Extramural Research Priorities

At a glance

  • NIOSH has identified a subset of the goals in the NIOSH Strategic Plan as priorities for extramural research.
  • Applicants are encouraged to identify the goal(s) their project addresses as part of their application.
Illustration of hanging lightbulbs. The center one lit with a gesturing hand underneath it.

How it works

NIOSH research programs have identified research priorities and established goals in the NIOSH Strategic Plan: FYs 2019-2026. During this process, they also identified a subset of priority goals for extramural research listed on this page.

Extramural priorities are intended to help fill research gaps that are currently not being addressed by NIOSH intramural (or internal) research. Researchers are encouraged to consider these priorities as when they are first conceptualizing their project ideas. They are also encouraged to identify priority goals for extramural research as a part of their application.

For further guidance on selecting goals, watch the webinar recording.


Strategic Goal 1

Reduce occupational cancer, cardiovascular disease, adverse reproductive outcomes, and other chronic diseases.

Strategic Goal 1
1.1D CRC x AFF Pesticide exposure and neurologic disorders Effective implementation strategies Agriculture and forestry, vulnerable populations Implementation
1.3E CRC x HSA Adverse reproductive outcomes Adherence to safe handling of hazardous drug guidance Range of work settings, such as: pharmacy, outpatient clinics, veterinary medicine Intervention, Implementation
1.9C CRC x PSS Exposure to carcinogens Respiratory protection during overhaul operations Fire service Intervention
1.10C CRC x PSS Risk factors for cardiovascular disease Reduce known non-occupational risk factors Corrections, law enforcement, EMS, and fire service Intervention
1.10D CRC x PSS Risk factors for cardiovascular disease Respiratory and thermal protection, other interventions on fire ground Fire service Intervention Implementation
1.12B CRC x SRV Adverse reproductive outcomes Chemical exposures Nail and hair salon workers, small businesses Intervention
1.13B CRC x TWU Cardiovascular disease and obesity, work organization Best communication methods to decrease risk factors, tailoring interventions from other sectors Long-haul truck drivers Intervention, Implementation

Strategic Goal 2

Reduce occupational hearing loss.

Strategic Goal 2
2.1C HLP x CON Engineering controls to reduce noise exposure Develop supply of and demand for quieter hand tools Laborers, carpenters, boilermakers, workers with disproportionate risk, small businesses Intervention
2.2A HLP x CON Hearing loss prevention education for employers and workers Fit testing (voluntary consensus standards, increasing availability) Noise exposed workers Implementation
2.2B HLP x CON Hearing loss prevention education for employers and workers Training and awareness (employers, supervisors and workers; apps) Noise exposed workers, vulnerable workers Intervention, Implementation
2.4A HLP x MNF Hearing loss prevention education for employers and workers Integrating new technologies into education (e.g., noise app, fit testing) Noise exposed manufacturing workers (esp. small businesses) Implementation
2.6C HLP x OGE Exposure to hazardous noise and ototoxic chemicals Effective use of personal protective equipment (PPE) Drilling contractors, well servicing contractors, small businesses Implementation
2.7A HLP x SRV Exposure to hazardous noise Overexposure to noise (intermittent use of loud equipment) Building services workers, arts and entertainment, small businesses Intervention, Implementation
2.7B HLP x SRV Exposure to hazardous noise Lack of awareness of noise as a hazard and how to protect hearing Building services workers, arts and entertainment, small businesses Implementation

Strategic Goal 3

Reduce occupational immune, infectious and dermal disease.

Strategic Goal 3
3.3A IID x HSA Infectious disease transmission Sharps injury prevention technology Management, workers who use sharps medical devices Intervention
3.3B IID x HSA Infectious disease transmission Sharps injury prevention (safety culture and climate) Management, workers (human or veterinary settings) Implementation
3.3F IID x HSA Infectious disease transmission Vaccinations are underutilized All healthcare workers (esp. long-term care, home care), veterinary medicine and animal care workers Implementation
3.3G IID x HSA Infectious disease transmission Handwashing best practices underused All healthcare, veterinary medicine and animal care workers Implementation
3.3H IID x HSA Infectious disease transmission Personal protective equipment (e.g., barrier PPE such as gowns, gloves, eye protection; and respiratory protection) All healthcare, and veterinary medicine and animal care workers Intervention, Implementation
3.3J IID x HSA Infectious disease transmission Rapid identification and isolation of contagious individuals Workers in hospitals, urgent care, homeless shelters, others as needed to address outbreaks (human or veterinary) Basic/Etiologic
3.3K IID x HSA Infectious disease transmission Barriers to implementing existing recommendations Workers in hospitals, urgent care, homeless shelters, others as needed to address outbreaks (human or veterinary) Implementation
3.4D IID x HSA Exposures related to asthma and other immune diseases Adherence to best practices re: cleaning agents Environmental workers, nursing assistants, nurses Implementation
3.6A IID x PSS Infectious disease transmission Adapt guidelines to prevent exposure to blood and bodily fluids Corrections and law enforcement Intervention
3.6C IID x PSS Infectious disease transmission Underutilization of personal protective equipment to prevent infectious disease transmission Corrections and law enforcement Intervention, Implementation
3.6D IID x PSS Infectious disease transmission No reporting of infectious disease exposures; industry/occupation variables not included in existing surveillance systems Corrections, law enforcement, and EMS Surveillance
3.8D IID x HSA Hazardous exposures and immune diseases Identification of substances and the mechanism by which they cause immune suppression Manufacturing workers with exposures (e.g., automotive, furniture, plastics, painting, printing, metalworking) Basic/etiologic
3.9D IID x SRV Hazardous exposures and immune diseases Identification of substances and the mechanism by which they cause immune suppression Service workers with exposures (e.g., personal care, food handling and preparation, building maintenance, office workers, education) Basic/etiologic

