid hypofunction

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXCYAC 44,297,1987
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published lethal dose: 25 µg/kgEndocrine: Other changesTXCYAC 44,297,1987
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 125 µg/kgBehavioral: Food intake (animal)

Endocrine: Hypoglycemia
TXCYAC 44,297,1987
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 82.4 µg/kgEndocrine: Estrogenic

Endocrine: Other changes
CMSHAF 19,785,1989
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published lethal dose: 100 µg/kgEndocrine: Other changes

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
JTEHD6 16,481,1985
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 20 µg/kgEndocrine: EstrogenicTXAPA9 92,368,1988
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgReproductive: Paternal effects: Prostate, seminal vesicle, Cowper's gland, accessory glands

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)
TXCYAC 29,61,1983
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 5 µg/kgEndocrine: Changes in spleen weight

Liver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other hydrolases
ATXKA8 53,177,1983
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 100 µg/kgEndocrine: Evidence of thyroid hypofunction

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)
TXCYAC 37,51,1985
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 25 µg/kgBehavioral: Food intake (animal)

Endocrine: Adrenal cortex hyperplasia

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight
TXCYAC 53,19,1988
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published lethal dose: 125 µg/kgTXCYAC 53,19,1988
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kgEndocrine: Change in gonadotropins

Biochemical: Neurotransmitters or modulators (putative): Dopamine at other sites
TXAPA9 94,496,1988
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 12.5 µg/kgReproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm ductTXCYAC 76,103,1992
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 25 µg/kgEndocrine: Androgenic

Reproductive: Paternal effects: Prostate, seminal vesicle, Cowper's gland, accessory glands

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXCYAC 76,103,1992
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kgRelated to Chronic Data: Changes in testicular weightTXCYAC 76,103,1992
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 19.31 µg/kgNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
CJPPA3 63,1537,1985
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 20 µg/kgReproductive: Maternal effects: Uterus, cervix, vagina

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductases
BCPCA6 39,485,1990
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 80 µg/kgRelated to Chronic Data: Changes in uterine weightBCPCA6 39,485,1990
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 25 µg/kgLiver: Other changesTXAPA9 246,100,2010
intraperitoneal/rat lethal dose (25 percent kill): 1000 µg/kgTOXID9 66,334,2002
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 25 µg/kgBrain and Coverings: Other degenerative changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
TOLED5 226,294,2014
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 25 µg/kgBrain and Coverings: Other degenerative changesNRTXDN 37,63,2013
intraperitoneal/wild bird lowest published toxic dose: 20 µg/kgEndocrine: Evidence of thyroid hyperfunction

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)
ETOCDK 16,985,1997
oral/cattle lowest published lethal dose: 5 mg/kgLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Other changes

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Urine volume decreased or anuria

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TOVEFN (1),30,2004
oral/chicken lethal dose (50 percent kill): 0.06 mg/kgTOVEFN (1),30,2004
oral/chicken lowest published lethal dose: 0.02 mg/kgBehavioral: Somnolence (general depressed activity)

Behavioral: Fluid intake

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TOVEFN (1),30,2004
oral/chicken lowest published lethal dose: 0.1 mg/kgTOVEFN (1),30,2004
oral/chicken lowest published lethal dose: 25 µg/kgLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Dyspnea

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
FCTXAV 11,585,1973
oral/Dog lethal dose (50 percent kill): 1 µg/kgENTOX* -,70,2005
oral/domestic animal lowest published lethal dose: 0.41 mg/kgTOVEFN (1),30,2004
oral/domestic animal lethal dose (50 percent kill): 0.22 mg/kgTOVEFN (1),30,2004
oral/domestic animal lowest published lethal dose: 0.13 mg/kgBehavioral: Somnolence (general depressed activity)

Behavioral: Fluid intake

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TOVEFN (1),30,2004
oral/frog lethal dose (50 percent kill): 1 mg/kgSCAMAC 254,29,1986
oral/guinea pig lethal dose (50 percent kill): 500 ng/kgEVSRBT 2,708,1973
oral/hamster lethal dose (50 percent kill): 1157 µg/kgGastrointestinal: Other changes

Blood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXAPA9 55,67,1980
oral/hamster lethal dose (50 percent kill): 1157 µg/kgENTOX* -,70,2005
oral/mammal (species unspecified) lethal dose (50 percent kill): 4200 ng/kgLiver: Other changes

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes

Blood: Changes in spleen
AECTCV 17,33,1988
oral/monkey lethal dose (50 percent kill): 2 µg/kgEXPEAM 38,879,1982
oral/monkey lowest published toxic dose: 0.004 mg/kgReproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubes

Reproductive: Maternal effects: Menstrual cycle changes or disorders
REPTED 15,377,2001
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgBehavioral: Change in motor activity (specific assay)TOSCF2 56,114,2000
oral/mouse lethal dose (50 percent kill): 114 µg/kgEye: Mydriasis (pupilliary dilation)

Behavioral: Convulsions or effect on seizure threshold

Cardiac: Other changes
TXAPA9 29,229,1974
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kgEndocrine: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
NRTXDN 23,783,2002
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.3 µg/kgImmunological Including Allergic: Decrease in cellular immune responseTOXID9 72(Suppl 1),403,2003
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.3 µg/kgLiver: Changes in liver weightTOXID9 72(Suppl 1),403,2003
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 5 µg/kgImmunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune response

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on inflammation or mediation of inflammation
TXCYAC 172,49,2002
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 20 µg/kgEndocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune response

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on inflammation or mediation of inflammation
TXCYAC 172,49,2002
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 156 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes in urine composition
TOXID9 72(Suppl 1),363,2003
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.1 µg/kgBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)TOXID9 72(Suppl 1),364,2003
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 5 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Blood: Other changes
TOXID9 72(Suppl 1),364,2003
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 12.5 µg/kgBrain and Coverings: Other degenerative changes

Liver: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport
TXCYAC 175,73,2002
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 1 µg/kgBrain and Coverings: Other degenerative changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
TOXID9 44,222,2005
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 30 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
TOXID9 44,279,2005
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 5 µg/kgImmunological Including Allergic: Decrease in cellular immune response

