Swimming-related Publications and Reports


Below is a list of published papers, reports, and commentaries that focus on public health issues related to swimming, pools, and other types of recreational water venues, organized by topic area.

Man working on a computer.

Publications and reports

Disease and outbreak tracking

Diarrhea and vomiting

Swimming pool chemicals, operation, and disinfection

Recreational water venues guidance and the Model Aquatic Health Code

  • Hlavsa M, Laco J. . [commentary] J Environ Health. 2023;85(9):32–3.
  • Curtiss E, Hils J, Rokisky J. . [commentary] J Environ Health. 2022;84(10):42-3.
  • Laco J, Aluko S, Hlavsa M. . [commentary] J Environ Health. 2022;84(9):32-3.
  • Hlavsa MC, Laco JP, Hill VR, Sheehan PA. . [commentary] J Environ Health. 2021;83(9):30-1.
  • D’Angelo EK, Galan DI, Laco JP, Fink T, Skaggs JM, Kunsman C, et al. . J Public Health Manag Pract. 2021;27(4):428-31.
  • Laco J, Hubbard B, McClenahan S. . [commentary] J Environ Health. 2020;82(2):36-8.

Drowning and swimming-related injury