/***/ /* This SAS program creates a permanent SAS format library that is used to analyze to */ /* analyze the 2023 YRBS dataset. */ /* */ /* Change the file location specification from 'c:\SADC2023' to the location where you */ /* want the format library to be stored before you run this program. Change the */ /* location specification in the 'library' statement at the top of the program. */ /* */ /* Note: Run '2023 SADC Formats Program.sas' BEFORE you run */ /* '2023 SADC SAS Input Program.sas' to create the 2023 SADC dataset. */ /***/ libname library 'c:\SADC2023'; proc format library=library; value $SITE "AB" = "Albuquerque, NM" "AK" = "Alaska" "AL" = "Alabama" "AR" = "Arkansas" "AZB" = "Arizona" "CA" = "California" "CC" = "Clark County, NV" "CE" = "Cleveland, OH" "CH" = "Chicago, IL" "CM" = "Charlotte-Mecklenburg County, NC" "CO" = "Colorado" "CT" = "Connecticut" "DA" = "Dallas, TX" "DE" = "Delaware" "DU" = "Duval County, FL" "EA" = "Eaton Consortium, MI" "FL" = "Florida" "FT" = "Broward County, FL" "FW" = "Fort Worth, TX" "GA" = "Georgia" "GE" = "Genesee Consortium, MI" "GS" = "Gaston County, NC" "HI" = "Hawaii" "HL" = "Hillsborough County, FL" "HO" = "Houston, TX" "IA" = "Iowa" "ID" = "Idaho" "IL" = "Illinois" "IN" = "Indiana" "KS" = "Kansas" "KY" = "Kentucky" "LA" = "Louisiana" "LO" = "Los Angeles, CA" "MA" = "Massachusetts" "MD" = "Maryland" "ME" = "Maine" "MI" = "Michigan" "ML" = "Milwaukee, WI" "MM" = "Miami-Dade County, FL" "MO" = "Missouri" "MS" = "Mississippi" "MT" = "Montana" "NC" = "North Carolina" "ND" = "North Dakota" "NE" = "Nebraska" "NH" = "New Hampshire" "NJ" = "New Jersey" "NM" = "New Mexico" "NO" = "New Orleans, LA" "NV" = "Nevada" "NW" = "Newark, NJ" "NY" = "New York" "NYA" = "New York (Excluding NYC)" "NYC" = "New York City, NY" "NYG" = "Borough of Bronx, NY" "NYH" = "Borough of Brooklyn, NY" "NYI" = "Borough of Manhattan, NY" "NYJ" = "Borough of Queens, NY" "NYK" = "Borough of Staten Island, NY" "OA" = "Oakland, CA" "OK" = "Oklahoma" "OL" = "Orange County, FL" "PA" = "Pennsylvania" "PB" = "Palm Beach County, FL" "PH" = "Philadelphia, PA" "PO" = "Portland, OR" "PS" = "Pasco County, FL" "RI" = "Rhode Island" "SA" = "San Diego, CA" "SB" = "San Bernardino, CA" "SC" = "South Carolina" "SD" = "South Dakota" "SE" = "Seattle, WA" "SF" = "San Francisco, CA" "SP" = "Spartanburg County, SC" "ST" = "Shelby County, TN" "TN" = "Tennessee" "TX" = "Texas" "UT" = "Utah" "VA" = "Virginia" "VT" = "Vermont" "WI" = "Wisconsin" "WV" = "West Virginia" "WY" = "Wyoming" "XX" = "United States"; value AGE .="Missing" 1="12 years old or younger" 2="13 years old" 3="14 years old" 4="15 years old" 5="16 years old" 6="17 years old" 7="18 years old or older" other="** Data Error **"; value SEX .="Missing" 1="Female" 2="Male" other="** Data Error **"; value GRADE .="Missing" 1="9th" 2="10th" 3="11th" 4="12th" other="** Data Error **"; value RACE .="Missing" 1="White" 2="Black or African American" 3="Hispanic/Latino" 4="All other races" other="** Data Error **"; value RACE7S .="Missing" 1="Am Indian / Alaska Native" 2="Asian" 3="Black or African American" 4="Hispanic/Latino" 5="Native Hawaiian/other PI" 6="White" 7="Multiple - Non-Hispanic" other="** Data Error **"; value SEXID .="Missing" 1="Heterosexual" 2="Gay or Lesbian" 3="Bisexual" 4="Other" 5="Questioning" other="** Data Error **"; value SEXIDB .="Missing" 1="Heterosexual" 2="Sexual Minority" 3="Other/Questioning" other="** Data Error **"; value SEXPART .="Missing" 1="Never had sex" 2="Opposite sex only" 3="Same sex only" 4="Both Sexes" other="** Data Error **"; value SEXPARTB .