
What to know

VEHSS reports on the prevalence of glaucoma for the following categories based on the following methods of identification.

Examination-based glaucoma

The 2005-2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) includes identification of glaucoma based on retinal images. VEHSS summarizes the NHANES results, which represent a population-level prevalence estimate of glaucoma. VEHSS also includes summaries of published estimates of glaucoma prevalence from population-based studies.

  • Dataset - NHANES
  • Description - Percentage of people with glaucoma, based on examination.
  • Variable name(s) - OPASCST2 – Exam status; OPXDGLAU – Glaucoma, right eye; OPXSGLAU – Glaucoma, left eye
  • Sample - Ages 4-150
  • Response options - 2 – Probable, 3 – Definite

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The data source available for this category include NHANES.

Self-reported glaucoma

The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and NHANES include self-report questions on whether a doctor ever told the respondent that they had glaucoma. VEHSS summarizes the prevalence of self-reported diagnosed glaucoma, which represents indicators of population prevalence of previously diagnosed glaucoma.



Question Text

Variable name(s)


Response options


Percentage of people ever told by an eye doctor they have glaucoma

{Have you/Has SP} ever been told by an eye doctor that {you have/s/he has} glaucoma (gla-co-ma), sometimes called high pressure in {your/his/her} eyes?


Ages 40-150

1 – Yes, 2 – No, 7 – Don’t know / Not sure, 8 – Refused


Percentage of people who were ever told by an eye doctor they had glaucoma

Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had glaucoma?


Ages 18+

1 – Yes, 2 – No, 7 – Refused, 8 – Not ascertained, 9 – Don’t know

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The data sources available for this category include NHIS and NHANES.

Diagnosed glaucoma

VEHSS reports the annual prevalence of diagnosed glaucoma identified based on the presence of International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-9 and ICD-10 codes in patient claims or electronic health record (EHR) systems. Patients with one or more diagnosis codes associated with a VEHSS subgroup are assigned to that subgroup. Diagnosis codes may be primary or secondary. Only one instance of a diagnosis code is required for assignment to the subgroup. Note that diagnosis codes in claims data are intended for billing purposes and may not represent the true prevalence of the condition. Codes may not be present in cases where diagnosis codes are not required to justify payment. Diagnosed prevalence will also not identify any undiagnosed conditions, will not include patients not covered by the insurer, and will not identify prevalence among patients without a visit in the calendar year of data.

Glaucoma, clinical subgroups

VEHSS defines the following clinical subgroups. Clinical subgroups are not mutually exclusive.


Indicated conditions

Glaucoma, Any Stage

Category total – includes any clinical stage below.

Open-Angle Glaucoma

Open-angle glaucoma includes diagnosis codes indicating open-angle glaucoma, pigmentary glaucoma, or capsular glaucoma with pseudoexfoliation of lens.

Glaucoma Suspect

Glaucoma suspect indicates diagnosis codes for preglaucoma, open-angle with borderline findings, ocular hypertension, steroid responder, or primary angle-closure without damage.

Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma

Primary angle-closure glaucoma includes diagnosis codes indicating primary, acute, chronic, intermittent, or unspecified angle-closure glaucoma

Secondary Glaucoma

Secondary glaucoma includes diagnoses of glaucoma secondary to other conditions.

Other/Unspecified Glaucoma

Other/unspecified glaucoma includes diagnosis codes indicating unspecified glaucoma, glaucoma secondary to drugs, other eye disorders or inflammation, hypersecretion glaucoma, increased episcleral venous pressure, or aqueous misdirection.

Severe-Stage Glaucoma

Severe-stage glaucoma includes diagnosis codes for any stage or type of glaucoma that indicates severe stage.


Glaucoma by specified or suspect status

VEHSS defines the following summary subgroups of glaucoma indicating whether the glaucoma is of a specified type or severe stage, or if the glaucoma is suspect or unspecified. These summary groups are mutually exclusive and sum to equal the category total of all patients with diagnosed glaucoma of any stage.


Indicated conditions

Specified or Severe-Stage Glaucoma

Open angle, angle closure, secondary glaucoma, or severe-stage glaucoma

Unspecified or suspect Glaucoma

Unspecified or suspect glaucoma and not in specified or severe-stage glaucoma

Explore Data in the VEHSS Application‎

The data sources available for this category include Medicare (default), IRIS Registry, Medicaid, Managed Vision Care, and MarketScan commercial insurance claims.