Thioglycolic acid
Synonyms & Trade Names
Acetyl mercaptan, Mercaptoacetate, Mercaptoacetic acid, 2-Mercaptoacetic acid, 2-Thioglycolic acid, Thiovanic acid
Exposure Limits
Measurement Methods
None available
See: NMAM or
See: NMAM or
Physical Description
Colorless liquid with a strong, disagreeable odor characteristic of mercaptans.
[Note: Olfactory fatigue may occur after short exposures.]
Molecular Weight
Boiling Point
Freezing Point
Vapor Pressure
(64°F): 10 mmHg
Ionization Potential
Specific Gravity
Flash Point
Upper Explosive Limit
Lower Explosive Limit
Class IIIB Combustible Liquid: Fl.P. at or above 200°F.
Incompatibilities & Reactivities
Air, strong oxidizers, bases, active metals (e.g., sodium potassium, magnesium, calcium)
[Note: Readily oxidized by air.]
Exposure Routes
inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact
irritation eyes, skin, nose, throat; lacrimation (discharge of tears), corneal damage; skin burns, blisters; In Animals: lassitude (weakness, exhaustion); gasping respirations; convulsions
Target Organs
Eyes, skin, respiratory system
Personal Protection/Sanitation
(See protection codes)
Skin:Prevent skin contact
Eyes:Prevent eye contact
Wash skin:When contaminated
Remove:When wet or contaminated
Change:No recommendation
Provide:Eyewash, Quick drench
Skin:Prevent skin contact
Eyes:Prevent eye contact
Wash skin:When contaminated
Remove:When wet or contaminated
Change:No recommendation
Provide:Eyewash, Quick drench
First Aid
(See procedures)
Eye:Irrigate immediately
Skin:Water flush immediately
Breathing:Respiratory support
Swallow:Medical attention immediately
Eye:Irrigate immediately
Skin:Water flush immediately
Breathing:Respiratory support
Swallow:Medical attention immediately
Respirator Recommendations
Not available.
See also
Page last reviewed: October 30, 2019
source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health