Key points
This page provides information on health and safety hazards that workers may encounter after a wildland fire. This page is not designed to address health and safety for firefighters or other emergency response workers during a wildland fire or other emergency event.
After a wildland fire has ended...

This information was developed by NIOSH for the (rev 2019). Visit the page Safety Guidelines: After a Wildfire for information on how homeowners can remain safe when returning home after a wildland fire.
Cleanup and recovery activities are often needed after natural disasters including wildland fires. These activities may pose health and safety hazards that require necessary precautions. In most cases, it may be more appropriate for professional cleanup and disaster restoration companies, rather than homeowners or volunteers, to conduct this work.
Although the types of hazards may be different for each wildland fire, some common hazards are covered on this page. Please note after a wildland fire, trained firefighters will make sure the fire is completely out. If there is any chance the wildland fire could reignite, leave immediately and notify emergency personnel.
Safety Hazards
Be aware of unstable and damaged houses and other structures after a wildland fire. Do not assume that these areas are safe or stable because damage may not be noticeable and can create a risk for serious injuries from slips, falls, punctures, or being struck by collapsing materials.
Safety measures
To prevent injuries from burnt and unstable structures:
- Conduct a thorough inspection and identify and eliminate hazards before conducting any work. Avoid work around fire-damaged structures, including stairs, floors, and roofs, until an engineer or architect examines and certifies the structure is safe.
- Wear personal protective equipment, including long sleeved shirts and pants, hard hats, safety glasses, leather gloves, and steel toe boots, to reduce the risk of injury.
- Leave immediately if a structure shifts or makes an unusual noise that could signal a possible collapse.
Another common hazard after a wildland fire is unstable trees, known as ‘snags’ or ‘hazard trees,’ which can fall and injure homeowners and workers. It is important to assess the stability of all trees before working and driving around them.
Safety measures
- Always contact a professional to evaluate a tree's stability and to safely remove any suspected hazardous trees from the property and along roadways before conducting cleanup work.
- For more information about potential hazards from tree removal visit the Chain Saw Safety page.
One common danger after a fire is a downed or damaged power pole with potentially energized power lines laying on the ground or hanging from the pole. Any type of work with power lines or other electrical sources must only be conducted by trained professionals, such as electricians and utility workers. If a potential electrical danger or a downed power line is identified, avoid all electrical hazards by stopping work and immediately notifying the local utility company.
Safety measures
When working near power lines, it is important to follow these steps to prevent electrical injuries:
- Do not work or enter any area with any potential for electrocution from a power line or other electrical hazards.
- Treat all power lines and cables as energized until proven otherwise.
- When the power is off, never restore power until a professional inspects and ensures the integrity of the electrical system.
- Do not use electrical equipment that has been exposed to heat from a fire until checked by an electrician.
- Unless power is off, never enter flooded areas or touch electrical equipment if the ground is wet.
- Use extreme caution when equipment is moved near overhead power lines. For example, contact between metal ladders and overhead power lines can cause serious and often fatal injuries.
- Do not stand or work in areas with thick smoke. Smoke hides electrical lines and equipment.
- Get more information on Electrical Safety.
Many homes and other structures may contain or store hazardous materials and chemicals. Some common materials include asbestos, lead, pesticides, propane, and gasoline. These materials may cause health effects, may be explosive, or may react with other chemicals. Before beginning cleanup activities, contact a professional who is familiar with hazardous materials to determine the different types of hazards that are present and how to safely clean up and dispose of them in accordance with local and state laws.
Safety measures
To reduce the chance of exposure to hazardous and other dangerous materials:
- Be cautious of chemicals, propane tanks, and other dangerous materials.
- Wear protective clothing and gear when handling hazardous materials.
- If exposed to hazardous materials, wash the affected area (e.g., skin, eyes) and contact your local poison control center or the American Association of Poison Control Centers at 1-800-222-1222. Seek medical care immediately if the exposure is severe or you experience symptoms.
Homes built before 1980 may contain asbestos and lead. Contact your county health department to learn about local laws and regulations. Because disturbing lead and asbestos may result in serious health consequences, it is recommended that only trained professionals test for and clean up materials that contain lead or asbestos.
Fires may also damage tanks, drums, pipes, or equipment that may contain hazardous materials, such as pesticides, gasoline, or propane. Before opening or removing containers that may contain hazardous materials, contact the local fire department or a hazardous materials team to help assess and remove hazardous waste.
To learn more about chemical safety see the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards and Chemical Safety page.
Do not operate heavy equipment, such as bulldozers, backhoes, and tractors, unless you are properly trained. Serious and fatal injuries can occur when equipment is used improperly.
To learn more, see the NIOSH Motor Vehicle Safety web page.
Health Hazards
Ash from wildland fires can be deposited on indoor and outdoor surfaces in areas around the fire. It can be irritating to the skin, nose and throat, and may cause coughing.
Smoke from a wildland fire can also pose health risks. Certain populations (or individuals) are more likely to be affected by inhaling wildland fire smoke:
- Older adults,
- Young children, and
- Individuals with underlying heart or lung disease.
Healthy individuals may also experience short-term respiratory irritation symptoms, such as burning eyes and runny nose. If there is smoke in the area, cleanup workers who are sensitive to smoke should consider leaving the area until the smoke clears.
