What to Expect

What to know

  • You will receive a letter if you are selected to participate in the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS).
  • A U.S. Census Bureau interviewer will try to reach you, or you can call to schedule an interview at a time that's convenient for you.
  • Your responses are confidential.
Man standing at a woman's front door and handing her a brochure about NHIS

If you are selected

The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) is the oldest ongoing national household health survey in the United States. The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) conducts NHIS. Your participation is essential for accurate health data.

You must be age 18 or older to participate in NHIS. Participants are randomly selected through a scientific process designed to obtain data from diverse households across the United States.

If you are selected to participate in NHIS, you will receive a letter in the mail from the director of the National Center for Health Statistics.

The letter will provide more information about NHIS. It will also explain that a employee will contact you to schedule an interview. NCHS works with the Census Bureau works to conduct the survey.

Summary of 6 things participants can expect if they are selected to participate in NHIS.
Learn what to expect if you are selected to participate in NHIS.

Scheduling your interview

You can schedule your interview by calling the Census Bureau at the number provide in the invitation letter you received. The Census Bureau employee who also will provide a number you can call with any questions.

All Census Bureau employees identify themselves by name and carry a badge that says they work for the Census Bureau. They will use a laptop with the Census Bureau logo on it to conduct the survey.

NHIS will ask you about a broad range of health topics, including—

  • Doctor visits
  • Medical conditions
  • Health insurance
  • Access to health care
  • Health behaviors

You do not have to answer any questions you don't want to answer.

Resources for scheduling

  • Confirm that the
  • Contact your Census Bureau Regional office to verify that for NHIS
  • Verify that the on behalf of NCHS

Your participation is important!‎

If you choose not to participate, we cannot select anyone else to replace you.

After your interview

Once you complete the survey, your confidential data will be combined with information from thousands of other survey participants.

The combined data are then analyzed and shared with health professionals and the public to raise awareness about progress and needs and to inspire positive change.

Your privacy

Your responses are kept confidential. NCHS is bound by law to protect your data according to rigorous privacy standards that have safeguarded every NHIS participant since the first survey in 1957. Your household's information is combined with responses from all other participants and is used only for statistical purposes.


  • Contact the NCHS Ethics Review Board at 1–800–223–8118 for questions about your rights as a survey participant.
  • Email NHIS at [email protected] or call NHIS at 301–458–4901 with any questions.