NIOSH logo and tagline

Ethanol, 2-ethoxy-

110-80-5; 96231-36-6
See: NMAM or
March 2019
Molecular Weight
Molecular Formula
2-Ethoxyethanol (ACGIH:OSHA)
Athylenglykol-monoathylather (German)
Cellosolve (OSHA)
Cellosolve solvent
Celosolv (Czech)
Dowanol 8
Dowanol EE
Ektasolve EE
Ether monoethylique de l'ethylene-glycol (French)
Ethyl cellosolve
Ethylene glycol ethyl ether
Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether
Etoksyetylowy alkohol (Polish)
Glycol monoethyl ether (OSHA)
Jeffersol EE
Poly-Solv EE
RCRA waste number U227
RCRA waste number U359

Skin and Eye Irritation and References

eye /guinea pig 10 µg mildJPPMAB 11,150,1959
eye /human 6000 ppmPHRPA6 45,1459,1930
eye /rabbit 50 mg moderateUCDS** 5/20/1966
eye /rabbit 500 mg/24H mild85JCAE -,624,1986
skin /rabbit 500 mg open irritation test mildUCDS** 5/20/1966

Mutation Data and Reference

System TestRoute/Organism/TissueDoseReference
Cytogenetic Analysisovary/hamster6830 mg/LEMMUEG 10(Suppl 10),1,1987
sister chromatid exchangeovary/hamster3170 mg/LEMMUEG 10(Suppl 10),1,1987
sperm morphologyoral/rat23400 mg/kg/5W- intermittentTXAPA9 84,576,1986

Reproductive Effects Data and References

inhalation/rat 10 ppm/6H (6-15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Litter size (e.g., # fetuses per litter; measured before birth)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Musculoskeletal system
EVHPAZ 57,33,1984
inhalation/rat 200 ppm/7H (1-19D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Musculoskeletal system

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Cardiovascular (circulatory) system
SWEHDO 7(Suppl 4),66,1981
inhalation/rat 600 ppm/7H (7-13D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Post- implantation mortality (e.g., dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants)

Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetal death
NRTXDN 2,231,1981
inhalation/rat 100 ppm/7H (14-20D pregnant)Reproductive: Maternal effects: Parturition

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Behavioral
TJADAB 21,58A,1980
inhalation/rabbit 400 ppm/6H (65D male)Reproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm ductEVHPAZ 57,157,1984
inhalation/rabbit 160 ppm/7H (1-18D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Body wall

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Musculoskeletal system

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Cardiovascular (circulatory) system
SWEHDO 7(Suppl 4),66,1981
inhalation/rabbit 175 ppm/6H (6-18D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Musculoskeletal systemNTIS** OTS0571396
inhalation/rabbit 160 ppm/7H (1-18D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital systemSWEHDO 7(Suppl 4),66,1981
inhalation/rabbit 617 ppm/7H (1-18D pregnant)Reproductive: Maternal effects: Uterus, cervix, vagina

Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Other measures of fertility
NTIS** PB83-208074
inhalation/rabbit 400 ppm/6H (6-18D pregnant)Reproductive: Other effects on female

Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Post- implantation mortality (e.g., dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants)

Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Litter size (e.g., # fetuses per litter; measured before birth)
NTIS** OTS0546094
inhalation/rat 2270 mg/m3/7H (1-18D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetal death

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Musculoskeletal system

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)
VCVGK* -,163,1994
oral/mouse 220.5 gm/kg (21W male)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Male fertility index (e.g., # males impregnating females per # males exposed to fertile nonpregnant females)NTIS** #PB85118651
oral/mouse 220.5 gm/kg (21W prior to copulation)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)NTIS** #PB85118651
oral/mouse 382.2 gm/kg (21W prior to copulation)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Female fertility index (e.g., # females pregnant per # sperm positive females; # females pregnant per # females mated)NTIS** #PB85118651
oral/mouse 52.5 gm/kg (7D male/7D prior to copulation/21D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Other measures of fertility

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Live birth index (Litter size (e.g., # fetuses per litter; measured after birth)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)
NTIS** #PB85118651
oral/rat 1500 mg/kg (3D male)Reproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm ductTOLED5 190,193,2009
oral/rat 17500 mg/kg (35D male)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Male fertility index (e.g., # males impregnating females per # males exposed to fertile nonpregnant females)

Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Pre- implantation mortality (e.g., reduction in number of implants per female; total number of implants per corpora lutea)
REPTED 14,55,2000
oral/mouse 28840 mg/kg (7-14D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Live birth index (Litter size (e.g., # fetuses per litter; measured after birth)EVHPAZ 57,141,1984
oral/rat 500 mg/kg (5D male)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Other measures of fertilityFAATDF 5,182,1985
oral/rat 7820 mg/kg (1-21D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Post- implantation mortality (e.g., dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants)

Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Abortion
ARZNAD 21,880,1971
oral/rat 600 mg/kg (10-12D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Musculoskeletal system

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Cardiovascular (circulatory) system
TOXID9 4,87,1984
oral/rat 1800 mg/kg (7-15D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetal deathTOXID9 4,87,1984
oral/rat 4500 mg/kg (6W male)Reproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)FAATDF 7,348,1986
oral/mouse 25 gm/kg (25D male)Reproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm ductSAIGBL 21,29,1979
oral/mouse 252 gm/kg (18W prior to copulation)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Stillbirth

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Live birth index (Litter size (e.g., # fetuses per litter; measured after birth)
EVHPAZ 57,85,1984
oral/mouse 5600 mg/kg (8-14D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Live birth index (Litter size (e.g., # fetuses per litter; measured after birth)

Reproductive: Effects on newborn: Growth statistics (e.g., reduced weight gain)
TCMUD8 7,55,1987
oral/mouse 12600 mg/kg (8-14D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Post- implantation mortality (e.g., dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants)

Reproductive: Other developmental abnormalities
TJADAB 33,96C,1986
skin/rat 50 gm/kg (7-16D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Post- implantation mortality (e.g., dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants)

Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Litter size (e.g., # fetuses per litter; measured before birth)

Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)
DCTODJ 5,277,1982
skin/rat 50 gm/kg (7-16D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Musculoskeletal system

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Cardiovascular (circulatory) system
DCTODJ 5,277,1982
skin/rat 50 gm/kg (7-16D pregnant)Reproductive: Maternal effects: Uterus, cervix, vagina

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Central nervous system

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system
EVHPAZ 57,69,1984
skin/rat 12.5 mL/kg (7-16D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)VCVGK* -,163,1994
subcutaneous/rat 1955 mg/kg (1-21D pregnant)Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Musculoskeletal systemARZNAD 21,880,1971

Acute Toxicity Data and References

In Vitro/Human, neuroblastoma Inhibitor Concentration Low: >25 mmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell viability (mitochondrial reductase assays): MTT, XTT, MTS, WSTs assays etc.

In Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell membrane integrity: Cytoplasmic enzymes leakage (lactate dehydrogenase, ATP enzymes etc.)
TIVIEQ 36,153,2016
In Vitro/Human, neuroblastoma Inhibitor Concentration Low: 25 mmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTIVIEQ 36,153,2016
In Vitro/Human, neuroblastoma Inhibitor Concentration Low: 0.1 mmol/L/24HBiochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Effect on mitochondrial functionTIVIEQ 36,153,2016
In Vitro/Rat, embryo Inhibitor Concentration Low: 25 mmol/L/48HReproductive: Other effects to embryo or fetusTIVIEQ 7,777,1993
In Vitro/Rat, embryo Inhibitor Concentration Low: 100 mmol/L/48HReproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)TIVIEQ 7,777,1993
In Vitro/Rat, embryo Inhibitor Concentration Low: 25 mmol/L/48HReproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Central nervous system

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Eye, ear

Reproductive: Other developmental abnormalities
TIVIEQ 7,777,1993
inhalation/guinea pig Lowest published lethal concentration: 3000 ppm/24HBehavioral: Somnolence (general depressed activity)

Behavioral: Muscle weakness

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Dyspnea
PHRPA6 45,1459,1930
inhalation/mouse Lowest published lethal concentration: 6500 mg/m3/7HLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Other changes

Gastrointestinal: Ulceration or bleeding from stomach
VCVGK* -,162,1984
inhalation/mouse lethal concentration (50 percent kill): 1820 ppm/7HBehavioral: Analgesia

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Dyspnea

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Hematuria
JIHTAB 25,157,1943
inhalation/rat lethal concentration (50 percent kill): 2000 ppm/7HNPIRI* 1,54,1974
inhalation/rat lethal concentration (50 percent kill): >4000 ppm/4HIJTOFN 21,9,2002
intraperitoneal/mouse lethal dose (50 percent kill): 1710 mg/kgKidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changesIJTOFN 21,9,2002
intraperitoneal/mouse lethal dose (50 percent kill): 1707 mg/kgLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Chronic pulmonary edema or congestion

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Changes in tubules (including acute renal failure, acute tubular necrosis)

Blood: Changes in spleen
FEPRA7 6,342,1947
intraperitoneal/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 2800 mg/kgARZNAD 21,880,1971
intravenous/mouse lethal dose (50 percent kill): 3900 mg/kgBehavioral: Altered sleep time (including change in righting reflex)

