Methods, Validity, and Reliability Bibliography
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Selected Articles Related to BRFSS and Other Self-Reported Data
BRFSS, 2011-Onward (i.e., post-methodological change)
- Adams SH, Park MJ, Irwin CE, Jr. Adolescent and Young Adult Preventive Care: Comparing National Survey Rates. Am J Prev Med 2015;49(2):238-47.
- Burger AE, Reither EN. Monitoring receipt of seasonal influenza vaccines with BRFSS and NHIS data: challenges and solutions. Vaccine 2014;32(31):3950-4.
- Dwyer-Lindgren L, Freedman G, Engell RE, Fleming TD, Lim SS, Murray CJ, et al. Prevalence of physical activity and obesity in US counties, 2001-2011: a road map for action. Popul Health Metr 2013;11:7.
- Elliott MR, West BT. “Clustering by Interviewer”: A Source of Variance That Is Unaccounted for in Single-Stage Health Surveys. Am J Epidemiol 2015;182(2):118-26.
- Esser M, Sacks JJ, Sherk A, Karriker-Jaffe K, Greenfield TK, Pierannunzi C, Brewer RD. Distribution of drinks consumed by US adults by average daily alcohol consumption: a comparison of 2 nationwide surveys. Am J of Prev Med. [Internet] Published 1 Aug 2020 at
- Gittelman S, Lange V, Gotway Crawford CA, Okoro CA, Lieb E, Dhingra SS, et al. A new source of data for public health surveillance: Facebook likes. J Med Internet Res 2015;17(4):e98.
- Gundersen DA, ZuWallack RS, Dayton J, Echeverria SE, Delnevo CD. Assessing the feasibility and sample quality of a national random-digit dialing cellular phone survey of young adults. Am J Epidemiol 2014;179(1):39-47.
- Gundersen DA, Peters KR, Conner A, Dayton J, Delnevo CD. Stability of sample quality for a national random-digit dialing cellular phone survey of young adults. Am J Epidemiol 2014;180(10):1047-9.
- Hsia J, Zhao G, Town M, Ren J, Okoro CA, Pierannunzi C, Garvin W. Comparisons of estimates from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and other national health surveys, 2011−2016. Am J of Prev Med; 58 (6), e181-e190.
- Hu SS, Pierannunzi C, Balluz L. Integrating a multimode design into a national random-digit-dialed telephone survey. Preventing Chronic Disease 2011;8(6):A145.
- Krishna A, Razak F, Lebel A, Smith GD, Subramanian SV. Trends in group inequalities and interindividual inequalities in BMI in the United States, 1993-2012. Am J Clin Nutr 2015;101(3):598-605.
- Leung S-YJ, Sinclair AH, Battles HB, Swain C-AE, French PT, Anderson BJ, et al. HIV Test Offers and Acceptance: New York State Findings From the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance, 2011–2012. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2015;68(Suppl 1):S37-S44.
- Li L, Li J, Besculides M, et al. Factors associated with mammography use: A side‐by‐side comparison of results from two national surveys. [Internet] Cancer Med. [Published early, open access, 17 July 2020.] Accessed Aug 20, 2020.
- Mei, X., Li, J., Li, ZS. et al. Psychometric evaluation of an Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) measurement tool: an equitable assessment or reinforcing biases?. Health Justice 10, 34 (2022).
- Moore LV, Dodd KW, Thompson FE, Grimm KA, Kim SA, Scanlon KS. Using Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Data to Estimate the Percentage of the Population Meeting US Department of Agriculture Food Patterns Fruit and Vegetable Intake Recommendations. Am J Epidemiol 2015;181(12):979-88.
- Pierannunzi C, Town M, Garvin W, Shaw FE, Balluz L. Methodologic changes in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System in 2011 and potential effects on prevalence estimates. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2012;61(22):410-3.
- Qayad MG, Pierannunzi C, Chowdhury PP, Hu S, Town GM, Balluz LS. Landline and cell phone response measures in Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. In: Survey Practice: AAPOR; 2013.
- Rein DB, Lamuda PA, Wittenborn JS, Okeke N, Davidson CE, Swenor BK, Saaddine J, Lundeen EA. Vision Impairment and Blindness Prevalence in the United States: Variability of Vision Health Responses across Multiple National Surveys. Ophthalmology. 2021 Jan;128(1):15-27. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2020.06.064. Epub 2020 Jul 11. PMID: 32663529; PMCID: PMC7780230.
