Women Who Have Sex with Women (WSW) and Women Who Have Sex with Women and Men (WSWM)
WSW and WSWM comprise diverse groups with variations in sexual identity, practices, and risk behaviors. Studies indicate that certain WSW, particularly adolescents, young women, and WSWM, might be at increased risk for STIs and HIV on the basis of reported risk behaviors (275–280). Studies have highlighted the diversity of sexual practices and examined use of protective or risk-reduction strategies among WSW populations (281–283). Use of barrier protection with female partners (e.g., gloves during digital-genital sex, external condoms with sex toys, and latex or plastic barriers [also known as dental dams for oral-genital sex]) was infrequent in all studies. Although health organizations have online materials directed to patients, few comprehensive and reliable resources of sexual health information for WSW are available (284).
Recent studies regarding STI rates among WSW and WSWM indicate that WSWM experience higher rates of STIs than WSW, with rates comparable with women who have sex with men (WSM) in all studies reviewed (279,285,286). These studies indicate that WSW might experience STIs at lower rates than WSWM and WSM, although still at significant rates (287). One study reported higher sexual-risk behaviors among adolescent WSWM and WSW than among adolescent WSM (280). WSW report reduced knowledge of STI risks (288), and both WSW and WSWM experience barriers to care, especially Black WSW and WSWM (289,290). In addition, a continuum of sexual behaviors reported by WSW and WSWM indicates the need for providers to not assume lower risk for WSW, highlighting the importance of an open discussion about sexual health.
Few data are available regarding the risk for STIs conferred by sex between women; however, transmission risk probably varies by the specific STI and sexual practice (e.g., oral-genital sex; vaginal or anal sex using hands, fingers, or penetrative sex items; and oral-anal sex) (291,292). Practices involving digital-vaginal or digital-anal contact, particularly with shared penetrative sex items, present a possible means for transmission of infected cervicovaginal or anal secretions. This possibility is most directly supported by reports of shared trichomonas infections (293,294) and by concordant drug-resistance genotype testing and phylogenetic linkage analysis identifying HIV transmitted sexually between women (295,296). The majority of WSW (53%–97%) have had sex with men in the past and continue to do so, with 5%–28% of WSW reporting male partners during the previous year (292,297–300).
HPV can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, and sexual transmission of HPV likely occurs between WSW (301–303). HPV DNA has been detected through polymerase chain reaction (PCR)–based methods from the cervix, vagina, and vulva among 13%–30% of WSW (301,302) and can persist on fomites, including sex toys (304). Among WSW who report no lifetime history of sex with men, 26% had antibodies to HPV-16, and 42% had antibodies to HPV-6 (301). High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) and low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) have been detected on Papanicolaou smears (Pap tests) among WSW who reported no previous sex with men (301,302). WSWM are at risk for acquiring HPV from both their female partners and male partners and thus are at risk for cervical cancer. Therefore, routine cervical cancer screening should be offered to all women, regardless of sexual orientation or practices, and young adult WSW and WSWM should be offered HPV vaccination in accordance with recommendations (11) (/vaccines/hcp/acip-recs/vacc-specific/hpv.html).
Genital transmission of HSV-2 between female sex partners is inefficient but can occur. A U.S. population-based survey among women aged 18–59 years demonstrated an HSV-2 seroprevalence of 30% among women reporting same-sex partners during the previous year, 36% among women reporting same-sex partners in their lifetime, and 24% among women reporting no lifetime same-sex behavior (299). HSV-2 seroprevalence among women self-identifying as homosexual or lesbian was 8%, similar to a previous clinic-based study of WSW (299,305) but was 26% among Black WSW in one study (287). The relatively frequent practice of orogenital sex among WSW and WSWM might place them at higher risk for genital infection with HSV-1, a hypothesis supported by the recognized association between HSV-1 seropositivity and previous number of female partners. Thus, sexual transmission of HSV-1 and HSV-2 can occur between female sex partners. This information should be communicated to women as part of sexual health counseling.
Trichomonas is a relatively common infection among WSW and WSWM, with prevalence rates higher than for chlamydia or gonorrhea (306,307), and direct transmission of trichomonas between female partners has been demonstrated (293,294).
Limited information is available regarding transmission of bacterial STIs between female partners. Transmission of syphilis between female sex partners, probably through oral sex, has been reported. Although the rate of transmission of C. trachomatis or N. gonorrhoeae between women is unknown, infection also might be acquired from past or current male partners. Data indicate that C. trachomatis infection among WSW can occur (275,286,308,309). Data are limited regarding gonorrhea rates among WSW and WSWM (170). Reports of same-sex behavior among women should not deter providers from offering and providing screening for STIs, including chlamydia, according to guidelines.
BV is common among women, and even more so among women with female partners (310–312). Epidemiologic data strongly demonstrate that BV is sexually transmitted among women with female partners. Evidence continues to support the association of such sexual behaviors as having a new partner, having a partner with BV, having receptive oral sex, and having digital-vaginal and digital-anal sex with incident BV (313,314). A study including monogamous couples demonstrated that female sex partners frequently share identical genital Lactobacillus strains (315). Within a community-based cohort of WSW, extravaginal (i.e., oral and rectal) reservoirs of BV-associated bacteria were a risk factor for incident BV (316). Studies have examined the impact of specific sexual practices on the vaginal microflora (306,317–319) and on recurrent (320) or incident (321,322) BV among WSW. A BV pathogenesis study in WSW reported that Prevotella bivia, Gardnerella vaginalis, and Atopobium vaginae might have substantial roles in development of incident BV (323). These studies have continued to support, although have not proven, the hypothesis that sexual behaviors, specific BV-associated bacteria, and possibly exchange of vaginal or extravaginal microbiota (e.g., oral bacterial communities) between partners might be involved in the pathogenesis of BV among WSW.
Although BV is common among WSW, routine screening for asymptomatic BV is not recommended. Results of one randomized trial used a behavioral intervention to reduce persistent BV among WSW through reduced sharing of vaginal fluid on hands or sex toys. Women randomly assigned to the intervention were 50% less likely to report receptive digital-vaginal contact without gloves than control subjects, and they reported sharing sex toys infrequently. However, these women had no reduction in persistent BV at 1 month posttreatment and no reduction in incident episodes of recurrent BV (324). Trials have not been reported examining the benefits of treating female partners of women with BV. Recurrent BV among WSW is associated with having a same-sex partner and a lack of condom use (325). Increasing awareness of signs and symptoms of BV among women and encouraging healthy sexual practices (e.g., avoiding shared sex toys, cleaning shared sex toys, and using barriers) might benefit women and their partners.
Sexually active women are at risk for acquiring bacterial, viral, and protozoal STIs from current and previous partners, both male and female. WSW should not be presumed to be at low or no risk for STIs on the basis of their sexual orientation. Report of same-sex behavior among women should not deter providers from considering and performing screening for STIs and cervical cancer according to guidelines. Effective screening requires that care providers and their female patients engage in a comprehensive and open discussion of sexual and behavioral risks that extends beyond sexual identity.