* This SPSS program reads ASCII format (text format) 2021 SADC MS data and creates a formatted
and labeled SPSS data file that you can analyze in SPSS.
* Change the file location specifications from 'c:\SADC2021' to the location where you
downloaded, unzipped, and stored the 2021 SADC MS ASCII data file before you run this syntax;
* Change 'xxxxxxx' in the 'data list' statement and the 'save' and 'get' statements at the
end of this syntax file to 'district', 'state_a_m', or 'state_n_z' depending on which
file you are analyzing.
DATA LIST FILE='c:\SADC2021\SADC_MS_2021_xxxxxxx.dat'/
sitecode 1-5 (A)
sitename 6-55 (A)
sitetype 56-105 (A)
sitetypenum 106-113
year 114-121
survyear 122-129
weight 130-139
stratum 140-147
PSU 148-155
record 156-163
age 164-166
sex 167-174
grade 175-177
race4 178-180
race7 181-183
q6 184-184 (A)
q7 185-185 (A)
q8 186-186 (A)
q9 187-187 (A)
q10 188-188 (A)
q11 189-189 (A)
q12 190-190 (A)
q13 191-191 (A)
q14 192-192 (A)
q15 193-193 (A)
q16 194-194 (A)
q17 195-195 (A)
q18 196-196 (A)
q19 197-197 (A)
q20 198-198 (A)
q21 199-199 (A)
q22 200-200 (A)
q23 201-201 (A)
q24 202-202 (A)
q25 203-203 (A)
q26 204-204 (A)
q27 205-205 (A)
q28 206-206 (A)
q29 207-207 (A)
q30 208-208 (A)
q31 209-209 (A)
q32 210-210 (A)
q33 211-211 (A)
q34 212-212 (A)
q35 213-213 (A)
q36 214-214 (A)
q37 215-215 (A)
q38 216-216 (A)
q39 217-217 (A)
q40 218-218 (A)
q41 219-219 (A)
q42 220-220 (A)
q43 221-221 (A)
q44 222-222 (A)
q45 223-223 (A)
q46 224-224 (A)
qn6 225-227
qn7 228-230
qn8 231-233
qn9 234-236
qn10 237-239
qn11 240-242
qn12 243-245
qn13 246-248
qn14 249-251
qn15 252-254
qn16 255-257
qn17 258-260
qn18 261-263
qn19 264-266
qn20 267-269
qn21 270-272
qn22 273-275
qn23 276-278
qn24 279-281
qn25 282-284
qn26 285-287
qn27 288-290
qn28 291-293
qn29 294-296
qn30 297-299
qn31 300-302
qn32 303-305
qn33 306-308
qn34 309-311
qn35 312-314
qn36 315-317
qn37 318-320
qn38 321-323
qn39 324-326
qn40 327-329
qn41 330-332
qn42 333-335
qn43 336-338
qn44 339-341
qn45 342-344
qn46 345-347
qnfrcig 348-350
qndaycig 351-353
qnfrevp 354-356
qndayevp 357-359
qnfrskl 360-362
qndayskl 363-365
qnfrcgr 366-368
qndaycgr 369-371
qntb2 372-374
qntb3 375-377
qntb4 378-380
qntb5 381-383
qnbk7day 384-386
qnpa0day 387-389
qnpa7day 390-392
qndlype 393-395.
sitecode "Site code"
sitename "Site name"
sitetype "Site type"
sitetypenum "1=District, 2=State"
year "4-digit Year of survey"
survyear "1=1995...14=2021"
weight "Overall Analysis Weight"
stratum "Sampling Strata"
PSU "Primary Sampling Unit"
record "Record ID"
age "1= <=10...7=16+ years old"
sex "1=Female, 2=Male"
grade "1=6th...3=8th grade"
race4 "4-level race variable"
race7 "7-level race variable"
Q6="Bicycle helmet use"
Q7="Rollerblading helmet use"
Q8="Seat belt use"
Q9="Riding with a drinking driver"
Q10="Physical fighting "
Q11="Saw physical violence in neighborhood"
Q12="Bullying at school"
Q13="Electronic Bullying"
Q14="Suicide consideration"
Q15="Suicide plan"
Q16="Attempted suicide"
Q17="Ever cigarette use"
Q18="Initiation of cigarette smoking"
Q19="Current cigarette use"
Q20="Smoked >10 cigarettes"
Q21="Electronic vapor product use"
Q22="Current electronic vapor product use"
Q23="Current smokeless tobacco use"
Q24="Current cigar use"
Q25="Ever alcohol use"
Q26="Initiation of alcohol use"
Q27="Ever marijuana use"
Q28="Initiation of marijuana use"
Q29="Ever prescription pain medicine use"
Q30="Ever cocaine use"
Q31="Ever inhalant use"
Q32="Ever sexual intercourse"
Q33="Sex before 11 years"
Q34="Number of sex partners"
Q35="Condom use"
Q36="Perception of weight"
Q37="Weight loss"
Q38="Breakfast eating"
Q39="Physical activity >= 5 days"
Q40="Screen time"
Q41="PE attendance"
Q42="Sports team participation"
Q44="Current mental health"
Q45="Hours of sleep on school night"
QN6="Rarely or never wore a bicycle helmet"
QN7="Rarely or never wore a helmet when rollerblading or skateboarding"
QN8="Did not always wear a seat belt"
QN9="Ever rode with a driver who had been drinking alcohol"
QN10="Were ever in a physical fight"
QN11="Ever saw someone get physically attacked, beaten, stabbed, or shot in their neighborhood"
QN12="Were ever bullied on school property"
QN13="Were ever electronically bullied"
QN14="Ever seriously thought about killing themselves"
QN15="Ever made a plan about how they would kill themselves"
QN16="Ever tried to kill themselves"
QN17="Ever tried cigarette smoking"
QN18="Tried cigarette smoking for the first time before age 11 years"
QN19="Currently smoked cigarettes"
QN20="Smoked more than 10 cigarettes per day"
QN21="Ever used an electronic vapor product"
QN22="Currently used an electronic vapor product"
QN23="Currently used smokeless tobacco"
QN24="Currently smoked cigars"
QN25="Ever drank alcohol"
QN26="Drank alcohol for the first time before age 11 years "
QN27="Ever used marijuana"
QN28="Tried marijuana for the first time before age 11 years "
QN29="Ever took prescription pain medicine without a doctor's prescription or differently than how a doctor told them to use it"
QN30="Ever used cocaine"
QN31="Ever used inhalants"
QN32="Ever had sexual intercourse"
QN33="Had sexual intercourse for the first time before age 11 years"
QN34="Ever had sexual intercourse with three or more persons"
QN35="Used a condom during last sexual intercourse"
QN36="Described themselves as slightly or very overweight"
QN37="Were trying to lose weight"
QN38="Did not eat breakfast"
QN39="Were physically active at least 60 minutes per day on 5 or more days"
QN40="Spent 3 or more hours per day on screen time"
QN41="Attended physical education classes (PE) on 1 or more days"
QN42="Played on at least one sports team"
QN43="Had a concussion from playing a sport or being physically active "
QN44="Reported that their mental health was most of the time or always not good"
QN45="Got 8 or more hours of sleep"
QN46="Usually did not sleep in their parent's or guardian's home"
qnfrcig "Currently smoked cigarettes frequently"
qndaycig "Currently smoked cigarettes daily"
qnfrevp "Currently used electronic vapor products frequently"
qndayevp "Currently used electronic vapor products daily"
qnfrskl "Currently used smokeless tobacco frequently"
qndayskl "Currently used smokeless tobacco daily"
qnfrcgr "Currently smoked cigars frequently"
qndaycgr "Currently smoked cigars daily"
qntb2 "Currently smoked cigarettes or cigars"
qntb3 "Currently smoked cigarettes or cigars or used smokeless tobacco"
qntb4 "Currently smoked cigarettes or cigars or used smokeless tobacco or electronic vapor products"
qntb5 "Currently smoked cigarettes or used electronic vapor products"
qnbk7day "Ate breakfast on all 7 days"
qnpa0day "Did not participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity on at least 1 day"
qnpa7day "Were physically active at least 60 minutes per day on all 7 days"
qndlype "Attended physical education classes on all 5 days".