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune response

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on inflammation or mediation of inflammation
TXCYAC 188,15,2003
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 3 µg/kgLiver: Changes in liver weight

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune response
TXCYAC 197,15,2004
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgLiver: Changes in liver weight

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune response
TXCYAC 197,15,2004
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.3 µg/kgImmunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune responseTXCYAC 197,15,2004
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgImmunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune response

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight
TXCYAC 197,15,2004
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 400 µg/kgLiver: Hepatitis (hepatocellular necrosis), diffuse

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on inflammation or mediation of inflammation
TXAPA9 190,120,2003
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 4000 µg/kgLiver: Hepatitis (hepatocellular necrosis), diffuse

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Multiple enzyme effects

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on inflammation or mediation of inflammation
TXAPA9 190,120,2003
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kgLiver: Changes in liver weight

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
TXAPA9 192,262,2003
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Other changes

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune response

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)
TXAPA9 192,275,2003
oral/mouse lowest published lethal dose: 100 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Liver: Changes in liver weight

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
BPBLEO 29,2284,2006
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 20 µg/kgBlood: Changes in spleen

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in cellular immune response

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune response
TOXID9 60,25,2001
oral/mouse lethal dose (50 percent kill): 114 µg/kgENTOX* -,70,2005
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 100 µg/kgLiver: Changes in liver weight

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight
BPBLEO 27,1397,2004
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Other changes

Liver: Other changes

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Changes in both tubules and glomeruli
TXCYAC 224,191,2006
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 100 µg/kgGastrointestinal: Other changes

Endocrine: Hyperglycemia

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXAPA9 205,89,2005
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 100 µg/kgLiver: Changes in liver weight

Endocrine: Changes in spleen weight

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight
BPBLEO 32,876,2009
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgBiochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteinsREPTED 23,326,2007
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 3 µg/kgEndocrine: Changes in spleen weight

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune response
TXCYAC 256,25,2009
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 20 µg/kgBlood: Changes in spleen

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune response
TOXID9 66,178,2002
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 75 mg/kgLiver: Liver function tests impaired

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Porphyrin including bile pigments

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
TOXID9 44,389,2005
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 75 mg/kgLiver: Liver function tests impaired

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Changes in: Fe

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Porphyrin including bile pigments
TOXID9 44,389,2005
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 100 µg/kgGastrointestinal: Other changes

Endocrine: Hyperglycemia

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
TXAPA9 205,89,2005
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 2 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Blood: Changes in spleen

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)
TOXID9 -,19,2009
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport
TOXID9 -,416,2009
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.4 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other transferases
JAPTO* 28,724,2008
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.1 µg/kgGastrointestinal: Other changes

Immunological Including Allergic: Decreased immune response
JTSCDR 34,SP349,2009
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 1 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
CRTOEC 20,1573,2007
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 64 µg/kgLiver: Hepatitis (hepatocellular necrosis), diffuse

Liver: Fatty liver degeneration

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
CRTOEC 20,1573,2007
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 30 µg/kgLiver: Multiple effects

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on inflammation or mediation of inflammation
TXAPA9 243,359,2010
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 15 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Liver: Changes in liver weight

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductases
TXCYAC 280,10,2011
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 15 µg/kgLiver: Hepatitis (hepatocellular necrosis), diffuse

Liver: Changes in liver weight
TXAPA9 256,154,2011
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 30 µg/kgLiver: Hepatitis (hepatocellular necrosis), diffuse

Liver: Changes in liver weight

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport
TXAPA9 256,154,2011
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.3 µg/kgLiver: Other changesTXAPA9 256,154,2011
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.001 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on mitochondrial function
TXAPA9 246,58,2010
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 15 µg/kgEndocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Blood: Changes in spleen
TOLED5 215,100,2012
oral/pig lowest published toxic dose: 6 mg/kgLiver: Other changes

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TOVEFN (1),30,2004
oral/rabbit lethal dose (50 percent kill): 115 µg/kgTXAPA9 35,553,1976
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kgEndocrine: Adrenal cortex hypoplasia

Endocrine: Other changes
NETEEC 15,365,1993
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 90 µg/kgEndocrine: Changes in spleen weightTXCYAC 106,221,1996
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgImmunological Including Allergic: Increase in humoral response

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXCYAC 106,221,1996
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1 µg/kgEndocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Immunological Including Allergic: Decreased immune response

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXCYAC 106,221,1996
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1 µg/kgVascular: BP elevation not characterized in autonomic section

Cardiac: Pulse rate decreased with fall in BP

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Body temperature decrease
TXCYAC 145,227,2000
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Changes in: Other metals

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
LIFSAK 69,1291,2001
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2 µg/kgNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Changes in: FeLIFSAK 69,1291,2001
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 4 µg/kgNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Changes in: Other metalsLIFSAK 69,1291,2001
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 5 µg/kgEndocrine: Changes in thymus weightTXAPA9 128,97,1994
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 0.03 µg/kgEndocrine: Change in LH

Endocrine: Change in gonadotropins
TXAPA9 142,264,1997
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 100 µg/kgNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Reproductive: Paternal effects: Prostate, seminal vesicle, Cowper's gland, accessory glands
TXAPA9 106,112,1990
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 25 µg/kgEndocrine: Other changesBCPCA6 33,2531,1984
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgReproductive: Paternal effects: Prostate, seminal vesicle, Cowper's gland, accessory glands

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)
JPETAB 215,601,1980
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kgEndocrine: Change in LH

Endocrine: Androgenic

Reproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct
BIREBV 45,143,1991
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 100 µg/kgEndocrine: AndrogenicTXAPA9 105,78,1990
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 6.25 µg/kgBehavioral: Food intake (animal)

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Respiratory depression

Endocrine: Other changes
TXAPA9 84,45,1986
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 12.5 µg/kgNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gainTXAPA9 84,45,1986
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2.5 µg/kgSkin and Appendages: Other: Breast