="Missing" 1="Never had sex" 2="Opposite sex only" 3="Same sex only or both sexes" other="** Data Error **"; value TRANS .="Missing" 1="Not transgender" 2="Transgender" 3="Not sure" other="** Data Error **"; value SGI .="Missing" 1="Heterosexual/Cisgender" 2="LGBTQ+" other="** Data Error **"; value $H8S " "="Missing" "1"="Never" "2"="Rarely" "3"="Sometimes" "4"="Most of the time" "5"="Always" other="** Data Error **"; value $H9S " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 time" "3"="2 or 3 times" "4"="4 or 5 times" "5"="6 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $H10S " "="Missing" "1"="Did not drive" "2"="Did not drive when drinking" "3"="1 time" "4"="2 or 3 times" "5"="4 or 5 times" "6"="6 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $H11S " "="Missing" "1"="Did not drive" "2"="Did not text while driving" "3"="1 or 2 days" "4"="3 to 5 days" "5"="6 to 9 days" "6"="10 to 19 days" "7"="20 to 29 days" "8"="All 30 days" other="** Data Error **"; value $H12S " "="Missing" "1"="0 days" "2"="1 day" "3"="2 or 3 days" "4"="4 or 5 days" "5"="6 or more days" other="** Data Error **"; value $H13S " "="Missing" "1"="0 days" "2"="1 day" "3"="2 or 3 days" "4"="4 or 5 days" "5"="6 or more days" other="** Data Error **"; value $H14S " "="Missing" "1"="0 days" "2"="1 day" "3"="2 or 3 days" "4"="4 or 5 days" "5"="6 or more days" other="** Data Error **"; value $H15S " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 time" "3"="2 or 3 times" "4"="4 or 5 times" "5"="6 or 7 times" "6"="8 or 9 times" "7"="10 or 11 times" "8"="12 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $H16S " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 time" "3"="2 or 3 times" "4"="4 or 5 times" "5"="6 or 7 times" "6"="8 or 9 times" "7"="10 or 11 times" "8"="12 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $H17S " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 time" "3"="2 or 3 times" "4"="4 or 5 times" "5"="6 or 7 times" "6"="8 or 9 times" "7"="10 or 11 times" "8"="12 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $H18S " "="Missing" "1"="Yes" "2"="No" other="** Data Error **"; value $H19S " "="Missing" "1"="Yes" "2"="No" other="** Data Error **"; value $H20S " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 time" "3"="2 or 3 times" "4"="4 or 5 times" "5"="6 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $H21S " "="Missing" "1"="Did not date" "2"="0 times" "3"="1 time" "4"="2 or 3 times" "5"="4 or 5 times" "6"="6 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $H22S " "="Missing" "1"="Did not date" "2"="0 times" "3"="1 time" "4"="2 or 3 times" "5"="4 or 5 times" "6"="6 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $H23S " "="Missing" "1"="Never" "2"="Rarely" "3"="Sometimes" "4"="Most of the time" "5"="Always" other="** Data Error **"; value $H24S " "="Missing" "1"="Yes" "2"="No" other="** Data Error **"; value $H25S " "="Missing" "1"="Yes" "2"="No" other="** Data Error **"; value $H26S " "="Missing" "1"="Yes" "2"="No" other="** Data Error **"; value $H27S " "="Missing" "1"="Yes" "2"="No" other="** Data Error **"; value $H28S " "="Missing" "1"="Yes" "2"="No" other="** Data Error **"; value $H29S " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 time" "3"="2 or 3 times" "4"="4 or 5 times" "5"="6 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $H30S " "="Missing" "1"="Did not attempt suicide" "2"="Yes" "3"="No" other="** Data Error **"; value $H31S " "="Missing" "1"="Yes" "2"="No" other="** Data Error **"; value $H32S " "="Missing" "1"="Never smoked a cigarette" "2"="8 years old or younger" "3"="9 or 10 years