Strategic Goal 4

Reduce occupational musculoskeletal disorders.

Strategic Goal 4
4.1G MUS x AFF Exposure to vibration and repetitive motion Lifting (e.g., product) Seafood processing workers Intervention, Implementation
4.2A MUS x CON Musculoskeletal disorders and emerging technologies (e.g. robots, exoskeletons) Underuse of existing interventions Masonry, concrete, dry wall, roofing, and plumbing workers; laborers; small businesses; vulnerable workers Implementation
4.4A MUS x MIN Musculoskeletal disorder risk factors Improved identification and remediation of musculoskeletal disorder risk factors at mining facilities Metal/non-metal; stone, sand and gravel Intervention, Implementation
4.5A MUS x SRV Risk factors for back injuries Risk factors like manual labor, awkward posture, lifting, age Building and dwelling, temporary employment services, auto repair and maintenance, lessors of real estate, waste collectors, travel accommodations; vulnerable workers; small businesses Intervention
4.8B MUS x HSA Musculoskeletal disorders interventions Identify and address barriers to implementation and dissemination of effective interventions and to identify key components of sustainability All healthcare workers, veterinary medicine and animal care workers Implementaton
4.8C MUS x HSA Musculoskeletal disorders interventions Evaluate the effectiveness of safe patient handling policies and regulations All healthcare workers Intervention
4.8E MUS x HSA Musculoskeletal disorders interventions Evaluation of exoskeletons or other innovative approaches to reduce risk of MSDs during patient handling or performing healthcare procedures All healthcare workers; veterinary medicine and animal care workers; vulnerable populations; and previously injured workers Intervention

Strategic Goal 5

Reduce occupational respiratory disease.

Strategic Goal 5
5.1B RHP x AFF Fixed airways diseases Engineering controls and PPE for organic dusts and related gases and fumes Agriculture (esp. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO)) Intervention, Implementation
5.1D RHP x AFF Fixed airways diseases Engineering controls and PPE for pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and chemicals (used in new areas as vectors move north) Agriculture (esp. CAFOs) Implementation
5.2A RHP x CON Exposure to mineral dusts Implementation of silica requirements (collection of objective data) Small businesses, vulnerable workers Implementation
5.4C RHP x HSA Work-related asthma Specialized exposures (i.e. surgical smoke, aerosolized medication) Respiratory therapists, nurses, surgeons Intervention
5.8D RHP x MIN Exposure to mineral dusts Coal dust engineering controls Coal mine workers Intervention, Implementation
5.8G RHP x MIN Exposure to mineral dusts Increase usage of crystalline silica interventions Metal/non-metal; coal; stone, sand and gravel mine workers Implementation
5.12A RHP x HSA Interstitial/fibrotic lung disease Relationship between airborne occupational exposures and the risk for developing interstitial/fibrotic lung disease Dental personnel Basic/Etiologic, Intervention

Strategic Goal 6

Improve workplace safety to reduce traumatic injuries.