To minimize the health effects that may occur due to exposure to ash and smoke:
Personal Protective Equipment
Always wear proper personal protective equipment (long sleeve shirts, pants, gloves and safety glasses) when working around ash. If you do get ash on your skin, wash it off as soon as possible.
Properly selected and fitted NIOSH Approved® respirators will reduce particulate exposures during cleanup. See NIOSH's page on respiratory protection for more information and resources.
Workers should wear respirators as part of a respiratory protection program, including exposure assessment, medical clearance, fit testing, and training.
- If the presence of asbestos is known or suspected, wear a NIOSH Approved® elastomeric half mask respirator or higher level respirator equipped with a particulate filter. Filtering facepiece respirators do not provide adequate protection against asbestos dusts.
- If asbestos has been determined not to be present, wear any NIOSH Approved particulate respirator to protect against silica, metals, and other particulate hazardous materials.
- If the presence of gases or vapors are known or suspected, additional types of respiratory protection may be necessary (gas and vapor cartridge) and should be determined based on an exposure assessment.
- Some respirator styles may provide benefits to the wearer beyond respiratory protection. For example, full facepiece powered air purifying respirators (PAPRs) provide respiratory and eye protection. Loose fitting PAPRs provide respiratory protection for people with facial hair, allow for the use of sunglasses, and do not require fit testing.
- For a list of NIOSH Approved respirators, visit the NIOSH Certified Equipment List.
Things to Avoid
Do not use leaf blowers or take other actions (e.g., dry sweeping) that will put ash into the air. Shop vacuums and other common vacuum cleaners do not filter out small particles, but rather blow the particles out the exhaust into the air. To clean up ash, use vacuums equipped with High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters.
Avoid burned items that may contain hazardous chemicals, such as cleaning products, paint and solvent containers.
Avoid ash from wooden decks, fences, and retaining walls pressure treated with chromated copper arsenate (CCA) as it may contain lethal amounts of arsenic.
Wildland fire cleanup activities may involve the use of gasoline or diesel powered pumps, generators, and pressure washers. This equipment releases carbon monoxide (CO), a deadly, colorless, odorless gas. It is important that people conducting cleanup activities protect themselves from CO poisoning.
Safety measures
To avoid the risk of CO poisoning:
- Never bring gas or diesel powered machines indoors.
- Only operate these machines in well-ventilated areas.
- Do not work near exhaust gases (CO poisoning can occur even outdoors near exhaust from engines that generate high concentrations of CO).
- Shut off the equipment immediately and seek medical attention if you experience symptoms of CO poisoning.
- Learn more about Workplace Carbon Monoxide Hazards.
A confined space is an area that has limited openings for entry or exit, has limited air flow and is not designed for human occupancy. Examples of confined spaces include septic tanks, storage tanks, utility vaults and wells. These spaces may contain toxic gases, may not have oxygen, or may be explosive. In many cases, these hazards are not easily recognized without proper training and equipment.
Safety measures
- Never enter a confined space without proper training and equipment, not even to rescue a fellow worker. Contact the local fire department for help.
- Learn more about .
Workers may experience emotional stress and mental and physical fatigue from cleanup. Fatigue and stress may increase the risk of injury and illness.
Safety measures
After a fire, workers or other responders may need to:
- Seek emotional support from family members, neighbors, and local mental health care workers to help prevent more serious stress-related problems.
- Set priorities for cleanup tasks and pace work over days or weeks to avoid physical exhaustion.
- Rest and take frequent breaks to avoid exhaustion.
- Begin a normal sleep and eating schedule as quickly as possible.
- Take advantage of disaster relief programs and services in the community.
- Understand physical and mental limitations.
- Get more information on Traumatic Incident Stress and Stress at Work.
First aid, even for minor cuts and burns, is extremely important as workers are exposed to smoke and burned materials. For more information see the NIOSH First Aid Procedures webpage.
While working in hot weather, cleanup workers could be at risk for heat-related illnesses, such as heat stress, heat rash, heat cramps, and heatstroke. It is important to be aware of the symptoms of heat-related illness, how the illness can affect health and safety, and how it can be prevented.
Safety measures
To reduce the potential for heat-related illnesses, it is important to follow some basic work practices, such as:
- Wearing lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothes,
- If possible, blocking out direct sun or other heat sources,
- Taking frequent breaks in cool, dry areas,
- Acclimatizing before working (getting used to weather conditions),
- Working during the cooler hours of the day when possible, and
- Maintaining hydration by drinking plenty of water and other fluids.
- See the NIOSH Heat Stress and Workers page for more information.
Workers involved in cleanup activities are at risk for developing stress, strain, and potential musculoskeletal injuries, which are injuries or disorders of the muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage, or spinal discs. These common injuries can occur when moving debris and materials, or using hand-held equipment (e.g., chainsaws) due to repetition, force, vibration, or awkward postures.
Safety measures
Some useful tips to prevent these injuries:
- Use teams of two or more to move bulky objects.
- Take breaks when conducting repetitive work, especially if experiencing fatigue.
- Avoid working in unusual or constricting postures.
- Use correct tools and equipment for the job and use them properly.
- Do not lift material weighing 50 pounds or more and use automated lifting devices for heavier objects.
- Be sure the area is clear of slip, trip and fall hazards.
- Learn more about Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorders.