We are taking steps to continue to modernize and secure our data, applications, and systems. We completed the first phase and restored many of the functions put on pause in May 2021. Now that the first phase is complete, work will resume at a slower pace but will speed up as new systems and applications are brought online. For more information and updates, please visit our Cybersecurity Modernization Initiative web page.
Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines
A variety of policies, procedures, and guidelines are used to complete dose reconstructions. They are developed and updated as necessary. Links to the documents are listed below in alphabetical order. The document number, a brief description of the document, and the date the document was approved or revised is provided, when available.
Do you know the title of the policy, procedure, or guideline you are looking for? If you know the title, click on the letter below that corresponds to the first letter of the policy, procedure, or guideline’s title to move where the link and information for the document you are looking for is located on this page.
Alternative Dissolution Models for Insoluble Pu-238 [823 KB (52 pages)]
Document Number: DCAS-RPT-005 Rev. 01
Revised: August 17, 2018
Revision Includes: Removes a typos (SRS) in section A.5.1. Adds text in section A.2 to explain why Mound-13 chosen as representative.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0066 Rev. 00
Approved: September 19, 2014
About this Document: New document initiated to analyze dosimeter badges and Health Physics area codes for 10 Savannah River Site claimants to identify potential issues that might affect the implementation of the proposed Special Exposure Cohort class for the Savannah River Site. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0051 Rev. 00
Approved: August 16, 2011
About this Document: This report describes activities performed by the Savannah River Site (SRS) related to the burning of radioactive solvent waste with the objective of determining the feasibility of reconstructing internal doses potentially received from exposures to fission product and alpha radionuclides. Incorporates formal NIOSH review comments.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0046 Rev. 00
Approved: May 18, 2010
About this Document: This report is a working document prepared by NIOSH or its contractor for use in discussions with the ABRWH or its Working Groups or Subcommittees and is now being incorporated as an ORAU Team controlled document. Draft, preliminary, interim, and White Paper documents are not final NIOSH or ABRWH (or their technical support and review contractors) positions unless specifically marked as such. This document represents preliminary positions taken on technical issues prepared by NIOSH or its contractor. Not subject to FOIA. Incorporates formal NIOSH review comments.
Analysis of Stratified Coworker Datasets [531 KB (46 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0053 Rev. 02
Revised: October 8, 2014
Revision Includes: Revision initiated to add instructions for handling negative and zero values in Sections 3.0 and 4.0. Added an option for a time-weighted OPOS approach. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Applications of Regression Models and Ratios [879 KB (48 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0106 Rev. 00
Approved: August 3, 2023
About this Document: New report generated to illustrate the benefits and detriments of using regression models versus ratios. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0081 Rev. 00
Approved: April 7, 2017
About this Document: Analyzes Savannah River gross alpha air sampling data as a method of thoron intake bounding between 1972 and 1994.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0102 Rev. 00
Approved: December 2, 2021
About this Document: New report to assess the adequacy of Los Alamos National Laboratory bioassay results for the construction of a co-exposure model. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0047 Rev. 00
Approved: July 23, 2013
About this Document: New report to compare organ doses from an intake of fission products determined from urinalysis using the default guidance in Revision 03 of ORAUT-TKBS-0003, Savannah River Site (SRS Site Profile, p. 70) versus using an approach based on the method in ORAUT-OTIB-0054, Fission and Activation Product Assignment for Internal Dose-Related Gross Beta and Gross Gamma Analyses. This report also compares organ doses from an intake of 4,400 dpm/d of mixed fission products using the radionuclide guidance mixture in Table 4.4.2-7 of the SRS Site Profile (p. 82) with organ doses from an intake of 4,400 dpm/d of fission products apportioned as recommended in OTIB-0054. This addresses an SRS Advisory Board Work Group issue regarding fission products. Incorporates comparisons of organ doses computed using the nine representative reactor cases from OTIB-0054 with five cases selected to represent production reactor operations at the Savannah River Site (SRS). Develops site-specific intake and activity fraction values to be used for evaluating SRS claims and draws comparisons of committed organ doses assigned using these new values with doses assigned using the guidance currently given in the SRS Site Profile. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0094 Rev. 00
Approved: September 13, 2019
About this Document: Provides fractions of claimants with external and internal monitoring data and who were subcontractor construction trade workers at the Savannah River Site between 1972 and 1997. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Bounding Intakes of Exotic Radionuclides at Los Alamos National Laboratory [970 KB (54 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0101 Rev. 01
