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See: NMAM or
December 2018
Molecular Weight
Molecular Formula
Coal oil
Fuel oil No.5
Kerosine (petroleum)
Nafta (Polish)
Straight-run kerosene

Skin and Eye Irritation and References

eye /rabbit 0.1 mLHPV273 -,-,2003
eye /rabbit 0.1 mL rinseHPV273 -,-,2003
skin /rabbit 500 mg severeATDAEI 1,30,1990
skin /rabbit 100%/24H moderateVCVPS* -,61,1998
skin /rabbit 0.5 mL moderateHPV273 -,-,2003

Mutation Data and Reference

System TestRoute/Organism/TissueDoseReference
micronucleus testsubcutaneous/mouse350 mg/kg/14D- intermittentFCTOD7 47,2454,2009
mutation in microorganisms/Salmonella typhimurium25 µL/plate (+enzymatic activation step)CBTOE2 2,63,1986

Acute Toxicity Data and References

inhalation/Dog lowest published toxic concentration: 2500 mg/m3/2HVCVPS* -,59,1998
inhalation/Dog lowest published toxic concentration: 2500 mg/m3/2HBehavioral: Tremor

Behavioral: Alteration of classical conditioning
VCVPS* -,59,1998
inhalation/rat lethal concentration (50 percent kill): >5000 mg/m3/4HBehavioral: Somnolence (general depressed activity)HPV273 -,-,2003
inhalation/rat Lethal concentration: >5 gm/m3/4HBehavioral: Somnolence (general depressed activity)ATDAEI 1,30,1990
intraperitoneal/rabbit lethal dose (50 percent kill): 6600 mg/kgLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Structural or functional change in trachea or bronchi

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Emphysema

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Chronic pulmonary edema or congestion
AIMEAS 21,803,1944
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published lethal dose: 10700 mg/kgTXAPA9 1,156,1959
intratracheal/Dog lowest published lethal dose: 800 mg/kgLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Structural or functional change in trachea or bronchi

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Acute pulmonary edema
AJMSA9 221,531,1951
intratracheal/rabbit lethal dose (50 percent kill): 200 mg/kgTXAPA9 3,689,1961
intratracheal/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 800 mg/kgBehavioral: Convulsions or effect on seizure threshold

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Dyspnea

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Cyanosis
TXAPA9 1,462,1959
intravenous/Dog lowest published lethal dose: 200 mg/kgLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Structural or functional change in trachea or bronchi

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Acute pulmonary edema
AJMSA9 221,531,1951
intravenous/man lowest published toxic dose: 403 mg/kgBehavioral: Somnolence (general depressed activity)

Behavioral: Hallucinations, distorted perceptions
CTOXAO 10,283,1977
intravenous/rabbit lethal dose (50 percent kill): 180 mg/kgLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Respiratory stimulation

Behavioral: Tremor

Behavioral: Coma
AIMEAS 21,803,1944
oral/Dog lowest published lethal dose: 4 gm/kgLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Structural or functional change in trachea or bronchi

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Acute pulmonary edema
AJMSA9 221,531,1951
oral/domestic animal lowest published toxic dose: 10 mL/kgBehavioral: Muscle weakness

Gastrointestinal: Decreased motility or constipation

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Body temperature increase
VHTODE 42,354,2000
oral/domestic animal lowest published toxic dose: 20 mL/kgCardiac: Change in rate

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Cough
VHTODE 42,354,2000
oral/guinea pig lethal dose (50 percent kill): 20 gm/kgBehavioral: Muscle weakness

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Respiratory stimulation

Endocrine: Hypoglycemia
AIMEAS 21,803,1944
oral/human lowest published toxic concentration: 5.7 mg/kgLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Cough

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Other changes

Gastrointestinal: Nausea or vomiting
VCVPS* -,60,1998
oral/human lowest published toxic concentration: 5.7 mg/kgVCVPS* -,60,1998
oral/man lowest published toxic dose: 3570 mg/kgLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Cough

Gastrointestinal: Nausea or vomiting

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Body temperature increase
TORAAK 15,263,1966
oral/man lowest published lethal dose: 500 mg/kgYAKUD5 22,883,1980
oral/rabbit lethal dose (50 percent kill): 2835 mg/kgBehavioral: Muscle weakness

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Respiratory stimulation

Endocrine: Hypoglycemia
AIMEAS 21,803,1944
oral/rat Lethal dose: >5 gm/kgBehavioral: Somnolence (general depressed activity)

Gastrointestinal: Hypermotility, diarrhea
ATDAEI 1,30,1990
oral/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): >5000 mg/kgEye: Lacrimation

Behavioral: Somnolence (general depressed activity)

Gastrointestinal: Hypermotility, diarrhea
HPV273 -,-,2003
oral/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 15 gm/kgSkin: After topical application: CorrosiveVCVPS* -,59,1998
skin/rabbit lethal dose (50 percent kill): >2000 mg/kgHPV273 -,-,2003
skin/rabbit Lethal dose: >2 gm/kgATDAEI 1,30,1990
subcutaneous/rat lowest published toxic concentration: 5 mg/kgLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Acute pulmonary edema

Blood: Hemorrhage
VCVPS* -,60,1998
unreported route/man lowest published lethal dose: 1176 mg/kg85DCAI 2,73,1970
unreported route/rat lowest published lethal dose: 2 mg/kgGastrointestinal: PeritonitisVCVPS* -,60,1998
unreported route/rat lowest published toxic concentration: 2 mg/kgLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Cough