old" "4"="11 or 12 years old" "5"="13 or 14 years old" "6"="15 or 16 years old" "7"="17 years old or older" other="** Data Error **"; value $H33S " "="Missing" "1"="0 days" "2"="1 or 2 days" "3"="3 to 5 days" "4"="6 to 9 days" "5"="10 to 19 days" "6"="20 to 29 days" "7"="All 30 days" other="** Data Error **"; value $H34S " "="Missing" "1"="Did not smoke cigarettes" "2"="Less than 1 cigarette" "3"="1 cigarette" "4"="2 to 5 cigarettes" "5"="6 to 10 cigarettes" "6"="11 to 20 cigarettes" "7"="More than 20 cigarettes" other="** Data Error **"; value $H35S " "="Missing" "1"="Yes" "2"="No" other="** Data Error **"; value $H36S " "="Missing" "1"="0 days" "2"="1 or 2 days" "3"="3 to 5 days" "4"="6 to 9 days" "5"="10 to 19 days" "6"="20 to 29 days" "7"="All 30 days" other="** Data Error **"; value $H37S " "="Missing" "1"="Did not use EVP" "2"="Friend or family" "3"="Vape shop or tobacco shop" "4"="Store or gas station" "5"="Mall kiosk or stand" "6"="Internet" "7"="Took from a store" "8"="Some other way" other="** Data Error **"; value $H38S " "="Missing" "1"="0 days" "2"="1 or 2 days" "3"="3 to 5 days" "4"="6 to 9 days" "5"="10 to 19 days" "6"="20 to 29 days" "7"="All 30 days" other="** Data Error **"; value $H39S " "="Missing" "1"="0 days" "2"="1 or 2 days" "3"="3 to 5 days" "4"="6 to 9 days" "5"="10 to 19 days" "6"="20 to 29 days" "7"="All 30 days" other="** Data Error **"; value $H40S " "="Missing" "1"="Did not use tobacco products" "2"="Yes" "3"="No" other="** Data Error **"; value $H41S " "="Missing" "1"="Never drank alcohol" "2"="8 years old or younger" "3"="9 or 10 years old" "4"="11 or 12 years old" "5"="13 or 14 years old" "6"="15 or 16 years old" "7"="17 years old or older" other="** Data Error **"; value $H42S " "="Missing" "1"="0 days" "2"="1 or 2 days" "3"="3 to 5 days" "4"="6 to 9 days" "5"="10 to 19 days" "6"="20 to 29 days" "7"="All 30 days" other="** Data Error **"; 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value $H48S " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 or 2 times" "3"="3 to 9 times" "4"="10 to 19 times" "5"="20 to 39 times" "6"="40 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $H49S " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 or 2 times" "3"="3 to 9 times" "4"="10 to 19 times" "5"="20 to 39 times" "6"="40 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $H50S " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 or 2 times" "3"="3 to 9 times" "4"="10 to 19 times" "5"="20 to 39 times" "6"="40 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $H51S " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 or 2 times" "3"="3 to 9 times" "4"="10 to 19 times" "5"="20 to 39 times" "6"="40 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $H52S " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 or 2 times" "3"="3 to 9 times" "4"="10 to 19 times" "5"="20 to 39 times" "6"="40 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $H53S " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 or 2 times" "3"="3 to 9 times" "4"="10 to 19 times" "5"="20 to 39 times" "6"="40 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $H54S " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 or 2 times" "3"="3 to 9 times" "4"="10 to 19 times" "5"="20 to 39 times" "6"="40 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $H55S " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 time" "3"="2 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $H56S " "="Missing" "1"="Yes" "2"="No" other="** Data Error **"; value $H57S " "="Missing" "1"="Never had sex" "2"="11 years old or younger" "3"="12 years old" "4"="13 