Skin and Appendages: Tumors

Tumorigenic: Facilitates action of known carcinogens
EVHPAZ 109,739,2001
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 0.077 µg/kgEndocrine: Evidence of thyroid hypofunctionTXAPA9 181,38,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2.3 µg/kgEndocrine: Evidence of thyroid hypofunction

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight
TXAPA9 181,38,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 6.3 µg/kgEndocrine: Evidence of thyroid hypofunction

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXAPA9 181,38,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 0.14 µg/kgLiver: Other changesTXAPA9 187,128,2003
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 0.83 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight
TXAPA9 187,128,2003
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 5.5 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXAPA9 187,128,2003
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgReproductive: Maternal effects: Oogenesis

Reproductive: Maternal effects: Menstrual cycle changes or disorders

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TOLED5 78,219,1995
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)
CRTOEC 13,1051,2000
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 12.5 mg/kgEndocrine: Androgenic

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
BCPCA6 36,727,1987
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 25 µg/kgReproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)
BCPCA6 31,3663,1982
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kgEndocrine: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
BCPCA6 35,4359,1986
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 0.01 mg/kgReproductive: Maternal effects: Oogenesis

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in ovarian weight
TXAPA9 133,321,1995
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kgBrain and Coverings: Other degenerative changes

Liver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)
TOXID9 72(Suppl 1),361,2003
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 300 µg/kgLiver: Hepatitis (hepatocellular necrosis), zonal

Liver: Other changes
TOSCF2 71,112,2003
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1 µg/kgBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductasesTOLED5 147,133,2004
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 5 µg/kgEndocrine: Evidence of thyroid hypofunction

Blood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductases
TOLED5 147,133,2004
oral/rat lowest published lethal dose: 60 µg/kgEndocrine: Evidence of thyroid hypofunction

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductases
TOLED5 147,133,2004
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgReproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)TXAPA9 197,354,2004
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kgBehavioral: Food intake (animal)TXAPA9 197,214,2004
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 4 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Endocrine: Evidence of thyroid hypofunction

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)
TXCYAC 171,73,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgBlood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other transferases
CBINA8 145,1,2003
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1 µg/kgKidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changesCBINA8 145,1,2003
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 0.1 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
CBINA8 145,1,2003
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 4 µg/kgImmunological Including Allergic: Decrease in cellular immune responseTOVEFN (6),14,2004
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1 µg/kgImmunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune responseTOVEFN (6),14,2004
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 5 µg/kgLiver: Changes in liver weight

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight
JTSCDR 34,209,2009
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 5 µg/kgLiver: Changes in liver weightJTSCDR 34,209,2009
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport
TOXID9 -,416,2009
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 3 µg/kgBehavioral: Alteration of classical conditioningTXCYAC 283,140,2011
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 32 µg/kgEndocrine: Change in LH

Blood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)
TOXID9 66,376,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 40 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Blood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport
TXAPA9 207,1,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 32 µg/kgBehavioral: Convulsions or effect on seizure thresholdTOXID9 60,444,2001
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 7.5 µg/kgNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)
TOXID9 60,252,2001
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)
TOXID9 60,236,2001
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 25 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
TOXID9 60,138,2001
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 5 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
TOXID9 78,19,2004
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 5 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
TOXID9 44,418,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 12.5 ng/kgBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)TOXID9 66,169,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 30 µg/kgEndocrine: Androgenic

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TOXID9 66,170,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 300 µg/kgReproductive: Paternal effects: Prostate, seminal vesicle, Cowper's gland, accessory glands

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in prostate weight
TOXID9 66,170,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgReproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm ductTOXID9 66,170,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 300 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Blood: Changes in spleen

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductases
TXCYAC 250,132,2008
oral/rat lowest published lethal dose: 300 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Blood: Changes in spleen

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductases
TXCYAC 250,132,2008
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 25 µg/kgBiochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteinsTXAPA9 233,314,2008
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kgBehavioral: Food intake (animal)

Endocrine: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
TXAPA9 233,314,2008
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport
TOXID9 -,18,2009
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 40 µg/kgBlood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXAPA9 207,1,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 0.4 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Blood: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Transaminases
TXAPA9 207,1,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 0.8 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Reproductive: Maternal effects: Uterus, cervix, vagina

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)
TXAPA9 212,224,2006
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 0.001 mg/kgBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)TOXID9 227,117,2006
oral/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 20 µg/kgENTOX* -,70,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2000 µg/kgLiver: Hepatitis (hepatocellular necrosis), zonal

Liver: Fatty liver degeneration

Liver: Other changes
TXCYAC 235,39,2007
oral/rat lowest published lethal dose: 10000 µg/kgTXCYAC 235,39,2007
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 4 µg/kgLiver: Changes in liver weight

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
ARTODN 81,261,2007
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 16 µg/kgEndocrine: Other changes

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)
ARTODN 81,261,2007
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgBiochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on inflammation or mediation of inflammationTXCYAC 308,158,2013
parenteral/chicken lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kgKidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)
TOXID9 60,440,2001
parenteral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.1 µg/kgImmunological Including Allergic: Decrease in cellular immune response

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
TOXID9 60,201,2001
parenteral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kgEndocrine: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
TOXID9 60,269,2001
parenteral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.1 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Endocrine: Other changes

Blood: Changes in spleen
TOXID9 66,334,2002
skin/human lowest published toxic dose: 107 µg/kgSkin: After topical application: Dermatitis, allergicSCAMAC 254,29,1986
skin/monkey lowest published toxic dose: 10 ng/kgBlood: Other changes

Blood: Changes in leukocyte (WBC) count
TAEHC* VI:205,1,1998
skin/mouse lowest published lethal dose: 80 µg/kgGastrointestinal: Other changesRCOCB8 20,101,1978
skin/rabbit lethal dose (50 percent kill): 275 µg/kgEVHPAZ 5,87,1973
subcutaneous/monkey lowest published toxic dose: 1 ng/kgCardiac: Cardiomyopathy including infarction