Strategic Goal 6
6.1D TIP x AFF Traumatic injury among high risk populations Machine-related incidents (e.g., tractor, PTO, and grain engulfment) Agriculture; commercial fishing and seafood processing workers Intervention, Implementation
6.1H TIP x AFF Traumatic injury among high risk populations Falls overboard and vessel disasters Commercial fishing workers Intervention, Implementation
6.1I TIP x AFF Traumatic injury among high risk populations Falls (stairs & wet floors) Seafood processing workers Intervention, Implementation
6.2A TIP x CON Falls Falls from elevation Iron workers, sheet metal workers, roofers, power line installers, telecommunications workers, laborers, small businesses, vulnerable workers Intervention, Implementation
6.2B TIP x CON Falls Falls on the same level All construction workers (especially laborers, small businesses, vulnerable workers) Intervention, Implementation
6.5A TIP x MNF Machine-related injuries Contacts with traditional machines Many manufacturing workers (esp. those using assembly lines and conveyor belts), vulnerable workers, workers with non-standard work arrangements Intervention
6.10D TIP x OGE Motor vehicle crashes Seatbelts, fatigue prevention Well servicing contractors, small businesses Implementation
6.11A TIP x PSS Motor vehicle crashes Collision as vehicle occupant (including fatigue as a risk factor) Law enforcement, fire service and emergency medical service Intervention, Implementation
6.11B TIP x PSS Motor vehicle crashes Struck-by on the side of the road Fire service and emergency medical service Intervention, Implementation
6.11C TIP x PSS Motor vehicle crashes Struck-by on the side of the road Law enforcement Intervention, Implementation
6.12A TIP x PSS Workplace violence Assault and violent encounters, civil disturbances Law enforcement Intervention, Implementation
6.12B TIP x PSS Workplace violence Patient assault, bystander violence Emergency medical service and fire service Intervention, Implementation
6.12C TIP x PSS Workplace violence Violent encounters and daily interactions, bystander violence Corrections Intervention, Implementation
6.13A TIP x SRV Falls Falls on the same level Building services, food services, waste management workers, and travel accommodations; small businesses; vulnerable and contingent workers Intervention, Implementation
6.13B TIP x SRV Falls Falls to a lower level Building services, small businesses, vulnerable and contingent workers Intervention, Implementation
6.14B TIP x TWU Transportation incidents Develop evidence-based interventions (e.g., fleet management, administrative controls) Truck drivers, bus and transit (e.g., taxi) drivers, aviation workers, maritime workers Intervention
6.15B TIP x TWU Machine-related injuries Machine-related injuries (e.g., caught-between, struck-by) Aviation workers Implementation
6.15D TIP x TWU Machine-related injuries Use of stationary robots Warehousing, utilities, and maritime workers Surveillance, Implementation
6.16A TIP x WRT Falls Falls on the same level (e.g., caused by floor debris, spills, or slipperiness; organization of work) Food and beverage, furniture and home furnishing, lumber, health and personal care, and general merchandise; aging workers, vulnerable workers Intervention, Implementation
6.16B TIP x WRT Falls Falls to a lower level (e.g., associated with ladders; organization of work) Merchant wholesalers of durable goods, motor vehicle and parts retailers, and health and personal care stores; vulnerable workers Intervention, Implementation
6.17A TIP x WRT Motor vehicle crashes Motor vehicle crashes Wholesale workers (long distance and local), small businesses Intervention, Implementation

Strategic Goal 7

Promote safe and healthy work design and well-being.