years old" "5"="14 years old" "6"="15 years old" "7"="16 years old" "8"="17 years old or older" other="** Data Error **"; value $H58S " "="Missing" "1"="Never had sex" "2"="1 person" "3"="2 people" "4"="3 people" "5"="4 people" "6"="5 people" "7"="6 or more people" other="** Data Error **"; value $H59S " "="Missing" "1"="Never had sex" "2"="None during past 3 months" "3"="1 person" "4"="2 people" "5"="3 people" "6"="4 people" "7"="5 people" "8"="6 or more people" other="** Data Error **"; value $H60S " "="Missing" "1"="Never had sex" "2"="Yes" "3"="No" other="** Data Error **"; value $H61S " "="Missing" "1"="Never had sex" "2"="Yes" "3"="No" other="** Data Error **"; value $H62S " "="Missing" "1"="Never had sex" "2"="No birth control" "3"="Birth control pills" "4"="Condoms" "5"="IUD or implant" "6"="Shot/patch/birth control ring" "7"="Withdrawal or something else" "8"="Not sure" other="** Data Error **"; value $H63S " "="Missing" "1"="Never had sexual contact" "2"="Females" "3"="Males" "4"="Females and males" other="** Data Error **"; value $H64S " "="Missing" "1"="Heterosexual (straight)" "2"="Gay or lesbian" "3"="Bisexual" "4"="Some other way" "5"="Not sure" "6"="Don't know what this means" other="** Data Error **"; value $H65S " "="Missing" "1"="No" "2"="Yes, I am transgender" "3"="Not sure if I am transgender" "4"="Don't know what this means" other="** Data Error **"; value $H66S " "="Missing" "1"="Very underweight" "2"="Slightly underweight" "3"="About the right weight" "4"="Slightly overweight" "5"="Very overweight" other="** Data Error **"; value $H67S " "="Missing" "1"="Lose weight" "2"="Gain weight" "3"="Stay the same weight" "4"="Not trying to do anything" other="** Data Error **"; value $H68S " "="Missing" "1"="Did not drink fruit juice" "2"="1 to 3 times" "3"="4 to 6 times" "4"="1 time per day" "5"="2 times per day" "6"="3 times per day" "7"="4 or more times per day" other="** Data Error **"; value $H69S " "="Missing" "1"="Did not eat fruit" "2"="1 to 3 times" "3"="4 to 6 times" "4"="1 time per day" "5"="2 times per day" "6"="3 times per day" "7"="4 or more times per day" other="** Data Error **"; value $H70S " "="Missing" "1"="Did not eat green salad" "2"="1 to 3 times" "3"="4 to 6 times" "4"="1 time per day" "5"="2 times per day" "6"="3 times per day" "7"="4 or more times per day" other="** Data Error **"; value $H71S " "="Missing" "1"="Did not eat potatoes" "2"="1 to 3 times" "3"="4 to 6 times" "4"="1 time per day" "5"="2 times per day" "6"="3 times per day" "7"="4 or more times per day" other="** Data Error **"; value $H72S " "="Missing" "1"="Did not eat carrots" "2"="1 to 3 times" "3"="4 to 6 times" "4"="1 time per day" "5"="2 times per day" "6"="3 times per day" "7"="4 or more times per day" other="** Data Error **"; value $H73S " "="Missing" "1"="Did not eat other vegetables" "2"="1 to 3 times" "3"="4 to 6 times" "4"="1 time per day" "5"="2 times per day" "6"="3 times per day" "7"="4 or more times per day" other="** Data Error **"; value $H74S " "="Missing" "1"="Did not drink soda or pop" "2"="1 to 3 times" "3"="4 to 6 times" "4"="1 time per day" "5"="2 times per day" "6"="3 times per day" "7"="4 or more times per day" other="** Data Error **"; value $H75S " "="Missing" "1"="0 days" "2"="1 day" "3"="2 days" "4"="3 days" "5"="4 days" "6"="5 days" "7"="6 days" "8"="7 days" other="** Data Error **"; value $H76S " "="Missing" "1"="0 days" "2"="1 day" "3"="2 days" "4"="3 days" "5"="4 days" "6"="5 days" "7"="6 days" "8"="7 days" other="** Data Error **"; value $H77S " "="Missing" "1"="0 days" "2"="1 day" "3"="2 days" "4"="3 