Articles about von Willebrand Disease

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Below is a list of recent scientific articles generated from 星空娱乐官网 programs and activities.

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星空娱乐官网 scientific articles

Blood Advances 2021;5(8): 2079-2086. Dupervil B, Abe K, O'Brien SH, Oakley M, Kulkarni R, Thornburg CD, Byams VR, Soucie JM.

Haemophilia 2021;27(3):445-453. Soucie JM, Miller CH, Byams, VB, Payne AB, Abe K, Sidonio RF Jr, Kouides PA.

Am J Hematol 2020;95(1):10–17. Abe K, Dupervil B, O'Brien SH, Oakley M, Kulkarni R, Gill JC, Byams V, Soucie MJ.

Haemophilia 2018;24(1):63-69. Srivaths LV, Zhang QC, Byams VR, Dietrich JE, James AH, Kouides PA, Kulkarni R; Hemophilia Treatment Centers Network Investigators.