What to know
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø) announces the availability of Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 funds for recipients currently awarded under the National and State Tobacco Control Program, ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø-RFA-20-2001.
Frequently asked questions
Will the 45-page minimum be waived as it was during the last reporting cycle?
Yes, the 45-page limit has been waived for the Year 5 Continuation Application. Please refer to the Continuation Guidance for a description of what should be reported for the required elements. The Annual Progress Reports, Work Plan(s), and Budget(s) should be uploaded as separate documents and labeled using the naming conventions outlined in the Continuation Guidance.
Should the impact statement and local lead agency workplan be submitted as a separate attachment to the Public Health Advisor?
No, the documents should be submitted with the application in GrantSolutions. Please refer to the Continuation Guidance for more information. In addition, PSB requests that a courtesy copy of the Impact Statement be provided to your Public Health Advisor.
Budget (NEW)
Do recipients need to budget for the National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH) in August 2025 within this year's budget?
No, Recipients should not include the 2025 NCTOH Conference in the budget since it does not occur during the Budget Period (04/29/2024- 04/28/2025).
Continuation guidance
We are unable to find the guidance for this opportunity. Can someone please send the link?
The DP20-2001 YR5 Continuation Guidance was uploaded to your DP20-2001 award file in GrantSolutions. Please access the Application Kit in this system. If you have any issues, please contact your Grants Management Specialist.
Will a template be provided for the Annual Progress Report (APR) and Work Plan? Please clarify if using the AMP format for the APR.
Yes, the Year 4 Annual Progress Reports and the Year 5 Work Plan Templates provided on AMP (Awards Management Platform) should be used. They are located under the Deliverables Tab and can be accessed by clicking on the Year 4 and Year 5 Work Plan & Progress Report (APR) links.
When using AMP to prepare the Work Plan(s) and Annual Progress Reports, remember to do the following:
- Click the Submit for Review Button
- Click the Export button and Save as a PDF
- Submit with the Continuation Application Packet in GrantSolutions
The guidance document states to submit a Spend Plan for activities that are being carried forwards. Is there a template for this or can we submit it in a budget narrative format?
A template will not be provided for the Spend Plan. A Word or PDF document should be provided that details the activities/funding brought forward from previous budget periods (Year 3) into the current budget period (Year 4). The Spend Plan should indicate how the funds will be used by the end of Year 4 (4/28/2024). The document should be named “Spend Plan for use/intended use of unobligated”. Refer to the DP20-2001 Continuation Guidance for additional instructions.
Once a Spend Plan is submitted, are there any opportunities to adjust the plan if needed?
It is expected that recipients spend the unobligated funds by 4/28/24. If the recipient does not spend funds by that date, consult with your Public Health Advisor on a plan to spend remaining funds by the early part of Year 5.
Impact statements
Do we need an impact statement for both Component 1 and 2, or just one minimum total?
A minimum of 1 impact statement is required from each recipient (not 1 per Component).
Can you please confirm that the Impact Statement is to be based on work completed with the Local Lead Agency for the Community-Based Disparities requirement?
The impact statement does not have to be based on the Community-Based Disparities Requirement. It can be based on any of the Strategies outlined in the work plan.
If our evaluation is funded by the state (or another funding source), can the recipient describe how the funds will be used to meet the 10% requirement?
Yes, the recipient can describe how another funding source will be used to meet the requirement. However, if the funding source becomes unavailable in subsequent years, recipients must reallocate funds back to the DP20-2001 budget.