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
ARTODN 76,360,2002
subcutaneous/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgCardiac: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
NSAPCC 369(Suppl 1),R118,2004
subcutaneous/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 27.5 µg/kgEndocrine: Change in LH

Reproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXAPA9 194,239,2004
subcutaneous/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2500 ng/kgEndocrine: Other changesJDPHDH 15,337,1991
subcutaneous/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2500 ng/kgBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)JDPHDH 15,337,1991
subcutaneous/rat lowest published toxic dose: 20 µg/kgLiver: Changes in liver weightTXAPA9 133,313,1995
subcutaneous/rat lowest published toxic dose: 40 µg/kgLiver: Changes in liver weight

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXAPA9 133,313,1995
Tank with water/Crayfish lethal dose (50 percent kill): 30 µg/kgTIVIEQ 35,157,1996
Tank with water/Crayfish lowest published toxic concentration: 3 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)
TIVIEQ 35,157,1996
Tank with water/Trout lethal dose (50 percent kill): 0.171 µg/kgCardiac: Pericarditis

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Craniofacial (including nose and tongue)
TIVIEQ 31,315,1995
Tank with water/Zebrafish lowest published toxic concentration: 1 µg/L/20HReproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)

Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetal death

Reproductive: Other developmental abnormalities
TOLED5 198,119,2010
Tank with water/Zebrafish lowest published toxic concentration: 0.5 ppb/24HVascular: Measurement of regional blood flowTXAPA9 253,244,2011
Tank with water/Zebrafish lowest published toxic concentration: 0.5 ppb/4HBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductasesTXAPA9 253,244,2011
unreported route/human lowest published toxic dose: 25 µg/kgGastrointestinal: Nausea or vomiting

Blood: Normocytic anemia

Skin: After systemic exposure: Dermatitis, other
EVHPAZ 109,865,2001
unreported route/human lowest published toxic dose: 6 µg/kgGastrointestinal: Nausea or vomiting

Skin: After systemic exposure: Dermatitis, other

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport
EVHPAZ 109,865,2001
unreported route/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgImmunological Including Allergic: Decrease in cellular immune responseTOXID9 78,19,2004
unreported route/mouse lowest published lethal dose: 200 µg/kgLiver: Fatty liver degeneration

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
ANYAA9 320,204,1979
unreported route/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 0.32 µg/kgBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)TOXID9 72,109,2003
unreported route/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 8 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other enzymes
TOXID9 72,109,2003
unreported route/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 450 ng/kgCardiac: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)
TOXID9 -,436,2009
unreported route/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 30 µg/kgBlood: Other changesTOXID9 -,385,2009
unreported route/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 30 µg/kgLiver: Other changesTOXID9 -,208,2009
unreported route/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 500 µg/kgNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gainTOXID9 -,16,2009
unreported route/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 30 µg/kgBlood: Changes in spleenTOXID9 -,132,2009
unreported route/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 15 µg/kgLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
TOXID9 78,247,2004
unreported route/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 24 µg/kgLiver: Changes in liver weightTOXID9 60,181,2001
unreported route/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 25 µg/kgBehavioral: AnticonvulsantTOXID9 60,442,2001
unreported route/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10 mg/kgBehavioral: Convulsions or effect on seizure thresholdTOXID9 60,444,2001
unreported route/rat lowest published lethal dose: 90 mg/kgBehavioral: Convulsions or effect on seizure thresholdTOXID9 60,444,2001
unreported route/rat lowest published toxic dose: 32 µg/kgEndocrine: Change in LH

Endocrine: Change in gonadotropins

Reproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubes
TOXID9 60,273,2001
unreported route/rat lowest published toxic dose: 32 µg/kgReproductive: Maternal effects: Menstrual cycle changes or disordersTOXID9 60,273,2001
unreported route/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 10 µg/kgTOXID9 60,331,2001
unreported route/rat lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kgBrain and Coverings: Other degenerative changes

Endocrine: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
TOXID9 44,418,2005
unreported route/rat lowest published lethal dose: 50 µg/kgBehavioral: Food intake (animal)

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
TOXID9 44,418,2005
unreported route/rat lowest published toxic dose: 30 ng/kgBehavioral: Alteration of classical conditioningTOLED5 180S,S36,2008
unreported route/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kgLiver: Other changesTOXID9 -,206,2009
unreported route/rat lowest published lethal dose: 19 µg/kgTXAPA9 187,128,2003

Other Multiple Dose Data and References

intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 9260 ng/kg/4W- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weight

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Blood: Changes in erythrocyte (RBC) count
TOLED5 60,247,1992
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 180 µg/kg/6W- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weight

Blood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Transaminases
CMSHAF 14,949,1985
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 120 µg/kg/12W- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weight

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Blood: Changes in other cell count (unspecified)
CMSHAF 19,927,1989
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 32 µg/kg/7D- intermittentRelated to Chronic Data: Changes in uterine weightARTODN 78,309,2004
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 32 µg/kg/7D- intermittentBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductasesARTODN 78,309,2004
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 32 µg/kg/7D- intermittentBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductases

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in uterine weight
ARTODN 78,309,2004
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 400 µg/kg/8W- intermittentRelated to Chronic Data: Changes in uterine weightTXAPA9 226,107,2008
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 4 µg/kg/8W- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weight

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)
TXAPA9 226,107,2008
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 40 µg/kg/8W- intermittentEndocrine: Changes in thymus weightTXAPA9 226,107,2008
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 80 µg/kg/16W- intermittentRelated to Chronic Data: Changes in uterine weightTXAPA9 226,107,2008
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 45 µg/kg/3D- intermittentLiver: Other changesTOXID9 66,334,2002
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 300 µg/kg/3D- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other transferases
JCINAO 113,137,2004
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 60 µg/kg/6W- intermittentLiver: Hepatitis, fibrous (cirrhosis, post- necrotic scarring)TOLED5 273,10,2017
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 15 µg/kg/3D- intermittentLiver: Other changesTXAPA9 246,100,2010
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 40 µg/kg/4W- intermittentReproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in testicular weight
FCTOD7 45,2237,2007
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 240 ng/kg/8W- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Catalases

