Pregnancy-Related Deaths Among American Indian or Alaska Native Women: Data From Maternal Mortality Review Committees in 38 U.S. States, 2020

At a glance

This brief provides a more in-depth examination of pregnancy-related deaths among American Indian or Alaska Native women.


Understanding differences in underlying causes of pregnancy-related death by race and ethnicity is important for identifying prevention opportunities to reduce inequities in maternal mortality. However, accurate classification of race and ethnicity can be challenging.

The methodology for classifying race and ethnicity using maternal mortality review committee (MMRC) data from the Maternal Mortality Review Information Application (MMRIA) is based on mother's race and ethnicity data. Race and ethnicity data was from the birth or fetal death record, when available, and from death records when a birth or fetal death record was unavailable.

In the data brief titled Pregnancy-Related Deaths: Data From Maternal Mortality Review Committees in 38 U.S. States, 20201 if Hispanic origin is noted, the race and ethnicity is classified as "Hispanic" regardless of race classification. For non-Hispanic women, race was categorized into single-race classifications, and when "other race" or more than one race is noted, race was classified as "another/multiple races."

Methodological decisions about racial classification can affect the size and characteristics of the population used in an analysis. Assessments from other groups234 have demonstrated the importance of examining pregnancy-related deaths among all American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) women, regardless of notation of Hispanic origin or another/multiple races.

This report uses data on pregnancy-related deaths among residents of 38 states in 2020 shared with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø) through MMRIA by using an alternate approach for classifying AI/AN populations. This report describes pregnancy-related deaths among all AI/AN women, which includes non-Hispanic single-race AI/AN women, and AI/AN women in combination with any other race or ethnicity.

In Pregnancy-Related Deaths: Data From Maternal Mortality Review Committees in 38 U.S. States, 20201 7 pregnancy-related deaths were classified as non-Hispanic single-race AI/AN. As shown in Figure 1, by using an alternate approach to classifying available vital records information on race and ethnicity, 12 pregnancy-related deaths were classified as AI/AN.

While this alternate approach resulted in the increased identification of pregnancy-related deaths among AI/AN women, because of known limitations of vital records data for identifying AI/AN women,5 12 is still likely an undercount of deaths among AI/AN women. This is, in part, because being an AI/AN woman indicates membership in a domestic sovereign nation, which is a political status and not only a categorization of race and ethnicity.

7* pregnancy-related deaths classified as non-Hispanic single-race AI/AN + 2 included with notation of Hispanic ethnicity  + 3 included with notation of more than one race    

12 pregnancy-related deaths categorized as  AI/AN
* 7 non-Hispanic single-race AI/AN pregnancy-related deaths as identified in the data brief Pregnancy-Related Deaths: Data From Maternal Mortality Review Committees in 38 U.S. States, 2020

Key findings


In 2020, 50% of pregnancy-related deaths among AI/AN women occurred 7–365 days postpartum.

Table 1. Distribution of Pregnancy-Related Deaths Among American Indian or Alaska Native Women by Timing of Death in Relation to Pregnancy, Data From Maternal Mortality Review Committees in 38 U.S. States, 2020a

N %
During pregnancy 3 25.0
Day of delivery 1 8.3
1–6 days postpartum 2 16.7
7–42 days postpartum 4 33.3
43–365 days postpartum 2 16.7
a Percentages might not sum to 100 because of rounding.


In 2020, infection and mental health conditions were the most common underlying causes of pregnancy-related death among all AI/AN women.

Table 2. Underlying Causes of Pregnancy-Related Death Among American Indian or Alaska Native Women, Data From Maternal Mortality Review Committees in 38 U.S. States, 2020a,b

N %
Infection 3 27.3
    Covid-19  3 27.3
Mental health conditionc 3 27.3
Cardiovascular conditions 2 18.2
    Cardiomyopathy 2 18.2
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy 2 18.2
Embolism  1 9.1
a Specific cause of death was listed as "Unknown" for 1 (8.3%) pregnancy-related death. Deaths with unknown cause of death were not included in percent calculations.
b Percentages might not sum to 100 because of rounding.
c Mental health conditions include deaths of suicide, overdose/poisoning related to substance use disorder, and other deaths determined by the MMRC to be related to a mental health condition, including substance use disorder.

For the details of each cause of death category, please see the Committee Decisions Form.


In 2020, MMRCs determined 92% of pregnancy-related deaths among AI/AN women to be preventable.

Table 3. Percentage of Pregnancy-Related Deaths to American Indian or Alaska Native Women Determined by MMRCs to Be Preventable, Data From Maternal Mortality Review Committees in 38 U.S. States, 2020a

n %
Preventable 11 91.7
Not preventable 1 8.3
a Percentages might not sum to 100 because of rounding.

Data sources and methods

Considerations for interpretation

  • ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø reports from different years of analysis based on data from MMRCs should not be directly compared.
  • These data describe the distribution of characteristics among pregnancy-related deaths, but do not describe the estimated risk of pregnancy-related deaths by characteristics.
  • Beginning in 2020, a new category for grouping cardiovascular conditions was introduced. The cardiovascular condition category includes deaths with underlying causes of cardiomyopathy and other cardiovascular conditions. Other cardiovascular conditions were referred to as cardiac and coronary condition in previous reports.
  • Beginning in 2020, COVID-19 could be documented by MMRCs as an underlying cause of death and is included in the infection category.

Information presented in this brief should be interpreted with caution because it is based on small numbers. The presentation of the data weighed the potential risks of identifying individuals by reporting information based on small numbers versus the potential benefits of making information available for prevention of pregnancy-related deaths among AI/AN communities. To minimize disclosure risks, data were aggregated across states (38 states), and disaggregation was limited (e.g., age groupings). Although these steps minimize risk of identifying individuals, we acknowledge that families and communities connected to a death may recognize an individual death included in this brief.