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Other changes

Gastrointestinal: Nausea or vomiting
VCVPS* -,60,1998

Other Multiple Dose Data and References

inhalation/cat lowest published toxic concentration: 500 mg/m3/4W- continuousLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Structural or functional change in trachea or bronchi

Blood: Changes in leukocyte (WBC) count
VCVPS* -,60,1998
inhalation/guinea pig lowest published toxic concentration: 20400 mg/m3/21D- intermittentVascular: Other changes

Blood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport
VCVPS* -,60,1998
inhalation/human lowest published toxic concentration: 250 mg/m3/4Y- intermittentBehavioral: Excitement

Behavioral: Irritability
VCVPS* -,61,1998
inhalation/human lowest published toxic concentration: 0.15 mg/m3/5Y- intermittentLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Fibrosis (interstitial)VCVPS* -,61,1998
inhalation/mouse lowest published toxic concentration: 500 mg/m3/4W- continuousLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Structural or functional change in trachea or bronchi

Blood: Changes in leukocyte (WBC) count
VCVPS* -,60,1998
inhalation/rabbit lowest published toxic concentration: 500 mg/m3/4W- continuousLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Structural or functional change in trachea or bronchi

Blood: Changes in leukocyte (WBC) count
VCVPS* -,60,1998
inhalation/rabbit lowest published toxic concentration: 300 mg/m3/12W- intermittentBlood: Normocytic anemia

Blood: Luekopenia
VCVPS* -,61,1998
inhalation/rat lowest published toxic concentration: 300 mg/m3/12W- intermittentBlood: Normocytic anemia

Blood: Luekopenia
VCVPS* -,61,1998
inhalation/rat lowest published toxic concentration: 500 mg/m3/4W- continuousLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Structural or functional change in trachea or bronchi

Blood: Changes in leukocyte (WBC) count
VCVPS* -,60,1998
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 540 gm/kg/90D- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weight

Endocrine: Changes in adrenal weight

Endocrine: Antidiuresis
BCTKAG 21,187,1988
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 405 gm/kg/17W- intermittentSkin: After systemic exposure: Dermatitis, other

Skin and Appendages: Other: Hair
VCVPS* -,61,1998
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1120 µL/kg/28D- intermittentBehavioral: Aggression

Gastrointestinal: Gastritis

Endocrine: Androgenic
TOXRE* 2,175,2015
skin/rabbit lowest published toxic dose: 24000 mg/kg/28D- continuousBehavioral: Somnolence (general depressed activity)

Blood: Changes in erythrocyte (RBC) count

Related to Chronic Data: Death in the "MULTIPLE DOSE" data type field
HPV273 -,,2003
skin/rabbit lowest published toxic dose: 4500 mg/kg/3W- intermittentBlood: Pigmented or nucleated red blood cells

Skin: After systemic exposure: Dermatitis, other

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
NTIS** OTS0533973
skin/rabbit lowest published toxic dose: 2400 mg/kg/28D- intermittentEndocrine: Changes in spleen weight

Skin: After systemic exposure: Dermatitis, other

Skin and Appendages: Other: Hair
NTIS** OTS0541008
subcutaneous/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 350 mg/kg/14D- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Blood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other transferases
FCTOD7 47,2454,2009
subcutaneous/rat lowest published toxic dose: 11.9 gm/kg/35D- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weight

Endocrine: Changes in spleen weight

Liver: Multiple effects
VCVPS* -,61,1998
subcutaneous/rat lowest published toxic dose: 84 gm/kg/35D- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weight

Endocrine: Changes in spleen weight

Blood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)
ENVRAL 35,516,1984


American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)Threshold Limit Value-time-weighted average 200 mg/m3 (skin)DTLVS* TLV/BEI,2013
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)Threshold Limit Value-Confirmed animal carcinogenDTLVS* TLV/BEI,2013
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)Cancer Review:Animal Limited EvidenceIMEMDT 45,39,1989

Standards and Regulations

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) 1988 PESTICIDE SUBJECT TO REGISTRATION OR RE-REGISTRATIONFEREAC 54,7740,1989
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) 1998 STATUS OF PESTICIDESCancelledRBREV* -,225,1998
Occupational Exposure Limit-BELGIUMtime-weighted average 200 mg/m3, Skin, MAR2002
Occupational Exposure Limit-POLANDMAC(time-weighted average) 100 mg/m3, MAC(short term exposure limit) 300 mg/m3, JAN1999
Occupational Exposure Limit-RUSSIAtime-weighted average 300 mg(C)/m3, short term exposure limit 600 mg(C)/m3, JUN2003

NIOSH Documentation and Surveillance

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Recommended Exposure Level TO KEROSENE-air10H time-weighted average 100 mg/m3NIOSH* DHHS #92-100,1992
National Occupational Exposure Survey 1983Hazard Code T1768; Number of Industries 321; Total Number of Facilities 69564; Number of Occupations 186; Total Number of Employees Exposed 1075728; Total Number of Female Employees Exposed 96255
National Occupational Exposure Survey 1983Hazard Code X6889; Number of Industries 1; Total Number of Facilities 22; Number of Occupations 3; Total Number of Employees Exposed 790

Status in Federal Agencies

EPA TSCA Section 8(d) unpublished health/safety studies
EPA TSCA Section 8(e) Risk Notification, 8EHQ-0892-8968
NIOSH Analytical Method, 1994: Naphthas, 1550
Page last reviewed: November 16, 2018