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductases
TXCYAC 171,117,2002
oral/cattle lowest published toxic dose: 0.3 mg/kg/10D- intermittentCardiac: Other changes

Liver: Other changes

Blood: Changes in spleen
TOVEFN (1),30,2004
oral/chicken lowest published toxic dose: 0.22 mg/kg/10D- intermittentCardiac: Cardiomyopathy including infarction

Liver: Changes in liver weight

Blood: Changes in spleen
TOVEFN (1),30,2004
oral/domestic animal lowest published toxic dose: 3 mg/kg/10D- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weight

Blood: Changes in spleen

Related to Chronic Data: Death in the "MULTIPLE DOSE" data type field
TOVEFN (1),30,2004
oral/guinea pig lowest published toxic dose: 441 ng/kg/90D- continuousLiver: Changes in liver weight

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
FAATDF 6,454,1986
oral/guinea pig lowest published toxic dose: 1600 ng/kg/8W- intermittentEndocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
EVHPAZ 5,101,1973
oral/guinea pig lowest published toxic dose: 5 µg/kg/5W- intermittentEndocrine: Other changes

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes

Related to Chronic Data: Death in the "MULTIPLE DOSE" data type field
EVHPAZ 5,125,1973
oral/hamster lowest published toxic dose: 600 µg/kg/3D- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductases

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other transferases
BECTA6 31,649,1983
oral/mammal (species unspecified) lowest published toxic dose: 1.68 µg/kg/14D- continuousNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gainVHTODE 43,22,2001
oral/mammal (species unspecified) lowest published toxic dose: 3.36 µg/kg/28D- continuousMusculoskeletal: Changes in teeth and supporting structures

Related to Chronic Data: Death in the "MULTIPLE DOSE" data type field
VHTODE 43,22,2001
oral/mammal (species unspecified) lowest published toxic dose: 3.92 µg/kg/4W- continuousBehavioral: Somnolence (general depressed activity)VHTODE 43,134,2001
oral/mammal (species unspecified) lowest published toxic dose: 4.76 µg/kg/34D- continuousRelated to Chronic Data: Death in the "MULTIPLE DOSE" data type fieldVHTODE 43,134,2001
oral/mammal (species unspecified) lowest published toxic dose: 18.48 µg/kg/132D- continuousBrain and Coverings: Other degenerative changes

Liver: Other changes

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
VHTODE 43,134,2001
oral/mammal (species unspecified) lowest published toxic dose: 211.2 ng/kg/132D- continuousBlood: Other changes

Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Mating performance (e.g., # sperm positive females per # females mated; # copulations per # estrus cycles)

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Changes in: Fe
VHTODE 43,134,2001
oral/monkey lowest published toxic dose: 5.35 µg/kg/30W- continuousEndocrine: Estrogenic

Endocrine: Other changes
ANYAA9 -,419,1979
oral/monkey lowest published toxic dose: 0.535 µg/kg/30W- continuousReproductive: Effects on fertility: Female fertility index (e.g., # females pregnant per # sperm positive females; # females pregnant per # females mated)

Reproductive: Maternal effects: Parturition
ANYAA9 -,419,1979
oral/monkey lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kg/12D- continuousGastrointestinal: Ulceration or bleeding from stomach

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Other changes

Related to Chronic Data: Death in the "MULTIPLE DOSE" data type field
BECTA6 18,108,1977
oral/monkey lowest published toxic dose: 2.143 µg/kg/120D- intermittentImmunological Including Allergic: Decreased immune responseTOSCF2 56,374,2000
oral/monkey lowest published toxic dose: 170.4 µg/kg/240D- intermittentReproductive: Other effects on femaleTOSCF2 56,374,2000
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 97.5 ng/kg/13W- intermittentBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Plasma proteins not involving coagulation
TXAPA9 124,82,1994
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 12 µg/kg/4D- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weightTJADAB 33,29,1986
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 588 µg/kg/14D- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weight

Endocrine: Changes in spleen weight

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight
TXAPA9 112,128,1992
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 20 µg/kg/4W- intermittentEndocrine: Other changes

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in cellular immune response
EVHPAZ 5,149,1973
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 520 µg/kg/13W- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Related to Chronic Data: Death in the "MULTIPLE DOSE" data type field
NTPTR* NTP-TR-209,1982
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 336 µg/kg/8W- continuousBlood: Other changes

Blood: Changes in leukocyte (WBC) count

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune response
JEPTDQ 4(2-3),401,1980
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 50 µg/kg/15W- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weight

Tumorigenic: Increased incidence of tumors in susceptible strains

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)
EVHPAZ 105,750,1997
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 4050 ng/kg/9W- intermittentVascular: BP elevation not characterized in autonomic sectionTOXID9 44,173,2005
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 900 mg/kg/18D- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weight

Liver: Other changes
TXAPA9 229,10,2008
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 2.5 µg/kg/5D- intermittentImmunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune responseTXCYAC 282,82,2011
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 25 µg/kg/5D- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Blood: Changes in spleen

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune response
TXCYAC 282,82,2011
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 1350 ng/kg/60D- intermittentCardiac: Other changes

Vascular: BP elevation not characterized in autonomic section

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes
TOXID9 12,454,2008
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 4 µg/kg/4D- intermittentReproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Catalases

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other oxidoreductases
TOLED5 178,202,2008
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 14 mg/kg/4W- continuousEndocrine: Other changes

Blood: Changes in spleen
ETPAEK 61,406,2009
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 20 µg/kg/2D- intermittentBiochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteinsREPTED 23,326,2007
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 81900 mg/kg/26W- continuousSkin and Appendages: Tumors

Tumorigenic: Increased incidence of tumors in susceptible strains
TOXID9 78,367,2004
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 45 µg/kg/3D- intermittentImmunological Including Allergic: Decrease in cellular immune responseTIHEEC 17,192,2001
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 475 µg/kg/178D- intermittentRelated to Chronic Data: Death in the "MULTIPLE DOSE" data type fieldTOXID9 66,168,2002
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 150 µg/kg/6W- intermittentLiver: Fatty liver degeneration