Strategic Goal 7
7.1B HWD x CON Non-standard work arrangements Increase use of existing interventions among workers in non-standard work arrangements Vulnerable workers, small businesses Implementation
7.2A HWD x HSA Work organization Prevention of stress and related adverse health outcomes due to suboptimal work organization Healthcare and social assistance workers; veterinary medicine/animal care workers; vulnerable populations Intervention, Implementation
7.2C HWD x HSA Work organization Fatigue, stress, work organization as risk factors for traumatic injuries such as sharps injuries, motor vehicle crashes, and suicide Residents, interns, and home healthcare workers; others with long hours/irregular schedules Intervention, Implementation
7.2E HWD x HSA Work organization Safety culture/safety climate/safety leadership Mid-to-small healthcare settings, nursing aides, home healthcare workers, management, veterinary medicine and animal care, other settings where poor adherence to safe practice has been documented Intervention, Implementation
7.5B HWD x SRV Non-standard work arrangements Employer ambiguity, inadequate occupational safety and health training, and lack of programs Contingent workers; young workers and other vulnerable populations Intervention, Implementation
7.9B HWD x WRT Work organization and musculoskeletal disorders Develop communication and training products Food and beverage, and general merchandise Intervention
7.10A HWD x WRT Non-standard work arrangements and vulnerable workers Inadequate occupational safety and health training, and lack of OSH programs Workers in non-standard work arrangements; young workers and other vulnerable workers Intervention, Implementation
7.10B HWD x WRT Non-standard work arrangements and vulnerable workers Characterizing workers in non-standard work arrangements, young workers and other vulnerable worker populations, as well as risk factors Workers in non-standard work arrangements; young workers and other vulnerable workers Surveillance
7.11A HWD x CON Total Worker Health® Work and non-work factors that contribute to worker safety, health, and well-being (i.e. Total Worker Health [TWH] approach) (e.g., substance misuse, tobacco use, shift work, fatigue, musculoskeletal health, heat stress) All construction workers, especially vulnerable workers Intervention
7.11B HWD x CON Total Worker Health® Improve data around risks to worker safety, health, and well-being All construction workers, especially vulnerable workers Surveillance
7.11C HWD x CON Total Worker Health® Barriers and facilitators to implementing TWH research findings All construction workers, especially vulnerable workers Implementation
7.11D HWD x CON Total Worker Health® Evaluate effectiveness and adoption of TWH policies, practices, and programs All construction workers, especially vulnerable workers Intervention, Implementation
7.12A HWD x HSA Total Worker Health® Work and non-work factors that contribute to worker safety, health, and well-being (i.e. Total Worker Health [TWH] approach) (e.g., musculoskeletal health, shift scheduling and control, well-being) Healthcare workers, especially low-wage healthcare support occupations (e.g., home health aides, dental assistants, pharmacy aides, veterinary assistants and laboratory animal caretakers) Intervention
7.12B HWD x HSA Total Worker Health® Indicators for use of TWH approaches and adverse outcomes that might be improved by TWH Healthcare workers, especially low-wage healthcare support occupations (e.g., home health aides, dental assistants, pharmacy aides, veterinary assistants and laboratory animal caretakers) Surveillance
7.12C HWD x HSA Total Worker Health® Barriers and facilitators to implementing TWH research findings Healthcare workers, especially low-wage healthcare support occupations (e.g., home health aides, dental assistants, pharmacy aides, veterinary assistants and laboratory animal caretakers) Implementation
7.12D HWD x HSA Total Worker Health® Evaluate effectiveness and adoption TWH polices, practices and programs Healthcare workers, especially low-wage healthcare support occupations (e.g., home health aides, dental assistants, pharmacy aides, veterinary assistants and laboratory animal caretakers) Intervention, Implementation
7.14A HWD x PSS Total Worker Health® Work and non-work factors that contribute to worker safety, health, and well-being (i.e. Total Worker Health [TWH] approach) (e.g., fatigue, shift work, obesity, violence, stress) Law enforcement, fire service, Emergency Medical Service (EMS), corrections and wildland fire subsectors Intervention
7.14B HWD x PSS Total Worker Health® Improve data around risks to worker safety, health, and well-being Law enforcement, fire service, Emergency Medical Service (EMS), corrections and wildland fire subsectors Surveillance
7.14C HWD x PSS Total Worker Health® Barriers and facilitators to implementing TWH research findings Law enforcement, fire service, Emergency Medical Service (EMS), corrections and wildland fire subsectors Implementation
7.14D HWD x PSS Total Worker Health® Evaluate effectiveness and adoption of TWH polices, practices and programs Law enforcement, fire service, Emergency Medical Service (EMS), corrections and wildland fire subsectors Intervention, Implementation
7.15A HWD x SRV Total Worker Health® Work and non-work factors that contribute to worker safety, health, and well-being (i.e. Total Worker Health [TWH] approach) Services workers, especially vulnerable workers and small businesses Intervention
7.15B HWD x SRV Total Worker Health® Improve data around risks to worker safety, health, and well-being Services workers, especially vulnerable workers and small businesses Surveillance
7.15C HWD x SRV Total Worker Health® Barriers and facilitators to implementing TWH research findings Services workers, especially vulnerable workers and small businesses Implementation
7.15D HWD x SRV Total Worker Health® Evaluate the effectiveness, adoption, successful implementation, and sustainment of TWH polices, practices and programs Services workers, especially vulnerable workers and small businesses Intervention, Implementation
7.16A HWD x AFF Precarious Employment Arrangements Nature, prevalence, and impact of precarious employment arrangements Foreign-born, migrant, or seasonal workers in agriculture, fishing, or seafood processing Surveillance
7.16B HWD x AFF Precarious Employment Arrangements Interventions which address employer ambiguity, inadequate occupational safety and health training, and overlapping health disparities related to precarious employment arrangements Foreign-born, migrant, or seasonal worker in agriculture, fishing, or seafood processing Intervention
7.17A HWD x AFF Work Organization, Fatigue, and Mental Health Fatigue and sleep deprivation from long shifts over consecutive days, task-oriented fatigue All AgFF sub-industries, especially disproportionally affected groups and small businesses Intervention
7.17B HWD x AFF Work Organization, Fatigue, and Mental Health Heat stress Outdoor workers in agriculture, forestry, or fishing Implementation
7.17C HWD x AFF Work Organization, Fatigue, and Mental Health Improve resiliency after exposure to traumatic and unpredictable events (workplace catastrophes, economic and policy issues, succession planning) and health disparities All AgFF sub-industries, but especially disproportionally affected groups and small businesses Intervention