Key points
- NIOSH has 10 critical topic areas for nanotechnology research and communication
- These topics areas are a guide to address knowledge gaps, develop strategies, and provide recommendations

The 10 Critical Topic Areas
NIOSH has identified 10 critical topic areas for nanotechnology research and communication. This serves as a guide for NIOSH to address knowledge gaps, develop strategies, and provide recommendations.
Toxicity and Internal Dose
- Investigating and determining the physical and chemical properties such as size, shape, solubility that influence the potential toxicity of nanoparticles
- Evaluating the short and long-term effects that nanomaterials may have in organ systems and tissues, for example the lungs
- Determining the biological mechanisms for potential toxic effects
- Creating and integrating models to assist in assessing possible hazards
- Determining if a measure other than mass is more appropriate for determining toxicity
Risk Assessment
- Determining the likelihood that current exposure-response data (human or animal) could be used in identifying and assessing potential occupational hazards
- Developing a framework for evaluating potential hazards and predicting potential occupational risk of exposure to nanomaterials.
Epidemiology & Surveillance
- Evaluating existing epidemiological workplace studies where nanomaterials are used
- Identifying knowledge gaps where epidemiological studies could advance understanding of nanomaterials and evaluating the likelihood of conducting new studies
- Integrating nanotechnology health and safety issues into existing hazard surveillance methods and determining whether additional screening methods are needed
- Using existing systems to share data and information about nanotechnology
Engineering Controls and PPE
- Evaluating the effectiveness of engineering controls in reducing occupational exposures to nanoaerosols and developing new controls where needed
- Evaluating and improving current personal protective equipment
- Developing recommendations to prevent or limit occupational exposures, for example respirator fit testing
- Evaluating the suitability of control banding techniques where additional information is needed and evaluating the effectiveness of alternative materials
Measurement Methods
- Evaluating methods of measuring mass of respirable particles in the air and determining if this measurement can be used to measure nanomaterials
- Developing and field-testing practical methods to accurately measure airborne nanomaterials in the workplace
- Developing testing and evaluation systems to compare and validate sampling instruments
Exposure Assessment
- Determining key factors that influence the production, dispersion, accumulation, and re-entry of nanomaterials into the workplace
- Assessing possible exposure when nanomaterials are inhaled or settle on the skin
- Determining how possible exposures differ by work process
- Determining what happens to nanomaterials once they enter the body
Fire and Explosion Safety
- Identifying physical and chemical properties that contribute to dustiness, combustibility, flammability, and conductivity of nanomaterials.
- Recommending alternative work practices to eliminate or reduce workplace exposures to nanoparticles.
Recommendations & Guidance
- Using the best available science to make interim recommendations for workplace safety and health practices during the production and use of nanomaterials
- Evaluating and updating occupational exposure limits for mass-based airborne particles to ensure good continuing precautionary practices
- Providing guidance and publications to help provide information on the best available science for nanomaterials
Global Collaborations
- Establishing partnerships and collaborations to allow for identifying and sharing research needs, approaches, and results
- Developing and disseminating training and educational materials to workers and health and safety professionals
- Identifying uses of nanotechnology in occupational safety and health
- Evaluating and disseminating effective applications to workers and occupational safety and health professionals
Content Source:
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health