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Blood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)
TXAPA9 29,229,1974
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 6 ng/kg/3D- intermittentEndocrine: EstrogenicREPTED 21,301,2006
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 500 ng/kg/5D- intermittentRelated to Chronic Data: Changes in uterine weightREPTED 21,301,2006
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 2520 ng/kg/28D- continuousBrain and Coverings: Other degenerative changesTXCYAC 321,1,2014
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 210 µg/kg/28D- intermittentKidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes in urine composition

Blood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Changes in: Fe
TXAPA9 321,1,2017
oral/non-mammalian species lowest published toxic dose: 600 ng/kg/15D- continuousEndocrine: Estrogenic

Reproductive: Maternal effects: Oogenesis
REPTED 25,47,2008
oral/pig lowest published toxic dose: 0.35 mg/kg/7D- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weight

Blood: Changes in spleen

Related to Chronic Data: Death in the "MULTIPLE DOSE" data type field
TOVEFN (1),30,2004
oral/rabbit lowest published toxic dose: 80 µg/kg/8W- intermittentImmunological Including Allergic: Decrease in cellular immune response

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune response

Related to Chronic Data: Death in the "MULTIPLE DOSE" data type field
NTIS** OTS0544117
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 3 µg/kg/80D- continuousEndocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune response
EJPHAZ 293,429,1995
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2.9 µg/kg/30D- continuousEndocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in humoral immune response
EJPHAZ 293,429,1995
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 30 µg/kg/30D- intermittentBlood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)

Blood: Changes in platelet count

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Multiple enzyme effects
EVHPAZ 5,111,1973
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 6500 ng/kg/13W- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weight

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Blood: Pigmented or nucleated red blood cells
TXAPA9 35,553,1976
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 7300 mg/kg/2Y- continuousLiver: Hepatitis (hepatocellular necrosis), zonal

Liver: Changes in liver weight

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes in urine composition
TXAPA9 46(2),279,1978
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 16 µg/kg/16W- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes in urine composition

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Porphyrin including bile pigments
BCPCA6 31,1607,1982
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 120 µg/kg/3D- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Changes in: Fe

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)
BECTA6 45,436,1990
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 450 ng/kg/45W- intermittentKidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes in urine compositionTXAPA9 57,156,1981
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 140 µg/kg/14D- intermittentBlood: Change in clotting factors

Blood: Changes in erythrocyte (RBC) count

Blood: Changes in platelet count
EVHPAZ 5,119,1973
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 7000 ng/kg/28D- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Multiple enzyme effects

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport
CMSHAF 43,807,2001
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 28000 ng/kg/28D- intermittentNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Liver: Changes in liver weight

Blood: Microcytosis with or without anemia
CMSHAF 43,807,2001
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 70 µg/kg/13W- intermittentEndocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Related to Chronic Data: Death in the "MULTIPLE DOSE" data type field
CMSHAF 29,2381,1994
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 41.9 µg/kg/13W- intermittentBlood: Changes in platelet count

Related to Chronic Data: Death in the "MULTIPLE DOSE" data type field
TXAPA9 146,217,1997
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 13 µg/kg/13D- intermittentNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
BCPCA6 32,991,1983
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 7 µg/kg/4W- continuousEndocrine: Evidence of thyroid hypofunctionCMSHAF 25,1239,1992
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 0.7 µg/kg/4W- continuousBiochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): OtherCMSHAF 25,1239,1992
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2.275 µg/kg/13W- continuousLiver: Other changes

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Conditioned vitamin deficiency
CMSHAF 25,1239,1992
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 22.75 µg/kg/91D- continuousLiver: Changes in liver weight

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
CMSHAF 25,2023,1992
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2.275 µg/kg/91D- continuousBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)CMSHAF 25,2023,1992
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10 µg/kg/7D- intermittentSkin and Appendages: Other: Breast

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in ovarian weight

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in uterine weight
EVHPAZ 103,708,1995
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2.9 µg/kg/30D- continuousEndocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in cellular immune response
EPEPEG 293,429,1995
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 3 µg/kg/180D- continuousImmunological Including Allergic: Decrease in cellular immune responseEPEPEG 293,429,1995
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 15.5 µg/kg/31W- intermittentLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Other changes

Liver: Multiple effects

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)
TOXID9 78,19,2004
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 52 µg/kg/2Y- intermittentLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Tumors

Liver: Tumors

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)
TOXID9 78,19,2004
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 3.5 µg/kg/5W- intermittentLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Other changesTOXID9 66,9,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 9800 ng/kg/14W- continuousGastrointestinal: Changes in structure or function of exocrine pancreas

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
TOXID9 44,372,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1980 ng/kg/90D- intermittentBrain and Coverings: Other degenerative changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other

Biochemical: Neurotransmitters or modulators (putative): Dopamine at other sites
TOXID9 44,416,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 45 ng/kg/45D- intermittentBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Multiple enzyme effects

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in testicular weight
TXCYAC 171,127,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 3000 ng/kg/60D- intermittentReproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in prostate weight

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in testicular weight
TOXID9 72,362,2003
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 0.07 µg/kg/28D- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
TXCYAC 178,45,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 275 ng/kg/64D- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
TOXID9 72,361,2003
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 900 ng/kg/90D- intermittentBrain and Coverings: Recordings from specific areas of CNS

Brain and Coverings: Other degenerative changes
TOXID9 72,77,2003
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 45 ng/kg/45D- intermittentReproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other enzymes

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in testicular weight
JAPTO* 22,345,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 45 ng/kg/45D- intermittentBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Catalases

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in prostate weight
JAPTO* 22,345,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 450 ng/kg/30W- intermittentBrain and Coverings: Other degenerative changesJJTHEC 65,825,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 3300 ng/kg/30W- intermittentBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)JJTHEC 65,825,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 3500 ng/kg/5W- intermittentLiver: Fatty liver degeneration

