Ladder Safety App

Key points

The Ladder Safety App is designed to improve extension and step ladder safety. Ladder safety should be a priority for any ladder user on or off the job.

Ladder Safety App

About the app

The Ladder Safety App is NIOSH's first mobile application. The app is designed to improve extension and step ladder safety. Ladder safety is a concern for anyone completing a task that requires a ladder because of the risk of falling.

Get the app

Download for free at and available in English and Spanish (adaptive to which language is set on your device).

User's Manual is also available: iOS (En español) Android (En español)

Ladder safety app infographic‎

This infographic provides information about the tools included in NIOSH's award-winning Ladder Safety App.
NIOSH Ladder Safety App used with ladder
Using smart phone technology, the app delivers ladder safety tools, information, reference materials, and training resources to individual ladder users.

Ladder safety app postcard‎

This postcard provides ladder fall statistics and information about the tools included in the app.

How it works

The app provides user-friendly guidance and interactive tools to prevent major causes of falls.

Angle Measuring Tool
  • Uses visual, sound, and vibration signals to make it easier for users to set an extension ladder at the proper angle and to check the verticality of extension and step ladders.
    • The proper angle is about 75 degrees.
Selection Tool
  • Provides a procedure to select the minimum required ladder duty rating corresponding to user characteristics and task.
Inspection Tool
  • Includes a comprehensive checklist for ladder inspection and setup
Proper Use Tool
  • Presents a set of rules for safe ladder use in a user-friendly format.
Accessories Tool
  • Describes a number of available extension ladder safety accessories.

Using smart phone technology, the app delivers ladder safety tools, information, reference materials, and training resources to individual ladder users. The app is available in English and Spanish as a free download for Apple iPhone/iPad and Google Android devices.


As of December 2023, the app has been downloaded more than 850,000 times. Users have provided high ratings of the app, which has also been promoted by state officials, industry leaders, and safety professionals. Many companies have incorporated the use of the app as part of their safety policy. It has also received considerable international attention.

NIOSH researchers consider feedback from ladder users to further improve the app’s appearance, content, and function. As part of this effort, the latest app update includes interactive tools and guides on step ladder safety.


Book chapters

Fall Prevention and Protection: Principles, Guidelines and Practices CRC Press: October 2017 / :241-270 chapter 15

Fall Prevention and Protection: Principles, Guidelines and Practices CRC Press: October 2017 / :119-140 chapter 9

Journal articles

Applied Ergonomics: March, 2017 / 59(Pt A):460-469


US Patent No. 08167087 (Issued May 1, 2012)


NIOSH Science Blog (February 29, 2016)