NIOSH logo and tagline

7-Oxabicyclo(4.1.0)heptane, 3-(epoxyethyl)-

106-87-6; 25550-49-6
See: NMAM or
December 2018
Molecular Weight
Molecular Formula
1-Vinyl-3-cyclohexene dioxide
4-Vinlycyclohexene dioxide
4-Vinyl-1,2-cyclohexene diepoxide
4-Vinyl-1-cyclohexene diepoxide
4-Vinyl-1-cyclohexene dioxide
4-Vinylcyclohexene diepoxide
UCET textile finish 11-74 (Obs.)
Vinyl cyclohexene diepoxide
Vinyl cyclohexene dioxide
Vinylcyclohexene diepoxide

Skin and Eye Irritation and References

skin /rabbit 500 mg severeSCCUR* -,9,1961

Mutation Data and Reference

System TestRoute/Organism/TissueDoseReference
Cytogenetic Analysisintraperitoneal/rat125 mg/kgBJPCAL 6,235,1951
Cytogenetic Analysisovary/hamster37800 picograms/kgNTPTR* NTP-TR-362,1989
DNA Damageintraperitoneal/rat960 mg/kgTXAPA9 139,394,1996
DNA Damageovary/mouse10 µmol/LTOXID9 -,283,2008
DNA Damageother cell types/human3.1 gm/L/3HTXAPA9 261,154,2012
gene conversion and mitotic recombination/Saccharomyes cerevisiae25 mmol/LBSIBAC 56,1803,1980
mutation in mammalian somatic cellslymphocyte/mouse25 ng/kgNTPTR* NTP-TR-362,1989
mutation in microorganisms/Salmonella typhimurium50 µg/plate (+/-enzymatic activation step)MUREAV 66,367,1979
mutation in microorganisms/Klebsiella pneumoniae1 mmol/L (-enzymatic activation step)MUREAV 89,269,1981
mutation in microorganisms/Saccharomyes cerevisiae25 mmol/L (-enzymatic activation step)BSIBAC 56,1803,1980
sister chromatid exchangeovary/hamster3730 picograms/kgNTPTR* NTP-TR-362,1989

Reproductive Effects Data and References

intraperitoneal/mouse 4800 mg/kg (30D male)Reproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct

Reproductive: Paternal effects: Prostate, seminal vesicle, Cowper's gland, accessory glands

Reproductive: Other effects on male
TOXID9 12,435,1992
intraperitoneal/rat 1760 mg/kg (14D prior to copulation/0-7D pregnant)Reproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubes

Reproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubes
JTSCDR 34,SP59,2009
oral/mouse 13468 mg/kg (6-18D pregnant)Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus)

Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Urogenital system
TOXID9 14,164,1994

Tumorigenic Data and References

intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 5000 mg/kg/10W- intermittentTumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Tumors

Tumorigenic: Tumors at site of application
BJPCAL 6,235,1951
skin/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 56 gm/kg/47W- intermittentTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Skin and Appendages: Tumors

Tumorigenic: Tumors at site of application
JNCIAM 31,41,1963
skin/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 51500 mg/kg/103W- intermittentTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Skin and Appendages: Tumors
NTIS** PB90-219957/AS
skin/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 103000 mg/kg/103W- intermittentTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Reproductive: Tumorigenic effects: Ovarian tumors
NTIS** PB90-219957/AS
skin/mouse toxic dose: 90 gm/kg/74W- intermittentTumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria

Skin and Appendages: Tumors

Tumorigenic: Tumors at site of application
AIHAAP 24,305,1963
skin/mouse toxic dose: 12 gm/kg/9W- intermittentTumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Tumors

Skin and Appendages: Tumors
BJPCAL 6,235,1951
skin/mouse toxic dose: 10300 mg/kg/2Y- continuousTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Skin and Appendages: Tumors

Reproductive: Tumorigenic effects: Ovarian tumors
NTPTR* NTP-TR-362,1989
skin/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 60000 mg/kg/60W- intermittentTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Skin and Appendages: Tumors
NTIS** PB90-219957/AS
skin/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 60000 mg/kg/60W- intermittentTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Skin and Appendages: Tumors

Reproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubes
NTIS** PB90-219957/AS
skin/rat lowest published toxic dose: 31500 mg/kg/105W- intermittentTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Skin and Appendages: Tumors
NTIS** PB90-219957/AS
skin/rat lowest published toxic dose: 39375 mg/kg/105W- intermittentTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Skin and Appendages: Tumors
NTIS** PB90-219957/AS
skin/rat lowest published toxic dose: 31500 mg/kg/2Y- continuousTumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria

Skin and Appendages: Tumors
NTPTR* NTP-TR-362,1989
unreported route/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 2800 mg/kgTumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria

Blood: Lymphoma including Hodgkin's disease

Skin and Appendages: Tumors
RARSAM 3,193,1963

Acute Toxicity Data and References

In Vitro/Hamster, ovary Inhibitor Concentration Low: 0.5 mmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell viability (mitochondrial reductase assays): MTT, XTT, MTS, WSTs assays etc.JOETD7 194,733,2016
In Vitro/Hamster, ovary Inhibitor Concentration (50 percent kill): 1.4 mmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell viability (mitochondrial reductase assays): MTT, XTT, MTS, WSTs assays etc.JOETD7 194,733,2016
In Vitro/Hamster, ovary Inhibitor Concentration Low: 1.5 mmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Apoptosis in vitroJOETD7 194,733,2016
In Vitro/jtdInhibitor Concentration (50 percent kill): 0.8 mmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell viability (mitochondrial reductase assays): MTT, XTT, MTS, WSTs assays etc.JOETD7 194,733,2016
In Vitro/jtdInhibitor Concentration Low: 0.5 mmol/L/24HIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Cell viability (mitochondrial reductase assays): MTT, XTT, MTS, WSTs assays etc.JOETD7 194,733,2016
In Vitro/ptdInhibitor Concentration Low: 30 µmol/L/4DEndocrine: Other changesTXAPA9 249,1,2010
In Vitro/ptdInhibitor Concentration Low: 30 µmol/L/8DIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXAPA9 249,1,2010
In Vitro/ptdInhibitor Concentration Low: 30 µmol/L/8DReproductive: Maternal effects: OogenesisTXAPA9 258,118,2012
In Vitro/ptdInhibitor Concentration Low: 30 µmol/L/4DIn Vitro Toxicity Studies: Other assaysTXAPA9 258,118,2012
inhalation/rat lethal concentration (50 percent kill): 800 ppm/4HSCCUR* -,9,1961
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 80 mg/kgReproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other hydrolases

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other
TOXID9 1,93,2001
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 80 mg/kgReproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubesTOXID9 66,373,2002
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 80 mg/kgReproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other transferases
BIREBV 67,718,2002
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 320 mg/kgReproductive: Maternal effects: OogenesisREPTED 19,71,2004
oral/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 2130 mg/kgSCCUR* -,9,1961
skin/mouse lowest published lethal dose: 3216 mg/kgBehavioral: Somnolence (general depressed activity)

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Respiratory stimulation

Skin: After systemic exposure: Dermatitis, other
NTPTR* NTP-TR-362,1989
skin/rabbit lethal dose (50 percent kill): 620 µL/kgUCDS** 9/19/1972
unreported route/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 79.914 mg/kgReproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubesTXAPA9 230,109,2008
unreported route/rabbit lethal dose (50 percent kill): 680 µg/kgLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Chronic pulmonary edema or congestion

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Other changes
BSIBAC 56,1803,1980

Other Multiple Dose Data and References

intramuscular/rat lowest published toxic dose: 400 mg/kg/10D- intermittentBlood: Changes in bone marrow not included in above

Blood: Changes in leukocyte (WBC) count

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
AEHLAU 2,50,1961
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 4000 mg/kg/5D- intermittentReproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count)

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in testicular weight
REPTED 9,359,1995
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 300 mg/kg/30D- intermittentReproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubesREPTED 5,379,1991
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 1199 mg/kg/15D- intermittentReproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubesTXAPA9 221,215,2007
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 1200 mg/kg/5D- intermittentReproductive: Maternal effects: Oogenesis

Related to Chronic Data: Changes in ovarian weight
REPTED 26,116,2008
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 1600 mg/kg/10D- intermittentEndocrine: Change in LH

Endocrine: Change in gonadotropins

Reproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubes
RTOPDW 81,223,2016
intraperitoneal/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 1600 mg/kg/10D- intermittentReproductive: Maternal effects: Uterus, cervix, vagina

Reproductive: Maternal effects: Menstrual cycle changes or disorders
RTOPDW 81,223,2016
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1120 mg/kg/2W- intermittentReproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubesJTSCDR 34,SP53,2009
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 560 mg/kg/4W- intermittentReproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubesJTSCDR 34,SP53,2009
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1760 mg/kg/22D- intermittentReproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubes

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
JTSCDR 34,SP59,2009
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1200 mg/kg/15D- intermittentReproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Proteases

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
TXAPA9 203,114,2005
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1200 mg/kg/15D- intermittentReproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubesTOXID9 60,248,2001
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1200 mg/kg/15D- intermittentReproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubes

Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Other proteins
TOXID9 60,251,2001
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2400 mg/kg/30D- intermittentEndocrine: Change in gonadotropins

Reproductive: Maternal effects: Oogenesis

Reproductive: Maternal effects: Menstrual cycle changes or disorders
REPTED 16,775,2002
intraperitoneal/rat lowest published toxic dose: 800 mg/kg/10D- intermittentReproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubes

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other transferases
BIREBV 67,718,2002
oral/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 65 gm/kg/13W- intermittentGastrointestinal: Other changes

Liver: Changes in liver weight

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Changes in bladder weight
FAATDF 14,745,1990
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 560 mg/kg/2W- continuousReproductive: Maternal effects: OogenesisREPTED 17,273,2003
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2800 mg/kg/28D- intermittentBlood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Transaminases

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other enzymes
ETOPFR 45,28,2016
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 2800 mg/kg/28D- intermittentBlood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other transferases

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other enzymes
ETOPFR 45,28,2016
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 32500 mg/kg/13W- intermittentGastrointestinal: Other changes

Liver: Changes in liver weight

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Changes in bladder weight
FAATDF 14,745,1990
skin/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 6832 mg/kg/14D- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weight

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight

Skin: After systemic exposure: Dermatitis, other
NTPTR* NTP-TR-362,1989
skin/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 26 gm/kg/13W- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weight

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Changes in bladder weight

Skin: After systemic exposure: Dermatitis, other
NTPTR* NTP-TR-362,1989
skin/rat lowest published toxic dose: 6552 mg/kg/14D- intermittentBrain and Coverings: Changes in brain weight

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Changes in bladder weight

Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight
NTPTR* NPT-TR-362,1989
skin/rat lowest published toxic dose: 19500 mg/kg/13W- intermittentSkin: After systemic exposure: Dermatitis, other

Skin and Appendages: Other glands
FAATDF 14,745,1990
unreported route/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 1200 mg/kg/5D- intermittentEndocrine: Other changes

Reproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubes
TOXID9 90,80,2006
unreported route/rat lowest published toxic dose: 1200 mg/kg/15D- intermittentReproductive: Maternal effects: Ovaries, fallopian tubesTOXID9 66,373,2002


American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)Threshold Limit Value-time-weighted average 0.1 ppm (skin)DTLVS* TLV/BEI,2013
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)Threshold Limit Value-Confirmed animal carcinogenDTLVS* TLV/BEI,2013
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)Cancer Review:Animal Limited EvidenceIMEMDT 11,141,1976
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)Cancer Review:Animal Sufficient EvidenceIMEMDT 60,361,1994
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)Cancer Review:Human No Adequate DataIMEMDT 11,141,1976
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)Cancer Review:Human Inadequate EvidenceIMEMDT 60,361,1994
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)Cancer Review:Group 2BIMEMDT 60,361,1994

Standards and Regulations

Occupational Exposure Limit IN SINGAPORE, VIETNAM check ACGIH TLV
Occupational Exposure Limit-AUSTRALIAtime-weighted average 10 ppm (57 mg/m3), Carcinogen, JUL2008
Occupational Exposure Limit-BELGIUMtime-weighted average 0.1 ppm (0.58 mg/m3), Skin, MAR2002
Occupational Exposure Limit-DENMARKtime-weighted average 10 ppm (60 mg/m3), carc, MAY2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-FINLANDtime-weighted average 0.5 ppm (2.9 mg/m3), skin, NOV2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-ICELANDtime-weighted average 10 ppm (60 mg/m3), NOV2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-JAPAN2B carc, MAY2012
Occupational Exposure Limit-KOREAtime-weighted average 10 ppm (60 mg/m3), skin, 2006
Occupational Exposure Limit-MEXICOtime-weighted average 10 ppm (60 mg/m3), 2004
Occupational Exposure Limit-NEW ZEALANDtime-weighted average 10 ppm (57 mg/m3), skin, JAN2002
Occupational Exposure Limit-NORWAYtime-weighted average 10ppm (60 mg/m3), JAN1999
Occupational Exposure Limit-PERUtime-weighted average 0,1 ppm (0,57 mg/m3), JUL2005
Occupational Exposure Limit-SWITZERLANDcarc 2, JAN2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-THE NETHERLANDSMAC-TGG 60 mg/m3, 2003

NIOSH Documentation and Surveillance

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Recommended Exposure Level TO VINYL CYCLOHEXENE DIOXIDE-air10H Carcinogen time-weighted average 10 ppm (Sk)NIOSH* DHHS #92-100,1992
National Occupational Exposure Survey 1983Hazard Code M1392; Number of Industries 14; Total Number of Facilities 107; Number of Occupations 24; Total Number of Employees Exposed 6224; Total Number of Female Employees Exposed 1718
National Occupational Hazard Survey 1974Hazard Code M1392; Number of Industries 7; Total Number of Facilities 181; Number of Occupations 11; Total Number of Employees Exposed 2028

Status in Federal Agencies

NCI Carcinogenesis Studies (gavage);clear evidence:mouse,rat
NTP 14th Report on Carcinogens,2016:Reasonably anticipated to be human carcinogen
Page last reviewed: November 16, 2018