Liver: Changes in liver weight

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Multiple enzyme effects
TXAPA9 191,12,2003
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 105 µg/kg/5W- continuousNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gainVHTODE 43,22,2001
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 45 ng/kg/45D- intermittentBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Multiple enzyme effects

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in prostate weight

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in testicular weight
JJATDK 22,345,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 72.8 µg/kg/2Y- intermittentCardiac: Cardiomyopathy including infarction

Vascular: Structural changes in vessels

Liver: Other changes
TOXID9 72,30,2003
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 110 ng/kg/22W- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
TOXID9 60,331,2001
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 3.2 µg/kg/16D- intermittentEndocrine: Evidence of thyroid hypofunctionFCTOD7 49,1276,2011
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2190 ng/kg/2Y- intermittentLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)
TOPADD 35,880,2007
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1113 ng/kg/53W- intermittentBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)TOPADD 35,880,2007
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 52 µg/kg/2Y- intermittentEndocrine: Other changesTOPADD 32,41,2004
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 651 ng/kg/31W- intermittentLiver: Other changesTOPADD 33,165,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2156 ng/kg/14W- intermittentLiver: Other changesTOPADD 33,165,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2190 ng/kg/2Y- intermittentLiver: Hepatitis (hepatocellular necrosis), diffuse

Liver: Other changes
TOPADD 33,165,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 37100 ng/kg/53W- intermittentLiver: Fatty liver degeneration

Liver: Change in gall bladder structure or function

Liver: Other changes
TOPADD 33,165,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 21700 ng/kg/31W- intermittentLiver: Fatty liver degeneration

Liver: Other changes
TOPADD 33,165,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1000 ng/kg/12D- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight
TOXID9 78,245,2004
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 9 µg/kg/3D- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Endocrine: Differential effect of sex or castration on observed toxicity

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
TOXID9 78,246,2004
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 4140 ng/kg/90D- intermittentBrain and Coverings: Other degenerative changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Multiple enzyme effects

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport
TOXID9 78,247,2004
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 0.9 mg/kg/3D- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Endocrine: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
TOXID9 -,167,2008
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 273 ng/kg/13W- intermittentBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)TOXID9 60,235,2001
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 4140 ng/kg/90D- intermittentBrain and Coverings: Other degenerative changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Multiple enzyme effects

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
JTEHF8 69,381,2006
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 0.2 µg/kg/14D- intermittentBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)TOVEFN (6),34,2003
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 23920 ng/kg/104W- intermittentGastrointestinal: Changes in structure or function of exocrine pancreas

Reproductive: Tumorigenic effects: Uterine tumors

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 23920 ng/kg/104W- intermittentEndocrine: Other changesNTPTR* NTP-TR-521
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1100 ng/kg/10W- intermittentNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gainNTPTR* NTP-TR-521
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 6500 ng/kg/13W- intermittentNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gainNTPTR* NTP-TR-521
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1540 ng/kg/14W- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Endocrine: Evidence of thyroid hypofunction
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 3220 ng/kg/14W- intermittentEndocrine: Evidence of thyroid hyperfunction

Endocrine: Evidence of thyroid hyperfunction

Endocrine: Changes in thyroid weight
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2650 ng/kg/53W- intermittentEndocrine: Evidence of thyroid hyperfunctionNTPTR* NTP-TR-521
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1550 ng/kg/31W- intermittentLiver: Other changesNTPTR* NTP-TR-521
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 700 ng/kg/14W- intermittentLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Other changes

Liver: Multiple effects

Liver: Changes in liver weight
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 700 ng/kg/14W- intermittentLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Changes in lung weightNTPTR* NTP-TR-521
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 11440 ng/kg/104W- intermittentLiver: Hepatitis (hepatocellular necrosis), diffuse

Liver: Change in gall bladder structure or function

Liver: Angiosarcoma
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 11440 ng/kg/104W- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Reproductive: Other effects on female
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 15000 ng/kg/30W- intermittentLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Structural or functional change in trachea or bronchi

Liver: Angiosarcoma
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 15000 ng/kg/30W- intermittentGastrointestinal: Tumors

Endocrine: Adrenal cortex hypoplasia

Reproductive: Tumorigenic effects: Uterine tumors
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 15000 ng/kg/30W- intermittentKidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Interstitial nephritisNTPTR* NTP-TR-521
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 5200 ng/kg/104W- intermittentLiver: Fatty liver degeneration

Liver: Multiple effects

Endocrine: Adrenal cortex hyperplasia
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 5200 ng/kg/104W- intermittentCardiac: Cardiomyopathy including infarction

Blood: Eosinophilia
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 465 ng/kg/31W- intermittentLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Changes in lung weightNTPTR* NTP-TR-521
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 52000 ng/kg/104W- intermittentLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Other changes

Gastrointestinal: Tumors
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 52000 ng/kg/104W- intermittentVascular: Other changes

Gastrointestinal: Other changes
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1560 ng/kg/104W- intermittentLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Structural or functional change in trachea or bronchiNTPTR* NTP-TR-521
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 15500 ng/kg/31W- intermittentGastrointestinal: Changes in structure or function of exocrine pancreasNTPTR* NTP-TR-521
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 45 ng/kg/45D- intermittentReproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)

Reproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Multiple enzyme effects
ARTODN 76,113,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2156 ng/kg/14W- intermittentEndocrine: Other changesTOXID9 44,416,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 4900 ng/kg/14W- intermittentNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gainTOXID9 44,416,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 98 ng/kg/14W- intermittentLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)
TOXID9 44,416,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 40 µg/kg/4D- intermittentReproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Multiple enzyme effects
ARTODN 77,280,2003
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 3000 ng/kg/30D- intermittentBrain and Coverings: Other degenerative changes

Liver: Other changes
TOXID9 66,168,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 37.5 ng/kg/8D- intermittentBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)TOXID9 66,169,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 273 ng/kg/13W- intermittentBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Cytochrome oxidases (indlucing oxidative phosphrylation)

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Other changes
TOXID9 66,170,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 10.5 µg/kg/15W- intermittentLiver: Other changesTOXID9 66,157,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 60 µg/kg/6D- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Liver: Changes in liver weight

