To provide public health professionals with a helpful variety of resources about air quality — including research, data, tools for tracking the health impact of air pollution, and more.

Data on air quality
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Health impact of air pollution
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Information on air pollutants
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Published research from ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø
Research on air quality and its health effects, sorted by decade.
McArdle CE, Dowling TC, Carey K, DeVies J, Johns D, Gates AL, Stein Z, van Santen KL, Radhakrishnan L, Kite-Powell A, Soetebier K, Sacks JD, Sircar K, Hartnett KP, Mirabelli MC. Asthma-Associated Emergency Department Visits During the Canadian Wildfire Smoke Episodes — United States, April– August 2023. MMWR 2023.
Meek HC, Aydin-Ghormoz H, Bush K, Muscatiello N, McArdle CE, Weng CX, Hoefer D, Hsu WH, Rosenberg ES. Notes from the Field: Asthma-Associated Emergency Department Visits During a Wildfire Smoke Event — New York, June 2023. MMWR 2023.
Mirabelli MC, Flanders WD, Vaidyanathan A, Beavers DP, Gower WA. . Epidemiology 2023.
Pennington AF, Vaidyanathan A, Ahmed FS, Manangan A, Mirabelli MC, Garrison IC, Sircar KD, Yip F, Flanders WD. . Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2023.
Vargo J, Lappe B, Mirabelli MC, Conlon KC. . Am J Public Health 2023.
Damon SA, Rupert DJ, Pryzby R. “.” Journal of Health Communication 2022.
Michael R, Mirabelli MC, Vaidyanathan A. “.” Computers & Geosciences 2022.
Mirabelli MC, Vaidyanathan A, Pennington AF, Ye D, Trenga CA. “.” Preventive Medicine 2022.
Pennington AF. “.” Future of Personal Health 2022.
Tompkins LK, Pennington AF, Sircar KD, Mirabelli MC. “.” Preventive Medicine Reports 2022.
Lynch KM, Mirabelli MC. “.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2021.
Lynch KM, Mirabelli MC. “.” Journal of Adolescent Health 2021.
Joseph G, Schramm PJ, Vaidyanathan A, Breysse P, Goodwin B. “Evidence on the Use of Indoor Air Filtration as an Intervention for Wildfire Smoke Pollutant Exposure.” BRACE Technical Report Series 2020.
Lynch KM, Mirabelli MC. “.” Journal of Adolescent Health 2020.
Mirabelli MC, Ebelt S, Damon SA. “” Environmental Research 2020.
Navarro K., Vaidyanathan A. “Notes from the Field : Understanding Smoke Exposure in Communities and Fire Camps Affected by Wildfires: A Summary of ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø’s Response to Two Major Wildfires–California and Oregon, 2020.” MMWR 2020.
Pennington AF, Sircar K, Hsu J, Zahran HS, Damon SA, Mirabelli MC. “.” Preventive Medicine Reports 2019; 14: epub.
Mirabelli MC, Boehmer TK, Damon SA, Sircar KD, Wall HK, Yip FY, Zahran HS, Garbe PL. “.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2018; 54 (5): 679-687.
Mirabelli MC, Damon SA, Beavers SF, Sircar KD. “.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2018; 55(2): e49-e52.
Vaidyanathan A, Yip F, Garbe P. “.” Science of the Total Environment 619–620. 2018:376–383.
Yip F, Christensen B, Sircar K, Naeher L, Bruce N, Pennise D, Lozier M, Pilishvili T, Farrar J, Stanistreet D, Nyagol R, Muoki J, de Beer L, Sage M, Kapil V. “.” Environment International. 2017; 99:185–191.
Byers N, Ritchey M, Vaidyanathan A, Brandt A, Yip F. “.” J Asthma. 2016; 53:245-252.
Heinzerling A, Hsu J, Yip F. “.” Water Air Soil Pollut. 2016.
Lozier MJ, Sircar K, Christensen B, Pillarisetti A, Pennise D, Bruce N, Stanistreet D, Naeher L, Pilishvili T, Loo Farrar J, Sage M, Nyagol R, Muoki J, Wofchuck T, Yip F. “.” Environ Sci Technol. 2016; 50(8):4564-71.
Mirabelli MC, Vaidyanathan A, Flanders WD, Qin X, Garbe P. “.” Environ Health Perspect. 2016: Epub ahead of print.
– Sublette County, Wyoming, 2008-2011.
Residential Proximity to Major Highways — United States, 2010 (MMWR).
(International Journal of Health Geographics)
(Global Heart)
(Environmental Health Perspectives)
: A Community Guide Systematic Review — Abstract (American Journal of Preventive Medicine)
Unhealthy Air Quality — United States, 2006–2009 MMWR
Public Communication in Unplanned Biomass Burning Events (Inhalation Toxicology)
(Journal of Physical Activity and Health)