Hydrogenated terphenyls
Synonyms & Trade Names
Hydrogenated diphenylbenzenes, Hydrogenated phenylbiphenyls, Hydrogenated triphenyls
[Note: Complex mixture of terphenyl isomers that are partially hydrogenated.]
Exposure Limits
Measurement Methods
None available
See: NMAM or
See: NMAM or
Physical Description
Clear, oily, pale-yellow liquids with a faint odor.
[plasticizer/heat-transfer media]
Molecular Weight
298 (40% hydrogenated)
Boiling Point
644°F (40% hydrogenated)
Freezing Point
Vapor Pressure
Ionization Potential
Specific Gravity
(77°F): 1.003-1.009 (40% hydrogenated)
Flash Point
315°F (40% hydrogenated)
Upper Explosive Limit
Lower Explosive Limit
Class IIIB Combustible Liquids
Incompatibilities & Reactivities
None reported
[Note: When heated, irritating vapors will be released.]
Exposure Routes
inhalation, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact
irritation eyes, skin, respiratory system; liver, kidney, hematopoietic damage
Target Organs
Eyes, skin, respiratory system, liver, kidneys, hematopoietic system
Personal Protection/Sanitation
(See protection codes)
Skin:Prevent skin contact
Eyes:Prevent eye contact
Wash skin:When contaminated
Remove:When wet or contaminated
Skin:Prevent skin contact
Eyes:Prevent eye contact
Wash skin:When contaminated
Remove:When wet or contaminated
First Aid
(See procedures)
Eye:Irrigate immediately
Skin:Soap wash immediately
Breathing:Respiratory support
Swallow:Medical attention immediately
Eye:Irrigate immediately
Skin:Soap wash immediately
Breathing:Respiratory support
Swallow:Medical attention immediately
Respirator Recommendations
Not available.
See also
Page last reviewed: October 30, 2019
source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health