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXAPA9 248,178,2010
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 400 µg/kg/4D- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXAPA9 251,119,2011
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1000 µg/kg/10D- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXAPA9 251,119,2011
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 400 µg/kg/4D- intermittentLiver: Other changesTXAPA9 251,119,2011
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 3600 ng/kg/2W- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weight

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TXCYAC 301,85,2012
skin/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 910 mg/kg/26W- continuousSkin and Appendages: Tumors

Tumorigenic: Increased incidence of tumors in susceptible strains
TOXID9 78,367,2004
skin/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 8 mg/kg/20W- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weight

Skin: After systemic exposure: Dermatitis, other

Tumorigenic: Facilitates action of known carcinogens
TXAPA9 102,362,1990
skin/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 200 µg/kg/20W- intermittentNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Liver: Changes in liver weight

Liver: Fatty liver degeneration
FCTOD7 42,1217,2004
skin/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 200 ng/kg/1W- intermittentBiochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on inflammation or mediation of inflammationFCTOD7 42,1217,2004
skin/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 300 ng/kg/3D- intermittentBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)FCTOD7 42,1217,2004
skin/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 15 µg/kg/3D- intermittentBiochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transportFCTOD7 42,1217,2004
skin/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 97 µg/kg/13W- intermittentLiver: Hepatitis (hepatocellular necrosis), diffuse

Blood: Changes in spleen

Related to Chronic Data: Death in the "MULTIPLE DOSE" data type field
NCITR* NCI-TR-201-82
subcutaneous/rat lowest published toxic dose: 3500 ng/kg/5W- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Liver: Changes in liver weight

Tumorigenic: Cells (cultured) transformed
CRNGDP 15,1143,1994
subcutaneous/rat lowest published toxic dose: 6300 ng/kg/9W- intermittentBiochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: PhosphatasesCRNGDP 15,1143,1994
subcutaneous/rat lowest published toxic dose: 140 ng/kg/20W- intermittentLiver: Other changesTXAPA9 197,212,2004
subcutaneous/rat lowest published toxic dose: 17 µg/kg/19W- intermittentMusculoskeletal: Changes in teeth and supporting structuresTOSCF2 69,482,2002
subcutaneous/rat lowest published toxic dose: 170 µg/kg/19W- intermittentVascular: Structural changes in vessels

Musculoskeletal: Changes in teeth and supporting structures
TOSCF2 69,482,2002
subcutaneous/rat lowest published toxic dose: 140 ng/kg/20W- intermittentMusculoskeletal: Other changesTOXRE* 2,472,2015
unreported route/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 45 µg/kg/3D- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on mitochondrial function

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
TOXID9 60,269,2001
unreported route/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 500 µg/kg/4D- intermittentNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gainTOXID9 -,16,2009
unreported route/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 15 µg/kg/14D- intermittentBlood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)

Reproductive: Maternal effects: Breasts, lactation (prior to or during pregnancy)
TOXID9 72,230,2003
unreported route/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 5.5 µg/kg/14D- intermittentReproductive: Maternal effects: Breasts, lactation (prior to or during pregnancy)TOXID9 72,121,2003
unreported route/rat lowest published toxic dose: 9100 ng/kg/13W- intermittentLiver: Other changesTOXID9 72,264,2003
unreported route/rat lowest published toxic dose: 102.4 µg/kg/32D- intermittentNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gainTOXID9 44,416,2005
unreported route/rat lowest published toxic dose: 0.2 µg/kg/16D- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other enzymes
TOXID9 44,416,2005
unreported route/rat lowest published toxic dose: 51.2 µg/kg/16D- intermittentEndocrine: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
TOXID9 44,416,2005
unreported route/rat lowest published toxic dose: 9.8 µg/kg/14W- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
TOXID9 78,19,2004
unreported route/rat lowest published toxic dose: 0.0075 µg/kg/3D- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Endocrine: Other changes
TOXID9 66,62,2002


International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)Cancer Review:Animal Sufficient EvidenceIMEMDT 69,33,1997
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)Cancer Review:Animal Sufficient EvidenceIMEMDT 100F,371,2012
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)Cancer Review:Animal Inadequate EvidenceIMEMDT 15,41,1977
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)Cancer Review:Human Sufficient EvidenceIMSUDL 7,350,1987
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)Cancer Review:Human Limited EvidenceIMEMDT 69,33,1997
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)Cancer Review:Human Sufficient EvidenceIMEMDT 100F,371,2012
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)Cancer Review:Group 1IMEMDT 69,33,1997
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)Cancer Review:Group 1IMEMDT 100F,371,2012

Standards and Regulations

Occupational Exposure Limit-GERMANYMAK 0.01 ng/m3, inhal, 2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-JAPAN1 carc, MAY2012
Occupational Exposure Limit-SWITZERLANDMAK-week 10 pg/m3, inhal, skin, JAN2011

NIOSH Documentation and Surveillance

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Recommended Exposure Level TO TCDD-airCarcinogen lowest feasible concentrationNIOSH* DHHS #92-100,1992
National Occupational Exposure Survey 1983Hazard Code X7301; Number of Industries 1; Total Number of Facilities 3; Number of Occupations 1; Total Number of Employees Exposed 14; Total Number of Female Employees Exposed 5

Status in Federal Agencies

EPA GENETOX PROGRAM 1988, Negative: Rodent dominant lethal
EPA GENETOX PROGRAM 1988, Positive: Carcinogenicity-mouse/rat
EPA TSCA Section 8(d) unpublished health/safety studies
NCI Carcinogenesis Bioassay (dermal);clear evidence:mouseNCITR* NCI-TR-201,1982
NCI Carcinogenesis Studies (gavage);clear evidence:mouse,rat
NTP 14th Report on Carcinogens,2016:Known to be a human carcinogen
NTP Carcinogenesis studies; on test (prechronic studies), October 2000
NTP Carcinogenesis studies; on test (two year studies), October 2000
NTP Carcinogenesis studies; test completed (peer review), October 2000
Page last reviewed: November 16, 2018