American Indian and Alaska Native Incidence Analytic Database

What to know

This database takes steps to avoid racial misclassification of American Indian and Alaska Native patients and provide more accurate cancer statistics.


Accurate determination of disease burden is a critical first step toward identifying health disparities. More American Indian and Alaska Native patients are misclassified as another race in cancer registry records than patients in other racial groups. This misclassification can result in underestimates of cancer incidence among American Indian and Alaska Native people.

The U.S. Cancer Statistics American Indian and Alaska Native Incidence Analytic Database improves the accuracy of racial classification in three ways:

  • Cancer incidence data from the central cancer registries have been linked with the Indian Health Service (IHS) patient registration database.
  • Statistical analyses are restricted to areas where the IHS provides health care services. These areas, called IHS purchased/referred care delivery areas (PRCDAs), are counties that include all or part of an American Indian or Alaska Native reservation or share a boundary with a reservation. Updates to the PRCDA list are published in the Federal Register. The list was last updated on October 14, 2020 ().
  • Statistical analysis are restricted to non-Hispanic populations.

The U.S. Cancer Statistics American Indian and Alaska Native Incidence Analytic Database can be used to:

  • Describe the incidence of cancer.
  • Identify American Indian and Alaska Native populations most affected by cancer.
  • Evaluate cancer prevention and screening activities.
  • Assess cancer disparities.

You can use the in the U.S. Cancer Statistics Data Visualizations tool to explore the data. The module includes the latest and most complete cancer data for American Indian and Alaska Native people.

The American Indian and Alaska Native restricted to PRCDA only module provides interactive graphics and data interpretations:

  • For new cancer cases.
  • By IHS region.
  • By sex and age.
  • By type of cancer.

States with PRCDA counties