Addressing Use of Nicotine Pouches

What to know

Individuals and organizations can work together to reduce use of all tobacco products, including nicotine pouches.


States, communities, tribes, and territories can implement evidence-based, population-level strategies that address the use of all forms of tobacco products, including nicotine pouches. These strategies include:

  • Incorporating all tobacco products, including nicotine pouches, into tobacco-free policies.
  • Licensing retailers who sell tobacco products.
  • Restricting young people's access to tobacco products in retail settings.
  • Enforcing laws that penalize retailers who sell tobacco products to underage people.
  • Implementing policies to raise the price of tobacco products to encourage cessation and discourage youth initiation.
  • Reducing access to flavored tobacco products.
  • Curbing advertising and marketing for tobacco products that appeal to young people.
  • Developing educational initiatives that warn about the risks of tobacco product use, especially among young people.

Parents and teachers can:

  • Learn about the different types of tobacco products and the risks of using tobacco products, including nicotine pouches.
  • Set a good example by being tobacco-free and maintaining a tobacco-free home.
  • Talk to children, teens, and young adults about why all forms of tobacco products are harmful for them.
  • Encourage and support young people who use tobacco products to quit. Talk to their health care provider about getting quitting help. You can also call 1-800-QUIT-NOW and visit for more help.
  • Develop, implement, and enforce tobacco-free school policies and prevention programs. Ensure that these policies and programs are free from tobacco industry influence and address all types of tobacco products, including nicotine pouches.
  • Learn more about ways to protect youth from tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and nicotine pouches.

Health professionals can:

  • Learn about the different types of tobacco products and their associated risks.
  • Ask all patients if they use any tobacco products, including nicotine pouches.
  • Talk to children, teens, and young adults about why all forms of tobacco products are harmful for them.
  • Encourage patients to quit using tobacco products. Provide support and evidence-based treatments to help them quit successfully.