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Preliminary Estimates of Visits to Health Centers in the United States

The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) Health Center Component, conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), collects annual data on visits to health centers to describe patterns of utilization and provision of ambulatory care delivery in the United States. Health centers are local clinics that are community-based and provide comprehensive health care services to populations that are often vulnerable and underserved. Health centers are either federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), which receive federal funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), or FQHC look-alikes, which meet HRSA requirements but do not receive HRSA funding (1). The NAMCS Health Center Component collects data from FQHCs and FQHC look-alikes from the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, and these data are used to develop nationally representative estimates.

This visualization depicts preliminary, biannual counts and rates of health center visits from January 2022-June 2024 by medical diagnosis chapters, stratified by selected patient characteristics. This visualization also depicts separate measures related to maternal, mental, and respiratory health care at health centers. These measures are included to help expand the availability of data related to these key areas of surveillance. Definitions for measures of these topic areas can be found below the visualization. Estimates are split into biannual time periods (January to June, and July to December) and are considered preliminary, meaning they may differ from final estimates. Future estimates will be added, as data become available.

Use the tabs at the bottom of the visualization to select between “Diagnosis Chapter”, “Maternal Health”, “Mental Health”, and “Respiratory Health”. Use the drop-down menus at the top of the visualization to select the estimate type, estimate category, and group stratification of interest.



Technical Notes

Weight Normalization: In some instances for a given time period, certain health center(s) did not provide any information for any of their visits on one or more variables used for this dashboard, including: age, sex, race and ethnicity, and diagnosis. Health centers were excluded if they were missing at least one of these variables at all visits in the time period of interest. Consequently, visit weights for the remaining health centers were normalized to account for health centers that were excluded. Normalized weights were calculated separately for each time period according to the following formula:

  • New weight = original weight * (sum of weights at all visits / sum of weights at included visits)

Estimates for a given time period were then calculated using this new weight for visits at health centers that were included for analysis. More information and details on weight normalization, including examples, can be found here.

Missing Data: Although normalization removed visits at health centers that had complete missingness for at least one variable, remaining health centers could still have missingness for variables for some of their visits. Table 1 describes the number of health centers whose visits were included in estimates for each time period, and Table 2 describes the unweighted percentage of included visits with missingness for variables used in the dashboard.

Table 1. Health Centers included in visualization, by time period

Types and number of Health Centers included in visualization, by time period
Time Period
Jan.-Jun. 2022 Jul.-Dec. 2022 Jan.-Jun. 2023 Jul.-Dec. 2023 Jan.-Jun.2024
Total health centers in the survey 64 64 78 91 95
Health centers included in the visualization 47 47 54 69 73


Table 2. Unweighted percentage of visits with missing values at included health centers, by time period

Unweighted percentage of visits with missing values at included health centers, by time period
Variable Time Period
Jan.-Jun. 2022 Jul.-Dec. 2022 Jan.-Jun. 2023 Jul.-Dec. 2023 Jan.-Jun. 2024
Age 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Sex 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1%
Race/Ethnicity 9.5% 8.1% 9.6% 14.7% 11.4%
Diagnosis 27.7% 28.1% 27.0% 30.2% 30.1%


Preliminary Estimates: Data used in figures are preliminary and have not undergone final edits. The data presented will be updated every 6 months as additional data become available. Results in this visualization may differ from estimates produced from the final NAMCS Health Center Component data files.

Estimate Reliability: All preliminary estimates in this visualization were assessed for statistical reliability according the NCHS Data Presentation Standards for Rates and Counts. Estimates not meeting these reliability standards were suppressed in the visualization figures and tables above. In implementing these standards, the Kish formula was used to calculate design effect.


Please send comments or questions to [email protected].

Data Source

National Center for Health Statistics, National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Health Center Component, January 2022-June 2024

Suggested Citation

National Center for Health Statistics. Preliminary Estimates of Visits to Health Centers in the United States. Generated interactively: , from /nchs/dhcs/prelim-hc-visits/index.htm

For more details on NAMCS Health Center Component, visit: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (


  1. Health Resources & Services Administration. What is a Health Center? 2024. Available from: .
  2. National Center for Health Statistics. Comprehensive Listing ICD-10-CM Files. 2024. Available from: /nchs/icd/icd-10-cm/files.html.