The potential benefit of reporting this data is to provide potentially useful information for a population disproportionately impacted by pregnancy-related deaths. This lets AI/AN communities determine what information is of use or not of use to their work preventing these tragic deaths. We hope that when a family or community believes they recognize their loved ones in this report, it is viewed as honoring their lives through the potential opportunities for preventing future AI/AN deaths.

Data were shared for aggregate analysis by jurisdictional MMRCs through MMRIA. MMRIA supports standardized record abstraction, case summary development, documentation of committee decisions, and analysis.

Data analyzed included information on pregnancy-related deaths that occurred in 2020 among residents of 38 states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

In some states, only a partial year of data was shared. Some states group review of deaths by cause of death and may have only reviewed some causes before sharing data with ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø. Sensitivity analysis did not indicate any major differences in underlying causes of death when data for those states were excluded.

We used race and ethnicity data from the birth or fetal death records, when available, and from death records when a birth record or fetal death record was unavailable. Race and Hispanic origin are reported separately on the birth, fetal, and death records; more than one race can be selected. Deaths with selection of "American Indian or Alaska Native" on the birth record, fetal death record, or death record were included as AI/AN, regardless of Hispanic origin, selection of more than one race, or absence of Hispanic origin. When the race field was noted as "other," the associated free text field was then manually reviewed to identify if the text indicated an AI/AN pregnancy-related death.

Pregnancy-related deaths determined by the MMRCs to be suicides were assigned an underlying cause of death of mental health conditions during analysis, if not already assigned this cause of death by an MMRC. Deaths in which the MMRCs determined the means of fatal injury to be "overdose/poisoning," and in which the MMRCs determined that substance use disorder contributed to the death, were assigned an underlying cause of death of mental health conditions during analysis, if not already assigned this cause of death by an MMRC.

Timing of death in relation to pregnancy was assigned using the number of days between the date of death and the end of pregnancy as documented by the MMRC abstractor. MMRIA instructs MMRC abstractors to enter "0" number of days if the death occurred on the day of delivery. Deaths classified as occurring on the "Day of delivery" occurred within 24 hours of the end of pregnancy. If the abstractor-assigned number of days was missing, deaths that the MMRC abstractor classified as "Pregnant at the time of death" were classified as "During pregnancy." If an abstractor-assigned timing of death was missing, timing of death was calculated using the number of days between the date of death on the death record and the date of birth or fetal death on the linked birth or fetal death record by ÐÇ¿ÕÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø. If timing of death was still missing, deaths with the standard pregnancy checkbox on the death certificate marked as "Pregnant at the time of death" were classified as "During pregnancy." We completed a manual review of narratives in MMRIA for 10% of the deaths in each time period to confirm the classification of timing of death. No discrepancies were noted except for deaths that occurred on the day of delivery. Based on this finding, we completed a manual review of narratives for all deaths that occurred on the day of delivery and recoded inaccurate timing of deaths. The timing of death documented in the narrative was used to classify timing of deaths when deaths were missing a timing classification based on the number of days, abstractor-assigned category, and pregnancy checkbox.


Pregnancy-related: A death during pregnancy or within 1 year of the end of pregnancy from a pregnancy complication, a chain of events initiated by pregnancy, or the aggravation of an unrelated condition by the physiologic effects of pregnancy. In addition to having a temporal relationship to pregnancy, these deaths are causally related to pregnancy or its management.

Preventability: A death is considered preventable if the committee determines that there was at least some chance of the death being averted by one or more reasonable changes to patient, community, provider, facility, and/or systems factors. MMRIA allows MMRCs to document preventability decisions in two ways: (1) determining preventability as a Yes or No, and/or (2) determining the chance to alter the outcome by using a scale that indicates No chance, Some chance, or Good chance. Any death with a Yes response or a response that there was Some chance or a Good chance to alter the outcome was considered "preventable;" deaths with a No response or No chance were considered "not preventable."


Maternal Mortality Review Committee data included in this report were provided by the Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, New York City, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming Departments of Health or agencies responsible for maternal mortality review. Any published findings and conclusions are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of these Departments of Health or agencies responsible for maternal mortality review. This project was supported in part by an appointment to the Research Participation Program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education through an interagency agreement between the U.S. Department of Energy and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  1. Trost SL, Beauregard J, Chandra G., et al. Pregnancy-Related Deaths: Data from Maternal Mortality Review Committees in 36 U.S. States, 2017–2019. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2022.
  2. Ponce N, Becker T, Babey S, et al. Improving Data Capacity for American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) Populations in Federal Health Surveys. HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation; 2019. Accessed May 10, 2024.
  3. Urban Indian Health Institute. Best practices for American Indian and Alaska Native data collection. 2020. Accessed May 10, 2024.
  4. Joshi S, Warren-Mears V. Identification of American Indians and Alaska Natives in public health data sets: a comparison using linkage-corrected Washington state death certificates. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2019. 25(Suppl 5), Tribal Epidemiology Centers: Advancing public health in Indian country for over 20 years:S48–S53.
  5. Anderson RN, Copeland G, Hayes JM. Linkages to improve mortality data for American Indians and Alaska Natives: a new model for death reporting? Am J Public Health. 2014. 104 (Suppl 3):S258–S262.
  • Specific cause of death was listed as unknown for 1 (5.9%) pregnancy-related death.
  • Mental health conditions include deaths of suicide, overdose/poisoning related to substance use disorder, and other deaths determined by the MMRC to be related to a mental health condition, including substance use disorder.