Approved: August 30, 2023
About this Document: Revision initiated to correct self-identified errors discovered while screening documents used to generate Tables 3-1 through 3-5, and A-2 through A-7. The errors consisted of large area swipes, direct reading surveys, external radiation surveys, and radiological work permit related contamination and air monitoring surveys that were mistakenly entered. There were also duplicates of some surveys that were entered as well as some that should have been entered that were missed originally. Added per year to many of the 100 mrem occurrences throughout the report. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Breathing Zone to General Area Air Concentration Ratios in Small Workrooms [12MB (81 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0097 Rev. 00
Approved: March 29, 2021
About this Document: New document initiated to evaluate the data from several air sampling studies performed in small workrooms. The air sample data were evaluated in terms of breathing zone air concentrations and air concentrations measured from general area air samplers. A statistical evaluation of the potential ratios of the breathing zone air concentrations and the general area air concentrations is presented in this document. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0055 Rev. 00
Approved: July 20, 2012
About this Document: New report initiated to evaluate Savannah River Site exotic trivalent nuclide coworker models. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0058 Rev. 00
Approved: September 10, 2012
About this Document: New report initiated to evaluate Savannah River Site mixed fission and activation product coworker models. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
A Comparison of Neptunium Coworker Models at the Savannah River Site [794 KB (52 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0056 Rev. 00
Approved: August 20, 2012
About this Document: New report initiated to evaluate Savannah River Site neptunium coworker models. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0068 Rev. 00
Approved: July 11, 2016
About this Document: Evaluates correction factors for use with ICRP Publication 116 rotational dose conversion coefficients and for neutron irradiations which includes information for use with ICRP Publication 110 isotropic dose conversion coefficients.
Conflict or Bias Policy
NIOSH Policy on the Appearance of Bias for the EEOICPA Program & General Conflict of Interest Requirements [3 MB (10 pages)]
March 30, 2016About this Document: Summarizes the legal requirements regarding conflicts of interest which apply to NIOSH employees and members of the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health as Federal employees. It also outlines NIOSH’s Appearance of Bias Policy regarding participation in activities related to the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA).
Descriptions of Key Program Functions and Program Support Functions [150 KB (6 pages)]
Acts Affecting a Personal Financial Interest (18 U.S.C. 208) [81 KB (3 pages)]
About this Document: Provides a step-by-step roadmap for handling conflict-of-interest and bias issues in a manner consistent with the NIOSH AOB Policy.
Please Note: The documents listed above contain detailed information about the NIOSH Conflict or Bias Policy and its implementation. Additional information about the policy, such as contact information and disclosure statements, can be found on the Conflict or Bias Policy page.
Criteria for the Evaluation and Use of Co-Exposure Datasets [116 KB (12 pages)]
Document Number: DCAS-IG-006 Rev-00
Approved: March 6, 2020
About this Document: Provides guidance for the evaluation of personnel monitoring data used in the reconstruction of doses to unmonitored workers who are covered under the EEOICPA.
Please Note: this document replaces Draft Criteria for the Evaluation and Use of Coworker Datasets, Rev. 4.1.1.
Data Access and Interview Procedures [301 KB (14 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-PR-010 Rev-00
Approved: January 23, 2009
About this Document: Initial version of procedure describing the coordination and submission of data requests to the Department of Energy.
Department of Energy Classification Review of Documents [38 KB (6 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-PR-011 Rev-00
Approved: January 22, 2009
About this Document: Initial version of procedure describing the Department of Energy review of OCAS documents.
Discussion of Tritium Coworker Models at the Savannah River Site – Part 1 [47 MB (381 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0049 Rev. 00
Approved: November 23, 2010
About this Document: New ORAUT report initiated in response to SC&A comments on OTIB-0075 concerning the use of stratified coworker models. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Discussion of Tritium Coworker Models at the Savannah River Site – Part 2 [8 MB (475 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0050 Rev. 00
Approved: November 14, 2011
About this Document: New ORAUT Report initiated in response to SC&A comments on ORAUT-OTIB-0075 on the use of stratified coworker models. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0107 Rev. 00
Approved: September 15, 2023
About this Document: New report to address concerns about the ability to reconstruct Los Alamos Neutron Science Center worker doses from “exotic” radionuclides. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0079 Rev. 00
Approved: April 28, 2017
About this Document: Evaluates airborne effluent releases from Initial Engine Test #10 at the Idaho National Laboratory.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0092 Rev. 00
Approved: June 14, 2019
About this Document: Documents the evaluation of bioassay data for subcontracted construction trade workers.
