National Vital Statistics System

24. Attendant¡¯s name, title, and ID

Category: Labor and Delivery

BC # 27

FDFWS # 21

FDR # 14

Definitions, instructions, sources, keywords and abbreviations

The name, title, and National Provider Identifier (NPI) number of the person responsible for delivering the child.

  • M.D. (doctor of medicine)
  • D.O. (doctor of osteopathy)
  • CNM/ CM (certified nurse midwife or certified midwife, includes APRN)
  • Other midwife (midwife other than CNM/CM, includes CPM)
  • Other (specify)

The attendant at birth is the individual physically present at the delivery who is responsible for the delivery. For example, if an intern or nurse midwife delivers an infant under the supervision of an obstetrician who is present in the delivery room, the obstetrician should be reported as the attendant. If the obstetrician is not physically present, the intern or nurse midwife must be reported as the attendant.


Enter the name, title, and NPI number of the person responsible for delivering the child.

Check one box to specify the attendant’s title. If “other” is checked, enter the specific title of the attendant. Examples include nurse, father, police officer, and EMS technician.

This item should be completed by the facility. If the birth did not occur in a facility, the attendant or certifier should complete it.


1st  Delivery record under – Signature of delivery attendant (medical)

Keywords and Abbreviations

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