Behavioral: Convulsions or effect on seizure threshold

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Dyspnea
ARZNAD 21,880,1971
intravenous/rabbit lethal dose (50 percent kill): 900 mg/kgBehavioral: Altered sleep time (including change in righting reflex)

Behavioral: Convulsions or effect on seizure threshold

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Dyspnea
ARZNAD 21,880,1971
intravenous/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 2400 mg/kgNPIRI* 1,54,1974
oral/guinea pig lethal dose (50 percent kill): 1400 mg/kgBehavioral: General anesthetic

Gastrointestinal: Other changes

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes
JIHTAB 23,259,1941
oral/guinea pig lethal dose (50 percent kill): 950 mg/kgBehavioral: General anestheticIJTOFN 21,9,2002
oral/guinea pig lethal dose (50 percent kill): 1.4 gm/kgENTOX* -,289,2005
oral/human lowest published lethal dose: 143 mg/kgVCVGK* -,163,1984
oral/mouse lethal dose (50 percent kill): 2451 mg/kgBehavioral: Tremor

Behavioral: Coma

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Respiratory stimulation
IJTOFN 21,9,2002
oral/mouse lethal dose (50 percent kill): 4000 mg/kgBehavioral: Tetany

Liver: Other changes

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes
VCVGK* -,162,1984
oral/mouse lethal dose (50 percent kill): 2451 mg/kgKODAK* MSDS-10,170A,1982
oral/rabbit lethal dose (50 percent kill): 1275 mg/kgGISAAA 53(10),78,1988
oral/rabbit lethal dose (50 percent kill): 1275 mg/kgBehavioral: Tetany

Liver: Other changes

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes
VCVGK* -,162,1984
oral/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 2125 mg/kgBehavioral: Tetany

Liver: Other changes

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes
VCVGK* -,162,1984
oral/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 2460 mg/kgBehavioral: General anestheticIJTOFN 21,9,2002
oral/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 3527 mg/kgBehavioral: Tremor

Behavioral: Coma

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Hematuria
IJTOFN 21,9,2002
oral/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 8103 mg/kgBehavioral: Tremor

Behavioral: Coma

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Respiratory stimulation
IJTOFN 21,9,2002
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1000 mg/kgReproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)TOXID9 44,111,2005
oral/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 3 gm/kgENTOX* -,289,2005
oral/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 2125 mg/kgBehavioral: Somnolence (general depressed activity)

Behavioral: Withdrawal

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Respiratory depression
GTPZAB 32(3),48,1988
oral/woman lowest published toxic dose: 0.8 mL/kgBrain and Coverings: Other degenerative changes

Liver: Other changes

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes
VCVGK* -,163,1984
skin/rabbit lethal dose (50 percent kill): 3.6 gm/kgVCVGK* -,162,1984
skin/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 3900 mg/kgTOXID9 4,180,1984
subcutaneous/mouse lowest published lethal dose: 5 gm/kgJPETAB 42,355,1931
subcutaneous/rabbit lethal dose (50 percent kill): 2 gm/kgARZNAD 21,880,1971
subcutaneous/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 3400 mg/kgARZNAD 21,880,1971
unreported route/guinea pig lethal dose (50 percent kill): 3070 mg/kgGISAAA 47(5),84,1982
unreported route/mouse lethal dose (50 percent kill): 5799 mg/kgGISAAA 47(5),84,1982
unreported route/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 7750 mg/kgGISAAA 47(5),84,1982

Other Multiple Dose Data and References

inhalation/Dog lowest published toxic concentration: 840 ppm/7H/12W- intermittentKidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes in urine composition

Blood: Microcytosis with or without anemia

Blood: Other changes
JIHTAB 25,409,1943
inhalation/man lowest published toxic concentration: 6.6 ppm/255W- intermittentReproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)BJIMAG 46,399,1989
inhalation/rabbit lowest published toxic concentration: 1470 mg/m3/6H/13W- intermittentBlood: Normocytic anemia

Blood: Changes in erythrocyte (RBC) count

Eye: Lacrimation
VCVGK* -,163,1994
inhalation/rabbit lowest published toxic concentration: 1470 mg/m3/6H/13W- intermittentReproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct

Blood: Normocytic anemia

Eye: Lacrimation
VCVGK* -,163,1994
inhalation/rabbit lowest published toxic concentration: 400 ppm/6H/13W- intermittentBlood: Normocytic anemia

