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See: NMAM or
December 2018
Molecular Weight
Molecular Formula
Antimonwasserstoffes (German)
Antimony hydride
Antimony trihydride
Antymonowodor (Polish)
Hydrogen antimonide
Stibine (ACGIH:OSHA)

Acute Toxicity Data and References

inhalation/cat Lowest published lethal concentration: 40 ppm/1HLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Acute pulmonary edemaJIHTAB 28,167,1946
inhalation/cat Lowest published lethal concentration: 500 mg/m3/20MLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Acute pulmonary edemaVCVN5* -,105,1993
inhalation/Dog Lowest published lethal concentration: 500 mg/m3/20MLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Acute pulmonary edemaVCVN5* -,105,1993
inhalation/Dog Lowest published lethal concentration: 200 mg/m3/1HKidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Hematuria

Blood: Other hemolysis with or without anemia
VCVN5* -,105,1993
inhalation/Dog Lowest published lethal concentration: 40 ppm/1HLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Acute pulmonary edemaJIHTAB 28,167,1946
inhalation/guinea pig Lowest published lethal concentration: 500 mg/m3/20MLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Acute pulmonary edemaVCVN5* -,105,1993
inhalation/guinea pig Lowest published lethal concentration: 92 ppm/1HKidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Changes in tubules (including acute renal failure, acute tubular necrosis)28ZLA8 -,30,1961
inhalation/mammal (species unspecified) Lowest published lethal concentration: 1 pphVCVN5* -,105,1993
inhalation/mouse Lowest published lethal concentration: 500 mg/m3/20MLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Acute pulmonary edemaVCVN5* -,105,1993
inhalation/mouse Lowest published lethal concentration: 100 ppm/1H28ZLA8 -,30,1961
inhalation/rabbit Lowest published lethal concentration: 500 mg/m3/20MLung, Thorax, or Respiration: Acute pulmonary edemaVCVN5* -,105,1993


American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)Threshold Limit Value-time-weighted average 0.1 ppmDTLVS* TLV/BEI,2013

Standards and Regulations

Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) STANDARD-airtime-weighted average 0.1 ppm (0.5 mg/m3)DTLVS* 3,233,1971
Occupational Exposure Limit-AUSTRALIAtime-weighted average 0.1 ppm (0.51 mg/m3), JUL2008
Occupational Exposure Limit-AUSTRIAMAK-TMW 0.1 ppm (0.5 mg/m3);KZW 0.5 ppm (2.5 mg/m3), 2007
Occupational Exposure Limit-BELGIUMtime-weighted average 0.1 ppm (0.52 mg/m3), MAR2002
Occupational Exposure Limit-DENMARKtime-weighted average 0.05 ppm (0.25 mg/m3), MAY2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-FINLANDshort term exposure limit 0.05 ppm (0.26 mg/m3), NOV2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-FRANCEVME 0.1 ppm (0.5 mg/m3), FEB2006
Occupational Exposure Limit-HUNGARYtime-weighted average 0.5 mg/m3, short term exposure limit 2 mg/m3, SEP2000
Occupational Exposure Limit-ICELANDtime-weighted average 0.05 ppm (0.25 mg/m3), NOV2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-KOREAtime-weighted average 0.1 ppm (0.5 mg/m3), 2006
Occupational Exposure Limit-MEXICOtime-weighted average 0.1 ppm (0.5 mg/m3);short term exposure limit 0.3 ppm (1.5 mg/m3), 2004
Occupational Exposure Limit-MEXICOtime-weighted average 0.5 mg(Sb)/m3, 2004
Occupational Exposure Limit-NEW ZEALANDtime-weighted average 0.1 ppm (0.51 mg/m3), JAN2002
Occupational Exposure Limit-NORWAYtime-weighted average 0.05 ppm (0.25 mg/m3), JAN1999
Occupational Exposure Limit-PERUtime-weighted average 0,1 ppm (0,5 mg/m3), JUL2005
Occupational Exposure Limit-POLANDMAC(time-weighted average) 0.2 mg/m3, MAC(short term exposure limit) 1.5 mg/m3, JAN1999
Occupational Exposure Limit-RUSSIAtime-weighted average 0.2 mg(Sb)/m3, short term exposure limit 0.5 mg(Sb)/m3, JUN2003
Occupational Exposure Limit-SWEDENtime-weighted average 0.05 ppm (0.3 mg/m3), JUN2005
Occupational Exposure Limit-SWITZERLANDceiling concentration 0.1 ppm (0.5 mg/m3), JAN2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-THE NETHERLANDSMAC-TGG 0.5 mg(Sb)/m3, 2003
Occupational Exposure Limit-THE NETHERLANDSMAC-TGG 0.5 mg/m3, 2003
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (Construction)8H time-weighted average 0.1 ppm (0.5 mg/m3)CFRGBR 29,1926.55,1994
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (Federal Contractors)8H time-weighted average 0.1 ppm (0.5 mg/m3)CFRGBR 41,50-204.50,1994
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (General Industry)8H time-weighted average 0.1 ppm (0.5 mg/m3)CFRGBR 29,1910.1000,1994
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (Shipyards)8H time-weighted average 0.1 ppm (0.5 mg/m3)CFRGBR 29,1915.1000,1993

NIOSH Documentation and Surveillance

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Recommended Exposure Level TO STIBINE-air10H time-weighted average 0.1 ppmNIOSH* DHHS #92-100,1992
National Occupational Exposure Survey 1983Hazard Code X5764; Number of Industries 1; Total Number of Facilities 23; Number of Occupations 1; Total Number of Employees Exposed 23

Status in Federal Agencies

NIOSH Analytical Method, 1994: Stibine, 6008
Page last reviewed: November 16, 2018