- Skopec L, Musco T, Sommers BD. A potential new data source for assessing the impacts of health reform: Evaluating the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. Healthcare 2014;2(2):113-120.
- Silva NM. The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Int J Aging Hum Dev 2014;79(4):336-338.
- Simoni JM, Huh D, Wang Y, Wilson IB, Reynolds NR, Remien RH, et al. The validity of self-reported medication adherence as an outcome in clinical trials of adherence-promotion interventions: Findings from the MACH14 study. AIDS Behav 2014;18(12):2285-90.
- Taksler GB, Pfoh ER, Martinez KA, Sheehan MM, Gupta NM, Rothberg MB. Comparison of National Data Sources to Assess Preventive Care in the US Population. J Gen Intern Med. 2021 Mar 31:1–9. doi: 10.1007/s11606-021-06707-7. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33791937; PMCID: PMC8012018.
- Towle M, Tolliver R, Bui AG, Warner A, Van Dyke M. Adding industry and occupation questions to the behavioral risk factor surveillance system: new opportunities in public health surveillance. Public Health Rep 2015;130(2):153-60.
- Van Handel MM, Branson BM. Monitoring HIV Testing in the United States: Consequences of Methodology Changes to National Surveys. PLoS ONE [Electronic Resource] 2015;10(4):e0125637.
- Zhang X, Holt JB, Lu H, Wheaton AG, Ford ES, Greenlund KJ, et al. Multilevel regression and poststratification for small-area estimation of population health outcomes: a case study of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease prevalence using the behavioral risk factor surveillance system. Am J Epidemiol 2014;179(8):1025-33.
- Zhang X, Holt JB, Yun S, Lu H, Greenlund KJ, Croft JB. Validation of Multilevel Regression and Poststratification Methodology for Small Area Estimation of Health Indicators From the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Am J Epidemiol 2015;182(2):127-37.
BRFSS, pre-2011 (pre-Methodological change)
- Agaku IT, Awopegba AJ, Filippidis FT. The impact of inter-survey differences in the definition of current smokeless tobacco use on comparability of US national and state-specific prevalence estimates, 2009-2011. Prev Med 2015;74:86-92.
- Alcantara I, Haardorfer R, Gazmararian JA, Hartman TJ, Greene B, Kegler MC. Relative validation of fruit and vegetable intake and fat intake among overweight and obese African-American women. Public Health Nutr 2015;18(11):1932-40.
- Andresen EM, Catlin TK, Wyrwich KW, Jackson-Thompson J. Retest reliability of surveillance questions on health related quality of life. J Epidemiol Commun Health 2003;57(5):339-343.
- Arday DR, Tomar SL, Nelson DE, Merritt RK, Schooley MW, Mowery P. State smoking prevalence estimates: a comparison of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and current population surveys. Am J Public Health 1997;87(10):1665-9.
- Battaglia MP, Frankel MR, Link MW. Improving standard poststratification techniques for random-digit-dialing telephone surveys. Survey Res Methods 2008;2(1):11-19.
- Bombard JM, Powell KE, Martin LM, Helmick CG, Wilson WH. Validity and reliability of self-reported arthritis: Georgia senior centers, 2000-2001. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2005;28(3):251-8.
- Bonomi AE, Thompson RS, Anderson M, Rivara FP, Holt VL, Carrell D, et al. Ascertainment of intimate partner violence using two abuse measurement frameworks. Inj Prev 2006;12(2):121-4.
- Bradbury BD, Brooks DR, Brawarsky P, Mucci LA. Test-retest reliability of colorectal testing questions on the Massachusetts Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). Preventive Medicine 2005;41(1):303-11.
- Brown ER, Kincheloe J, Breen N, Olson JL, Portnoy B, Lee SJ. States’ use of local population health data: comparing the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and independent state health surveys. J Public Health Manag Pract 2013;19(5):444-50.
- Brown WJ, Trost SG, Bauman A, Mummery K, Owen N. Test-retest reliability of four physical activity measures used in population surveys. J Sci Med Sport 2004;7(2):205-15.