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in testicular weight
EVHPAZ 57,157,1984
inhalation/rabbit lowest published toxic concentration: 400 ppm/6H/13W- intermittentBlood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in testicular weight
NTIS** OTS0546061
inhalation/rat lowest published toxic concentration: 1400 mg/m3/7H/25D- intermittentBlood: Changes in other cell count (unspecified)VCVGK* -,163,1994
inhalation/rat lowest published toxic concentration: 1470 mg/m3/6H/13W- intermittentBlood: Normocytic anemia

Blood: Changes in erythrocyte (RBC) count

Eye: Lacrimation
VCVGK* -,163,1994
inhalation/rat lowest published toxic concentration: 4000 ppm/4H/2W- intermittentNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gainAIHAAP 25,369,1964
inhalation/rat lowest published toxic concentration: 1370 mg/m3/7H/5W- intermittentBlood: Changes in spleenJIHTAB 25,374,1943
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 25 gm/kg/2W- intermittentRelated to Chronic Data: Death in the "MULTIPLE DOSE" data type fieldEVHPAZ 57,147,1984
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 660 gm/kg/13W- continuousEndocrine: Effect on menstrual cycle

Endocrine: Other changes

Blood: Changes in spleen
NTPTR* NIH-93-3349
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 28840 mg/kg/8D- intermittentRelated to Chronic Data: Death in the "MULTIPLE DOSE" data type fieldEVHPAZ 57,141,1984
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 220.5 gm/kg/21W- continuousLiver: Changes in liver weightNTIS** #PB85118651
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 382.2 gm/kg/21W- continuousBrain and Coverings: Changes in brain weight

Reproductive: Maternal effects: Menstrual cycle changes or disorders
NTIS** #PB85118651
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 220.5 gm/kg/21W- continuousBrain and Coverings: Changes in brain weight

Reproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)

Reproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct
NTIS** #PB85118651
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 382.2 gm/kg/21W- continuousReproductive: Paternal effects: Prostate, seminal vesicle, Cowper's gland, accessory glands

Reproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct
NTIS** #PB85118651
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 8400 mg/kg/14D- intermittentReproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in testicular weight
TOXID9 -,302,2009
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1000 mg/kg/2D- intermittentReproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)EXMPA6 40,169,1984
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 18000 mg/kg/10D- intermittentBlood: Changes in erythrocyte (RBC) count

Blood: Changes in leukocyte (WBC) count

Blood: Changes in platelet count
HETOEA 24,95,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 18000 mg/kg/10D- intermittentBlood: Changes in erythrocyte (RBC) count

Blood: Changes in leukocyte (WBC) count

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in testicular weight
HETOEA 24,95,2005
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 342.5 mg/kg/137D- continuousLiver: Other changes

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes
VCVGK* -,163,1994
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 342.5 mg/kg/137D- continuousLiver: Other changes

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes

Reproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct
VCVGK* -,163,1994
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 4680 mg/kg/5D- intermittentReproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)JJTHEC 13,763,1984
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 9360 mg/kg/5D- intermittentReproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm ductJJTHEC 13,763,1984
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 14040 mg/kg/5D- intermittentNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gainJJTHEC 13,763,1984
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 7 mg/kg/2W- continuousReproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)VCVGK* -,163,1994
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2750 mg/kg/11D- intermittentReproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)VCVGK* -,163,1994
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 17500 mg/kg/5W- intermittentReproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in testicular weight
REPTED 14,55,2000
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 8750 mg/kg/5W- intermittentReproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)REPTED 14,55,2000
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 24500 mg/kg/7W- intermittentReproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)

Reproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in testicular weight
REPTED 14,55,2000
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 12250 mg/kg/7W- intermittentNutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Reproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)

Reproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct
REPTED 14,55,2000
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 3600 mg/kg/4W- intermittentEndocrine: Changes in adrenal weight

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in testicular weight
TOLED5 109,11,1999
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 26452 mg/kg/6W- intermittentBehavioral: Food intake (animal)

Blood: Pigmented or nucleated red blood cells

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
NTIS** OTS0570960
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 25 gm/kg/2W- intermittentRelated to Chronic Data: Death in the "MULTIPLE DOSE" data type fieldEVHPAZ 57,147,1984
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 18655 mg/kg/13W- continuousEndocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in testicular weight
NTPTR* NIH-93-3349
subcutaneous/rat lowest published toxic dose: 9014 mg/kg/4W- intermittentBlood: Changes in erythrocyte (RBC) count

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
ARTODN 82,125,2008


American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)Threshold Limit Value-time-weighted average 5 ppm (skin)DTLVS* TLV/BEI,2013

