CONTENTS OF National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS) RESTRICTED FILES, 1977-1987

Design variables are being created for 1977-1987. Please email [email protected] with the subject “NHDS Design Variables 77-87” if you are interested in accessing these data.

HOSPITAL 4-digit code for each HOSPITAL NOTE: First 2 digits represent STATE where hospital is located
CENTURY First 2 digits of birth year of patient (not edited)
DOB MMDDY for discharged patient’s date of birth
AGE Age of patient, 0 to 99 (must be used with UNITS)
UNITS Units in which AGE is reported:
1 = Years
2 = Months
3 = Days
AGEINYRS Age of patient, 0 to 99 (all values converted to years)
SEX Sex of patient:
1 = Male
2 = Female
RACE Race of Patient Coding used in 1977-78:
1 = White 1 = White
2 = Black 2 = Black
3 = American Indian/Eskimo 3 = Other
4 = Asian/Pacific Islander 4 = Not Stated
5 = Other
6 = Not stated (not coded in 1981)
9 = Duplicate response (1979 & 1980 only)
MARSTAT Marital Status of patient
1 = Married
2 = Single
3 = Widowed
4 = Divorced
5 = Separated
6 = Not Stated
7 = Unknown
DOA MMDDY for date of admission not edited
DOD MMDDY for date of admission
DS Discharge Status
1977-80 coding: 1981-87 coding:
1 = Routine Discharge/Dischg Home 1 = Routine Discharge/Dischg Home
2 = Left Against Medical Advice 2 = Left Against Medical Advice
3 = Dischd/Trnsfrd to Another Facility, etc 3 = Dischd/Trnsfrd to Short-term Facility
4 = Dischd/Rfrd to Organized Home Care Serv 4 = Dischd/Trnsfrd to Long-term Care Inst
5 = Died 5 = Alive, Disposition not stated
6 = Not Stated 6 = Dead
9 = Duplicate entry 7 = Status not stated
AGER4 Age Recoded to 4 Groups
1 = Under 15 yrs
2 = 15-44 yrs
3 = 45-64 yrs
4 = 65+ years
NUMDXS Number of ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes for discharge (1 to 7)
NUMPDS Number of ICD-9-CM procedure codes for discharge (0 to 4)
AGER10 Age Recoded to 10 groups
00 = Newborn Infant (born during this hospitalization)
01 = Under 1 year
02 = 1-4 years
03 = 5-14 years
04 = 15-24 years
05 = 25-34 years
06 = 35-44 years
07 = 45-54 years
08 = 55-64 years
09 = 65-74 years
10 = 75+ years
REGION Census region where hospital is located
1 = Northeast
2 = Midwest
3 = South
4 = West
DIVISION Census division where hospital is located Census Divisions and State Codes Used in 1979-1987
1 = New England CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT
2 = MidAtlantic NJ, NY, PA
3 = East North Central IL, IN, MI, OH
4 = West North Central WI, IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, ND, SD
5 = South Atlantic DE, DC, FL, GA, MD, NC, SC, VA, WV
6 = East South Central AL, KY, MS, TN
7 = West South Central AR, LA, OK, TX
8 = Mountain AZ, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, UT, WY
9 = Pacific AK, CA, HI, OR, WA
NUMBEDS Number of beds in hosital, by group
1 = 6-49 beds
2 = 50-99 beds
3 = 100-199 beds
4 = 200-299 beds
5 = 300-499 beds
6 = 500-999 beds
7 = 1000 or more beds
OWNER Ownership of hospital
1 = Proprietary
2 = Church
3 = Government
4 = Nonprofit, excluding Church
DOC Days of care for the discharge
WEIGHT Analysis weight: used to produce national estimates
ZIPCODE ZIPcode for residence of discharged patient (not edited)
ESOP1 Principal expected source of payment 1981-87 coding:
1977-80 coding: blank = Not Stated
1 = Self Pay 1 = Workmens Compensation
2 = Workmens Compensation 2 = Medicare
3 = Medicare 3 = Medicaid
4 = Medicaid 4 = Title V
5 = Other Government Payments 5 = Other Government Payments
6 = Blue Cross 6 = Blue Cross
7 = Other Private/Commercial Insurance 7 = Other Private/Commercial Insurance
8 = No Charge 8 = Self-Pay
9 = Other 9 = No Charge
0 = Not Stated 0 = Other
DOP1 MMDDY for date of 1st procedure performed (not edited) [Not available before 1979]
DOP2 MMDDY for date of 2nd procedure performed (not edited) [Not available before 1979]
DOP3 MMDDY for date of 3rd procedure performed (not edited) (Not available before 1979)
DOP4 MMDDY for date of 4th procedure performed (not edited) (Not available before 1979)
DX1 ICD-9-CM diagnosis code for principal diagnosis: 5 digits ICD-8 used in 1977-78; diagnoses have 4-digits
DX2 ICD-9-CM diagnosis code for 2nd diagnosis: 5 digits ICD-8 used in 1977-78; diagnoses have 4-digits
DX3 ICD-9-CM diagnosis code for 3rd diagnosis: 5 digits ICD-8 used in 1977-78; diagnoses have 4-digits
DX4 ICD-9-CM diagnosis code for 4th diagnosis: 5 digits ICD-8 used in 1977-78; diagnoses have 4-digits
DX5 ICD-9-CM diagnosis code for 5th diagnosis: 5 digits ICD-8 used in 1977-78; diagnoses have 4-digits
DX6 ICD-9-CM diagnosis code for 6th diagnosis: 5 digits [Not available before 1979]
DX7 ICD-9-CM diagnosis code for 7th diagnosis: 5-digits [Not available before 1979]
PD1 ICD-9-CM procedure code for 1st procedure performed: 4 digits ICD-8 used in 1977-78; procedures are 3-digits
PD2 ICD-9-CM procedure code for 2nd procedure performed: 4 digits ICD-8 used in 1977-78; procedures are 3-digits
PD3 ICD-9-CM procedure code for 3rd procedure performed: 4 digits ICD-8 used in 1977-78; procedures are 3-digits
PD4 ICD-9-CM procedure code for 4th procedure performed: 4 digits [Not available before 1979]
NEWBORN Flag for Newborn Infants
1 = Newborn Infant (born during this hospitalization)
2 = Not a Newborn Infant