days" "5"="4 days" "6"="5 days" other="** Data Error **"; value $H78S " "="Missing" "1"="0 teams" "2"="1 team" "3"="2 teams" "4"="3 or more teams" other="** Data Error **"; value $H79S " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 time" "3"="2 times" "4"="3 times" "5"="4 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $H80S " "="Missing" "1"="I do not use social media" "2"="A few times a month" "3"="About once a week" "4"="A few times a week" "5"="About once a day" "6"="Several times a day" "7"="About once an hour" "8"="More than once an hour" other="** Data Error **"; value $H81S " "="Missing" "1"="Yes" "2"="No" "3"="Not sure" other="** Data Error **"; value $H82S " "="Missing" "1"="Yes" "2"="No" "3"="Not sure" other="** Data Error **"; value $H83S " "="Missing" "1"="During the past 12 months" "2"="Between 12 and 24 months ago" "3"="More than 24 months ago" "4"="Never" "5"="Not sure" other="** Data Error **"; value $H84S " "="Missing" "1"="Never" "2"="Rarely" "3"="Sometimes" "4"="Most of the time" "5"="Always" other="** Data Error **"; value $H85S " "="Missing" "1"="4 or less hours" "2"="5 hours" "3"="6 hours" "4"="7 hours" "5"="8 hours" "6"="9 hours" "7"="10 or more hours" other="** Data Error **"; value $H86S " "="Missing" "1"="Home of parent or gaurdian" "2"="Home of other people" "3"="Shelter or emergency housing" "4"="Motel or hotel" "5"="Public place" "6"="No usual place" "7"="Somewhere else" other="** Data Error **"; value $H87S " "="Missing" "1"="Mostly A's" "2"="Mostly B's" "3"="Mostly C's" "4"="Mostly D's" "5"="Mostly F's" "6"="None of these grades" "7"="Not sure" other="** Data Error **"; value $ACE1F " "="Missing" "1"="Yes" "2"="No" other="** Data Error **"; value $ACE2F " "="Missing" "1"="Never" "2"="Rarely" "3"="Sometimes" "4"="Most of the time" "5"="Always" other="** Data Error **"; value $ACE3F " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 time" "3"="2 or 3 times" "4"= "4 or 5 times" "5"= "6 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $CLPL " "="Missing" "1"="Strongly agree" "2"="Agree" "3"="Not sure" "4"="Disagree" "5"="Strongly disagree" other="** Data Error **"; value $SEXCON " "="Missing" "1"="Never had sexual contact" "2"="Yes" "3"="No" other="** Data Error **"; value $CURROPI " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 or 2 times" "3"="3 to 9 times" "4"="10 to 19 times" "5"="20 to 39 times" "6"="40 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $LSD " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 or 2 times" "3"="3 to 9 times" "4"="10 to 19 times" "5"="20 to 39 times" "6"="40 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $MUSCLE " "="Missing" "1"="0 days" "2"="1 day" "3"="2 days" "4"="3 days" "5"="4 days" "6"="5 days" "7"="6 days" "8"="7 days" other="** Data Error **"; value $SPRTDRNK " "="Missing" "1"="I did not drink" "2"="1 to 3 times" "3"="4 to 6 times" "4"="1 time per day" "5"="2 times per day" "6"="3 times per day" "7"="4 or more times per day" other="** Data Error **"; value $SUNBURN " "="Missing" "1"="0 times" "2"="1 time" "3"="2 times" "4"="3 times" "5"="4 times" "6"="5 or more times" other="** Data Error **"; value $TRNS " "="Missing" "1"="No" "2"="Yes, I am transgender" "3"="Not sure if I am transgender" "4"="Don't know what question is asking" other="** Data Error **"; value $DISPLI " "="Missing" "1"="Yes" "2"="No" other="** Data Error **"; value $WATER " "="Missing" "1"="Did not drink water" "2"="1 to 3 times" "3"="4 to 6 times" "4"="1 time per day" "5"="2 times per day" "6"="3 times per day" "7"="4 or more times per day" other="** Data Error **"; run;