Standards and Regulations

Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) STANDARD-airtime-weighted average 100 ppm (370 mg/m3) (skin)DTLWS* 3,18,1973
Occupational Exposure Limit IN SINGAPORE, VIETNAM check ACGIH TLV
Occupational Exposure Limit-AUSTRALIAtime-weighted average 5 ppm (18 mg/m3), JUL2008
Occupational Exposure Limit-AUSTRIAMAK-TMW 5 ppm (19 mg/m3);KZW 20 ppm (76 mg/m3), skin, 2007
Occupational Exposure Limit-BELGIUMtime-weighted average 5 ppm (18 mg/m3), Skin, MAR2002
Occupational Exposure Limit-DENMARKtime-weighted average 5 ppm (18.5 mg/m3), skin, MAY2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-FINLANDtime-weighted average 2 ppm (7.5 mg/m3), skin, NOV2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-FRANCEVME 5 ppm (19 mg/m3), Skin, FEB2006
Occupational Exposure Limit-GERMANYMAK 2 ppm (7.5 mg/m3), skin, 2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-HUNGARYtime-weighted average 19 mg/m3, short term exposure limit 76 mg/m3, Skin, SEP2000
Occupational Exposure Limit-ICELANDtime-weighted average 5 ppm (18.5 mg/m3), skin, NOV2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-JAPANOccupational Exposure Limit 5 ppm (18 mg/m3), skin, MAY2012
Occupational Exposure Limit-KOREAtime-weighted average 5 ppm (19 mg/m3), skin, 2006
Occupational Exposure Limit-MEXICOtime-weighted average 50 ppm (185 mg/m3);short term exposure limit 100 ppm (skin), 2004
Occupational Exposure Limit-NEW ZEALANDtime-weighted average 5 ppm (18 mg/m3), skin, JAN2002
Occupational Exposure Limit-NORWAYtime-weighted average 5 ppm (18 mg/m3), JAN1999
Occupational Exposure Limit-PERUtime-weighted average 5 ppm (18 mg/m3), JUL2005
Occupational Exposure Limit-POLANDMAC(time-weighted average) 20 mg/m3, MAC(short term exposure limit) 80 mg/m3, JAN1999
Occupational Exposure Limit-RUSSIAtime-weighted average 10 mg/m3, short term exposure limit 30 mg/m3, JUN2003
Occupational Exposure Limit-SWEDENtime-weighted average 5 ppm (19 mg/m3);short term exposure limit 10 ppm (40 mg/m3), Skin, JUN2005
Occupational Exposure Limit-SWITZERLANDMAK-week 2 ppm (7.5 mg/m3), KZG-week 16 ppm (60 mg/m3), skin, JAN2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-THE NETHERLANDSMAC-TGG 19 mg/m3, Skin, 2003
Occupational Exposure Limit-THE PHILIPPINEStime-weighted average 200 ppm (740 mg/m3), Skin, JAN1993
Occupational Exposure Limit-TURKEYtime-weighted average 200 ppm (740 mg/m3), JAN1993
Occupational Exposure Limit-UNITED KINGDOMtime-weighted average 10 ppm (37 mg/m3), skin, OCT2007
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (Construction)8H time-weighted average 200 ppm (740 mg/m3) (skin)CFRGBR 29,1926.55,1994
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (Federal Contractors)8H time-weighted average 200 ppm (740 mg/m3) (skin)CFRGBR 41,50-204.50,1994
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (General Industry)8H time-weighted average 200 ppm (740 mg/m3) (skin)CFRGBR 29,1910.1000,1994
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (Shipyards)8H time-weighted average 200 ppm (740 mg/m3) (skin)CFRGBR 29,1915.1000,1993

NIOSH Documentation and Surveillance

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Recommended Exposure Level TO ETHYLENEGLYCOL MONOETHYL ETHER-air10H time-weighted average 0.5 ppm (Sk)NIOSH* DHHS #92-100,1992
National Occupational Exposure Survey 1983Hazard Code 31350; Number of Industries 153; Total Number of Facilities 16505; Number of Occupations 106; Total Number of Employees Exposed 264436; Total Number of Female Employees Exposed 72493
National Occupational Hazard Survey 1974Hazard Code 31350; Number of Industries 253; Total Number of Facilities 43849; Number of Occupations 154; Total Number of Employees Exposed 406097

Status in Federal Agencies

EPA TSCA Section 8(d) unpublished health/safety studies
EPA TSCA Section 8(e) Risk Notification, 8EHQ-0892-9072
NIOSH Analytical Method, 1994: Alcohols IV, 1403
NTP Toxicity studies, RPT# TOX-26, October 2000
On EPA IRIS database
Page last reviewed: November 16, 2018