Tools for Action


Everyone can be involved in Active People, Healthy NationSM. Click the box below that best represents your profession or interest to see ideas on what you can do.


Icon: Arts and Culture

Arts and Culture

Create attractive public spaces that encourage physical activity.

DEC. 19, 2023

Icon: Media


Promote physical activity in your workplace and surrounding community.

DEC. 19, 2023

Icon: Parks and Recreation

Parks, Recreation, and Green Spaces

Provide and promote safe, equitable access to parks, trails, recreation areas, and green spaces.

DEC. 19, 2023

Icon: Education


Improve the health of your students, faculty, staff, and community.

DEC. 19, 2023

Icon: Nonprofits

Community, Nonprofit, and Faith-based Organizations

Make it easier for people to be physically active.

DEC. 19, 2023

Icon: Government


Create or expand opportunities for physical activity in your community.

FEB. 23, 2023

Icon: Health Care

Health Care

How to help patients, employees, and the community experience the benefits of physical activity.

DEC. 19, 2023

Icon: Land use

Land Use and Community Design

Design communities where people can safely and easily walk, bike, or roll to everyday destinations.

DEC. 19, 2023

Icon: Media

Media and Strategic Communication

Increase visibility and support for efforts to increase physical activity.

DEC. 19, 2023

Icon: Public health

Public Health

Identify and implement evidence-based strategies to promote and sustain physical activity.

DEC. 19, 2023

Icon: Sports

Sports and Fitness

Help people of all ages and abilities access programs and places to be physically active.

DEC. 19, 2023

Icon: Transportation


Help improve pedestrian, cycling, and transit spaces in your community.

DEC. 19, 2023


Strategies for Increasing Physical Activity
Evidence-based strategies to increase access to physical activity for everyone.