- Brumback BA, Cai Z, He Z, Zheng HW, Dailey AB. Conditional pseudolikelihood methods for clustered ordinal, multinomial, or count outcomes with complex survey data. Stat Med 2013;32(8):1325-35.
- Brumback BA, Cai Z, Dailey AB. Methods of estimating or accounting for neighborhood associations with health using complex survey data. Am J Epidemiol 2014;179(10):1255-63.
- Butler DC, Petterson S, Phillips RL, Bazemore AW. Measures of social deprivation that predict health care access and need within a rational area of primary care service delivery. Health Serv Res 2013;48(2 Pt 1):539-59.
- Carlson SA, Densmore D, Fulton JE, Yore MM, Kohl HW, 3rd. Differences in physical activity prevalence and trends from 3 U.S. surveillance systems: NHIS, NHANES, and BRFSS. J Phys Act Health 2009;6 Suppl 1:S18-27.
- Chang X, Waagepetersen R, Yu H, Ma X, Holford TR, Wang R, et al. Disease risk estimation by combining case-control data with aggregated information on the population at risk. Biometrics 2015;71(1):114-21.
- Chen ZA, Roy K, Gotway Crawford CA. Obesity prevention: the impact of local health departments. Health Serv Res 2013;48(2 Pt 1):603-27.
- Cheung F, Lucas RE. Assessing the validity of single-item life satisfaction measures: results from three large samples. Quality of Life Research 2014;23(10):2809-18.
- Clements KM, Cohen BB, Brawarsky P, Brooks DR, Mucci LA, Wood PA. Identifying Health Maintenance Organization membership through self-report of health plan name: ascertainment and reliability. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice 2006;12(3):278-87.
- Cossman RE, Cossman JS, James WL, Blanchard T, Thomas RK, Pol LG, et al. Evaluating heart disease presciptions-filled as a proxy for heart disease prevalence rates. J Health Hum Serv Adm 2008;30(4):503-28.
- Crews JE, Lollar DJ, Kemper AR, Lee LM, Owsley C, Zhang X, et al. The variability of vision loss assessment in federally sponsored surveys: seeking conceptual clarity and comparability. Am J Ophthalmol 2012;154(6 Suppl):S31-44 e1.
- Cronin KA, Miglioretti DL, Krapcho M, Yu B, Geller BM, Carney PA, et al. Bias associated with self-report of prior screening mammography. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009;18(6):1699-705.
- Delnevo CD, Gundersen DA, Hagman BT. Declining estimated prevalence of alcohol drinking and smoking among young adults nationally: artifacts of sample undercoverage? Am J Epidemiol 2008;167(1):15-9.
- Evenson KR, McGinn AP. Test-retest reliability of adult surveillance measures for physical activity and inactivity. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2005;28(5):470-8.
- Ezzati M, Martin H, Skjold S, Vander Hoorn S, Murray CJ. Trends in national and state-level obesity in the USA after correction for self-report bias: analysis of health surveys. J R Soc Med 2006;99(5):250-7.
- Fahimi M, Link M, Mokdad A, Schwartz DA, Levy P. Tracking chronic disease and risk behavior prevalence as survey participation declines: statistics from the behavioral risk factor surveillance system and other national surveys. Prev Chronic Dis 2008;5(3):A80.
- Garmon Bibb SC, Mollah FN, Morgan BJ. Evaluation of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System as a potential index model for Total Force Fitness. Mil Med 2014;179(5):529-39.
- Hall JP, Kurth NK, Fall EC. Discrepancy among Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Social Security, and functional disability measurement. Disability & Health Journal 2012;5(1):60-3.
- Hu SS, Balluz L, Battaglia MP, Frankel MR. Improving public health surveillance using a dual-frame survey of landline and cell phone numbers. Am J Epidemiol 2011;173(6):703-11.
- Hu S, Link MW, Mokdad AH. Reaching linguistically isolated people: Findings from a telephone survey using real-time interpreters. Field Methods 2010;22(1):39-56.
- Huang H, Ma X, Waagepetersen R, Holford TR, Wang R, Risch H, et al. A new estimation approach for combining epidemiological data from multiple sources. J Am Stat Assoc 2014;109(505):11-23.
- Hutto B, Sharpe PA, Granner ML, Addy CL, Hooker S. The effect of question order on reporting physical activity and walking behavior. J Phys Act Health 2008;5 Suppl 1:S16-29.
- Jain RB. Regression models to predict corrected weight, height and obesity prevalence from self-reported data: data from BRFSS 1999-2007. International Journal of Obesity 2010;34(11):1655-64.
- Jiang Y, Zack MM. A latent class modeling approach to evaluate behavioral risk factors and health-related quality of life. Prev Chronic Dis 2011;8(6):A137.
- Kamimoto L, Euler GL, Lu PJ, Reingold A, Hadler J, Gershman K, et al. Seasonal influenza morbidity estimates obtained from telephone surveys, 2007. American Journal of Public Health 2013;103(4):755-63.
- Kapp JM, Jackson-Thompson J, Petroski GF, Schootman M. Reliability of health-related quality-of-life indicators in cancer survivors from a population-based sample, 2005, BRFSS. Public Health 2009;123(4):321-5.
- Kempf AM, Remington PL. New challenges for telephone survey research in the twenty-first century. Annu Rev Public Health 2007;28:113-26.
- Khalil GM, Gotway Crawford CA. A bibliometric analysis of U.S.-based research on the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Am J Prev Med 2015;48(1):50-7.
- Kittur ND, Secura GM, Peipert JF, Madden T, Finer LB, Allsworth JE. Comparison of contraceptive use between the Contraceptive CHOICE Project and state and national data. Contraception 2011;83(5):479-85.
- Klein JD, Thomas RK, Sutter EJ. Self-reported smoking in online surveys: prevalence estimate validity and item format effects. Medical Care 2007;45(7):691-5.
- Kolor K, Duquette D, Zlot A, Foland J, Anderson B, Giles R, et al. Public awareness and use of direct-to-consumer personal genomic tests from four state population-based surveys, and implications for clinical and public health practice. Genet Med 2012;14(10):860-7.
- Laflamme DM, Vanderslice JA. Using the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) for exposure tracking: experiences from Washington State. Environ Health Perspect 2004;112(14):1428-33.
- Le A, Judd SE, Allison DB, Oza-Frank R, Affuso O, Safford MM, et al. The geographic distribution of obesity in the US and the potential regional differences in misreporting of obesity. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2014;22(1):300-6.
- Lee C-J, Kim D. A comparative analysis of the validity of US state- and county-level social capital measures and their associations with population health. Social Indicators Research 2013;111(1):307-326.
- Li C, Ford ES, Zhao G, Tsai J, Balluz LS. A comparison of depression prevalence estimates measured by the Patient Health Questionnaire with two administration modes: computer-assisted telephone interviewing versus computer-assisted personal interviewing. Int J Public Health 2012;57(1):225-33.
- Li C, Balluz LS, Ford ES, Okoro CA, Zhao G, Pierannunzi C. A comparison of prevalence estimates for selected health indicators and chronic diseases or conditions from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, the National Health Interview Survey, and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007-2008. Prev Med 2012;54(6):381-7.
- Liao Y, Tucker P, Okoro CA, Giles WH, Mokdad AH, Harris VB. REACH 2010 Surveillance for Health Status in Minority Communities — United States, 2001–2002. MMWR Surveill Summ 2004;53(6):1-36.
- Liao Y, Bang D, Cosgrove S, Dulin R, Harris Z, Taylor A, et al. Surveillance of health status in minority communities – Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health Across the U.S. (REACH U.S.) Risk Factor Survey, United States, 2009. MMWR Surveill Summ 2011;60(6):1-44.
- Link MW, Battaglia MP, Frankel MR, Osborn L, Mokdad AH. A Comparison of Address-Based Sampling (ABS) Versus Random-Digit Dialing (RDD) for General Population Surveys. Public Opinion Quarterly 2008;72(1):6-27.
- Link MW, Battaglia MP, Frankel MR, Osborn L, Mokdad AH. Address-based versus random-digit-dial surveys: comparison of key health and risk indicators. Am J Epidemiol 2006;164(10):1019-25.
- Link MW, Mokdad AH. Alternative modes for health surveillance surveys: an experiment with web, mail, and telephone. Epidemiology 2005;16(5):701-4.
- Link MW, Mokdad AH. Effects of survey mode on self-reports of adult alcohol consumption: a comparison of mail, web and telephone approaches. J Stud Alcohol 2005;66(2):239-45.
- Link MW, Mokdad AH, Kulp D, Hyon A. Has the National Do Not Call Registry Helped or Hurt State-Level Response Rates? A Time Series Analysis. Public Opinion Quarterly 2006;70(5):794-809.
- Link MW, Battaglia MP, Frankel MR, Osborn L, Mokdad AH. Reaching the U.S. cell phone generation: Comparison of cell phone survey results with an ongoing landline telephone survey. Public Opinion Quarterly 2007;71(5):814-839.
- Link MW, Town M, Mokdad AH. Telephone Number Portability and the Prevalence of Cell Phone Numbers in Random Digit-Dialed Telephone Survey Samples. International Journal of Public Opinion Research 2007;19(4):504-511.
- MacLennan PA, McGwin G, Jr., Searcey K, Owsley C. Medical record validation of self-reported eye diseases and eye care utilization among older adults. Curr Eye Res 2013;38(1):1-8.
- Maly AG, Steel TL, Fu R, Lieberman DA, Becker TM. Colorectal cancer screening among American Indians in a Pacific Northwest tribe: Cowlitz Tribal BRFSS Project, 2009-2010. Public Health Rep 2014;129(3):280-8.
- Miller JW, Gfroerer JC, Brewer RD, Naimi TS, Mokdad A, Giles WH. Prevalence of adult binge drinking: a comparison of two national surveys. Am J Prev Med 2004;27(3):197-204.
- Mokdad A. The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System: past, present and future. Annual Rev Public Health 2009;30:43-54.
- Mucci LA, Wood PA, Cohen B, Clements KM, Brawarsky P, Brooks DR. Validity of self-reported health plan information in a population-based health survey. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice 2006;12(6):570-7.
- Nelson DE, Holtzman D, Bolen J, Stanwyck CA, Mack KA. Reliability and validity of measures from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). Soz Praventivmed 2001;46 Suppl 1:S3-42.
- Pearson WS, Garvin WS, Ford ES, Balluz LS. Analysis of five-year trends in self-reported language preference and issues of item non-response among Hispanic persons in a large cross-sectional health survey: implications for the measurement of an ethnic minority population. Population Health Metrics 2010;8:7.
- Pettee KK, Ham SA, Macera CA, Ainsworth BE. The reliability of a survey question on television viewing and associations with health risk factors in US adults. Obesity 2009;17(3):487-93.
- Pierannunzi C, Hu SS, Balluz L. A systematic review of publications assessing reliability and validity of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), 2004-2011. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2013;13:49.
- Qayad MG, Balluz L, Garvin W. Does continuing data collection beyond one month improve the completion and response rates in Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey? In: Survey Practice: AAPOR; 2009.
- Reis JP, Dubose KD, Ainsworth BE, Macera CA, Yore MM. Reliability and validity of the occupational physical activity questionnaire. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2005;37(12):2075-83.
- Rizzo VM, Kintner E. The utility of the behavioral risk factor surveillance system (BRFSS) in testing quality of life theory: an evaluation using structural equation modeling. Qual Life Res 2013;22(5):987-95.
- Robbins CL, Zapata LB, Farr SL, Kroelinger CD, Morrow B, Ahluwalia I, et al. Core state preconception health indicators – pregnancy risk assessment monitoring system and behavioral risk factor surveillance system, 2009. MMWR Surveill Summ 2014;63(3):1-62.
- Sacks JJ, Harrold LR, Helmick CG, Gurwitz JH, Emani S, Yood RA. Validation of a surveillance case definition for arthritis. J Rheumatol 2005;32(2):340-7.
- Salomon JA, Nordhagen S, Oza S, Murray CJ. Are Americans feeling less healthy? The puzzle of trends in self-rated health. Am J Epidemiol 2009;170(3):343-51.
- Santelli J, Lindberg LD, Finer LB, Rickert VI, Bensyl D, Posner S, et al. Comparability of contraceptive prevalence etimates for women from the 2002 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Public Health Rep 2008;123(2):147-54.
- Schneider KL, Clark MA, Rakowski W, Lapane KL. Evaluating the impact of non-response bias in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). J Epidemiol Community Health 2012;66(4):290-5.
- Shenson D, Dimartino D, Bolen J, Campbell M, Lu PJ, Singleton JA. Validation of self-reported pneumococcal vaccination in behavioral risk factor surveillance surveys: experience from the sickness prevention achieved through regional collaboration (SPARC) program. Vaccine 2005;23(8):1015-20.
- Srebotnjak T, Mokdad AH, Murray CJ. A novel framework for validating and applying standardized small area measurement strategies. Population Health Metrics 2010;8:26.
- Tourangeau R, Smith TM. Asking sensitive questions: the impact of data collection mode, question format, and question content. Public Opin Q 1996;60(2):275-304.
- Van Eenwyk J, Bensley L, Ossiander EM, Krueger K. Comparison of examination-based and self-reported risk factors for cardiovascular disease, Washington State, 2006-2007. Preventing Chronic Disease 2012;9:E117.
- Yore MM, Ham SA, Ainsworth BE, Macera CA, Jones DA, Kohl HW, III. Occupational Physical Activity: Reliability and Comparison of Activity Levels. Journal of Physical Activity & Health 2005;2(3):358-365.
- Yore MM, Ham SA, Ainsworth BE, Kruger J, Reis JP, Kohl HW, 3rd, et al. Reliability and validity of the instrument used in BRFSS to assess physical activity. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2007;39(8):1267-74.
- Yun S, Zhu BP, Black W, Brownson RC. A comparison of national estimates of obesity prevalence from the behavioral risk factor surveillance system and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Int J Obes (Lond) 2006;30(1):164-70.
Other Self-Reported Data
- Altman DG, Bland JM. Diagnostic tests. 1: Sensitivity and specificity. BMJ 1994;308(6943):1552.
- Andresen EM, Diehr PH, Luke DA. Public health surveillance of low-frequency populations. Annu Rev Public Health 2004;25:25-52.
- Bauer UE, Plescia M. Addressing disparities in the health of American Indian and Alaska Native people: the importance of improved public health data. Am J Public Health 2014;104 Suppl 3:S255-7.
- Blumberg SJ, Luke JV, Cynamon ML. Telephone coverage and health survey estimates: evaluating the need for concern about wireless substitution. Am J Public Health 2006;96(5):926-31.
- Brooks DR, Avetisyan R, Jarrett KM, Hanchate A, Shapiro GD, Pugh MJ, et al. Validation of self-reported epilepsy for purposes of community surveillance. Epilepsy Behav 2012;23(1):57-63.
- Deyo RA, Diehr P, Patrick DL. Reproducibility and responsiveness of health status measures. Statistics and strategies for evaluation. Control Clin Trials 1991;12(4 Suppl):142S-158S.
- DiClemente RJ, Swartzendruber AL, Brown JL. Improving the validity of self-reported sexual behavior: no easy answers. Sex Transm Dis 2013;40(2):111-2.
- Ding R, Zeger SL, Steinwachs DM, Ortmann MJ, McCarthy ML. The validity of self-reported primary adherence among Medicaid patients discharged from the emergency department with a prescription medication. Ann Emerg Med 2013;62(3):225-34.
- Gabriel KP, Sidney S, Jacobs DR, Jr., Quesenberry CP, Jr., Reis JP, Jiang SF, et al. Convergent validity of a brief self-reported physical activity questionnaire. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2014;46(8):1570-7.
- Galan I, Mayo E, Lopez MJ, Perez-Rios M, Fu M, Martinez-Sanchez JM, et al. Validity of self-reported exposure to second-hand smoke in hospitality venues. Environ Res 2014;133:1-3.
- Galesic M, Tourangeau R, Couper MP. Complementing random-digit-dial telephone surveys with other approaches to collecting sensitive data. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2006;31(5):437-43.
- Gotway Crawford CA, Okoro CA, Akcin HM, Dhingra S. An experimental study using opt-in Internet panel surveys for behavioral health surveillance. In: International Society for Disease Surveillance; 2012: Online Journal of Public Health Informatics; 2012. p. e24.
- Groves RM. Three eras of survey research. Public Opinion Quarterly 2011;75(5):861-71.
- Hamann HA, Tiro JA, Sanders JM, Melhado TV, Funk RK, Carpentier MY, et al. Validity of self-reported genetic counseling and genetic testing use among breast cancer survivors. J Cancer Surviv 2013;7(4):624-9.
- Harris JK, Beatty KE, Barbero C, Howard AF, Cheskin RA, Shapiro RM, 2nd, et al. Methods in public health services and systems research: a systematic review. Am J Prev Med 2012;42(5 Suppl 1):S42-57.
- Hattori A, Sturm R. The obesity epidemic and changes in self-report biases in BMI. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2013;21(4):856-60.
- Ibrahimova A, Shults RA, Beck LF. Comparison of 2008 national and state-level self-reported and observed seatbelt use estimates. Injury Prevention 2011;17(3):201-3.
- Johns G, Miraglia M. The reliability, validity, and accuracy of self-reported absenteeism from work: a meta-analysis. J Occup Health Psychol 2015;20(1):1-14.
- Landis JR, Koch GG. The measurement of observer agreement for categorical data. Biometrics 1977;33(1):159-74.
- Lee S, Brick JM, Brown ER, Grant D. Growing cell-phone population and noncoverage bias in traditional random digit dial telephone health surveys. Health Serv Res 2010;45(4):1121-39.
- Lee S, Elkasabi M, Streja L. Increasing cell phone usage among Hispanics: implications for telephone surveys. Am J Public Health 2012;102(6):e19-24.
- Lin CJ, DeRoo LA, Jacobs SR, Sandler DP. Accuracy and reliability of self-reported weight and height in the Sister Study. Public Health Nutr 2012;15(6):989-99.
- Lofters A, Vahabi M, Glazier R. The validity of self-reported cancer screening history and the role of social disadvantage in Ontario, Canada. BMC Public Health 2015;15(1):28.
- Magnusson K, Haugen IK, Osteras N, Nordsletten L, Natvig B, Hagen KB. The validity of self-reported body mass index in a population-based osteoarthritis study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2014;15:442.
- Osborne JM, Shibl R, Cameron CM, Kendrick D, Lyons RA, Spinks AB, et al. Validity of parent’s self-reported responses to home safety questions. Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot 2015:1-11.
- Overbeek A, van den Berg MH, Hukkelhoven CW, Kremer LC, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, Tissing WJ, et al. Validity of self-reported data on pregnancies for childhood cancer survivors: a comparison with data from a nationwide population-based registry. Hum Reprod 2013;28(3):819-27.
- Patty L, Wu C, Torres M, Azen S, Varma R. Validity of self-reported eye disease and treatment in a population-based study: the Los Angeles Latino Eye Study. Ophthalmology 2012;119(9):1725-30.
- Peersman W, Pasteels I, Cambier D, De Maeseneer J, Willems S. Validity of self-reported utilization of physician services: a population study. Eur J Public Health 2014;24(1):91-7.
- Peeters GM, Tett SE, Dobson AJ, Mishra GD. Validity of self-reported osteoporosis in mid-age and older women. Osteoporos Int 2013;24(3):917-27.
- Peytchev A, Neely B. RDD telephone surveys: toward a single-frame cell-phone design. Public Opin Q 2013;77(1):283-304.
- Poston WS, Jitnarin N, Haddock CK, Jahnke SA, Tuley BC. The impact of surveillance on weight change and predictors of change in a population-based firefighter cohort. J Occup Environ Med 2012;54(8):961-8.
- Prentice RL, Tinker LF, Huang Y, Neuhouser ML. Calibration of self-reported dietary measures using biomarkers: an approach to enhancing nutritional epidemiology reliability. Curr Atheroscler Rep 2013;15(9):353.
- Prochaska JJ, Grossman W, Young-Wolff KC, Benowitz NL. Validity of self-reported adult secondhand smoke exposure. Tob Control 2015;24(1):48-53.
- Ramo DE, Hall SM, Prochaska JJ. Reliability and validity of self-reported smoking in an anonymous online survey with young adults. Health Psychol 2011;30(6):693-701.
- Royer HR, Falk EC, Heidrich SM. Sexually transmitted disease testing misconceptions threaten the validity of self-reported testing history. Public Health Nurs 2013;30(2):117-27.
- Sahyoun NR, Maynard LM, Zhang XL, Serdula MK. Factors associated with errors in self-reported height and weight in older adults. J Nutr Health Aging 2008;12(2):108-15.
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