At a glance
During an emergency, friends, family, and caregivers, especially those who live outside the affected area, will want to know where you are and if you are okay. Peace of mind is important. Plan and practice how you will communicate and where you will reunite with loved ones in an emergency.

The Basics
- Create an Emergency Action Plan that includes important phone numbers and identifies at least two (2) emergency meeting places, where your family can reunite if separated by an emergency.
- Microchip your pets. Microchipping is one of the best ways to ensure that you and your pet are reunited if you are separated. If your pet is already microchipped, make sure to keep the registration information up to date.
- Have multiple ways to communicate with friends, family, caretakers (e.g., members of your personal support network), and your out-of-town contact during an emergency. In many cases, text messages will go through when a phone call may not.
Family Reunification
Be prepared to be separated from others in an emergency. Everyone in your household must know how to inform family, friends, and caregivers of their well-being and whereabouts. Cellphones (e.g., text messaging), the internet, and social media (e.g., Facebook's feature) can help you stay connected. If you're a parent, a caregiver, or a pet owner, make sure your Emergency Action Plan accounts for all family members, including children, older adults, and pets.