Evaluation of EBR-II and BORAX-IV for ORAUT-OTIB-0054 Applicability [480 KB (30 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0099 Rev. 00
Approved: May 8, 2020
About this Document: Provides the results of evaluations of the Experimental Breeder Reactor No. 2 and the Boiling Water Reactor Experiment No. 4 to determine if ORAUT-OTIB-0054 Revision 04 provides bounding internal dose guidance when only gross beta or gross gamma assay measurements are available. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0089 Rev. 00
Approved: April 19, 2022
About this Document: New document to evaluate issues raised regarding the use of general area air sampling for Argonne National Laboratory-West internal dose assessments.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0077 Rev. 00
Approved: November 8, 2016
About this Document: Evaluates the use of Health Physics Area codes and department codes to identify workers associated with the 237Np processes in Building 235-F, the HB Line, and the M-Area at Savannah River Site from 1973 through 1982.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0070 Rev. 00
Approved: May 15, 2017
About this Document: Evaluates the method for assessment of doses from 232Th at the Savannah River Site from 1972 through 1989.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0083 Rev. 00
Approved: June 27, 2017
About this Document: Evaluates of monitoring of construction workers identified in high-level cave Job Plans at the Savannah River Site.
An Evaluation of Neptunium Operations at Savannah River Site [4.5 MB (67 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0065 Rev. 00
Approved: September 19, 2016
About this Document: New report for methods and models for reconstructing internal radiation doses to workers at the Savannah River Site who were potentially exposed to 237Np based on site records. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0091 Rev. 00
Revised: June 10, 2019
About this Document: Evaluates Savannah River Site 241Am source terms between 1971 and 1999 using bioassay frequency tables.
Document Number: DCAS-RPT-008 Rev 00
Approved: April 27, 2020
About this Document: Evaluates the detection limit for Pb-212 for a lung measurement taken at the Y-12 whole body counting facility from 1992 to 1995. Incorporates internal review comments.
Exotic Radionuclides at the Savannah River Site [426 KB (36 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0054 Rev. 01
Revised: January 3, 2013
Revision Includes: Revision initiated to add new information pertaining to 147Pm in Attachment B, 249Bk and 254Fm in Attachment C, and 171Tm in Attachment D. Responds to formal NIOSH review comments; For information added a sentence at the end of the first paragraph in Section 5.0; deleted the last sentence in the plutonium paragraph; added information at the end of the uranium paragraph related to the types of DU analysis used between 1986 through 1994 and for DU and EU after 1994; replaced the two paragraphs discussion in the neptunium section with a new paragraph on the separation of neptunium from the actinides and uranium and on the analysis of neptunium; added additional references to the information in the section on 90Sr; clarified the references for the whole body counting information and added a discussion on the counting geometry and the energy regions of interest and added the references into the reference section; revised the title of Table A-1 to reflect the doses were due to inhalation from handling the 1.8 x 10-6 g 99Tc; added the words “estimates” and “handling” for clarification that estimated inhalation doses are a result of handling the 99Tc. There were no review comments incorporated as a result of formal internal review.
External Dose Reconstruction Implementation Guideline [5 MB (77 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-IG-001 Rev-03
Revised: November 21, 2007
About this Document: The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on the components, standards, and methods of external radiation dose reconstruction for probability of causation calculations in support of The Act. It is to be used as a source to help provide specific guidance and methods which can be found in Site Profiles and other site-specific documents.
External Exposure to Technetium-99 at the Gaseous Diffusion Plants [112 KB (11 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0059 Rev. 00
Approved: February 7, 2012
About this Document: Evaluates external dose from 99Tc at the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K-25), Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, and Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0048 Rev. 00
Revised: January 24, 2011
About this Document: Describes activities performed by the Savannah River Site (SRS) related to the design of processes and facilities for separating 210Po from 210Bi with the objective of determining the feasibility of reconstructing internal and external doses potentially received from exposures to polonium.
Feed Materials Production Center Internal Dose Topics [1 MB (76 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0052 Rev. 00
Revised: July 12, 2011
About this Document: New report to consolidate the information pertinent to the Feed Materials Production Center (FMPC) internal dosimetry that has been developed since the SEC Evaluation Report was presented. This information includes topic discussed in the Advisory Board FMPC Work Group meetings. Several distinct topics are included in this report. Incorporates formal NIOSH review comments.
Document Number: Final Rule: 42 CFR Part 81
Effective Date: May 2, 2002
About this Document: This document covers the guidelines to be used by the Department of Labor to determine the probability that a cancer included in a claim under The Act was caused by workers’ exposure to radiation during nuclear weapons production.
Handling Controlled Unclassified Information [74 KB (17 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-PLCY-0001 Rev-00
Approved: January 22, 2009
About this Document: New document to establish guidelines for the handling of sensitive documents and information.
ICRP 116 External Dose Conversion Factors [311 KB (15 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0063 Rev. 00
Approved: November 19, 2013
About this Document: New document initiated for evaluation of ICRP 116 external dose conversion factors. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Internal Dosimetry Coworker Data Completeness Test, Revision 00 pdf icon[475 KB (24 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0086 Rev. 00
Approved: September 18, 2017
About this Document: Evaluates the completeness of internal dosimetry data by providing a method to calculate the proportion of missing data for a given set of coworkers.
Document Number: DCAS-PR-004
Effective Date: April 15, 2011
About this Document: Establishes the requirements for processing Special Exposure Cohort petitions. Revision incorporates changes resulting from amendments to 42 C.F.R. Part 83 and other updates.
Internal Dose Guidelines [291 KB (50 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-IG-002 Rev-00
Approved: August 2002
About this Document: The purpose of this guide is to provide basic information on the methods employed in reconstructing doses under The Act. The intent of this guide is to assist a qualified health physicist in determining annual organ dose from exposure to various sources of internal radiation.
Locations of Stable Metal Tritides Use at the Savannah River Site [382 KB (31 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0072 Rev. 00
Approved: January 9, 2017
About this Document: Responds to questions raised by SC&A that special tritium compounds have not been considered in the analysis of personnel exposures at the Savannah River Site.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0057 Rev. 00
Approved: March 7, 2013
About this Document: This report defines a dose reconstruction method for Mound workers who may have been incidentally exposed to stable metal tritide (SMT) compounds in the SW/R Tritium Complex (SRTC), but who were not assigned to directly handle SMTs. SMTs are type S tritium compounds that are insoluble in lung fluids. The method defines an annual intake of SMTs based on a claimant-favorable estimate of removable tritium surface contamination, a chronic resuspension factor (5 ×10-5 m-1) that modifies the surface contamination level resulting in an airborne radioactivity concentration, and full-time worker occupancy (2000 hr/yr) in the contaminated area. The method is applicable for the period March 6, 1980 through December 31, 1999. March 5, 1980 is the date when SEC-00171, which covers every potentially-exposed tritium worker, ends. December 31, 1999 is the date when there is confidence that the dosimetric problems associated with SMT exposure were adequately addressed by the Mound radiation safety staff. The method may also be useful for reconstruction of doses associated with non-presumptive cancers during the SEC-00171 period. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Methods for Radiation Dose Reconstruction [129 KB (23 pages)]
Document Number: Final Rule: 42 CFR Part 82
Effective Date: May 2, 2002
About this Document: The document outlines the methods for estimating the dose levels of ionizing radiation incurred by workers in the performance of duty for nuclear weapons production programs of the Department of Energy and its predecessor agencies.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0090, Rev. 01
Revised: March 10, 2023
About this Document: Document revised to address comments received following SC&A review as well as during Working Group discussions. Specific changes include clarifying the document’s scope and intent as being an evaluation of ORNL monitoring capabilities regarding work by Isotope Group employees or within Isotope Group facilities. Accordingly, Appendix C (“Dose Reconstruction Approach for Iodine”) was removed and will be included in a separate document. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Multiple Imputation Applied to Bioassay Co-Exposure Models [733 KB (20 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0096, Rev. 01
Revised: June 11, 2021
About this Document: Revision initiated to incorporate experience gained from applying multiple imputation to recent co-exposure models. Only the new multiple imputation methods are discussed, whereas, Rev. 00 included comparisons of the then current statistical methods for dealing with censored data with the new multiple imputation methods. In addition, Rev. 01 includes statistical methods (like the coworker R package) that were used for the first time in the INL co-exposure statistical analysis. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Neutron Dose from Highly Enriched Uranium [498 KB (24 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0060 Rev. 00
Approved: March 28, 2019
About this Document: New document initiated for evaluation of neutron dose from highly enriched uranium at the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K-25), Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, and Y-12 Plant. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Occupational Medical X-Ray Dose Reconstruction for DOE Sites [215 KB (12 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-PROC-0061 Rev. 4
Revised: June 6, 2017
About this Document: Provides direction for assignment of organ dose from medical X-ray exams based on TBD information. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Revision Includes: Revision initiated to ensure consistency with ORAUT-OTIB-0006. Appendix C on the calculation of skin dose deleted as duplicate of ORAUT-OTIB-0006 content. Incorporates formal internal review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Occupational Onsite Ambient Dose Reconstruction for DOE Sites [304 KB (26 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-PROC-0060 Rev. 1
Revised: June 28, 2006
About this Document: Provides direction for external onsite ambient dose reconstruction for DOE sites. Revised to include additional DOE sites.