"AB" "Albuquerque, NM"
"AK" "Alaska"
"AL" "Alabama"
"AR" "Arkansas"
"AZB" "Arizona"
"CA" "California"
"CC" "Clark County, NV"
"CE" "Cleveland, OH"
"CH" "Chicago, IL"
"CM" "Charlotte-Mecklenburg County, NC"
"CO" "Colorado"
"CT" "Connecticut"
"DA" "Dallas, TX"
"DE" "Delaware"
"DU" "Duval County, FL"
"EA" "Eaton Consortium, MI"
"FL" "Florida"
"FT" "Broward County, FL"
"FW" "Fort Worth, TX"
"GA" "Georgia"
"GE" "Genesee Consortium, MI"
"GS" "Gaston County, NC"
"HI" "Hawaii"
"HL" "Hillsborough County, FL"
"HO" "Houston, TX"
"IA" "Iowa"
"ID" "Idaho"
"IL" "Illinois"
"IN" "Indiana"
"KS" "Kansas"
"KY" "Kentucky"
"LA" "Louisiana"
"LO" "Los Angeles, CA"
"MD" "Maryland"
"ME" "Maine"
"MI" "Michigan"
"ML" "Milwaukee, WI"
"MM" "Miami-Dade County, FL"
"MO" "Missouri"
"MS" "Mississippi"
"MT" "Montana"
"NC" "North Carolina"
"ND" "North Dakota"
"NE" "Nebraska"
"NH" "New Hampshire"
"NJ" "New Jersey"
"NM" "New Mexico"
"NO" "New Orleans, LA"
"NV" "Nevada"
"NW" "Newark, NJ"
"NY" "New York"
"NYC" "New York City, NY"
"NYG" "Borough of Bronx, NY"
"NYH" "Borough of Brooklyn, NY"
"NYI" "Borough of Manhattan, NY"
"NYJ" "Borough of Queens, NY"
"NYK" "Borough of Staten Island, NY"
"OA" "Oakland, CA"
"OK" "Oklahoma"
"OL" "Orange County, FL"
"PA" "Pennsylvania"
"PB" "Palm Beach County, FL"
"PH" "Philadelphia, PA"
"PO" "Portland, OR"
"PS" "Pasco County, FL"
"RI" "Rhode Island"
"SA" "San Diego, CA"
"SB" "San Bernardino, CA"
"SC" "South Carolina"
"SD" "South Dakota"
"SE" "Seattle, WA"
"SF" "San Francisco, CA"
"SP" "Spartanburg County, SC"
"ST" "Shelby County, TN"
"TN" "Tennessee"
"TX" "Texas"
"UT" "Utah"
"VA" "Virginia"
"VT" "Vermont"
"WI" "Wisconsin"
"WV" "West Virginia"
"WY" "Wyoming"
"XX" "United States"
1 "10 years old or younger"
2 "11 years old"
3 "12 years old"
4 "13 years old"
5 "14 years old"
6 "15 years old"
7 "16 years old or older"
1 "Female"
2 "Male"
1 "6th grade"
2 "7th grade"
3 "8th grade"
4 "Ungraded or other grade"
1 "White"
2 "Black or African American"
3 "Hispanic/Latino"
4 "All other races"
1 "Am Indian / Alaska Native"
2 "Asian"
3 "Black or African American"
4 "Hispanic/Latino"
5 "Native Hawaiian/other PI"
6 "White"
7 "Multiple - Non-Hispanic"
1 "Do not ride a bicycle"
2 "Never wear a helmet"
3 "Rarely wear a helmet"
4 "Sometimes wear a helmet"
5 "Most of the time wear a helmet"
6 "Always wear a helmet"
1 "Do not rollerblade/skateboard"
2 "Never wear a helmet"
3 "Rarely wear a helmet"
4 "Sometimes wear a helmet"
5 "Most of the time wear a helmet"
6 "Always wear a helmet"
1 "Never"
2 "Rarely"
3 "Sometimes"
4 "Most of the time"
5 "Always"
1 "Yes"
2 "No"
3 "Not sure"
1 "Yes"
2 "No"
1 "Yes"
2 "No"
1 "Yes"
2 "No"
1 "Yes"
2 "No"
1 "Yes"
2 "No"
1 "Yes"
2 "No"
1 "Yes"
2 "No"
1 "Yes"
2 "No"
1 "Never tried cigarette smoking"
2 "8 years old or younger"
3 "9 years old"
4 "10 years old"
5 "11 years old"
6 "12 years old"
7 "13 years old or older"
1 "0 days"
2 "1 or 2 days"
3 "3 to 5 days"
4 "6 to 9 days"
5 "10 to 19 days"
6 "20 to 29 days"
7 "All 30 days"
1 "Did not smoke cigarettes"
2 "Less than 1 cigarette"
3 "1 cigarette"
4 "2 to 5 cigarettes"
5 "6 to 10 cigarettes"
6 "11 to 20 cigarettes"
7 "More than 20 cigarettes"
1 "Yes"
2 "No"
1 "0 days"
2 "1 or 2 days"
3 "3 to 5 days"
4 "6 to 9 days"
5 "10 to 19 days"
6 "20 to 29 days"
7 "All 30 days"
1 "0 days"
2 "1 or 2 days"
3 "3 to 5 days"
4 "6 to 9 days"
5 "10 to 19 days"
6 "20 to 29 days"
7 "All 30 days"
1 "0 days"
2 "1 or 2 days"
3 "3 to 5 days"
4 "6 to 9 days"
5 "10 to 19 days"
6 "20 to 29 days"
7 "All 30 days"
1 "Yes"
2 "No"
1 "Never drank alcohol"
2 "8 years old or younger"
3 "9 years old"
4 "10 years old"
5 "11 years old"
6 "12 years old"
7 "13 years old or older"
1 "Yes"
2 "No"
1 "Never tried marijuana"
2 "8 years old or younger"
3 "9 years old"
4 "10 years old"
5 "11 years old"
6 "12 years old"
7 "13 years old or older"
1 "Yes"
2 "No"
1 "Yes"
2 "No"
1 "Yes"
2 "No"
1 "Yes"
2 "No"
1 "Never had sex"
2 "8 years old or younger"
3 "9 years old"
4 "10 years old"
5 "11 years old"
6 "12 years old"
7 "13 years old or older"
1 "Never had sex"
2 "1 person"
3 "2 people"
4 "3 people"
5 "4 people"
6 "5 people"
7 "6 or more people"
1 "Never had sex"
2 "Yes"
3 "No"
1 "Very underweight"
2 "Slightly underweight"
3 "About the right weight"
4 "Slightly overweight"
5 "Very overweight"
1 "Lose weight"
2 "Gain weight"
3 "Stay the same weight"
4 "Not trying to do anything"
1 "0 days"
2 "1 day"
3 "2 days"
4 "3 days"
5 "4 days"
6 "5 days"
7 "6 days"
8 "7 days"
1 "0 days"
2 "1 day"
3 "2 days"
4 "3 days"
5 "4 days"
6 "5 days"
7 "6 days"
8 "7 days"
1 "Less than 1 hour per day"
2 "1 hour per day"
3 "2 hours per day"
4 "3 hours per day"
5 "4 hours per day"
6 "5 or more hours per day"
1 "0 days"
2 "1 day"
3 "2 days"
4 "3 days"
5 "4 days"
6 "5 days"
1 "0 teams"
2 "1 team"
3 "2 teams"
4 "3 or more teams"
1 "0 times"
2 "1 time"
3 "2 times"
4 "3 times"
5 "4 or more times"
1 "Never"
2 "Rarely"
3 "Sometimes"
4 "Most of the time"
5 "Always"
1 "4 or less hours"
2 "5 hours"
3 "6 hours"
4 "7 hours"
5 "8 hours"
6 "9 hours"
7 "10 or more hours"
1 "Home of parent or gaurdian"
2 "Home of other people"
3 "Shelter or emergency housing"
4 "Motel or hotel"
5 "Public place"
6 "No usual place"
7 "Somewhere else"
sitecode (" ")
sitename (" ")
sitetype (" ")
sitetypenum (" ")
year (" ")
survyear (" ")
weight (" ")
stratum (" ")
PSU (" ")
record (" ")
age (" ")
sex (" ")
grade (" ")
race4 (" ")
race7 (" ")
q6 (" ")
q7 (" ")
q8 (" ")
q9 (" ")
q10 (" ")
q11 (" ")
q12 (" ")
q13 (" ")
q14 (" ")
q15 (" ")
q16 (" ")
q17 (" ")
q18 (" ")
q19 (" ")
q20 (" ")
q21 (" ")
q22 (" ")
q23 (" ")
q24 (" ")
q25 (" ")
q26 (" ")
q27 (" ")
q28 (" ")
q29 (" ")
q30 (" ")
q31 (" ")
q32 (" ")
q33 (" ")
q34 (" ")
q35 (" ")
q36 (" ")
q37 (" ")
q38 (" ")
q39 (" ")
q40 (" ")
q41 (" ")
q42 (" ")
q43 (" ")
q44 (" ")
q45 (" ")
q46 (" ")
qn6 (" ")
qn7 (" ")
qn8 (" ")
qn9 (" ")
qn10 (" ")
qn11 (" ")
qn12 (" ")
qn13 (" ")
qn14 (" ")
qn15 (" ")
qn16 (" ")
qn17 (" ")
qn18 (" ")
qn19 (" ")
qn20 (" ")
qn21 (" ")
qn22 (" ")
qn23 (" ")
qn24 (" ")
qn25 (" ")
qn26 (" ")
qn27 (" ")
qn28 (" ")
qn29 (" ")
qn30 (" ")
qn31 (" ")
qn32 (" ")
qn33 (" ")
qn34 (" ")
qn35 (" ")
qn36 (" ")
qn37 (" ")
qn38 (" ")
qn39 (" ")
qn40 (" ")
qn41 (" ")
qn42 (" ")
qn43 (" ")
qn44 (" ")
qn45 (" ")
qn46 (" ")
qnfrcig (" ")
qndaycig (" ")
qnfrevp (" ")
qndayevp (" ")
qnfrskl (" ")
qndayskl (" ")
qnfrcgr (" ")
qndaycgr (" ")
qntb2 (" ")
qntb3 (" ")
qntb4 (" ")
qntb5 (" ")
qnbk7day (" ")
qnpa0day (" ")
qnpa7day (" ")
qndlype (" ")."
SAVE OUTFILE "C:\sadc2021\sadc2021_ms_xxxxxxx.sav"/
GET FILE="C:\sadc2021\sadc2021_ms_xxxxxxx.sav"/.