Revision Includes: Revised document to include additional DOE sites. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0080 Rev. 00
Approved: February 7, 2017
About this Document: Provides information on neptunium exposure to the plutonium fuel facility construction workers in Building 235-F at the Savannah River Site.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0085 Rev. 00
Approved: November 6, 2017
About this Document: Evaluates the probability of causation of International Commission on Radiological Protection Publication 116 anterior-posterior, isotropic, and rotational geometries.
Document Number: Revised Final Rule: 42 CFR Part 83
About this Document: This document specifies the procedures by which the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will determine whether to add new classes of employees from the Department of Energy and Atomic Weapons Employer facilities to the Cohort. HHS will consider adding new classes of employees in response to petitions by, or on behalf of, such classes of employees. The procedures specify requirements for petitions and for their consideration.
Document Number: DCAS-IG-003 Rev-01
Revised: October 5, 2010
About this Document: The purpose of this document is to provide guidance as to which sources of radiation are to be included in dose reconstructions that are prepared by NIOSH under Part B of The Act.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0098 Rev-00
Approved: July 22, 2019
About this Document: New draft report initiated to document the rationale for matching ICD-9 codes to ICD-10 codes for predetermined organ and model selections in the Interactive RadioEpidemiological Program. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0062 Rev. 00
Approved: February 11, 2014
About this Document: New report initiated to document the response of the Savannah River Site multielement film dosimeter to external penetrating photon radiation in the tank farm environment. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0103 Rev. 00
Approved: August 15, 2022
About this Document: Report to address an issue from the Advisory Board on Radiation Worker Health regarding the ability to bound dose for exotic radionuclides for Los Alamos National Laboratory energy employees from 1996 through 2005. This report is supplemental to ORAUT-RPRT-0101 and reviews radiological work permit information to ensure that RCT monitoring was appropriately performed.
Technical Basis for Sampling Plan [831 KB (19 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0078 Rev. 00
Approved: June 17, 2016
About this Document: Describes the technical basis for sampling of coworker datasets to determine transcription error (typo) rates.
Technical Documents Used in Dose Reconstruction
About these Documents: Technical documents are general working documents that provide historic background information and guidance to assist in the preparation of dose reconstructions at particular sites or categories of sites. They will be revised in the event additional relevant information is obtained about the affected site(s). These documents may be used to assist NIOSH staff in the completion of the individual work required for each dose reconstruction.
Two-Count Filter Method for Measurement of Thoron Progeny in Air [501 KB (14 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0084 Rev. 00
Approved: April 27, 2019
About this Document: Describes a two-count filter method for measurement of thoron progeny in air.
Uncertainty in Fitted Dose in Internal Dose Assessments [790 KB (43 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0109 Rev-00
Approved: September 20, 2024
About this Document: New report justifying the use of a geometric standard deviation of 3 when quantifying the uncertainty in fitted dose. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Use of Classified Information [184 KB (10 pages)]
Document Number: DCAS-IG-005 Rev-00
Approved: January 7, 2011
About this Document: Guidelines for the use of classified information relevant to The Act
Document Number: OCAS-IG-004 Rev-00
Approved: August 21, 2008
About this Document: This document provides guidelines for the use of data from other facilities in the completion of dose reconstructions
Worker Outreach Program [1 MB (32 pages)]
Document Number: DCAS-PR-012 Rev-01
Approved: December 14, 2012
About this Document: Changes address actions from the Outreach Working Group and includes discussion of minutes and notes, announcements at the beginning of a meeting, processing of meeting minutes, action item identification and processing, etc.
Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health Comments on Policy, Procedure, and Guidance Documents
The Advisory Board conducts technical reviews of various DCAS policy, procedure, and guidance documents that relate to dose reconstruction. The Board’s technical support contractor assists in the review process. The purpose of the reviews is to assess the scientific and technical quality of the methods used in dose reconstruction. They also help identify any deficiencies that could have a negative effect on the results or the dose reconstruction process. These reviews can be found on the Advisory Board: Reports from the Technical Support Contractor page of our website.
When the reviews are complete and all issues have been resolved, the Board prepares a brief summary of the resolutions. The summaries help the public understand the results of the technical reviews. These summaries can be found on the Advisory Board: Technical Review Summaries from the Technical Support Contractor page.
Document Archive for Policy, Procedure, and Guidance Documents
Analysis of Stratified Coworker Datasets [510 KB (42 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0053 Rev. 01
Revised: July 16, 2012
Revision Includes: Revision initiated to add methods for handling multiple comparisons and for comparing chronic intake rates. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments. Constitutes a total rewrite of the document.
Bounding Intakes of Exotic Radionuclides at Los Alamos National Laboratory [826 KB (56 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0101 Rev. 00
Approved: March 1, 2022
About this Document: New report to address an issue from the Advisory Board on Radiation Worker Health regarding the ability to bound dose for exotic radionuclides for Los Alamos National Laboratory energy employees from 1996 through 2005 using surface contamination survey data, air monitoring data, and personnel contamination monitoring to assure that doses for unmonitored workers are less than 100 mrem. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Draft Criteria for the Evaluation and Use of Coworker Datasets, Rev. 4.1.1 [128 KB (11 pages)]
Revised: July 6, 2015
About this Document: Implementation guide that provides guidance for the evaluation of personnel monitoring data used in the reconstruction of doses to unmonitored workers who are covered under EEOICPA. The criteria are to be applied to the development of new coworker models, as well as retrospectively in the review of existing coworker models.
Please note: this was replaced by DCAS-IG-006 Rev-00: Criteria for the Evaluation and Use of Co-Exposure Datasets.
Exotic Radionuclides at the Savannah River Site [426 KB (36 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-RPRT-0054 Rev. 00
Approved: January 20, 2012
About this Document: New document initiated in response to questions raised by SC&A that not all radionuclides have been identified and considered in the analysis of personnel exposures at the Savannah River Site. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Document Number: ORAU-RPRT-0090 Rev. 00
Approved: March 29, 2018
About this Document: Evaluates the Oak Ridge National Laboratory capability to monitor internal exposure to exotic radionuclides that were produced by the laboratory’s Isotopes Division.
Revised: June 24, 2009
About this Document: This document is a Statement of Policy by NIOSH about potential or actual conflicts or biases of those persons or entities carrying out responsibilities for the NIOSH Dose Reconstruction Program.
Occupational Medical X-Ray Dose Reconstruction for DOE Sites [189 KB (22 pages)]
Document Number: ORAUT-PROC-0061 Rev. 3
Revised: March 3, 2010
About this Document: Provides direction for assignment of organ dose from medical X-ray exams based on TBD information. Incorporates formal internal and NIOSH review comments.
Revision Includes: Provides direction for assignment of organ dose from medical X-ray exams based on TBD information. This latest revision removes the LAT chest doses for Ames Laboratory in Notes to Table A-1 which are now included in a revised Ames Site Profile; to add guidance for skin dose for PA and LAT chest for post 1970; to better define dose to various areas of skin from PFG, PA and LAT chest pre-1970 and lumbar spine procedures; to remove Table A-1, the quick reference table, and Table B-1, the records availability table; to move the responsibilities of the “subject expert – external dosimetry” to the “dose reconstruction group managers.” Previous revisions that were incorporated into the document: (1) Includes additional sites with approved TBDs, new guidance on X-rays for locations of the skin, and additional X-ray procedures (2) Updates Attachment C to include approved Request for Direction or Operational Change for X-Ray dose assignment to the face and to include updates based on current TBD revisions. Includes recently approved TBDs, change column headings, and alignment of x-ray procedures to align with new headings in Attachment A.
Performing and Reporting Dose Reconstructions–CANCELED [86 KB (21 pages)]
Document Number: OCAS-PR-003, Rev. 0
Approved: September 24, 2002
About this Document: Establishes program guidelines for performing dose reconstruction.
Submitting Comments on Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines
If you have questions about the documents listed on this page, please contact us at:
Department of Health and Human Services
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Division of Compensation Analysis and Support (DCAS)
Robert A. Taft Laboratories, MS-C45
1090 Tusculum Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45226
Phone: 513-533-6800 (direct) or toll-free: 1-877-222-7570
Fax: 513-533-6826
E-mail: [email protected]